Card 1: Held in Brooks (Attendance: 918) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly pinned Wayne Gill in 6 at 4:42 (Big Boot) by 83. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly beat Brett Aldark in 6 at 5:20 (Big Boot) by 79. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly beat 9-Ball in 6 at 1:37 (Big Boot) by 97. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly annihilated SOS/|: Andre the Giant at 27:09 (1981 Driver) by 4. EDGE: Jack "The Python" Rogers outmuscled COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 29:09 (Sunset Flip) by 2. SOS/|: Andre the Giant, Prof. Matsu, and Mr. Sato* tied SOS/|: Taren Gotch, Jacquo Music Man Marco, and Magnum T.R.E.* at 10:07 (No Contest). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra decked COT/FRM-16: Tactical Infestator #8 at 50:15 (King Cobra Clutch) by 5. |
Card 2: Held in Concordia (Attendance: 657) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly defeated Freddie Joe Void in 6 at 3:40 (Big Boot) by 66. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly bested Mick Dawson in 6 at 7:33 (Big Boot) by 70. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly decked Ropez in 6 at 5:56 (Big Boot) by 91. COT/FRM-16: Elaborate Saboteur Drone pinned COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly at 29:58 (Asian Spike) by 2. EDGE: "Tantalizing" Rick Crude tied COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 9:53 (Double Count Out). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra destroyed SOS/|: Andre the Giant at 59:02 (King Cobra Clutch) by 3. |
Card 3: Held in Barnesville (Attendance: 590) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Jersey Brawler in 2 at 5:50 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly destroyed Alfa in 6 at 4:18 (Big Boot) by 75. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly overpowered Robbie Faulton in 9 at 2:32 (Bodyslam) by 132. Great Lakes title: COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly bested COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog at 27:05 (1981 Driver) by 1. EDGE: Talon won over COT/FRM-16: Elaborate Saboteur Drone at 28:52 (Sleeper) by 2 (non-title). Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus pinned COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 28:03 (Sunset Flip) by 5. |
Card 4: Held in Turrell (Attendance: 959) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly overpowered Trip Rogers in 11 at 2:47 (Superplex) by 130. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly pinned Bud Lentil in 6 at 2:48 (Big Boot) by 92. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Gator Man in 4 at 3:59 (Disqualification: razor in boot). COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon pinned COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly at 27:30 (Shining Wizard) by 1. EDGE: Talon bested COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog at 28:44 (Sleeper) by 5 (non-title). Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus won over COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog at 37:18 (Sunset Flip) by 5. |
Card 5: Held in Fairmount (Attendance: 560) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly overpowered Turkey Gooker in 6 at 2:09 (Big Boot) by 106. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over Joe Stills in 7 at 5:24 (Cross-Armbar) by 78. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly overpowered Homerun Hal at 4:20 (1981 Driver) by 28. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly outmuscled SOS/|: Mr. Sato at 29:19 (1981 Driver) by 5 (non-title). TV title: EDGE: Talon decked COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 27:08 (Sleeper) by 5. Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus pinned SOS/|: Magnum T.R.E. at 29:26 (Sunset Flip) by 6 (Guest Referee: EDGE: "Mr. Perfectionist" Kurt Flawless). |
Card 6: Held in Wadley (Attendance: 788) |
EDGE: "Mr. Perfectionist" Kurt Flawless decked Turkey Gooker in 6 at 4:47 (Ankle Lock) by 113. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over Marc Kanterberry in 10 at 2:37 (Ankle Lock) by 91. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly pinned Gas Pedal in 10 at 18:29 (Ankle Lock) by 12. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly annihilated COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 28:57 (1981 Driver) by 1. EDGE: Eagle Claw won over COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 28:26 (Sleeper) by 3. Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus decked SOS/|: Taren Gotch at 37:43 (Sunset Flip) by 6 (Guest Referee: (Weed Wackers) Cousin Brute). |
Card 7: Held in La Plata (Attendance: 917) |
EDGE: Jack "The Python" Rogers annihilated Turkey Gooker in 6 at 4:32 (Ankle Lock) by 113. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Jimmy Corvette in 1 at 4:15 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly outmuscled (Orient Express) Kendo in 14 at 4:46 (Sleeper) by 25. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly defeated NME: Crow in 11 at 15:49 (Superplex) by 16. COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra pinned SOS/|: Jacquo Music Man Marco at 27:51 (King Cobra Clutch) by 3 (non-title). Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus outmuscled SOS/|: Mr. Sato at 43:10 (Sunset Flip) by 9. |
Card 8: Held in Newcastle (Attendance: 306) |
EDGE: "Tantalizing" Rick Crude destroyed Turkey Gooker in 6 at 0:36 (Ankle Lock) by 113. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Jimel Omegga in 2 at 9:00 (Disqualification: manager in ring). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly decked Bloodshed Billy at 9:47 (1981 Driver) by 27. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over NME: Vulture at 7:34 (1981 Driver) by 30. Central Plains title: COT/FRM-16: Elaborate Saboteur Drone outmuscled SOS/|: Andre the Giant at 17:00 (Asian Spike) by 6 (Guest Referee: NME: Trojan Surprise). Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus overpowered SOS/|: Jacquo Music Man Marco at 35:17 (Sunset Flip) by 8. |
Card 9: Held in Grubbs (Attendance: 815) |
EDGE: Eagle Claw won over Turkey Gooker in 6 at 4:24 (Ankle Lock) by 113. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over Colyn Delani in 6 at 5:28 (Big Boot) by 96. EDGE: Andore the Colossus destroyed COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly at 27:17 (Sunset Flip) by 4. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over NME: Trojan Surprise in 11 at 7:47 (Superplex) by 22. COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog annihilated SOS/|: Andre the Giant at 27:58 (Khmer Kick) by 3. Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus overpowered COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon at 51:32 (Sunset Flip) by 3. |
Card 10: Held in Mountain Grove (Attendance: 957) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Toxic Gecko #1 in 2 at 10:51 (Disqualification: loaded elbow pad). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly pinned The Vampyre in 12 at 1:21 (Brainbuster) by 118. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Old Glory in 7 at 11:42 (Disqualification: used powder). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly pinned SOS/|: Magnum T.R.E. at 28:00 (1981 Driver) by 2 (non-title). COT/FRM-16: Elaborate Saboteur Drone overpowered COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 28:11 (Asian Spike) by 3. Main event: EDGE: Talon tied EDGE: Andore the Colossus (Time Limit). |
Card 11: Held in Austell (Attendance: 463) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly pinned Toxic Gecko #2 at 1:20 (1981 Driver) by 174. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Uncle Elmo in 1 at 1:30 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Bishop Shanga in 4 at 10:28 (Disqualification: used brass knuckles). EDGE: Andore the Colossus bested COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon at 28:12 (Sunset Flip) by 3 (non-title). COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog drew COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 3:37 (Double Disqualification). Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus decked COT/FRM-16: Elaborate Saboteur Drone at 41:51 (Sunset Flip) by 2. |
Card 12: Held in Wilson (Attendance: 810) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over Barry Hardly in 6 at 7:39 (Big Boot) by 71. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly bested Mr. Foo Gee in 6 at 2:37 (Big Boot) by 111. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly defeated SOS/|: Taren Gotch at 27:14 (1981 Driver) by 2 (non-title). EDGE: Andore the Colossus bested COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 27:24 (Sunset Flip) by 5 (non-title). Pacific Northwest title: COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon beat SOS/|: Mr. Sato at 19:47 (Shining Wizard) by 6 (Guest Referee: (Black Jacks) Black Jack Gilligan). Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus overpowered EDGE: Jack "The Python" Rogers at 28:20 (Sunset Flip) by 3. |
Card 13: Held in Mableton (Attendance: 751) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly annihilated Larry Horowitz in 9 at 1:52 (Bodyslam) by 120. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly decked Chainsaw Chucky in 6 at 6:56 (Big Boot) by 85. EDGE: Talon decked COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly at 29:54 (Sleeper) by 4. EDGE: "Mr. Perfectionist" Kurt Flawless defeated COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 29:03 (Sunset Flip) by 3. COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon overpowered COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra at 27:02 (Shining Wizard) by 2. Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus outmuscled COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly at 33:55 (Sunset Flip) by 4. |
Card 14: Held in Folsom (Attendance: 899) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly destroyed Iron Mike Shape in 6 at 7:00 (Big Boot) by 71. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly over Perry Gourdman in 1 at 28:10 (Disqualification: razor in boot). COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly bested AOD: Luis Martinez in 14 at 6:43 (Sleeper) by 29. COT/FRM-16: Elaborate Saboteur Drone won over SOS/|: Taren Gotch at 27:34 (Asian Spike) by 4 (non-title). Mid-Atlantic title: COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra beat SOS/|: Magnum T.R.E. at 28:31 (King Cobra Clutch) by 1. Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus pinned EDGE: "Tantalizing" Rick Crude at 42:39 (Sunset Flip) by 5. |
Card 15: Held in Oregon (Attendance: 946) |
COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly overpowered Father Shanwent in 6 at 4:45 (Big Boot) by 117. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly annihilated Rahkeem in 6 at 5:20 (Big Boot) by 87. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly won over SOS/|: Jacquo Music Man Marco in 12 at 16:44 (Brainbuster) by 7 (non-title). Northeast title: COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog destroyed SOS/|: Taren Gotch at 27:54 (Khmer Kick) by 1. SOS/|: Taren Gotch and Magnum T.R.E.* bested SOS/|: Jacquo Music Man Marco and Andre the Giant* at 28:42 (Manager Interference) by 2. Main event: EDGE: Andore the Colossus outmuscled EDGE: Eagle Claw at 49:52 (Sunset Flip) by 2. |
Battle Royal: Held in Sylvester (Attendance: 396) |
COT/FRM-16: Arena King Cobra gained $1,000 after being thrown outside the ring by COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog. COT/FRM-16: Wikkid the Blood Red Dog was given a cool $1,100 when COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon flung him onto the apron. COT/FRM-16: Spambot Fly earned a cool $1,200 when COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon hurled him into his manager at ringside. COT/FRM-16: Droop the Blood Red Dragon won the FSL battle royal and its $40,000 prize. |