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Every league in the game is listed below. The champion of each competes for one of our Specialty titles (American, Asian, Hardcore, or International).

Some leagues do not allow existing wrestlers to transfer in with their win-loss records. Managers who wish to join these leagues must create a brand new wrestler.

If no limit is stated for a league, players can manage up to 25 wrestlers in that league.



The champions of these leagues battle for the IWA American Championship at the end of every cycle.

  • AAL (Atomic Age League) -- Jade Federation
  • ACW (All-American Championship Wrestling) -- Gold Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the Commissioner's Credit prize increases by $1 for every 3 cards and $1 for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50); that IWA credit is divided among the title match winners at each of 4 annual pay-per-views; if the same wrestler holds the League, League Tag-team, and League Six-man titles at the same time, they win the Triple Crown Prize Pool, an ever-growing amount of free matches and imaginary money; each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; battle royal entries are 2-for-$1; managers must submit trash talk to be eligible to receive prizes that cycle; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • AEL (American Extreme League) -- Bronze Federation
  • AOL (American Outlaw League) -- Bronze Federation
  • ASL (All Star League) -- Gold Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50), and all managers receive 1 free battle royal entry the following cycle; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 5 free ASL matches; managers who use the $12 match deal receive 30 matches and free matches against the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers in this league receive 5 free ASL matches if trash talk is submitted; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • BRL (Battle Royal League) -- Gold Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the managers of the League Champion and the battle royal winner split a prize totaling $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50); each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; battle royal entries are 2-for-$1; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • FSL (Federation Superstars League) -- Jade Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 5 free FSL matches; managers in this league who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry and can choose free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers or free matches against the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers and the 10 regional champions; managers in this league receive 3 free FSL matches if trash talk is submitted; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • LPL (MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue) -- Steel Federation; this ligue is geared toward players who enjoy statistics and/or history; all bataille royales in this ligue are held at Waikiki Beach, HI, with the winner receiving $40,000 and eliminated wrestlers receiving double the standard amount; managers in this ligue who use the $12 match deal can choose the standard bonus (free matches against the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers) or free matches against the 10 lowest-ranked wrestlers and the 10 regional champions; managers who pay $14 for 26 matches receive free matches against the 25 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who pay $18 for 36 matches receive free matches against the 40 lowest-ranked wrestlers and 1 free bataille royale entry
  • MEL (Main Event League) -- Iron Federation
  • NPL (National Patriots League) -- Iron Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; female wrestlers are not allowed in this league; stable initials are not allowed in this league
  • NSL (Native Sensation League) -- Diamond Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 100 cards of matches, the managers of the League Tag-team and Six-man Champions receive 10 free NSL matches
  • NWL (National Wrestling League) -- see the Rookie Leagues section for details
  • OSL (Old School League) -- Steel Federation; wrestlers in this league fight in classic wrestling arenas for wrestling territory championships from the past
  • PDL (Pretty Deadly League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • SHL (Super Hero League) -- Jade Federation; each cycle, the manager of the League Champion receives a comic book or 10 free SHL matches; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • STL (Saber Tooth League) -- Diamond Federation
  • TGL (True Grit League) -- Jade Federation
  • WTL (Western Trails League) -- Gold Federation; each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; battle royal entries are 2-for-$1; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • WWL (Wicked Warz League) -- Bronze Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the League Champion receives $50,000 and 15 free WWL matches, and the TV Champion receives $25,000 and 5 free WWL matches; if there are at least 100 cards of matches, the League Champion receives $100,000 and 25 free WWL matches, and the TV Champion's prizes double; each cycle, a randomly chosen regional champion receives $50,000 and 10 free WWL matches; the $12 match deals in this league include 2 free battle royal entries and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers if trash talk is submitted, and after using $12 match deals for 3 consecutive cycles, matches during the 4th cycle are 3-for-$1, along with the 2 free battle royal entries and the free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use a $12 match deal during their debut cycle have their transfer, creation, and name change fees waived that cycle; managers are limited to a maximum of 10 wrestlers in this league
  • XPL (Xtreme Poison League) -- Iron Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50); managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league



At the end of each cycle, the champions of these leagues compete for the IWA Asian title.

  • APL (Action Packed League) -- Diamond Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • COL (Celebrities Only League) -- Bronze Federation
  • CSL (Center Stage League) -- Iron Federation; the match results for this league are only available online
  • CWL (Continental Wrestling League) -- Gold Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 25 battle royal entrants, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 25 free CWL matches (must be used the following cycle); each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; battle royal entries are 2-for-$1; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • DXL (Deluxe Wrestling League) -- Jade Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50); matches are 3-for-$1, and battle royal entries are 2-for-$1; managers must spend a minimum of $12 on matches each cycle; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; managers may not transfer wrestlers with more than 1,000 wins over losses into this league
  • ECL (Evil Clown League) -- Diamond Federation
  • HAL (Hired Assassin League) -- Steel Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; wrestlers are not allowed to transfer into this league
  • HLL (Heroes & Legends League) -- Iron Federation
  • HRL (High Rollers League) -- Bronze Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 2 cards and $1 for every 4 battle royal entrants, and more than 50 free matches are awarded to the managers of various champions; managers must be at least 18 years old to participate; managers must spend a minimum of $12 on matches each cycle, and may send 1 wrestler against the 40 lowest-ranked wrestlers by spending at least $18 on matches; managers are limited to a maximum of 20 wrestlers in this league; managers may not transfer wrestlers with more than 500 wins into this league
  • IIL (Intense Impact League) -- Steel Federation; this league features all types of wrestlers, such as lightweights, heavyweights, female grapplers, and little people
  • JDL (Jade Dragon League) -- Jade Federation
  • LLL (Lovely Ladies League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • MDL (Mystic Diva League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • NAL (Non-stop Action League) -- Diamond Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50); managers must be at least 18 years old to participate
  • NBL (New Blood League) -- Steel Federation
  • NDL (Ninja Dojo League) -- Gold Federation
  • RDL (Razzle Dazzle League) -- Bronze Federation; managers who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 20 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • RTL (Rolling Thunder League) -- Gold Federation; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free RTL match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 20 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use the $14 match deal receive 2 free battle royal entries, 26 matches, and free matches against the 40 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; managers may not transfer wrestlers with more than 500 wins into this league
  • SVL (Snake Venom League) -- Gold Federation



The Elite title is contested for by the champions of these leagues. A league can only have Elite status while it has a limit of, at most, six wrestlers per manager, and an Elite league must have at least 25 cards in a cycle for its champion to be eligible to win the title and a real-life belt.

  • ACW (All-American Championship Wrestling) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • APL (Action Packed League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • ASL (All Star League) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • BBL (Blood Bath League) -- see the Hardcore Leagues section for details
  • BBW (Blood Bath Women) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • BHL (Bounty Hunter League) -- see the Hardcore Leagues section for details
  • BKL (Brass Knuckles League) -- see the Hardcore Leagues section for details
  • BOL (Black Ops League) -- see the International Leagues section for details
  • BRL (Battle Royal League) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • BWL (Black Widow League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • CAW (Caged Animal Wrestling) -- see the Hardcore Leagues section for details
  • CWL (Continental Wrestling League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • DXL (Deluxe Wrestling League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • FAL (Flying Aces League) -- see the International Leagues section for details
  • FSL (Federation Superstars League) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • GAL (Gorgeous Amazon League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • GCL (Global Championship League) -- see the International Leagues section for details
  • GWL (Global War League) -- see the International Leagues section for details
  • HAL (Hired Assassin League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • IWL (Independent Wrestling League) -- see the International Leagues section for details
  • LSL (Louisiana Swamp League) -- see the Hardcore Leagues section for details
  • LWL (Lone Wolf League) -- see the Hardcore Leagues section for details
  • NPL (National Patriots League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • NWL (National Wrestling League) -- see the Rookie Leagues section for details
  • PDL (Pretty Deadly League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • RDL (Razzle Dazzle League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • RTL (Rolling Thunder League) -- see the Asian Leagues section for details
  • SHL (Super Hero League) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • WTL (Western Trails League) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • XPL (Xtreme Poison League) -- see the American Leagues section for details
  • ZZL (Zig Zag League) -- see the International Leagues section for details



The champions of these leagues fight it out for the IWA Hardcore title.

  • BBL (Blood Bath League) -- Gold Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 10 free BBL matches; if there are at least 100 cards of matches, the manager of the TV Champion receives 5 free BBL matches; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free BBL match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 20 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use the $14 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 26 matches, and free matches against the 40 lowest-ranked wrestlers; new players may try the BBL for $5, which includes a free transfer/creation, 6 matches against regional champions, and an entry into the battle royal; BBL managers who recruit new players into the league and have them use the $5 tryout receive 5 free BBL matches; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • BBW (Blood Bath Women) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • BHL (Bounty Hunter League) -- Iron Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 10 free BHL matches; if there are at least 100 cards of matches, the manager of the TV Champion receives 5 free BHL matches; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free BHL match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $7 match deal receive 7 matches, and free matches against the 5 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use the $13 match deal receive 2 free battle royal entries, 26 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; new players may try the BHL for $5, which includes a free transfer/creation, 6 matches against regional champions, and an entry into the battle royal; BHL managers who recruit new players into the league and have them use the $5 tryout receive 5 free BHL matches; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • BKL (Brass Knuckles League) -- Bronze Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; wrestlers are not allowed to transfer into this league
  • BWL (Black Widow League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • CAW (Caged Animal Wrestling) -- Bronze Federation; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free CAW match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $7 match deal receive 7 matches, and free matches against the 5 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use the $13 match deal receive 2 free battle royal entries, 26 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers in this league receive 3 free CAW matches if trash talk is submitted; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • CFL (Coffin Filler League) -- Steel Federation
  • CZL (Combat Zone League) -- Jade Federation; this league is modeled after the ultra-violent Combat Zone Wrestling promotion; managers must be at least 18 years old to participate
  • DZL (Danger Zone League) -- Gold Federation; managers who use the $14 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 26 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers
  • EEL (Evil Eye League) -- Iron Federation
  • EHL (Extreme Hardcore League) -- Bronze Federation
  • FFL (Femme Fatale League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • GRL (Grim Reaper League) -- Bronze Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants (up to $50); managers are limited to a maximum of 10 wrestlers in this league
  • HWL (Hardcore Wrestling League) -- Iron Federation
  • IGL (Iron Glove League) -- Bronze Federation
  • LBL (Lethal Brawling League) -- Diamond Federation
  • LSL (Louisiana Swamp League) -- Steel Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • LWL (Lone Wolf League) -- Jade Federation; each cycle, the manager of the League Champion receives $10 in LWL credit toward the following cycle, and the manager of the TV Champion receives 5 free LWL matches; if there are more than 30 active wrestlers, those prizes double; managers in this league can use our regular prices, or pay $10 per cycle for matches against all 10 regional champions and the 10 lowest-ranked wrestlers, plus 5 matches against the opponents of their choice and an entry into the battle royal, or pay $12 per cycle for matches against all 10 regional champions and the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers, plus 10 matches against the opponents of their choice and an entry into the battle royal; new players may try the LWL for $5, which includes wrestler creation, 5 matches against regional champions, and an entry into the battle royal; this league features a loyalty discount: for every 17 cycles of activity while using the $10 or $12 plan, a manager receives $1 off his or her cycle fee (up to $2); managers are limited to having only 1 wrestler in this league; stable initials are not allowed in this league
  • MUL (Mobsters' Underground League) -- Steel Federation
  • PKW (Psychotic Killer Wrestling) -- Jade Federation
  • XWL (Xtreme Wrestling League) -- Diamond Federation



Every cycle, the champions of these leagues face off, with the International Championship at stake.

  • BOL (Black Ops League) -- Iron Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • EWL (European Wrestling League) -- Steel Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 10 wrestlers in this league; managers may not transfer wrestlers with more than 1,000 wins into this league
  • FAL (Flying Aces League) -- Diamond Federation; this league is invite-only, meaning any participation must be approved by the league commissioner; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • GAL (Gorgeous Amazon League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • GCL (Global Championship League) -- Jade Federation; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free GCL match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $12 match deal receive 2-for-$1 battle royal entries; wrestler names must be original; female wrestlers are not allowed in this league; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; wrestlers are not allowed to transfer into this league
  • GWL (Global War League) -- Gold Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • IWL (Independent Wrestling League) -- Gold Federation; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free IWL match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; battle royal entries are 2-for-$1; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; stable initials are not allowed in this league
  • KHL (Knight's Honor League) -- Gold Federation
  • LNL (Living Nightmare League) -- Bronze Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 12 wrestlers in this league
  • MML (Masked Mayhem League) -- Gold Federation
  • NFL (Night Falcon League) -- Diamond Federation
  • QPL (Quick Pin League) -- Iron Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 10 free QPL matches; if there are at least 100 cards of matches, the manager of the TV Champion receives 5 free QPL matches; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free QPL match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $7 match deal receive 7 matches, and free matches against the 5 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use the $13 match deal receive 2 free battle royal entries, 26 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; new players may try the QPL for $5, which includes a free transfer/creation, 6 matches against regional champions, and an entry into the battle royal; QPL managers who recruit new players into the league and have them use the $5 tryout receive 5 free QPL matches
  • TCW (Total Championship Wrestling) -- Bronze Federation; tag-team and six-man matches are not allowed in this league; wrestlers are not allowed to transfer into this league
  • UCW (United Championship Wrestling) -- Jade Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 5 free UCW matches; managers in this league who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry and can choose free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers or free matches against the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers and the 10 regional champions; managers in this league receive 3 free UCW matches if trash talk is submitted; managers are limited to a maximum of 10 wrestlers in this league
  • UNL (United Nations League) -- Bronze Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 20 free UNL matches, and the manager of the League Tag-team Champions receives $1 in UNL credit for every 3 cards; each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers and 2-for-$1 battle royal entries; managers may not transfer wrestlers with more than 1,000 wins into this league
  • VUL (Vixens United League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • VVL (Vicious Valkyries League) -- see the Ladies' Leagues section for details
  • WDL (World Domination League) -- Steel Federation
  • WEW (Worldwide Elite Wrestling) -- Jade Federation
  • YJL (Yellow Jacket League) -- Diamond Federation; tag-team and six-man matches are not allowed in this league; managers in this league who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry and can choose free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers or free matches against the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers and the 10 regional champions; managers in this league receive 3 free YJL matches if trash talk is submitted; managers are limited to a maximum of 10 wrestlers in this league
  • ZZL (Zig Zag League) -- Jade Federation; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league; wrestlers are not allowed to transfer into this league



Champions in the following female-only leagues compete for the IWA Ladies' titles, such as Ladies' World Champion and Ladies' National Champion.

  • BBW (Blood Bath Women) -- Bronze Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives 10 free BBW matches; if there are at least 100 cards of matches, the manager of the TV Champion receives 5 free BBW matches; each cycle, the manager of the battle royal winner receives 1 free BBW match for every entrant (must be used the following cycle); managers who use the $12 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 20 matches, and free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers who use the $14 match deal receive 1 free battle royal entry, 26 matches, and free matches against the 40 lowest-ranked wrestlers; new players may try BBW for $5, which includes a free transfer/creation, 6 matches against regional champions, and an entry into the battle royal; BBW managers who recruit new players into the league and have them use the $5 tryout receive 5 free BBW matches; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • BWL (Black Widow League) -- Gold Federation; managers in this league pay exactly $5 per cycle for 6 matches and an entry into the battle royal; any additional matches submitted must consist of free matches won in the BWL or from IWA-wide titles with BWL wrestlers; this league does not offer tag-team or six-woman titles other than those created by the commissioners; managers are limited to having only 1 wrestler in this league
  • FFL (Femme Fatale League) -- Diamond Federation
  • GAL (Gorgeous Amazon League) -- Steel Federation; managers in this league can use our regular prices, or pay $12 per cycle for matches against all 10 regional champions and the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers, plus 10 matches against the opponents of their choice and an entry into the battle royal; managers are limited to a maximum of 3 wrestlers in this league; managers may not transfer wrestlers with more than 500 wins over losses into this league without commissioner approval
  • LLL (Lovely Ladies League) -- Jade Federation
  • MDL (Mystic Diva League) -- Gold Federation
  • PDL (Pretty Deadly League) -- Bronze Federation; managers in this league who use the $12 match deal can choose the standard bonus (signing 1 wrestler against the 20 lowest-ranked wrestlers for free) or sign 2 wrestlers against the 10 lowest-ranked wrestlers for free; managers are limited to a maximum of 6 wrestlers in this league
  • VUL (Vixens United League) -- Iron Federation; each cycle in which there are at least 50 cards of matches, the manager of the League Champion receives $1 in IWA credit for every 3 cards and $1 in IWA credit for every 4 battle royal entrants; managers must be at least 18 years old to participate
  • VVL (Vicious Vixens League) -- Steel Federation



Managers may not create new wrestlers or transfer existing wrestlers into these leagues without permission from both the league commissioner and IWA Management.

  • NWL (National Wrestling League) -- Gold Federation; each $12 match deal in this league includes free matches against the 30 lowest-ranked wrestlers; managers are limited to a maximum of 3 wrestlers in this league



  • UWL (Unknown Wrestler League) -- Diamond Federation; wrestlers in this league are identified only by a number, and actually belong to another league; managers don't know who they have been competing against until their opponent is eliminated from the league; tag-team and six-man matches are not allowed in this league; wrestlers may not transfer into this league, and it is no longer open to new members
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