Next cycle (March) will mark the second of four opportunities for wrestlers to earn four stars instead of one, so make sure you choose holds that total at least 495 points!
Also next time, we reveal the exciting results of Stablecade 2025. Don't miss them!
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Doyne Feaganes of Virginia
Apollos "The Destroyer" Pain (CAW) 1,379-534-116, *25, $2,865,700
"Schlitz Man" Valentin Degenhardt (CAW) 1,015-367-53, *14, $1,907,600
Michael Cook of Kentucky
SOS: "Who the Heck Is?" Mike Cook (AAL) 316-50-39, *57, $1,073,100
SOS: "Who the Heck Is?" Mike Cook (CFL) 263-71-39, *55, $723,700
SOS: "Who the Heck Is?" Mike Cook (NFL) 289-51-32, *52, $731,700
Mike Cook Facts #17-19: Mike Cook won his 40th federation title in this Report. In a previous fact, he mentioned a goal of winning the World title from all six federations; his fourth World title now crosses off three of them, with Iron, Steel, and Diamond left to go. Mike Cook also won his first International title in this Report.
World Champion
SOS: Mike "Series Winner" Cook (GWL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for GWL managers next cycle
U.S. Champion
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged SOS: Top Sirloin Ferdinand McDonald (APL), SOS: Davy Blossom (NPL), IMT: Cousin Huey (PKW)
King of the Ring
CURE: Masked Cowboy #3 (NFL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; 501; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 272 KotR total; edged <H*N*R>: "The Bruiser" Brodie von Wolf (KHL); hold positions were 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15; battle royal hold positions were 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
CURE/VD: Arnold Swarzamijigger (HWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; edged SWAN SONG: Soldier of Freedom #5 (NPL)
Steel Federation Champion
IMT/47: The New Normal (HAL)
Kevin Elrod from FEMA Camp Region V; 501
Gold Federation Champion
SOS: Mike "Series Winner" Cook (GWL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 501; edged <H*N*R>: "The Bruiser" Brodie von Wolf (KHL)
Diamond Federation Champion
CURE: Masked Cowboy #3 (NFL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; 501; edged AGF: Hardcore Tyrone (NSL), X-RAIDED: Mystic Knight (APL), SWAN SONG: Medieval Tymes (NAL)
Bronze Federation Champion
SOS: Tartar Kid Gil Nemo (RDL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia; 501; edged EDGE: Vision (LNL), SOS: Gluttony (COL), SOS/ARMY: South Side White Trash (AOL), EDGE/MAJ: "Texas Tycoon" Richard J. Rancher (UNL)
Jade Federation Champion
CURE/CTI: Roderick Strong (AAL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; edged EDGE: Pinball (DXL), FF: "The Outcast" Ando Snaggletooth (LWL)
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
AGF: Hardcore Tyrone (NSL)
Eric Jones of Maryland; 501; edged CURE/CTI: Roderick Strong (AAL), SWAN SONG: Soldier of Freedom #5 (NPL), SOS/ARMY: South Side White Trash (AOL)
Asian Champion
SOS: Tartar Kid Gil Nemo (RDL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia; 501; edged X-RAIDED: Mystic Knight (APL), SWAN SONG: Medieval Tymes (NAL), CURE/VD: Tammy Toe Jam (LLL), IMT/47: The New Normal (HAL), SOS: Gluttony (COL), EDGE: Pinball (DXL)
Elite Champion
SOS: Mike "Series Winner" Cook (GWL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 501; 60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches; edged Gil Nemo, Mystic Knight, Soldier of Freedom #5, Pinball, FF: "The Outcast" Ando Snaggletooth (LWL)
Hardcore Champion
CURE/VD: Arnold Swarzamijigger (HWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; edged SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction (FFL), Ando Snaggletooth
International Champion
Mike Cook
edged CURE: Masked Cowboy #3 (NFL), EDGE: Vision (LNL), <H*N*R>: "The Bruiser" Brodie von Wolf (KHL), EDGE/MAJ: "Texas Tycoon" Richard J. Rancher (UNL)
Metropolitan Champion
Gil Nemo
Rookie Brawl Winner
Static Motion (NWL)
Jonathan Freiberger of New York; 499
National Champion
SOS: The Blood Countess (LBL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Mid-Atlantic region
Central Plains Champion
AI: Trucker van Lear (WTL)
Jamie Patton of West Virginia; 501
East Coast Champion
SOS: Prehistoric Beast (TGL)
Solomon Shaw; 501
Great Lakes Champion
EDGE: Ultra Dazzle (RDL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501; edged SOS: Dolphinn Balor (WTL), COT: Father Conrad (IWL), AOD: Roadkill Rodriguez (LSL)
Northeast Champion
CURE/CTI: Brain Buster Blood (DXL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501
Pacific Northwest Champion
SOS: Monster Truck Tanaka (BRL)
Matt Riley of Massachusetts; 501
Rocky Mountains Champion
SOS: Odyssey Oz Baker (TGL)
Solomon Shaw; manager retained title; 500; edged SOS: Pumpkinhead (LBL), CURE/CTI: Mr. S. Knuttz (DXL), SOS/SIENAMART: Store Greeter Frank Friendly (APL), <H*N*R>: Bucking Buck Farmer (ASL)
Southeast Champion
RFD: Giant Typhon (DZL)
Greg Koscik of Ohio; 500
Southwest Champion
Nameless Iron Minion of Solace #5 (BHL)
Brandon Shouse of Kentucky; 500; edged CURE/VD: Bio-hazard (HLL)
West Coast Champion
AGF/AOD: Marshal Reeves (WTL)
Eric Jones of Maryland; 500; edged SWAN SONG: Voiceless Henchman #5 (XPL)
Ladies' World Champion
SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction (FFL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches; edged CURE/VD: Tammy Toe Jam (LLL)
Ladies' U.S. Champion
CURE/VD: Bruce Jenner "The Male Version" (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 500; $25,000; edged Roseanne Conner
Queen of the Ring
Toxic Attraction
269 QotR total; edged COT/CHAOS: "Nature Grrrl" Nakita Wu (PDL; 499)
Ladies' National Champion
EDGE: The Queen of Diamonds (LLL)
Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; 501
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
DOD: Catfish Josie & Dr. BB (BBW)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia; missed titles by point flow last time; 516; edged SOS: Enchanting Edna Krabappel & Amaranthine Agnes Skinner (PDL; missed titles by point flow last time), COT: Women of the Knight #1 & #2 (FFL)
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
CURE: Diana & Dakota (PDL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; retained titles; 516
World Six-woman Champions
SOS: Scarlett O'Hara, Animal Girl, Lady Jaye Burnett (VVL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: Rotting Roseanne Conner, Pretty Patty, Sultry Selma Bouvier (GAL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia
CURE/VD: Latoya Jackson, Juicy Lucy, P*mp of the Nation (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row
COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot, Erin Darkstrom, Junkyard Jenny (BBW)
Patrick Wallace of Texas
EDGE: "Sensational" Samantha Stewart, "Mad Love" Melissa, "Sweetness" Stacy Warner (PDL)
~TZ~ of Virginia
SWAN SONG: "Widows in Black" Betty N., Evelyn D., Stacey C. (FFL)
Keith A. Maple; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
EDGE: "Fright Night" Fionna Franklin, Glamorous Gale Good, "Scary" Kerry Harlowe (FFL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; retained titles
DOD: Trapper Jessie Blu, Ladies Natasha Blackheart, Wildcat Warrior (BBW)
Robert J. Ratliff; 521
World Tag-team Champions
SOS: Steeler Pulaski & Kid Cupid (LBL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio & Derek Tuttle of Florida; ranked #13 last time; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
SOS/|: "The Receipt" Mark K. Fabe & "Rebel" Red Radar (LNL)
Darren Soanes of Canada; manager retained titles
EDGE: Kunta Kinta Kobayashi & Tatsumi Wasabi (EHL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; manager held titles 17 cycles in a row
Top Contenders
4. TBABIT: "Super Woke" Dan Smith & "Nice Guy" Kant Deal (ASL)
previous U.S. champions
EDGE: TML Nylander & EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 14 (MEL)
6. EDGE: Ultra Warrior & Cleaner of Messes (DZL)
SOS: Abe Streisand & Blasphemous Tundra Dewfrost (ACW)
SOS/WAI: Kristofer Kain & Thirteen (IWL)
COT: Low-Quality & So-So Machines (UCW)
10. COT: Flying Tyler Holubowski & Renegade Riley Reinhard (BBL)
held titles previous 2 cycles
COT/PPA: El Luchador & El Destructor (CAW)
ranked #18 last time
COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crews XIV & XV (PKW)
COT: Stan "The Mullet" Malitowski & Galim Tursambayov (LWL)
CURE: Lester & COT: Deadly David Death (GRL)
TBABIT: "Popular" Colby & "Beauty" Brie Cheese (CZL)
16. TBABIT: Chuckles & Manslaughter (NFL)
COT: El Super Rana & El Conquistador (UNL)
CURE/CTI: "The Joker" M.J. & CURE/VD: "Mr. Infection" F.B.III (DXL)
CURE/CTI: Little Big Horn Johnson & CURE/VD: Cholera (NAL)
20. ME: Johnny "The Wrench" Morello & Vincent Torrio (CWL)
21. SOS/AI: Mystic & Fallen Angels (WTL)
22. EDGE: Hercules & EDGE/NME: Poseidon (WWL)
23. COT: "Flamboyant" Johnny Stewart & "Sexy" Lenny Nightmare (KHL)
ranked #27 last time, champions before that
SOS: Waffle House Waitress Donna & "Sleazy" Chase Tail (SVL)
AOD: Grit Ball & EZ Bake (TGL)
DOD: Chief Moose Crossfox & Motormouth Brodie Piper (RTL)
Eric Fontaine & DOD: Paulina Little Feather (GWL)
28. Constable George Campbell & Inspector Henry Taylor (BRL)
29. COT: Smasher & Basher (IGL)
30. COT: "Wild" Mark Enkidu & "Smokin'" Jay Driver (FAL)
ranked #18 last time; last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
EDGE: "The Destroyer" Chris Bordeaux & Dean Flamingo (WEW)
~TZ~; manager held titles 8 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
EDGE: Dynamite Daniel DeCarlo & Brackish Bruiser Bedlam (AOL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; manager retained titles
TBABIT: "Sweet Talking" Trevor Geiger & "No Asterisks" B. Abbott (UNL)
TBABIT: Steve & David Hewghes (CZL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; manager retained titles
SOS: Real Stella & Mujeeb Al Najmeer (AAL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky & Jeff Manning; 516; edged EDGE: "Cajun Warrior" Barnabe Landry & EDGE/CHOSEN: Moon Warrior (MEL), EDGE: "Titanic" Jupiter Moon & Lightning Warrior (DZL), SWAN SONG: Shapeshifters -- Nagual & Nanaue (UCW), IMT: Elrod the Jive Turkey & Mister Fight from America (PKW), EDGE: Kidd Justice & Hollywood Kid (IWL; missed titles by point flow last time), previous champions COT: The Leprechaun & Nuckelavee (FAL), COT: Padres Conrad & Arturo en Mascaras (NAL), EDGE: Aldo Mantaya & The Trail Blazer (EHL), SOS: Javy Jaggar & Dark Messyer (COL), SOS/|: Dukes of 25 & 90 (WTL), Snowflakes Billy & Willy (KHL; missed titles by point flow 3 cycles in a row), EDGE: "Mean" Mike Zenith & Shayne "The Train" Gloom (CWL; missed titles by point flow 3 cycles in a row), previous champions DOD: Timbo & Jimbo Slice (BBL), COT/GUN: Mud & Spud Mud (ACW), TBABIT: Sir Henry Stevens & El Elefante Volador (NFL), AOD: Pearl City Pitbull & Brick City Brawler (LBL), SWAN SONG: Half Man & Half Amazing (GRL), SOS/WAI: Lazarus & The Talisman (CAW)
World Six-man Champions
SOS: Second Sierra, "Haunt" Ted House, "Throw Some" Dee Sonnatbish (WDL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio (Sierra) & Derek Tuttle of Florida; held titles 3 cycles in a row; Tuttle held titles 34 cycles in a row, Manning 6 in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
SOS/|: Tryphosa, Toothless Timmy Tooff, American Outlaw #5 (LNL)
Darren Soanes of Canada; manager retained titles
SOS/WAI: Alpha Males #11, #12, #13 (SHL)
SOS/WAI: Alpha Males #17, #18, #19 (APL)
Justin Vickers of Missouri
COT: The Real Man Billy Bratwurst, Swashbuckling Henry Morgan, Steel (FAL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; retained titles
COT: Wesley Cary, Kizzef the Brute, "The Spanish Man of War" Inigo Montoya (NAL)
Adam Kleinow of Maryland; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row
COT: Miniscule, Super Shadow, Fast Machines (ECL)
Tom Flesher, passed out on the LIRR; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row
COT/TI: Nutty Bunnies #1, #2, #3 (CWL)
Dan Hayman of Michigan; manager retained titles
COT: Blackjack Sullivan, Hooded Soldiers I, III (KHL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota
EDGE/RF: "Forging" Franklin Thomas, EDGE: Brad Foreman, Morphy The Machine (TGL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row
EDGE/DF: Dominant Factor Greed, EDGE: Performance Center Trainer 2, VIP/CTI: Carver in a Mask #8 (CSL)
~TZ~ of Virginia, Steven J. Deane of Nebraska, Mike Carver of Pennsylvania; ~TZ~ held titles 72 cycles in a row, Carver & Deane 15 in a row
CURE/CTI: Sir Arrogance JPM, CURE/VD: SARS, Leprosy (HLL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey (JPM) & Frank Jay Belcher III; Belcher held titles 53 cycles in a row, Drake 19 in a row
TBABIT/RABBIT: Jambalaya Jake, TBABIT: The Space Cowboy, The Gangster of Love (NSL)
Jake Joyce of Illinois; manager held titles 5 cycles in a row
TBABIT: Tremor, Sluff, Ripple (UNL)
TBABIT: Xander, Yosef, Zeke Baker (CZL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row
Top Contenders
16. REGS: Shotgun James Carnage, Blackjack Robertson, Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL)
17. Mannequins #1, #2, #3 (BRL)
held titles previous 2 cycles
EDGE: Cale, Dale, Gale Turner (ASL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
CURE/VD: Bacteria, CURE/CTI: Salami, Big Knuttz Johnson (NAL)
Frank Jay Belcher III (Bacteria) & Mitchell Johnson, both of Michigan; Belcher held titles 6 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
SOS: Ray Gunkel, "Flying Dutchman" Honus Wagner, "Old" Pete Alexander (LBL)
Derek Tuttle (Gunkel) & Jeff Manning; Tuttle held titles 4 cycles in a row, Manning retained titles
SOS/ARMY: "Psychopathic" Buddy Carver, "Punisher" Desperation Williams, SOS: Enthusiastic Soccer Mom (XWL)
Donald Henry of Illinois & Derek Tuttle (Mom)
SOS/SIENAMART: Deathmatch Danielle from HR, Head Cashier Vanessa Violence, Zachary Attackary, Head of Security (NSL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
TBABIT: "Reticent" Frank Du Pont, "Old School" Ollie Fontaine, "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson (KHL)
TBABIT: Tom Henry, Abacus, Deranged (CZL)
Seth Brubaker
COT: Cecil Howard Calvert, Fredrick Charles Harford, Prince George Montgomery (FAL)
Adam Kleinow
COT: "Ravishing" Larry Nightmare, Minnesota Wrecking Crews I, III (IGL)
Steven M. Shotliff
AOD: Big Bad Momma Shatterday, La Chica Loca, Wicked Sister (WWL)
David Silliman of New York
EDGE: Purple People Greeters, P.C. Police, Flyin' Ryan Harping (NFL)
Brad Norman; 521; edged EDGE: HH -- Hardcore Hero, Cronus, Performance Center Trainer 1 (CSL), SOS/|: Buck Dollarhide, Steele Ironside, Nobody (IWL), SOS/|: Fritz, Gorilla, King Kong von Vachon (BRL), EDGE: "Ice Man" Raven Phoenix, Fed-Ex Chris Warner, Superstar Benny Graham (WEW)
1. BRL (1,236 matches) 490.944
2. SHL (1,097 matches) 493.156
3. NWL (938 matches) 493.524
4. ASL (924 matches) 489.392
5. IWL (874 matches) 493.743
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
6. RDL (814 matches) 493.588
7. CWL (773 matches) 492.716
8. ACW (730 matches) 492.135
9. WTL (703 matches) 489.167
10. BBL (695 matches) 492.300
11. ZZL (678 matches) 493.273
12. LWL (600 matches) 493.050
13. TCW (476 matches) 491.111
14. DXL (467 matches) 495.690
15. UNL (460 matches) 493.303
16. NAL (446 matches) 493.835
17. KHL (428 matches) 491.070
18. BBW (407 matches) 491.917
19. EEL (401 matches) 494.066
20. FAL (368 matches) 492.684
21. APL (365 matches) 471.088
22. CSL (362 matches) 481.804
23. DZL (361 matches) 490.011
24. GAL (350 matches) 494.333
WDL (350 matches) 487.846
26. NPL (339 matches) 494.136
27. RTL (328 matches) 494.226
28. NBL (324 matches) 432.459
29. MUL (310 matches) 490.618
30. HWL (309 matches) 492.733
31. FSL (304 matches) 493.696
NSL (304 matches) 493.649
33. CAW (303 matches) 492.731
34. AAL (295 matches) 472.986
35. LLL (293 matches) 491.673
36. LSL (285 matches) 491.977
37. BHL (279 matches) 493.639
38. BKL (274 matches) 493.875
NDL (274 matches) 492.920
40. MDL (272 matches) 493.641
41. EWL (268 matches) 493.468
PKW (268 matches) 493.456
43. CFL (267 matches) 479.723
44. NFL (265 matches) 494.036
45. MEL (257 matches) 491.333
46. PDL (255 matches) 492.510
47. STL (252 matches) 494.235
48. AOL (250 matches) 492.515
49. EHL (241 matches) 455.952
50. QPL (239 matches) 479.443
51. WWL (238 matches) 492.548
52. LPL (233 matches) 479.806
53. UCW (229 matches) 493.629
54. WEW (227 matches) 494.911
55. GWL (223 matches) 494.368
56. JDL (219 matches) 494.241
57. IGL (214 matches) 493.706
58. LBL (212 matches) 494.447
HLL (212 matches) 493.395
60. FFL (210 matches) 493.806
61. SVL (203 matches) 490.702
62. LNL (189 matches) 493.789
63. TGL (180 matches) 494.389
XWL (180 matches) 483.410
65. AEL (178 matches) 492.763
66. MML (177 matches) 492.350
67. CZL (173 matches) 493.306
68. OSL (170 matches) 492.182
69. HRL (164 matches) 493.400
70. YJL (157 matches) 493.345
71. GCL (154 matches) 491.667
72. COL (146 matches) 494.156
73. BWL (131 matches) 492.905
74. ECL (114 matches) 494.707
75. IIL (112 matches) 492.875
76. GRL (105 matches) 494.353
77. VUL (99 matches) 492.724
78. VVL (89 matches) 492.375
79. HAL (67 matches) 491.724
80. XPL (58 matches) 495.414
81. BOL (35 matches) 492.231
TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only
1. COT: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 232
2. COT: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 213
3. COT/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 205
4. SWAN SONG: Misfit Messiah (ASL) 169
5. SWAN SONG: Medieval Tymes (NAL)
COT/CHAMP: Nightmare Sam Hell (ASL) 162
7. CURE: Mike Drake (DZL) 148
8. CURE: Mike Drake (HWL)
COT: Lord of Illusions (ASL) 147
10. COT: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL) 143
11. COT: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 142
12. COT/CHAMP: Inferno (GRL) 136
13. COT: Buda von Blitzen (NAL) 135
14. COT: Deadly David Death (GRL) 132
15. COT/CHAMP: Arson (GRL) 130
16. COT: Diabolical Jerry Savage (NAL) 128
17. COT/CHAMP: The Executioner (XPL) 127
18. NGAA: Mara O'Connor (MDL) 124
19. SOS: "Wrestling Demon" Drugs (ASL) 123
20. Loverboy Louie Lopez (EHL) 121
21. COT: Killer Kenny Stryker (PKW) 120
22. COT: Bruiser Brett Brown (ASL)
CURE/CTI: Mike Drake (ASL)
EDGE: "Insane" Shane Hogg (DZL) 119
25. EDGE/CHOSEN: "The Extreme Icon" Hannibal (MEL) 118
26. SOS: The Dream Ali Atari (IWL)
Executioner (LBL)
Outlaw Tony Taylor (EHL)
COT: Dr. Pain Mark Duchaine (NAL) 116
30. COT: The Demonic Gourdman (XPL)
COT: "Sexy" Lenny Nightmare (KHL) 115
32. COT: "Flamboyant" Johnny Stewart (KHL)
COT/CHAMP: Awesome Adam Stryker (PKW)
SOS/CHAMP: "Wrestling Demon" Alcohol (CFL) 114
35. SOS: "Who the Heck is?" Mike Cook 2 (CFL)
Ultimate Ice (LBL)
COT: Little Orphan Amphetamine (NAL) 113
38. COT: Max Violence (XPL)
COT: Pit Boss (KHL) 112
40. CURE/VD: Yur Mama (MUL) 111
2025 Managers
1. Solomon Shaw 695
2. Jake Duvall 595
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 440
4. ~TZ~ 415
5. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd 360
6. Seth Brubaker 330
7. Michael Drake 320
8. Brad Norman 310
9. Steven J. Deane 285
10. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 265
11. Steven M. Shotliff 255
12. Adam Maloy
Derek Tuttle 240
14. Tom Flesher 235
15. Wade Reinhard 230
16. Michael Cook 220
17. Darren Soanes 200
18. Mike Carver
Rich Reilly 190
20. David Silliman
Keith A. Maple 185
2025 Stables
1. SOS 1,565
2. EDGE 1,020
3. CURE 880
4. COT 635
5. TBABIT 370
6. <H*N*R> 240
7. AOD 205
8. DOD 180
9. IMT 160
10. SWAN SONG 65
The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. Additional stats and rankings are available on the independent website These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Bounty Hunter, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes & Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
Coffin Filler, European Wrestling, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Vixens, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, All-American Championship, Battle Royal, Black Widow, Blood Bath, Continental Wrestling, Danger Zone, Global War, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, National Wrestling, Ninja Dojo, Rolling Thunder, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Unknown Wrestler, Xtreme Wrestling, Yellow Jacket
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Blood Bath Women, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal, Celebrities Only, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Pretty Deadly, Razzle Dazzle, Total Championship, United Nations, Wicked Warz
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship, Worldwide Elite, Zig Zag