There were 331 of the game's toughest wrestlers hoping for a share of the $5,000,000 in imaginary prize money available in this annual event. When the dust finally settled, each of the 41 first-place finishers below was holding at least one check for $100,000!
If you're curious about how well your grapplers performed, visit the Results page at PlayIWA.com and check out the full list of combatants for each action-packed tournament.
Alabama Champion
BOWL: Wildfire Dan van Love (CWL)
John Woodford of Iowa
Alaska Champion
ORDER/PPA: Mercy Le Faye (CWL)
Joseph Cockrell of Michigan
Arizona Champion
"Angel of Light" Angelina Blanco (NWL)
Adam Kleinow of Maryland
Arkansas Champion
Big Money Bonnie Banks (BWL)
Andrew McMillan of Texas
California Champion
BNC: Joseph "The Teenage Dynamo" Clark (LWL)
Joseph Glen Clark of Washington
Colorado Champion
BOWL: Crazy Upchuck (LSL)
John Woodford
Connecticut Champion
ORDER: Yeppers McGee (CAW)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington
Delaware Champion
SOS: Dos-Puncher (SHL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky
Florida Champion
PPA/ORDER: Lady Swine (BBL)
Robert Lawson of Colorado
Georgia Champion
The Eraser (IWL)
Scott Franklin of California
Hawaii Champion
ORDER: Bodybag Clark (EPW)
Timothy L. Clark
Idaho Champion
SOS: Smooth Tyrant (AEL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio
Illinois Champion
SOS: The Phantom (YJL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas
Indiana Champion
SHS: Punk Rock Mike (BRL)
Michael Patuleia of Massachusetts
Iowa Champion
Punk Rock Mike
Kansas Champion
BNC: Smacktastic Seth Sturgis (BBL)
Joseph Glen Clark
Kentucky Champion
Yeppers McGee
Louisiana Champion
BOWL: Mr. "Too Sexy" John van Love (CWL)
John Woodford
Maine Champion
Ashur Khaosyn (GWL)
Steven Lawson of Pennsylvania
Maryland Champion
The Eraser
Massachusetts Champion
NORD: Tormund Erikksen (NWL)
Erik Martin of Massachusetts
Michigan Champion
Yeppers McGee
Minnesota Champion
The Chameleon (IWL)
Jeremy Workman of Missouri
Mississippi Champion
SOS/WAI: The Playboy Mic Ferrari (BRL)
Justin Vickers of Missouri
Missouri Champion
The Chameleon
Montana Champion
SOS/IND: Rod Camino (IWL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia
Nebraska Champion
BOWL: Hot Stuff Bowling Fees (DZL)
John Woodford
Nevada Champion
Machine (NWL)
Scott Brinson of Florida
New Hampshire Champion
VIRUS/GRUNT: "The Hardcore Superstar" Viper (HWL)
Cameron Hinkley of Maine
New Jersey Champion
Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL)
Jimmy Dabbs of North Carolina
New Mexico Champion
MC/SOS: Calculus Adams (IIL)
Michael Cook
New York Champion
John van Love
North Carolina Champion
OLE: La Diabolica (LSL)
Victor M. Marquez of California
North Dakota Champion
PAD: "Big Guns" Greg Garnar (BRL)
Greg Lerch of Illinois
Ohio Champion
SHS: Agent 26 (BRL)
Tim Pollino of Massachusetts
Oklahoma Champion
DOD/ORDER: "The Pain Master" Ike Payne (CAW)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
Oregon Champion
The Chameleon
Pennsylvania Champion
Pollux Khaosyn (CAW)
Steven Lawson
Rhode Island Champion
John van Love
South Carolina Champion
"Your Everyday Hero" Oliver Livingston (NWL)
McLeon Jadoo of New York
South Dakota Champion
DOD/ORDER: "The Monster of Mayhem" Donny Bloodstone (BRL)
Timothy L. Clark
Tennessee Champion
Mic Ferrari
Texas Champion
TOON/GUN: Avocado from Mexico (FAL)
Patrick Wallace of Texas
Utah Champion
VIRUS/GRUNT: Rough House Brawler (DXL)
Cameron Hinkley
Vermont Champion
OLE: El Monje Cavernario (LSL)
Victor M. Marquez
Virginia Champion
NGAA: Rydia Stormer (MDL)
S. Daniel Stunes of Iowa
Washington Champion
BOWL: "Top Sexy" Scott the Driller (LSL)
John Woodford
West Virginia Champion
EPIC: Kris Hero (EPW)
Robert S. Harper of West Virginia
Wisconsin Champion
AOD: Highway Habib (AOL)
Chuck Zietlow of Minnesota
Wyoming Champion
Dark Danger (NWL)
McLeon Jadoo
Is it just a coincidence that during the cycle in which we announce the winners of a contest held across the 50 states of the U.S., our friends to the north show up in force? It would be reasonable to assume we have a great many Canadians competing in our game, based on their frequent appearances in these hallowed pages, but the truth is that we have a rather small number... they're all just very, very good.
Congratulations are in order for our newest State Wrestling Champions! Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun. Don't worry if your wrestler came up a little short this time... the 2022 Specialty Championships are right around the corner!
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina
EPIC/UD: "The Acclaimed" Sakura Dante (EPW) 1,073-263-50, *14, $1,795,900
EPIC/TD: "Demonic Queen" Kayako Yamamura (EPW) 1,499-277-72, *19, $2,469,600
EPIC: "Egomaniac" Racer McKay (IWL) 1,990-353-70, *19, $3,107,700
EPIC/UD: "Elegant Trendsetter" Saya Nakamura (EPW) 1,775-340-63, *22, $3,019,600
EPIC/UD: "The End Game" Rei Kenmochi (EPW) 1,256-298-121, *16, $1,906,900
EPIC/TC: "The Final Chapter" Rex Viper (EPW) 1,151-236-29, *9, $1,742,100
EPIC/TD: "The Free Spirit" Sadako Saeki (EPW) 1,416-215-50, *18, $2,295,200
EPIC/TC: "The Ideal Choice" Levi Dante (EPW) 1,479-239-47, *15, $2,202,900
EPIC/UD: "Once in a Lifetime" Daisy Kenmochi (EPW) 1,200-252-130, *21, $2,018,000
EPIC/TC: "Perfect Crime" Drago Tanaka (BRL) 1,106-255-45, *20, $1,819,400
EPIC/TC: "The Renowned" Kai Kenmochi (EPW) 1,073-260-42, *14, $1,891,200
EPIC: "Sensational Prodigy" Callie Kimura (BWL) 1,065-259-47, *17, $2,061,500
EPIC/<H*N*R>: "Showtime" Tommy Christopher (EPW) 2,223-427-94, *26, $3,562,800
Michael Drake of New Jersey
VIRUS: Brain Buster Butch (AEL) 265-244-44, *55, $1,744,200
VIRUS: "Diamond" Dave Venom (AEL) 263-237-33, *55, $995,300
World Champion
EDGE: Superstar Billy Silva (NAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for NAL managers next cycle
We contacted the man they call Hannibal for comment on his historic triple/triple crown victory during the same cycle as his induction into the IWA Managers Hall of Fame.
He replied with only this:

U.S. Champion
EDGE: "The Animal" Gary Guzman (NAL)
Jeff Annable; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged VIRUS: Davey Las Vegas (APL), SOS/WAI: Sam Hain (IWL), SOS: Adrian "Cap" Anson (NDL)
King of the Ring
EDGE: Savage Scott Harper (IIL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 501; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 272 KotR total; edged AOD: Chuck Zietlow (YJL; 500), VIRUS: Lord Deathstroke (HLL; lesser overall total); hold positions were 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15; battle royal hold positions were 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
SOS/|: Iron Marshal Ric Thesz (BHL)
Darren Soanes of Canada; 499; edged EDGE: Lethal Weapon Roger Murtaugh (BOL), EDGE: Mr. Diehard John McClane (EEL)
Steel Federation Champion
VIRUS: Masked Rookie #2 (WDL)
Sly Smith; 501; edged VIP: George Harrison (MUL)
Gold Federation Champion
LNW: Stevie Vertigo (BRL)
Aaron Fitzpatrick of Canada; 501; edged DYNASTY: Hillbilly Kevin (GWL)
Diamond Federation Champion
EDGE: Superstar Billy Silva (NAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 501; edged LPOW/FRM-16: Antonio 2X (NSL)
Bronze Federation Champion
AOD: Skullfire (EPW)
Maurice Plante of Canada; 501
Jade Federation Champion
SOS/ARMY: "Hardcore Legend" Lance Severance (JDL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 501; edged VIRUS: The Heartbreaker (GCL), SOS/IND: Ugg Lee (SHL), SOS: Sir Irving U. Aloss (AAL), LPOW/FRM-16: Patera the Beekeeper (PKW), EDGE: "Colorful" Roy G. Biv (TGL), TBABIT: Dax Bardo (FSL), VIRUS: Jap. Bomb Squad 2 Shiro Tanaka (CZL)
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
LPOW/FRM-16: Antonio 2X (NSL)
Let's Go Marchand from the Right Side of the Tracks; 501; edged Stevie Vertigo, SOS/IND: Ugg Lee (SHL), SOS: Sir Irving U. Aloss (AAL), EDGE: "Colorful" Roy G. Biv (TGL), TBABIT: Dax Bardo (FSL)
Asian Champion
EDGE: Superstar Billy Silva (NAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 501; edged SOS/ARMY: "Hardcore Legend" Lance Severance (JDL)
Elite Champion
LNW: Stevie Vertigo (BRL)
Aaron Fitzpatrick of Canada; 501; 60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches; edged Ugg Lee
Hardcore Champion
LPOW/FRM-16: Patera the Beekeeper (PKW)
Let's Go Marchand; 501; edged VIRUS: Jap. Bomb Squad 2 Shiro Tanaka (CZL), VIP: George Harrison (MUL)
International Champion
DYNASTY: Hillbilly Kevin (GWL)
Dewey Saddler, Jr. of Ohio; 501; edged VIRUS: Masked Rookie #2 (WDL), VIRUS: The Heartbreaker (GCL), AOD: Skullfire (EPW)
Metropolitan Champion
Stevie Vertigo
edged Ugg Lee, Skullfire
Rookie Brawl Winner
<H*N*R>: "No Limits" Nick Dane (NWL)
Adam Maloy of Florida; missed title by point flow last time; manager retained title; 500; edged AOD: Chainsaw Chuck
National Champion
EDGE: Nite Owl (NAL)
Central Plains region; edged ORDER: Sicko the Clown (CWL), Chaplain Chokeslam (STL), SOS/IND: Dave "The Decision" Wasilewski (IWL), Devon Miles (SVL), SOS: Papa Blood (TGL), EDGE: Lethal Weapon Martin Riggs (BOL), SOS: TT Taylor (WEW), SOS/ARMY: Craile (ECL)
EDGE: Dr. Manhattan (NAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Great Lakes region; edged Kaiser Klamonsh (JDL), COT: Soo Yoo-Pai (IWL)
East Coast Champion
Sonic (SHL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501; edged COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crew VI (NFL)
Mid-Atlantic Champion
EDGE: Savage Scott Harper (IIL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 501; edged Shotgun James Carnage (IWL)
Northeast Champion
VIRUS: Sitting Bull Johnson (NAL)
Mitchell Johnson of Michigan; 501
Pacific Northwest Champion
Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL)
Ryan Patrick of Michigan; 501
Rocky Mountains Champion
LPOW/FRM-16: Antonio Valentine (STL)
Let's Go Marchand from the Right Side of the Tracks; 501; edged Mr. Red (NFL)
Southeast Champion
EDGE: Bret "Hitman" Scott (CZL)
Jeff Annable; 501; edged Woodstock (WEW)
Southwest Champion
EDGE/ROT: Robb van DeLay (NFL)
Brad Norman; 500; edged EDGE: Mr. White (CZL), SOS: Cold Stone Austin Steve (LBL)
West Coast Champion
"Beautiful" Bill Clinton (WEW)
"The Game" from Parts Unknown; 501; edged EDGE: Ozymandius (NAL), SOS/ARMY: "Dead-Eye" Mondo Lewis (DXL)
Ladies' World Champion
SOS: Betty Thanu (BWL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 500; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches; edged SOS: Jinx Arashikage (VVL)
Ladies' U.S. Champion
SOS: The Tsuenami Sue Norris (LLL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; 501; $25,000
Queen of the Ring
RONIN: Cleopatra "Mau Mau" Jones (MDL)
Steven Emery of Illinois; 271 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
Queen of the Ring Gina Colada (BWL)
Matt Riley of Massachusetts; 499; edged VIRUS: MCA & R. Legend in Masks (GAL), <H*N*R>: Starfall Tigress (BWL), Dialtone Morelli, COT: "Ego Maniac" Michelle Sleaves (FFL), VIRUS: Testy Betsy (LLL), GUN: Becca Buckshot (GAL)
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Rocket Man & Pocket Rocket (VVL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan
SOS: Dialtone Morelli & Tia (LLL)
Jeff Manning & Derek Tuttle of Florida; 516
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Sweatin' & Valley B. (VVL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 516; edged VIRUS: Arianna Piranha & Tute (LLL)
World Six-woman Champions
VIRUS: Mrs. Douchea, Menstrual, Pearl Krabs (MDL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager held titles 6 cycles in a row
SOS: Junkchain, Beyonce, Sparta Cortez (LLL)
Derek Tuttle & Jeff Manning (Cortez); 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
Revelation, Revolution, Epiphany (LLL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 521
World Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Zombie #69 & WHAM! (LPL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; manager held titles 5 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
Strong & Super Nintendo (JDL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; manager retained titles
SOS: Sir Kicks-A-Lot & Amsterdam Nightmare (AAL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio
SOS/AI: Killer Kyle & SOS: "Gray Eagle" Tris Speaker (NDL)
Kyle Queen of Texas & Jeff Manning
SOS: James & Billy Stone (KHL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas
SOS/ARMY: "Mack Daddy of Violence" Rodney Pierce & "Silencer" Eddie Camden (CZL)
Donald Henry of Illinois
COT: Brendan & Ruairi McFlaherty (UNL)
Adam Kleinow of Maryland
EDGE: MC & DC Savage (DZL)
Jeff Annable of Canada
LNW/SDG: The Samoan Assassin & Toa Anoa (BRL)
Aaron Fitzpatrick of Canada
Top Contenders
10. VIRUS: Lucas & Half Amazing (GRL)
11. VIRUS: Sly Smith & Arnold Swarzamijigger (HWL)
12. VIRUS: Tickle Me Pitbull & Money Mike Malone (XPL)
Archangel Uriel & "The Dream" Joey Lance (CSL)
14. Shotgun James Carnage & Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL)
15. COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crews X & XI (PKW)
EDGE: Hooded Justice & Psycho Norman B (MEL)
VIRUS: Big & Little Chic (WWL)
18. VIRUS: Big Frank & Little Brother Bill Country (TGL)
19. COT: Smasher & Basher (IGL)
EDGE: Hestia & Styx (HRL)
21. SOS: Derek Jammer & May B. Knott (WEW)
22. "One" & Enigma (LWL)
23. HIGHER FLYERS: Graig Gagne & "Jumpin'" Jim Brazil (QPL)
ranked #14 last time
24. SOS/WAI: Jaymz & Jonathan Dante (NPL)
25. "Dream Warrior" Jack Warner & Gabriel (UCW)
LB/VIRUS: The Legendary Eddie Sweat & Robert van Damage (ASL)
last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Beautiful Bobby Sax & Superstar Billy Green (CZL)
VIRUS: Masked Donald Trump & Pee Wee Herman (KHL)
Sly Smith; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
VIRUS: ICE ICE DADDY & Looney Knutzz (ASL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & Mitchell Johnson, both of Michigan; Belcher retained titles; 516; edged VIRUS: Bread Maker & MERS (LPL), EDGE: Nick & Dick "The Dude" Danger (DZL), TBABIT: "Philly's Favorite Son" T.J. & "Dollar Amount" Turkey Hill (UNL), Halcoholics #1 & #2 (WWL), EDGE: Brad Gorman & Brad "Ab" Normal (TGL), SOS: Coach Krupp & Short-Fuze Friestadt (QPL)
World Six-man Champions
Legend from the Past, Archangel Metatron, Performance Center Trainer 1 (CSL)
~TZ~ of Virginia, "The Game" from Parts Unknown, Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; ~TZ~ held titles 28 cycles in a row (new record), "The Game" 5 in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
VIRUS: General Whoshenburger, The Big Nasty, Toughluck Tommy Brooklyn (HWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan & Sly Smith (Brooklyn); Smith held titles 10 cycles in a row, Belcher 9 in a row
VIRUS: Grave Dust, Paul "The Butcher," "Mad Dog" Maurice Duchaine (LSL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS/ARMY: "La Guera Loca" Eva Santhiago, "El Chapo" Felix Beltran, "El Sicario" Oscar Leyva (JDL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; manager held titles 5 cycles in a row
SOS: Tammy Lahren, April Fools, Hannah Lama Ding Dong (KHL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; manager retained titles
SOS: Doc Greer, First Sierra, S.A.T. Santiago Garcia (AAL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio
SOS/IND: Tennessee Jed, Stagger Lee, Wilson (PKW)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia
VIP: Aston Martin, "Money" Mike Bugatti, The MVP Jimmy Rollins (COL)
Mike Carver of Pennsylvania; manager retained titles
BCB: Freddie "Bang Bang" Jackson, Eddie "Sweet Swagger" Mendoza, "A-Game" Derek Ace (WWL)
David Silliman of New York
TBABIT: "Hot Tag" Jerry Zag, TBABIT/BxBx: Troy LaCroix, EDGE: Repulsive Rodney Stevens (UNL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio, Jake Joyce of Illinois, Brad Norman of North Carolina
EDGE: Hephaestus, Dionysus, Ares (HRL)
Jeff Annable of Canada
Top Contenders
12. EDGE: Cale, Dale, Gale Turner (NAL)
VIP: Ryan Madson, Michael Young, World's Most Dangerous Man Mike Carver (DZL)
14. COT: "On Point" Edward Porthuron, Windsor D. Troyt, Soo Yoo-Pai (IWL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
Legend from the Future, Archangel Jeremiel, Performance Center Trainer 6 (CSL)
~TZ~, "The Game," Steven J. Deane; ~TZ~ held titles 11 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
VIRUS: Kyle O'Reilly, Brock Payne, Highway Patrol #1 (AOL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey & Sly Smith (#1); Smith held titles 4 cycles in a row, Drake 3 in a row
VIRUS: Jamie Wolf, Judy Sessions, "White Phoenix" Nina Schmitt (LSL)
Chris Schmitt of Kansas
VIRUS: Typhoid, Lassa, Dengue Fevers (MML)
Frank Jay Belcher III
VIRUS: Crazy, Mr. Deeezz Knutzz, T-VIRUS (ASL)
Mitchell Johnson & Frank Jay Belcher III (T-VIRUS), both of Michigan; 521; edged Shotgun James Carnage, Blackjack Robertson, Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL), VIP: Christopher Moltisanti, The Pop Icon Mike, Breaking Benjamin Carver (COL)
1. BRL (1,175 matches) 491.708
2. EPW (1,097 matches) 490.068
3. SHL (1,059 matches) 492.277
4. NWL (1,043 matches) 484.514
5. IWL (1,026 matches) 493.137
6. WTL (833 matches) 482.043
7. WWL (677 matches) 490.831
8. BBL (676 matches) 490.230
9. DXL (653 matches) 490.226
10. UNL (621 matches) 493.208
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
TOP 20 VICTORIES -- active wrestlers only
1. Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL) 15,908-2,573-715
2. VIRUS: Mike Drake (HWL) 15,754-1,561-371
3. VIRUS: Cpl. Punishment (LBL) 12,010-764-178
4. VIRUS/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 10,878-861-258
5. SHS: "Money-Driven" Mike Sebastian (BRL) 10,784-2,400-480
6. Death Warrant (LBL) 9,232-865-160
7. VIRUS: Mike Drake (ASL) 8,993-1,184-176
8. VIRUS: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 8,467-670-233
9. "Mr. Everything" Kirk Lockran (AWL) 8,302-2,076-458
10. DFI: American Freedom Fighter E.J. (SHL) 7,852-1,228-307
11. VIRUS: Medieval Tymes (ASL) 6,829-1,048-191
12. Arsenal (LWL) 6,717-562-97
13. NGAA: Rydia Stormer (MDL) 6,541-1,948-365
14. VIRUS: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 6,534-654-228
15. MC: White Tiger Mask (STL) 6,281-2,793-82
16. DOD: Ghost Lee Shadows (BRL) 6,000-541-164
17. SHS: Punk Rock Mike (BRL) 5,949-1,051-267
18. NGAA: Hawkeye Science (HLL) 5,884-1,473-254
19. Connecticut Yankee (AWL) 5,816-1,393-333
20. SOS/ARMY: "Public Enemy" Roderick Hughes (BRL) 5,376-607-108
2022 Managers: Overall
1. Sly Smith 1,785
2. Frank Jay Belcher III 1,740
3. Michael Drake 1,345
4. ~TZ~ 1,255
5. Brad Norman 1,085
6. Jeff Annable 990
7. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 930
8. "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine 820
9. Donald Henry 735
10. "The Game" 730
11. Michael Eaves 700
12. Rich Reilly 670
13. Derek Tuttle
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 590
15. Darren Soanes
Keith A. Maple 565
17. Seth Brubaker 540
18. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd 530
19. Steven M. Shotliff 525
20. Jon Wasilewski 510
2022 Managers: TDS
1. Sly Smith 1,428
2. Frank Jay Belcher III 1,380
3. Michael Drake 1,057
4. ~TZ~ 1,008
5. Brad Norman 905
6. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 804
7. Jeff Annable 783
8. Donald Henry 602
9. Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 590
10. "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine 588
11. Michael Eaves 573
12. Darren Soanes 563
13. Rich Reilly 548
14. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd 530
15. Steven M. Shotliff 525
16. Jon Wasilewski 497
17. Seth Brubaker 487
18. Derek Tuttle 474
19. "The Game" 413
20. Keith A. Maple 331
2022 Stables
1. VIRUS 4,870
2. EDGE 2,825
3. SOS 2,820
4. ORDER 875
5. ROT 750
6. COT 715
7. ARMY 695
8. TBABIT 690
9. | 565
10. Free agents 550
11. DOD 365
12. IND 320
13. FRM-16 295
14. OE 220
15. AI
VIP 200
17. AR15
IMT 190
19. LNW
LPOW 150
Both models use the same scoring system, but when managers team up to win tag or six-man titles, TDS splits the points among them rather than award each player the full amount. The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Bounty Hunter, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Coffin Filler, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Black Widow, Blood Bath, Celestial Wrestling, Danger Zone, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Unknown Wrestler, Xtreme Wrestling, Yellow Jacket
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Nippon Retsuden, United Nations, Wicked Warz
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship Wrestling, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag