We're back in the U.S. with the 281 wrestlers who competed in battle royals hosted by our awesome neighbors to the north. The winners from the 10 provinces battled it out to become the IWA's Provincial Champion. That honor went to John "Big Cat" Irons, who had claimed the Nova Scotia title! There was also a contest between the top wrestlers from the three territories to determine the IWA Territorial Championship, and Northwest Territories winner OLE: La Diabolica was victorious!
Both of those new titleholders then met in the ring, with the IWA Maple Leaf Championship at stake. In the end, "Big Cat" clawed his way to the top, securing a real-life belt or 50 free matches for manager Eric Jones! La Diabolica's manager, Victor M. Marquez, went home with a large, engraved plaque or 25 free matches. As promised, the prizes were presented by Canada's own Mr. Brent Leroy Butt! Butt is famous for creating Corner Gas, and if you've never experienced an episode of Corner Gas, you've really been neglecting your sense of... humour.
The 13 champions below came back home $309,700 richer, and their managers won 10 free matches! Wrestlers who finished in second place earned $123,900, and those who came in third were awarded $61,900. Thanks to everyone who joined us on this international road trip!
Alberta Champion
BOWL: "The Judge" John Sparetime (LSL)
John Woodford of Iowa
2. LRC: Big Money Bonnie Banks (NWL)
Andrew McMillan of Texas
3. HEARTTHROB: John Lane (NWL)
Patrick Brooks of Pennsylvania
British Columbia Champion
VIRUS/CTI: Wayne Shatterday (WTL)
David Silliman of New York
2. $YN: Stevie Vertigo (NWL)
Aaron Fitzpatrick of Canada
3. TFO: The Iron Russian (CAW)
Douglas Butcher of Missouri
Manitoba Champion
The Iron Russian
2. Inferno (DZL)
Joe Adams of Pennsylvania
3. BOWL: "Jibber Jabber" Josh "Tow Truck" Ford (CWL)
John Woodford
New Brunswick Champion
Rod Camino (NWL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia
2. Senor Lucha (IWL)
Matt Riley of Massachusetts
3. BOWL: "The Villain" Vic Sparetime (LSL)
John Woodford
Newfoundland and Labrador Champion
Stevie Vertigo
2. The Total Package U.S. Mayle (CWL)
Matt Riley
3. Julie Fontaine (AWL)
Jerald Horton of Oregon
Nova Scotia Champion
John "Big Cat" Irons (GWL)
Eric Jones of Maryland
2. Machine (NWL)
Scott Brinson of Florida
3. Julie Fontaine
Ontario Champion
GC: Nivek Largo (NWL)
Tyler Davidson of California
2. COT: Rowdy Caitlin Reinhard (FFL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania
3. BOWL: Wildfire Dan van Love (CWL)
John Woodford
Prince Edward Island Champion
SHS: Agent 26 (BRL)
Tim Pollino of Massachusetts
2. Stevie Vertigo
3. John Sparetime
Quebec Champion
LRC: Lonestar Redneck (NWL)
Andrew McMillan
2. AGF: Special Ops: Agent 86 (SHL)
Eric Jones
3. Julie Fontaine
Saskatchewan Champion
Tomax Firefly (NWL)
Scott Brinson
2. SOS: Samoan Ute Setu Hatu (LBL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio
3. EPIC/TNT: "The Allure" Yuri Ishihara (BBL)
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina
Northwest Territories Champion
OLE: La Diabolica (LSL)
Victor M. Marquez of California
2. The Iron Russian
3. TIE: King Diamond (NWL)
TIE: Rick Jones (WTL)
Robert Schnabel of New York
Nunavut Champion
Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL)
Jimmy Dabbs of North Carolina
2. COT: Major Victory (IGL)
Wade Reinhard
3. Dark Danger (NWL)
McLeon Jadoo of New York
Yukon Champion
Dark Danger
2. Julie Fontaine
3. PAD: The Pharmacist Rx Pain (BBL)
Randy Kuhl of Illinois
World Champion
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Tuesday Doomsday (WWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for WWL managers next cycle
Security has the Willowick area on lockdown as Air Force One lands at Cuyahoga County Airport. The president's motorcade leaves the airport and heads to IWA Headquarters. The building is surrounded by and filled to the brim with security guards. Joe waits backstage for his cue to go through the curtains. Suddenly, he hears the crowd chanting, "F... J... B... F... J... B... F... J... B..." A tear forms in the corner of his eye as he lets out a sigh. He's about to step through the curtain when a hand touches his shoulder. He turns to see the leader of the Infection, F.B.III.
F.B.III: "Easy, Mr. President: that FJB chant is for me; my middle name is Jay. There's a cot over there, if you want to lay down and take a nap. I might be out there for a bit."
Sleepy Joe takes F.B.III's advice and curls up on the cot with his teddy as the real F.J.B. goes through the curtains with his wrestler, Tuesday Doomsday, following closely behind and wearing the IWA World Championship. They notice many VIRUS banners spanning across the arena as they make their way down to the ring. F.B.III grabs a mic as they enter the squared circle, and waits for the fans to quiet down.
F.B.III: "Thank you! Thank you! I know we haven't been everyone's cup of tea around here but, hey... sometimes you just need a coffee! I'll be the first to admit that our slash program was definitely flawed! If we had strategized better and started earlier, I'm certain it would've been a close fight. I'm not saying we would've won with the way Rich Reilly was on fire all year -- which, by the way, I want that man tested for steroids! However, it would have been a good fight. We have no one to blame but ourselves! Some thought this would be the end to the Infection. That couldn't be further from the truth! With Michigan finally defeating Ohio State after 10 years, the Lions winning their first game this year, beating Minnesota, and me coaching one of my loyal subjects back to the top, winning the IWA World Championship after God knows how long, I can only believe we have descended into an alternate universe where VIRUS runs rampant! With all the planets and sports aligning, I can see next year being our year once again! So let it be written... so let it be done! Tuesday... you have something to say?"
Tuesday Doomsday: "Tonight is my night! I will Live Free and Die Hard this holiday! Also, seeing how great I am, I'm feeling a bit saucy... Free Taco Tuesday on me!!!"
Tuesday drops the mic, and the crowd erupts. The VIRUS banner appears on the big screen as they leave the ring and head back to the locker room.

U.S. Champion
EDGE/ROT: The First (OSL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged LPPF/VIRUS: Dominant Factor Anarchy (CAW), HF: Decapitator (FAL)
King of the Ring
ORDER: Izzo the Terrible (EPW)
ORDER/LPPF: Yeppers McGee (CAW)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington; 499; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 272 KotR total; edged previous champion IMT: Savage Billy Manson (ZZL; lesser overall total); hold positions were 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15; battle royal hold positions were 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
LPPF/VIRUS: Zero Tolerance (NPL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio; 500
Steel Federation Champion
EDGE/ROT: Skillz (OSL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 501; edged DOD/ORDER: Hardcore Jeannie Lane (LSL), Julie Fontaine (AWL)
Gold Federation Champion
SOS: "Spanish Chef" Casey Dillas (CWL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; 501
Diamond Federation Champion
COT: Swashbuckling Henry Morgan (FAL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; 501
Bronze Federation Champion
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Tuesday Doomsday (WWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; edged SOS: Lifeguard Daron (COL), COT: Major Victory (IGL)
Jade Federation Champion
IMT: Buddy the Golden Boy Shantell (ZZL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; 499
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Tuesday Doomsday (WWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; edged EDGE/ROT: Skillz (OSL), Julie Fontaine (AWL)
Asian Champion
SOS: "Spanish Chef" Casey Dillas (CWL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; 501; edged SOS: Lifeguard Daron (COL)
Elite Champion
DOD/ORDER: Hardcore Jeannie Lane (LSL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington; 501; 60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches
Hardcore Champion
Jeannie Lane
edged COT: Major Victory (IGL), COT: Lady Desire (FFL)
International Champion
COT: Swashbuckling Henry Morgan (FAL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; 501
Metropolitan Champion
LPPF/VIRUS: Badd Co. Rick Hamilton (EPW)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 500; 15 free matches
Rookie Brawl Winner
WAI: The Playboy Mic Ferrari (NWL)
Justin Vickers of Kansas; 499
National Champion
HF: Wolf (BRL)
Greg Koscik of Ohio; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Central Plains region; edged ORDER/LPPF: Muskrat Bob (CAW)
East Coast Champion
EPIC/BNC: Jungle Cat Lewis (AWL)
Joseph Glen Clark of Washington; 501
Great Lakes Champion
TBABIT: "Popular" Colby Cheese (NSL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; 501
Mid-Atlantic Champion
DOD/ORDER: Buckskin Bob (AWL)
DOD/ORDER: Catfish John (LSL)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia; 501; edged EDGE/ROT: Terror Squad 11 (EHL), IMT/ARMY: "Urban Disciple" Joker Skott (XWL)
Northeast Champion
ORDER: Disciple of Doom (EPW)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington; 501
Pacific Northwest Champion
DOD/ORDER: Rattlesnake Jake (CAW)
Robert J. Ratliff; 501
Rocky Mountains Champion
EDGE/ROT: Masked Warrior 19 (STL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 501; edged DOD/ORDER: Mean Matt Ratcheck (AWL; missed title by point flow last time)
Southeast Champion
SOS: Sundown (AAL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; 501; edged DOD/ORDER: Hardwire Joseph Cross (AWL), VIRUS/CTI: The Unchosen Lord (AEL)
Southwest Champion
FRM-16: IMDKV Grappler #2 (CFL)
Big Marchand from the Diamond District; 500; edged IMT/ARMY: "Cueball" Andy Skidmore (XWL)
West Coast Champion
EDGE/ROT/BEER: Convergence (HRL)
EDGE/ROT: Terror Squad 17 (EHL)
Rich Reilly; 500
Ladies' World Champion
COT: Lady Desire (FFL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches
Ladies' U.S. Champion
COT: Rowdy Caitlin Reinhard (FFL)
Wade Reinhard; manager retained title; 500; $25,000
Queen of the Ring
AI: Precious (LLL)
Kyle Queen of Texas; 268 QotR total; edged SOS: Solena Ember Blood (FFL)
Ladies' National Champion
ORDER: Hillbilly's Daughter Laura Joyner (QQW)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington; 501; edged DOD/ORDER: Muskrat Jill (QQW)
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
COT: Indian Assassins F'ict & L'bouw Diep (LLL)
Wade Reinhard; 516; edged SOS: Princess Kyra & "Misery" Sharon Payne (VVL)
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
SOS: Sparta Cortez & Car Trash Ian #7 (LLL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio & Derek Tuttle of Florida; 516
World Six-woman Champions
VIRUS/Luniz/CTI: Bearded Cam, VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Snake Charmer, Furry Furnace of Fury (VUL)
Mitchell Johnson (Cam) & Frank Jay Belcher III, both of Michigan; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
COT: The Submission Specialist Anna Conda, Tiger Queen Jessica Bengali, The Black Widow Susanna Black (LLL)
Wade Reinhard
World Tag-team Champions
EDGE: Temperate Thomas & SOS: "Hardknocks" Diamond SQ (IIL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina & Michael Cook of Kentucky; Cook held titles 3 cycles in a row, Norman retained titles; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE/ROT: Super Rye & SOS: Luchador Blood #3 (OSL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey & Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; Reilly retained titles
TBABIT: August & Hunter Powers (CZL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio
Top Contenders
4. COT: Nikolai Koloff & Nikita Volkoff (FSL)
5. SOS: Count Onlosing & Grand Slam Barney (WDL)
LPPF/VIRUS: Bruiser Brett Brown & David von Adkisson (ASL)
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Ponderosa & Sweden House (MML)
8. VIRUS/Luniz/CTI: Candyman Chuck & VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Yur Papa (MUL)
SOS: First Sierra & Amsterdam Nightmare (AAL)
10. AI: Poison'd & Poison I (LSL)
11. TBABIT: Angel of Death & Demon of Life (XWL)
12. VIRUS/CTI: Hunter Callihan & Junik Matteo V (APL)
13. SOS: Duke Hauser & Stephan "Frontman" Jenkins (LBL)
14. SOS/|: Soanes Cold Saskatchewan & SOS: Butnik (SHL)
LPPF/VIRUS: Strong & Super Nintendo (JDL)
ranked #9 last time; last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
EDGE: Steel Yard & Steel Worker (AAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; manager retained titles; share of $25,000
EDGE/ROT: The Ninth & SOS: Luchador Blood #19 (OSL)
Rich Reilly & Robbie Pawelek; Reilly retained titles
LPPF/VIRUS: Ross von Adkisson & Classy Eddie Degrassi (ASL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio & "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont; 516; edged VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Hepatitis & Typhoid Fever (MML), LPPF/VIRUS: Tobey Thoroughbred & Kaiser Klamonsh (JDL; missed titles by point flow last time), DOD: Ricky Salt & Robert Pepper (UCW), ORDER/LPPF: "The Heartbreaker" Kip Michaels & Marty Fannetty (FSL)
World Six-man Champions
COT: Slaughter, Scorch, Onslaught (CFL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; retained titles; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: Psycho Norman B, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guys 24, 25 (MEL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina (B) & Rich Reilly of New Jersey; Reilly held titles 21 cycles in a row
EDGE: Mr. Orange, Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown (CZL)
Jeff Annable of Canada
Performance Center Trainer 12, AI: PitMaster, LPPF/VIRUS: Riki Ginsu (NDL)
Steven J. Deane of Nebraska, Kyle Queen of Texas, ~TZ~ of Virginia; ~TZ~ held titles 17 cycles in a row
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: General Whoshenburger, Smallpox, VIRUS/CTI: Guzinga (HWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & Michael Drake of New Jersey (Guzinga); Belcher held titles 8 cycles in a row, Drake 3 in a row
VIRUS: Mean Mike Eaves, LPPF/VIRUS: Kerry, Kevin von Adkisson (ASL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi (Eaves) & Keith A. Maple of Ohio; Maple held titles 3 cycles in a row
LPPF/VIRUS: Brutal Barry, Nightmare Nick, Killer Kenny Stryker (PKW)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont
TBABIT: Bearer of Palls, Luke Warm, Broski Bradley (NBL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; manager held titles 11 cycles in a row
SOS: Hulk Brogan, Mr. Suplex, Blink the Clown (MML)
SOS: Luchador Blood #5, #6, #7 (OSL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: Zap Melendez, Grunt Graves, Stalker Wilkinson (QPL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio
SOS: National, Western Champs Mike Cook, Mike Cook's #3 Six-man Wrestler (IIL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky
SOS/|: Kripplin Paine, Karrion Zane, Killian Slain (NPL)
Darren Soanes of Canada
Elijah, Tucker, Lucas Blackwood (FAL)
Peter Houston of Canada
Top Contenders
15. TBABIT: Fearful #6, Hungry #7, Expired #9 (SVL)
16. TUFF: Koko B. Ware, Ron Simmons, YETI: Tito Santana (GWL)
17. VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Silent Hill, Warcraft, LPPF/VIRUS: Death Machine (NAL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
EDGE: TML Kadri, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guys 16, 17 (MEL)
Jeff Annable (Kadri) & Rich Reilly; Reilly held titles 12 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
VIRUS/Luniz/CTI: Jimmie Cornnutz, VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Ghouly, F. "The Hitman" B. (MUL)
Mitchell Johnson (Cornnutz) & Frank Jay Belcher III, both of Michigan; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row, Johnson retained titles
SOS: Luchador Blood #2, #14, #20 (OSL)
Robbie Pawelek
COT: Commissioner's Bodyguard, "Mean" Mike Enos, Jimmy "The Body" Janos (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 521; edged TBABIT: Peter, Ray, Egon (SVL), TBABIT: "Mighty" Mac, "Rugged" Roy, "Gritty" Gil (NBL), SOS: Chris Lericoh, The Abbott, The Whabbot (MML)
1. NWL (1,722 matches) 488.327
2. BRL (1,282 matches) 491.059
3. IWL (1,098 matches) 491.776
4. SHL (942 matches) 489.027
5. EPW (863 matches) 490.840
6. QQW (820 matches) 492.120
7. BBL (802 matches) 491.966
8. DKW (782 matches) 493.132
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
9. ASL (734 matches) 482.012
10. GPLL (660 matches) 493.125
TOP 20 MONEY HOLDERS -- active wrestlers only
1. Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL) $51,144,700
2. VIRUS/CTI: Mike Drake (HWL) $37,645,800
3. LPPF/VIRUS: Medieval Tymes (ASL) $26,797,300
4. JL6: The Hooded Inmate (HLL) $22,709,600
5. LPPF/VIRUS/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) $19,708,300
6. LPPF/VIRUS: Misfit Messiah (NAL) $19,233,100
7. DFI: American Freedom Fighter E.J. (SHL) $18,868,738
8. VIRUS: Cpl. Punishment (LBL) $17,239,000
9. NGAA: Hawkeye Science (HLL) $16,362,800
10. Dan the Man (AOL) $16,334,900
11. COT: Pete the Geek (IGL) $13,940,800
12. NGAA: Rydia Stormer (MDL) $13,580,700
13. Death Warrant (LBL) $13,355,400
14. "Mr. Everything" Kirk Lockran (AWL) $12,632,300
15. LPPF/VIRUS: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) $12,413,800
16. VIRUS/CTI: Mike Drake (ASL) $12,369,000
17. SHS: Punk Rock Mike (BRL) $11,697,200
18. COT: "Mr. Minnesota" Olaf Gustavson (QPL) $10,684,700
19. SHS: Agent 26 (BRL) $10,593,600
20. VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: F.B. III (MUL) $10,192,800
2021 Managers: Overall
1. Rich Reilly 3,350
2. Brad Norman 2,420
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 2,130
4. ~TZ~ 1,675
5. Seth Brubaker 1,580
6. Jeff Annable 1,450
7. Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 1,345
8. Donald Henry 1,195
9. Michael Drake 1,165
10. Michael Cook 1,160
11. "The Game" 1,155
12. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 1,145
13. Caleb Crawdad 1,135
14. Kyle Devlin 975
15. Derek Tuttle, Steven M. Shotliff 965
17. Keith A. Maple 885
18. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd 875
19. Timothy L. Clark 855
20. Kyle Queen 745
2021 Managers: Singles Titles
1. Rich Reilly 1,520
2. Brad Norman 940
3. "The Game" 915
4. Donald Henry 855
5. Seth Brubaker 665
6. Jeff Annable 660
7. Michael Drake 635
8. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd 605
9. Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 590
10. Wade Reinhard 560
2021 Managers: Team Titles
1. Rich Reilly 1,830
2. Frank Jay Belcher III 1,605
3. Brad Norman 1,480
4. ~TZ~ 1,125
5. Michael Cook 930
6. Seth Brubaker 915
7. Caleb Crawdad, Kyle Devlin 820
9. Jeff Annable, "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 790
2021 Stables
1. EDGE 6,015
2. VIRUS 4,835
3. SOS 4,125
4. LPPF 3,845
5. ROT 3,395
6. IMT 3,070
7. COT 2,360
8. TBABIT 1,860
9. CTI 1,350
10. GiFt 1,205
11. ARMY 1,195
12. ORDER 1,115
13. Free agents 865
14. AI 745
15. Luniz 730
16. FRM-16 675
17. VD 630
18. DOD 580
19. MM 505
20. BAC 490
The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Generacion Proximo Lucha Libre, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Coffin Filler, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Centennial Wrestling, Danger Zone, Dragon's Kingdom Wrestling, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Unknown Wrestler, Xtreme Wrestling
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Elite Prestige Wrestling, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Queen's Quest Wrestling, United Nations, Wicked Warz
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship Wrestling, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag