Longtime IWA manager David C. Welker passed away on September 9th. He was 60 years old. Although he lived with Asperger syndrome, a form of autism, he never let it prevent him from competing against and engaging with his fellow players.
Our records for major titles only go back as far as late 1998, but since then, David wore the King of the Ring crown three times (December 1998, Dog Days 2006, and January 2014). He held the National and IWA-wide Eastern titles in the Spring 2006 cycle, and in November 2008 won the Central, Eastern, Pacific, and Western regions. He took the Queen of the Ring honors in both May 2001 and April 2008, the Ladies' U.S. belt in Spring 2006, the Ladies' World tag straps in April 2005, and the World Six-woman titles in Summer 2002. Those achievements don't even include his countless in-league winnings!
We're honored to have been a part of David's life for so many years, and are grateful for all the enjoyment he provided to everyone who was fortunate enough to share a league with him during his time in the game. His final eligible wrestler has been posthumously inducted into our Hall of Fame, uniting with his three other legends.
Please join us in observing a moment of silence as we bid farewell to a decades-long member of the IWA family. We'll miss you, David.
On a happier note, this year's Specialty Championships raised an incredible $428 to help manager Jim Ripka, who suffered a stroke several months ago. (We bumped the amount up to $500, since checks look cooler with lots of zeros.) A total of 294 stars were added to the stats of participating wrestlers -- how many of those were yours?
Next cycle, we continue to put the fun in fundraising with Imagimania XXXIV. Watch for it!
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
David C. Welker of North Carolina
Baddest American Biker Monday Nitro 13th (LWL) 2,653-892-95, $3,995,200 *16
Maurice Plante of Canada
QKI: Quebec Hitman MRP (UNL) 1,001-43-11, $4,784,700 *10
Blake Morgan of Mississippi
MC: Merlin (STL) 5,017-1,765-140, $8,451,000 *3
The "Wizard of the IWA" began his career in January of 2012 in the Assassin's Order League of the Jade Federation, and ended it in the Saber Tooth League of the Diamond Federation. His biggest accomplishments are taking the gold medal for the Long Jump event at Imagimania XXXI: Imagilympics in 2016, winning the Colorado title in the 2017 State Wrestling Championships, and securing the Hair vs. Hair title in the 2017 Specialty Championships.
There were 274 competitors gunning for our Specialty titles this year, and each was awarded a star. When the night was over, $428 had been raised for manager Jim Ripka's family! We're mailing them a check for an even $500, which should help with some of the costs of his ongoing physical therapy. Our thanks to everyone for showing such generosity.
Each of the 20 champions listed below received $100,000 in imaginary money plus an additional star! The wrestlers in second place were given $25,000 for an impressive showing, and $10,000 went into the bank account of each third-place finisher.
Biker Chain
NRA: E'Bon Knight (SHL)
Shawn McAbee of Tennessee
Karen (ASL)
Frank Bucklew of Pennsylvania
FLOW: Lady Malice (NML)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania
Buried Alive
ICE: Gutbuster (GWL)
Dan Harrell of Virginia
Achilles Leos (IWL)
Blake Morgan and Gary Cassibry, Sr., both of Mississippi
ICE: Blood Knight (BOL)
Wade Reinhard
SOS/WORLD: "Wrestling Demon" Alcohol (NAL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky
GRSF: "Majestic Unicorn" Lizzie Christopher (NBL)
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina
Alexander J. Styles (NWL)
Brian Gustavson of New York
Circle of Fear
ICE: Skorn the Death Knight (BOL)
Wade Reinhard
SOS: Caesar (STL)
Randall Angel from the Republic of Texas
HOH: "The King" Tony Rose (NWL)
Drew Chesser of Missouri
First Blood
POE: Claude Holiday (LNL)
Shawn McAbee
Duff Doogan (NWL)
Robert Lawson of Colorado
ORDER: Catfish Tim (LWL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington
Hair vs. Hair
SHS: Punk Rock Mike (BRL)
Michael Patuleia of Massachusetts
SOS: IWA Savior #4 (SVL)
Randall Angel
POE: Aiden "Brim" Stone (LNL)
Shawn McAbee
Hangman's Horror
DOD: The Unholy (ASL)
Jason Frymier of Canada
Rodney D'Armand (NWL)
Jeremy Broadwater of West Virginia
Brom O'Berin (NWL)
Jeremy Broadwater
SOS: "Mr. Wonderful" R.A. Rude (LWL)
Randall Angel
Hell in a Cell
The Chameleon (IWL)
Jeremy Workman of Missouri
Gargantuan (EEL)
Blake Morgan and Gary Cassibry, Sr.
Scott Pegasus Saxon (LSL)
Jerald Horton of Oregon
I Quit
Guenevere (VUL)
Colin Morton of New York
SHS: Agent 26 (BRL)
Michael Patuleia
SOS: SkekUng (LNL)
Randall Angel
Realm: "Nobody Cares" Maria Gomes (GNL)
Tommy Christopher
DOD: The Big Bad Red Fox (IWL)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
Tony Rose
Iron Man
ACE: Seth Adams-Lee (BRL)
Benjamin Kellogg of New York
Brom O'Berin
Red Panda (NWL)
Yvonne Hechler of North Carolina
Last Man Standing
SOS: Librarian Willy Shutup (NDL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio
ME: Mike "Freaking" Mason (CWL)
Michael Swanson, Jr. of Florida
Christopher Stasheff (NWL)
Jeremy Broadwater
ICE: The Real Man Billy Bratwurst (LWL)
Wade Reinhard
Arsenal (LWL)
Kenneth Plasse of Alabama
Dan the Man (HSL)
Dan Hicks of Texas
Martial Arts
SOS: Martel "The Model" (BRL)
Randall Angel
IMT/FRM-16/RC: 38 Savage (HRL)
Big Marchand from the Diamond District
Billy Bratwurst
Parking Lot Brawl
ORDER: "Suicidal Nightmare" Darby Christopher (NBL)
Tommy Christopher
IMT/LPPF: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont
Alexander J. Styles
SOS: "Graphing Violence" TI-83 (IWL)
Michael Cook
DOD: Mad Max Red Wolf (GNL)
Robert J. Ratliff
DOD: Wolfman Joe (LNL)
Robert J. Ratliff
Singapore Cane
Scott Pegasus Saxon
VCS: "Trendsetting Delinquent" Saya Nakamura (YJL)
Tommy Christopher
REAPERS: Aeris Harpy (YJL)
Shawn McAbee
Tables, Ladders, and Chairs
Aiden Stone
DOD: Jane "The Vixen" Red (BRL)
Robert J. Ratliff
Texas Bullrope
ORDER: "King of Riches" Shota Tokido (GRL)
Tommy Christopher
DOD: Leatherface (LNL)
Jason Frymier
VIRUS/SoV: Rob Storm (GRL)
Rob Yawn of Florida
World Champion
VIRUS: Measles (NAL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for NAL managers next cycle
Fans anxiously wait for their favorite show to begin. The last few commercials are playing as they scramble for their snacks and sodas, when suddenly the commercials are cut off by news alerts.

"We interrupt your regularly-scheduled programming to bring you this important information. This is an Emergency Action Notification directed by the President. Normal broadcasting will cease immediately. All stations will broadcast EAN message one, per FCC rules. Measles cases have been skyrocketing in the U.S. this year, with 704 reported so far, according to the CDC. It's the most cases reported in this country since 1994 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000. Worldwide, the number of reported cases jumped 300% in the first three months of 2019 compared to the same time period in 2018, according to the World Health Organization."
The feed begins to glitch as if someone is turning the channels, showing different broadcasts.
"By NewsDesk @infectiousdiseasenews, Malaysian health officials report the number of dengue fever cases have surpassed 100,000 for 2019 to date -- Texas officials reported a large anthrax outbreak in 2019 affecting some 20 premises in five counties -- Dengue fever in Americas tops 2.5 million cases, a record year? -- Malaysia Dengue cases top 100,000 for 2019 -- 32 sick and one dead in Legionnaires outbreak linked to Mountain State Fair -- EEE: Massachusetts reports 12th human case -- Measles deaths are double Ebola deaths in DRC in 2019 --"

Suddenly, the feed is cut off and the IWA show begins to air. The camera focuses on the ring, when instantly the lights cut out. Pyros begin shooting fire at the top of the stage where Measles is seen with the IWA World title draped over his shoulder. Pyros ignite and shoot up flames following Measles as he walks down the ramp. He makes it to the ring when all four corners flame out. The lights come back on as he grabs a mic and enters the ring.
"Just when you thought you had the Infection beat, an outbreak occurs! Back... to back... TO BACK... WORLD TITLES!!! (He gives the belt a rub and a kiss before continuing.) AND so much more! These are certainly dark times we are living in, and everyone will soon be thrown back into the Dark Ages -- dreaming about the good times, when they could get anything they wanted and just throw away anything they didn't. It's time for the Carnival of Carnage to take a road trip to 'somewhere under the rainbow,' where many demented souls wait for their moment to shine. The House of Horrors will rise again! The demon dog will once again run rampant, torturing lost souls as he did in the Dungeon! Nace and his Armies of Darkness have been resurrected! C. Stevens's batting average has greatly increased from the Infection! Even a man who very rarely hits is heating up! So, polish up that gold and get it ready for us! We'll take what we want... when we want... how we want!"

U.S. Champion
VIRUS/Luniz: Squatting Johnson (NAL)
Mitchell Johnson of Michigan; 500; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged IMT: The Situation Jackson Cross (GWL), ARMY/IMT: "Extreme One" Vic Carver (XWL)
King of the Ring
TBZ: Silver Falcon (OSL)
Brick D. Hinkley of Canada; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 274 KotR total; edged ICE: Death Lord (BOL); hold positions were 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14; battle royal hold positions were 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
ARMY/IMT: Mr. Grudge (AAL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 501; edged SOS: Ahar Monica (NSL)
Asiatic Champion
VIRUS: Measles (NAL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501
Elite Champion
VIRUS: Buford Blackwood (LWL)
Chris Stevens of Texas; 499; 60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches
Hardcore Champion
SOS: "Notorious" Robbie Blood (EEL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; 501
Metropolitan Champion
Buford Blackwood
30 free matches
FEDERATION PLAY-OFFS -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
SOS: "Notorious" Robbie Blood (EEL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; 501
Steel Federation Champion
EDGE: Reed Offerman (HAL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida; 499
Gold Federation Champion
IMT: Twisted Youth (DZL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501
Diamond Federation Champion
VIRUS: Measles (NAL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; edged SOS: Ahar Monica (NSL)
Bronze Federation Champion
IMT: Cardiac Arrest (REL)
Solomon Shaw; 500
Jade Federation Champion
ARMY/IMT: Mr. Grudge (AAL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 501
National Champion
SOS: Prince Ali Fabulous He Ali Ababwa (LBL)
Ali Saputra of Georgia; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Northern region
Atlantic Champion
SOS/WORLD: USP Atlanta Inmate (NAL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 501
Central Champion
SOS: Ali Sap and the 40 STDs (TGL)
Ali Saputra; 500
Dixie Champion
SOS: Philippe Pompeii (TGL)
Ali Saputra; 501
Eastern Champion
SOS: The Seal of Approval (HSL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; 499; edged SOS: The Ghost of IWA Future (KHL)
Mountain Champion
SOS: Mr. 501 (MUL)
Ali Saputra; manager retained title; 499; edged IMT: Dark Horse's Henchman #1 (EHL)
Pacific Champion
VIRUS: Viral Infection (NAL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 499
Prairie Champion
SOS: Lion Ted Cruz (HSL)
Derek Tuttle; 500
Southern Champion
IMT: Dark Horse's Henchman #2 (EHL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 500
Western Champion
SOS: Valyrian Steel Al Saputra (LBL)
Ali Saputra; 499; edged IMT: Austin Breeze (DZL)
Ladies' World Champion
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; manager held title 5 cycles in a row; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches
Ladies' U.S. Champion
VIRUS/VD: Hacker (FFL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager retained title; 500; $25,000
Queen of the Ring
Nasti Natalie from the Nati
267 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
VIRUS/VD: Mrs. Feng (FFL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; edged VIRUS/VD: Arianna's Piranha (VUL)
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
SOS: Lil Ladybug & Nasti Natalie from the Nati (VVL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; moved up from U.S. titles; 516
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS/VD: DOUBLE WHAMMY! & Flexible Flowmaster (FFL)
Frank Jay Belcher III
World Six-woman Champions
VIRUS/VD: Fly Trap, Zombies #9, #10 (VVL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
SOS: Crabby Patty from the Nati, Spiffy Tiffany from Queen City, Anita "Lotta" Payne (VVL)
Jeff Manning
World Tag-team Champions
SOS: Spirit-N-Black & Delirium (IIL)
Jason P. Miller of Kansas; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: Bradley & Benjermin Logan (AEL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida
Top Contenders
3. EDGE: Clue & H25/EDGE: M.F. Predator (IGL)
4. EDGE: Worst Canadian Mooserider Rush 6th & H25/EDGE: Goodguy Gordy Goodwood (NDL)
SOS: The Grammar Hammer & "The Fabulous" Richard Hard (GWL)
SOS/SINISTER 6: Headhunters I & II (DZL)
7. VIRUS: 501 Syndrome & HEP C (HRL)
ranked #5 last time
EDGE: Runner & Rubber Downe (SWL)
9. SOS: IWA Scrub & TV Champ Mike Cook (WDL)
SOS: S.A.T. Mateo Hernandez & First Sierra (WPL)
11. MWC: Best of the Best II & III (MUL)
12. VIRUS/Luniz: Christian Michaels & Jazzman (AWL)
last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
EDGE: Dragon Variation & Glass City Assassin Chaos (CZL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina & Caleb Crawdad; 516; $25,000; edged EDGE: Battleship & H25/EDGE: Bokasa (IGL), EDGE: TML Brown & H25/EDGE: Blood Dragon Yang Yudie (NDL), SOS: Your Hero & Your God (REL), IMT/FRM-16/RC: 38 Savage & Kong Gotti (HRL; missed titles by point flow last time), "Mysterious" Aleb Caffenbarg & EDGE: General Displeasure (WDL)
World Six-man Champions
EDGE: Best Friend Greg, Yurmahm Ghostacallej, O'Tha Humanity (WDL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida; manager held titles 5 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
SOS: Mike "The Champion" Cook, IWA Savior #4, Luchador Blood #15 (SVL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky, Randall Angel, Robbie "Blood" Pawelek, both of Texas; managers held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: The Ghetto Dream Kareem Nacirema, El Pollo Loco III, Boris the Russian Bear (JDL)
missed U.S. titles by point flow last time
SOS/5X: Buttersworth Henchmen I, II, III (NAL)
SOS: The Wizard, Wonderful Wally Warhead, Deadshot Mike Mercenary (NSL)
Hamilton Ortiz of New York; manager retained titles
SOS: Plague, Pillage, Plunder (IIL)
Jason P. Miller of Kansas
VIRUS/Luniz: Frank "The Tank" Belcher, VIRUS: Ghouly, Drooly Ghouly (MUL)
Mitchell Johnson (Belcher) & Frank Jay Belcher III, both of Michigan; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row
ARMY/IMT: "Big Bad" Angel Bestia, "The Mauler" Perro DeGuerra, "Mean Machine" Calypso Toombs (HRL)
Donald Henry of Illinois
Top Contenders
9. EDGE: TML Liljegren, H25/EDGE: Suicide Kings Cesar E. Salvo, Thiago E. de la Cruz (NDL)
10. IMT/LPPF: Becker, Powerhouse Pete, Brutal Barry Stryker (PKL)
11. IMT/FRM-16: Soldats B.D. Monstre, Baiser Francais, Garcon Requin (LPL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
EDGE: Alimony, Joint Custody, Ugly Kid Gruesome (AEL)
Caleb Crawdad & Geoff Silva of Massachusetts (Gruesome); Crawdad held titles 5 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
SOS: Atlantic Champ Mike Cook, Luchador Blood #5, IWA Savior #11 (SVL)
Michael Cook, Robbie Pawelek, Randall Angel; managers retained titles
SOS: Achilles, Apollo, Zeus (EHL)
Jason P. Miller
VIRUS: Ghetto Dweller, Mr. Warwick, VIRUS/Luniz: Mitch "The One" Johnson (MUL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & Mitchell Johnson (Johnson)
IMT: Aggressive Denial, IMT/LPPF/DOD: Classy Eddie Degrassi, IMT/ARMY: The Starchild (ASL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi, "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont, Jeff Chambers of Iowa; 521; edged EDGE: "The Expert" Lee Dunn, TML Nylander, H25/EDGE: Los Carrones Mofeta (NDL), SOS: Brooklyn Goons I, II, III (NSL)
1. BRL (1,216 matches) 489.690
2. UWL (978 matches) 490.028
3. NWL (931 matches) 472.220
4. IGL (859 matches) 490.374
5. LWL (786 matches) 491.565
6. IWL (729 matches) 483.034
7. NAL (576 matches) 492.835
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
8. LNL (566 matches) 490.795
9. RWL (541 matches) 491.238
10. ASL (540 matches) 487.015
TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only
1. IMT/LPPF: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 178
2. IMT/LPPF/DOD: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 161
3. IMT/LPPF/DOD: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 150
4. IMT/LPPF/DOD: Nightmare Sam Hell (ASL) 124
5. LPPF/T-SANITY: Misfit Messiah (NAL) 122
6. LPPF/T-SANITY: Medieval Tymes (NAL) 119
7. IMT/LPPF/DOD: Lord of Illusions (ASL) 118
8. VIRUS/RWS: Mike Drake (HWL) 112
9. IMT/LPPF: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 108
10. IMT/LPPF: Buda von Blitzen (NAL) 104
11. IMT/LPPF: The Executioner (XPL)
IMT/LPPF: Inferno (GRL) 103
13. IMT/LPPF: Diabolical Jerry Savage (NAL) 99
14. IMT/LPPF: Arson (GRL)
IMT/LPPF: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL)
Executioner (LBL)
VIRUS/RWS: Mike Drake (CSL) 98
18. VIRUS: Outlaw Tony Taylor (EHL)
IMT/LPPF/DOD: Bruiser Brett Brown (ASL)
IMT/LPPF: Deadly David Death (GRL) 97
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Center Stage, Extreme Existence, Generation Next, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, NEVER Puroresu, Quantum Pro, Unknown Wrestler, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison, Yellow Jacket
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Continental Wrestling, Danger Zone, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, No Man's, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Wicked Warz, Xtreme Wrestling
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Hot Shots, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Revolution Wrestling, Rogue Elephant, Strong Style Wrestling, United Nations
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer, Super Hero, True Grit, Wrestlers Elite, Zig Zag