IWA REPORT Vol. 14, No. 14 -- Fall 2009 |
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HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES PAIN: Nick Hill of Georgia is retiring from the ABL. With a record of 1,034 wins, only 172 losses, 104 draws, and $1,555,500 in earnings, he proved he was one of the best the game had ever seen. He will receive an engraved plaque to commemorate this occasion. Also entering our Hall of Fame this cycle is JL6: Warden Bockie (RBL). His final stats were 1,004-393-45, with 17 stars and winnings totaling $2,479,100. He was named after Ralph "Bockie" Carroll, who passed away unexpectedly. He also wrestled parts of his career under the name "Parolee," and won 75 different titles throughout his time in the ring. Warden's manager, John Lala of California, wins a plaque for providing such excellent leadership.
U.S. CHAMPION LaReina Bratton of Nebraska shouted instructions to UOV: The Destroyer Derek Dragonov (RSL) from ringside, and her advice won him the $60,000 U.S. purse! She gets her choice of an engraved plaque or 25 free matches for helping him defeat 4REICH: Death Before Dishonor (ASL), MAD MONEY: Rob Calvin (FSL), ACE: The Textbook Technician (MPL), Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL), FFOW: Kendo Nagakami (MRL), and PAIN: Troy Van Dam (APL). Each had a strategy worth 501 points!
KING OF THE RING Adding up the values of hold positions 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 13, and 15 in the strategy of each battle royal winner led us to Dimitrios the Traveler (ABL), whose 275-point total proved unbeatable! His manager, Dimitrios Zervas of New York, gets an engraved plaque or 25 free matches for the win. The league battle royals used hold positions 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, and 14.
AMERICAN CHAMPION ACE: Diddy Did It Dummy Damage (SAL) was entered in the running for this title due to an in-league error. Since he came out on top, manager Bob Dippy of Pennsylvania wins the 10 free matches! Had it not been for this, the belt would have gone to RWS: "Psychopathic" Skylar Gale (CLL) of Illinois after he edged out PSY: The Dread Knight (ABL). All three wrestlers had 500 points.
ASIATIC CHAMPION Jennifer McCarthy of New Mexico's ringside coaching helped OUTLAWS: Blade (NBL) cut through the competition for this $25,000 title, so she wins 10 free matches! Blade had a 501-point total.
HARDCORE CHAMPION These 10 free matches were awarded to Anthony Rodriguez of Alabama for managing ACE: Da Masked Outlaw (TDL) to a 499-pointer, which allowed him to overpower our other Hardcore league champions. Great job!
METROPOLITAN CHAMPION OUTLAWS: Blade (NBL) added this title to his resume by edging out both FFOW: Coco Hare (MRL) and UOV: Jack "Hammer" Taylor (RSL), all of whom had 501 points! Since this was the third time this year that the champion came from the NBL, manager Jennifer McCarthy of New Mexico won twenty free matches instead of ten.
CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION SE: Ludicrous (FLL) made his opponents ride the "Ludi Go Round" until this $25,000 belt was his! His manager, Patrick McGowan of Maryland, won 10 free matches for his involvement. Ludicrous had a strategy worth a total of 501 points, which is crazy-good!
FEDERATION PLAY-OFFS The $40,000 Iron Federation championship was won by UOV: Jack "Hammer" Taylor (RSL)! He was managed to a perfect score of 501 points by LaReina Bratton from Nebraska. Before he could move on to take the World Heavyweight honors, Blade had to secure the Steel Federation belt. Luckily, his 501-point strategy turned out to have better flow than those of FFOW: Coco Hare (MRL), SE: Ludicrous (FLL), and AXIS: Samsun Fujiwara (ZPL). In the Gold Federation, the 25 free matches were awarded to Robert Calvanese of New Jersey, who coached MAD MONEY: Sugar Daddy Pimp (FSL) to point flow victory over OSC: Matman II (MWL) and NME: Grey Wolf (MPL). Each had 501 points! Beretta Mason, PI (ECL) took the Diamond Federation title by edging out PAIN: Outlaw Tony Taylor (NFL), WWW: Fireball (NAL), CTI: The Extreme Icon (BHL), PSY: The Dread Knight (ABL), Agent of Freedom (NSL), and PSY: Abomination of Desolation (RCL). Managed to a 500 total by Sully Sullivan of Canada, Beretta said he would like to dedicate this title to PSY -- then added it was because he wants them to get used to being walked all over! The Bronze Federation strap went to NME: Dominant Factor Anarchy (OTL). Tim Zaegel of Virginia guided him to victory over 4REICH: "The Original Gangsta" Cao Cao (MSL), ACE: Diddy Did It Dummy Damage of the SAL (who was entered in the running for the title due to an in-league mistake), and NME: Male Supermodel Paumba (CFL). Each had a 500-point strategy. Jason Battaglia of New York took home the Jade Federation prize, compliments of PAIN: Dynamite Kid (SHL) and his 500-pointer.
NATIONAL CHAMPION, IWA-WIDE REGIONALS Nick Bratton (RSL) of Nebraska defeated TG: Flyin' Brian Gillman (MRL) by point flow to win the Western regional title, then overcame the other regional champions to gain his choice of an engraved plaque or 25 free matches! Every wrestler in this section had a strategy worth a perfect 501 points. The other regions were claimed by...
LADIES' TITLES The Ladies' World Championship ended up in the hands of 4REICH: Beach Bum Lucy Bufkin (MDL). Michael Eaves of Mississippi wins an engraved plaque or 15 free matches for leading her to point flow victory over stablemate "Sick-As-*&#!" Alexis Diamond (FFL), who also had 500 points. Anthony Dudick of New York didn't let the defeat get him down, but instead aided 4REICH: "Sweet-As-Sugar" Stephanie Diamond (FFL) on her quest to bring home the Queen of the Ring crown, and coached 4REICH: "The Angel of Death" Daniella and "The Black Widow" Brianna Trueblood (VVL) to the Ladies' U.S. tag straps. He also found time to help 4REICH: "The Engineer Hunter" Eihi Shiina, "The Machine Girl" Minase Yashiro, and Michelle "The Invisible Woman" Yeoh (MDL) trade in their U.S. belts for the World Six-woman championships, then managed 4REICH: "Toothless Redneck" Raylene, "Trailer Park" Tracy, and "Tobacco Chewin" Tammie Jewels (LLL) to the newly-vacated U.S. Six-woman titles! Wow! WWW: Elektra Blaze (MDL) added an imaginary $20,000 to her slightly less imaginary bank account by winning the Ladies' U.S. honors. Manager TSgt. Luke Fletcher of the United States Air Force armed her with a 500-pointer. The Ladies' National Champion was NGAA: Mara O'Connor (MDL). S. Daniel Stunes of Arkansas formulated her strategy, which totaled 500 points. Daniel Peton of New Jersey called the shots from ringside as WWW: Jamaican Princess and Rasta Queen (LLL) fought to gain the Ladies' Tag-team accolade. They found themselves victorious after using point flow against 4REICH members Brandy Dirt and Queen of the Ring Stephanie Diamond, plus Annabeth Chase and the Dolphin Girl Kimberly Marie (MDL).
WORLD TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONS Mike Dorsett of New York earned the choice between an engraved plaque and 15 free matches when he helped PSY: Galan Dracos and the Illustrious Ishtar (JDL) win these $50,000 titles! All 10 teams in the standings had 516 points.
U.S. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONS These $20,000 purses went into the pockets of ACE: Diddy Did It Dummy and Busta Bobby Damage (SAL)! Bob Dippy of Pennsylvania owns their contracts, and provided them with a perfect 516-point team strategy which proved to have better point flow than top contenders CTI: The Silly Doctor and Hollywood Chris Fox (KSL), plus the Rabid Reindeer and the Creepy Cupid (JDL).
WORLD SIX-MAN CHAMPIONS Jonathan Akers of Texas and John Durrani of Connecticut teamed up again, and were able to keep these titles in their possession! This time around, Akers combined his Johnny Law with Durrani's Lucca Brazzi and Bullet Tooth Tony to win the belts. They had to share ownership with their stablemates from the MEL, who belong to Mike Dorsett of New York. The top eight teams listed had 521 points.
U.S. SIX-MAN CHAMPIONS These $20,000 prizes had to be split between PSY: "The Hammer" Greg Johnson, Superstar Billy Silva, and "Insane" Shane Hogg (KSL), who belong to Jeff Annable of Canada, and ACE: Millionaire Houston Jones, Vegas Grinder A.J. Hopkins, and Bonafide Joe Chicago (GRL), who are managed by Bob Dippy of Pennsylvania. PSY: "River City Rambler" Adam Wright, Mystery in the Mask, and Youngblood Johnny Dynamic (SAL) also had a perfect 521 team total, but lost by point flow.
TOP 10 LEAGUES The most active leagues for the October cycle are shown below, ranked according to the number of matches in each. The New Blood League edged out the GRL for the top spot. Managers in the Non-stop Action League can take two matches for $1 for a second straight cycle, since their active wrestlers had the highest average strategy total again! The BOL, ASL, and NBL were each less than a point away from winning the honor.
TOP 20 VICTORIES (Only active wrestlers were included on this list.)
LIST OF LEAGUES IRON FEDERATION: Center Stage, Extreme Action, Extreme Existence, Hardcore Wrestling, Iron Man, Murder Incorporated, Mysterious Benefactor, Next Generation, Quick Pin, Rising Stars, Slumber-party Massacre, Under Fire, Wrestling Superstars, Xtreme Poison STEEL FEDERATION: Absolute Pain, Caribbean Coast, Devil Inside, Fighting Legends, Intense Impact, King Kong, Lost Souls, Mid-Atlantic Region, New Blood, Old School, Praying Mantis, Rebel Yell, Vicious Valkyries, Zeus Power GOLD FEDERATION: All Star, Battle Royal, Black Ops, Blood Bath, Chicago Legends, Classic Wrestling, Dark Angel, Federated Suns, Hit Man, Majestic Property, Masked Wrestling, Mystic Diva, Ninja Dojo, Texas Death, Union Express DIAMOND FEDERATION: American Bodyslam, American Legion, Armed Forces, Bounty Hunter, Dark Days, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Fractured Jaw, Last Breath, Lights Out, Night Falcon, Noble Savage, Non-stop Action, Rajun Cajun, Xtreme Wrestling BRONZE FEDERATION: Barbaric Warrior, Coffin Filler, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, Hot Streak, Iron Glove, Main Event, Men of Steel, Old Timer's, Raging Bull, Soul Asylum, Torture Chamber, War Cry JADE FEDERATION: Atomic Age, Born Tough, Iowa Corn, Jade Dragon, Just Incredible, Just Rasslin', Killer Soldiers, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer, Smoking Gun, South Central Wrestling, Super Hero, Thor's Hammer, World Wrestling, Wrestlers Elite |
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