IWA REPORT Vol. 14, No. 6 -- May 2009 |
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2009 STATE WRESTLING CHAMPIONS Here are all fifty winners of our State Championship play-offs. Each wrestler received $100,000 in imaginary money, and each manager now has bragging rights for an entire year! Congratulations to the winners, and special thanks to everyone who participated and made them truly earn their titles. We'll see you all next year, when you'll have another shot at the glory!
U.S. CHAMPION ILL: Starscream (RYL) used his 499-pointer to edge out both ACE: "Big Goal" Brian Gionta (KKL) and ILL: Ninja Blade (NDL), and in doing so he gained a record-breaking eighth career U.S. title for manager Jason P. Miller of Kansas! Jason can celebrate with his choice of an engraved plaque or 25 free matches.
KING OF THE RING When we added up the values of hold positions 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 14 in every league battle royal winner's strategy, ILL: Rock Warner (TDL) came out on top with 272 points! His manager, Tim Zaegel of Virginia, can now choose between an engraved plaque and 25 free matches. The league battle royals used hold positions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, and 15.
AMERICAN CHAMPION ACE: Brutal Brad Hammer (TCL) picked up $25,000 in imaginary money for winning this belt. His manager, Kevin DiFranco of New York, won 10 free matches for supplying the 499-pointer!
ASIATIC CHAMPION The 10 free matches that accompany this title went home with Sly Smith of West Virginia, who coached ACE: Superstar Billy Green (PML) to victory over the champions of our other Asiatic leagues!
HARDCORE CHAMPION EDGE: Gerry Dangerously (RYL) defeated our other hardcore league champions with his 499-point strategy. Manager John Rossi of Virginia received 10 free matches for his involvement!
METROPOLITAN CHAMPION These 10 free matches went to Steve Bradshaw of Florida, who managed "Hacksaw" Bane Bradshaw (MRL) to a 499 total. Congratulations, Steve!
CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION "Gross Misconduct" Steve Hanson (FSL) used his patented "Ice Breaker" to gain the imaginary $25,000 that goes with this title. His manager is Steve Rigby of Canada, who wins 10 free matches!
FEDERATION PLAY-OFFS The Iron Federation champion was ACE: Malefic Michael Eaves (QPL) of Mississippi. He had 499 points, and so did Steel Federation winner EDGE: Gerry Dangerously (RYL), who is managed by John Rossi of Virginia. He edged out ACE: "Playmaker" Patrik Elias (KKL), ILL: Dean (CCL), LPPF: TITAN (APL), and "Hacksaw" Bane Bradshaw (MRL). Jumbo Tsunami (NDL), representing NEO-Seoul wrestling out of South Korea, claimed the Gold Federation honors. The Diamond strap went to eventual World Heavyweight Champion Mark Thaxton. Kevin DiFranco of New York armed him with a 500-point strategy, and he also won the Bronze Federation's 25 free matches, using American Champion ACE: Brutal Brad Hammer (TCL)! Brad had a 499 total. Patrick Eakin of Kansas took the Jade Federation belt with the help of ILL: Ice (JRL).
NATIONAL CHAMPION, IWA-WIDE REGIONALS John Rossi of Virginia gained his choice of an engraved plaque or 25 free matches by leading EDGE: Father Johnny Bedlam (ZPL) to the National title! First he had to use point flow against "Rey Rey" Simmons (MRL) and stablemate Johnny Bloodlust (RYL) in the battle for the Atlantic region, since each had 499 points. Taking the remaining $20,000 titles were...
LADIES' TITLES The $40,000 Ladies' World Championship went to ACE: MsChif (VVL)! Her manager, The Notorious ACEhole, wins the choice between an engraved plaque and 15 free matches. MsChif paired with Lacey (who is also managed by The Notorious ACEhole) and they retained their World Tag-team straps, with a second-straight 516 total! LPPF: "Droppin' Jaws" Magdalen Ginter (LLL) took the Queen of the Ring title, thanks to manager Anthony Dudick of New York. The Ladies' U.S. strap went to (: Brenda "Bring Da" Payne (VVL), who belongs to "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio. Jeff added the TSuenami Sue Norris and Anita "Lotta" Payne and watched his trio claim the World Six-woman belts with a perfect 521! The Ladies' National Champion was ILL: Powerpuff Girl Katie-Anne (VVL). Darrell Brewer of Alabama led her to point flow victory over ACE: Queen of Diamonds (VVL), then picked up the Ladies' U.S. tag titles with ILL: Powerpuff Girls Diane and Shae (VVL)! Frank Snow of North Carolina coached his team of LB: Kimona, Lotus the Ninja Girl, and L.A. Mazzaratti (VVL) to U.S. Six-woman glory over COT: Sweet Savannah, Deanne the Arsonist, and "Big Mac" Mackenzie Holubowski (FFL).
WORLD TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONS ILL: Darrellmania and Darrell Reject (OSL) held onto these titles from last cycle and wouldn't let go, so they each received $50,000! Their manager, Darrell Brewer of Alabama, can decide between an engraved plaque and 15 free matches for coaching the pair to their second perfect score in a row. (Rob Norton and Dan Mansen also had a 516 team total.)
U.S. TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONS Although they missed out on these titles because of point flow last time, ACE: The Italian Stallion Tony Schiavone and Lover Boy Lee Marshall (OSL) persisted, and their efforts paid off -- to the tune of $20,000 apiece! IWA manager The Notorious ACEhole armed the duo with their second perfect team score in a row, and this time their point flow proved to be superior! (LPPF: Kid Vicious Clint Carnage and "The Marquee" Mike Madison of the GRL also had a 516 total.)
WORLD SIX-MAN CHAMPIONS Three teams ended in an unbreakable tie while fighting for these belts. The three KKL grapplers belong to "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio, who entered the ring to accept his share of the prize wearing a t-shirt that read, "To ILL: I'm out." The team from the IGL kept Mark Duchaine of Vermont's name on these belts. Michael Giuliano of Connecticut also kept his name on the titles, this time using his ECL crew. The top 10 teams listed had 521 points, and so did ILL: Darrell Time, A Darrell to Remember, and Darrellinator (OSL)!
U.S. SIX-MAN CHAMPIONS Kevin DiFranco of New York ended his impressive cycle by taking these $20,000 purses with ACE: Brynseldimer, Khellendros, and Gellidus (PML)! They had to use point flow to edge past EDGE/NVME: Johan, the Smurf Chaser, Cuddles, and Bobo, the Flatulent Jelly Donut Addict (RYL); ACE: "The Captain" Jamie Langenbrunner, Send the Pain Below, and "MVP" Zach Parise (RCL); WWW: Death Machine, Hardcore Tommy Valentine, and Diabolical Jerry Savage (NAL); (: Milo the Wonder Dachshund, Tupac Shapiro, and Salvador Dali Lama (ABL); ILL/RAW: Kobe, Shaq, and Phil (LSL); ACE: Sly Smith, Hollywood Armstrong, and Superstar Billy Green (WCL); ILL/OSL: Badd Co. Lex Stevenson, Rock Warner, and Johnny Angel (OSL); (: Phil "#2-Eating" McGrinn, Smiles Davis, and John "Upside Down Frown" Upchuck (IML); ACE: National #3, Little Brother Bill Country, and Big Frank Country (OTL); EDGE: Father Johnny Bedlam, Father Gerry Chaos, and Reverend Matthew Mayhem (ZPL); WWW: Delivery Boys #1 and #2, and Pizza the Hut (MIL); ILL: Stan, Kenny, and Mr. Garrison (LOL); plus EDGE: The Vampire Lord Kal Zakath, the Dressed Wombat, and Sheik Hassent Ben Sober (DDL). Wow!
TOP 10 LEAGUES Based on the number of matches, the most active leagues for the April cycle appear below. For a fifth consecutive cycle, the All Star League topped the list! However, that position is now rather precarious, as the next three leagues are each within 150 matches of being top dog. Managers in the Mid-Atlantic Region League can choose to take two matches for $1 next cycle, since their active wrestlers had the highest average strategy total last time! The previous winner of that honor, the TCL, was less than a point away from a repeat performance.
TOP 20 MONEY HOLDERS (This list does not include wrestlers who were inactive.)
LIST OF LEAGUES IRON FEDERATION: Center Stage, Extreme Action, Extreme Existence, Hardcore Wrestling, Iron Man, Murder Incorporated, Mysterious Benefactor, Next Generation, Quick Pin, Rising Stars, Slumber-party Massacre, Under Fire, Wrestling Superstars, Xtreme Poison STEEL FEDERATION: Absolute Pain, Caribbean Coast, Devil Inside, Fighting Legends, Intense Impact, King Kong, Lost Souls, Mid-Atlantic Region, New Blood, Old School, Praying Mantis, Rebel Yell, Vicious Valkyries, Zeus Power GOLD FEDERATION: All Star, Battle Royal, Black Ops, Blood Bath, Chicago Legends, Classic Wrestling, Dark Angel, Federated Suns, Hit Man, Majestic Property, Masked Wrestling, Mystic Diva, Ninja Dojo, Texas Death DIAMOND FEDERATION: American Bodyslam, American Legion, Armed Forces, Bounty Hunter, Dark Days, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Fractured Jaw, Last Breath, Lights Out, Night Falcon, Noble Savage, Non-stop Action, Rajun Cajun, Xtreme Wrestling BRONZE FEDERATION: Barbaric Warrior, Coffin Filler, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, Hot Streak, Iron Glove, Jersey City Wrestling, Main Event, Men of Steel, Old Timer's, Raging Bull, Soul Asylum, Torture Chamber, War Cry JADE FEDERATION: Atomic Age, Iron Cross, Jade Dragon, Just Incredible, Just Rasslin', Killer Soldiers, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer, Smoking Gun, Super Hero, Thor's Hammer, World Wrestling, Wrestlers Elite |
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