BULLETIN #115 -- JANUARY 2025 |
Card 1: Held in Belfast (Attendance: 19,331) |
COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston decked EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 10:53 (Le K9 Crunch) by 11 (non-title). EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 beat COT/FRM-16: Punk Power Ranger at 15:01 (Spear) by 9. MC: White Tiger Mask decked Edgar Salt in 6 at 1:45 (Cross-Armbar) by 80. Pacific Northwest title: COT/FRM-16: Dr. Flesh Gordon outmuscled EDGE: Giant Nintendo at 28:15 (Flu Shot) by 1. Southwest title: MC: Diamante en Bruto annihilated COT/FRM-16: Helmo at 27:07 (Diamond Clash) by 3. MC: White Tiger Mask defeated Jeremy Krazeree in 6 at 3:59 (Cross-Armbar) by 77. MC: Diamante en Bruto beat Nick Power at 2:39 (Diamond Clash) by 139. EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #2* and New Breed Spoiler #1 annihilated MC: White Tiger Mask* and Diamante en Bruto at 23:53 (Superplex) by 10 (ladder) (Guest Referee: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston). Main event: EDGE: Sledge overpowered EDGE: Spoiler from the Past at 34:12 (Spear) by 2. |
Card 2: Held in Istanbul (Attendance: 12,554) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 tied COT/FRM-16: Military Industrial Marchand (Time Limit). TV title: EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 pinned EDGE: Sledge at 21:22 (Spear) by 8. MC: Diamante en Bruto destroyed Edgar Salt in 6 at 3:46 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 82. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium decked EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 18:46 (Le Rocker Dropper) by 6. COT/FRM-16: Helmo destroyed EDGE: Sledge at 28:01 (Starfish) by 3. MC: White Tiger Mask overpowered The Thug in 6 at 1:53 (Cross-Armbar) by 92. MC: Diamante en Bruto annihilated Samson Knight in 6 at 4:15 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 81. EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #2* and New Breed Spoiler #1 bested MC: Fursona Idolmask and White Tiger Mask* at 22:56 (Superplex) by 10 (Guest Referee: EDGE: Nick Foles). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston annihilated EDGE: Sledge at 21:39 (Le K9 Crunch) by 8. |
Card 3: Held in Bangkok (Attendance: 9,066) |
COT/FRM-16: 38 Savage annihilated EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 27:48 (Opp Driver) by 5. EDGE: Giant Nintendo decked COT/FRM-16: Cruiser Crody at 27:25 (Spear) by 1. MC: White Tiger Mask overpowered Bruce the Spruce in 6 at 4:54 (Cross-Armbar) by 81. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium beat Tidal Wave at 2:36 (Le Rocker Dropper) by 149. COT/FRM-16: The Magnificent Orlando destroyed EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 27:08 (Magic Bullet) by 4. MC: White Tiger Mask destroyed El Jackal in 6 at 4:10 (Cross-Armbar) by 101. MC: Diamante en Bruto over Johnny J. Hallmark in 1 at 4:17 (Count Out). MC: Fursona Idolmask, White Tiger Mask*, and Diamante en Bruto won over EDGE: Stan Steel, Flyin' Brian*, and Dominance at 13:03 (Tiger Mask Special) by 13. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston defeated EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 20:17 (Le K9 Crunch) by 9. |
Card 4: Held in Jersey City (Attendance: 5,538) |
MC: Fursona Idolmask bested EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 22:21 (Mandible Paw) by 9 (non-title). EDGE: Sledge outmuscled COT/FRM-16: Smashwagandha at 29:34 (Spear) by 3. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium beat The Pumpkin Spice Avenger in 6 at 4:25 (Cross-Armbar) by 103. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium overpowered Jeremy Krazeree in 6 at 5:17 (Cross-Armbar) by 80. East Coast title: MC: Fursona Idolmask destroyed EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 23:48 (Mandible Paw) by 7. MC: White Tiger Mask over Big Boa in 2 at 2:43 (Count Out). EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #2 decked COT/FRM-16: Propaganda Panda at 20:32 (Superplex) by 9. MC: Fursona Idolmask, White Tiger Mask*, and Diamante en Bruto annihilated EDGE/ROT: Masked Warrior 5, Masked Warrior 4, and Masked Warrior 3* at 11:29 (Tiger Mask Special) by 16. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston annihilated EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 12:25 (Le K9 Crunch) by 11. |
Card 5: Held in Calgary (Attendance: 5,925) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 drew MC: White Tiger Mask (Time Limit). EDGE: Sledge pinned COT/FRM-16: Antonio Valentine at 29:08 (Spear) by 4. MC: Fursona Idolmask over The Pumpkin Spice Avenger in 1 at 3:38 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium won over The Thug in 6 at 6:46 (Cross-Armbar) by 95. MC: Fursona Idolmask destroyed Tidal Wave in 10 at 4:56 (Spinning Back Fist) by 120. MC: White Tiger Mask won over Roadpig in 6 at 5:51 (Cross-Armbar) by 81. EDGE: High Octane outmuscled MC: Diamante en Bruto at 29:06 (Spear) by 1. MC: Fursona Idolmask, White Tiger Mask*, and Diamante en Bruto over Mortimer the Meddler, Bruce the Spruce*, and Henry the Hustler in 2 at 0:50 (Count Out). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston decked COT/FRM-16: Propaganda Panda at 29:19 (Le K9 Crunch) by 15. |
Card 6: Held in Elrodville (Attendance: 7,447) |
Great Lakes title: COT/FRM-16: Mengseng destroyed EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 18:50 (Tongan Spike) by 9. EDGE: Giant Nintendo annihilated COT/FRM-16: Antonio Valentine at 22:18 (Spear) by 10 (Guest Referee: EDGE/ROT: Masked Warrior 12). MC: White Tiger Mask outmuscled The Pumpkin Spice Avenger in 6 at 1:29 (Cross-Armbar) by 100. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium outmuscled El Jackal in 6 at 1:15 (Cross-Armbar) by 104. MC: Fursona Idolmask annihilated Jeremy Krazeree in 6 at 3:16 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 79. MC: White Tiger Mask pinned Midnight Misery in 6 at 6:26 (Cross-Armbar) by 67. EDGE: High Octane overpowered COT/FRM-16: The Grand Wilfred at 22:11 (Spear) by 8. MC: Fursona Idolmask, White Tiger Mask*, and Diamante en Bruto decked EDGE: Hunter Hearst Pence, The Philly Icon*, and Royal Flush at 10:15 (Tiger Mask Special) by 19. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston decked COT/FRM-16: Terry Crunk at 24:07 (Le K9 Crunch) by 9. |
Card 7: Held in Riyadh (Attendance: 7,157) |
MC: Diamante en Bruto annihilated EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 22:34 (Diamond Clash) by 9. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium over Samuel B. Sorry in 1 at 6:31 (Disqualification: refused to break choke). MC: Diamante en Bruto over The Pumpkin Spice Avenger in 1 at 2:53 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium beat Roadpig in 6 at 6:25 (Cross-Armbar) by 84. MC: Fursona Idolmask pinned The Thug in 6 at 3:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 94. MC: White Tiger Mask defeated Ash Larry in 12 at 0:20 (Backbreaker) by 148. EDGE: High Octane destroyed COT/FRM-16: Moonshine Marauder at 21:47 (Spear) by 6. MC: Fursona Idolmask, White Tiger Mask*, and Diamante en Bruto outmuscled EDGE: Killa Instinct*, Honor, and AJ Styles at 15:22 (Tiger Mask Special) by 16. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston defeated EDGE: Giant Nintendo at 53:48 (Le K9 Crunch) by 2. |
Card 8: Held in Dallas (Attendance: 8,393) |
EDGE: Sledge overpowered EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7 at 28:37 (Spear) by 3. MC: Fursona Idolmask outmuscled Samuel B. Sorry in 10 at 0:50 (Spinning Back Fist) by 164. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium defeated Sir Spits-A-Lot in 6 at 2:31 (Cross-Armbar) by 87. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium over Midnight Misery in 1 at 5:23 (Count Out). MC: Fursona Idolmask beat Mister Tic Tac Toe in 7 at 6:34 (Ankle Lock) by 90. MC: White Tiger Mask annihilated Nick Power at 0:43 (Tigerbomb) by 130. Mid-Atlantic title: EDGE: High Octane outmuscled COT/FRM-16: Propaganda Panda at 16:30 (Spear) by 14. Main event: EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 tied COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston (Time Limit). |
Card 9: Held in Zacatecas (Attendance: 11,664) |
MC: White Tiger Mask over EDGE: Sgt. Saber Tooth in 12 at 9:48 (Count Out). MC: White Tiger Mask annihilated Samuel B. Sorry in 10 at 1:30 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 157. MC: Fursona Idolmask over Sir Spits-A-Lot in 1 at 2:15 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium beat Ash Larry in 12 at 2:26 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 151. MC: Fursona Idolmask bested El Jackal in 7 at 1:05 (Ankle Lock) by 121. MC: White Tiger Mask decked Samson Knight in 6 at 3:34 (Cross-Armbar) by 79. EDGE: High Octane annihilated EDGE: Sledge at 17:25 (Spear) by 7. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston defeated COT/FRM-16: Mengseng at 35:55 (Le K9 Crunch) by 2. |
Card 10: Held in Hammond (Attendance: 9,708) |
MC: White Tiger Mask beat EDGE: Flyin' Brian at 14:52 (Tigerbomb) by 13. MC: Diamante en Bruto pinned Samuel B. Sorry in 10 at 1:58 (Spinning Back Fist) by 164. MC: White Tiger Mask annihilated Sir Spits-A-Lot in 6 at 4:45 (Cross-Armbar) by 84. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium beat Nick Power at 2:51 (Le Rocker Dropper) by 138. MC: Fursona Idolmask overpowered Roadpig in 6 at 6:05 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 83. MC: White Tiger Mask bested Johnny J. Hallmark at 2:10 (Tigerbomb) by 142. MC: Diamante en Bruto over EDGE: Mike Gold in 14 at 4:41 (Disqualification: used steel chair). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston won over COT/FRM-16: Helmo at 44:08 (Le K9 Crunch) by 5. |
Card 11: Held in Birmingham (Attendance: 7,569) |
MC: Fursona Idolmask annihilated EDGE: The Legend at 10:44 (Mandible Paw) by 30. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium destroyed Ivan Sinking in 6 at 3:43 (Cross-Armbar) by 68. MC: Diamante en Bruto over Sir Spits-A-Lot in 1 at 2:03 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium won over Samson Knight in 6 at 6:14 (Cross-Armbar) by 82. MC: Fursona Idolmask decked Leonard Washington at 3:37 (Mandible Paw) by 102. EDGE: High Octane won over MC: White Tiger Mask at 19:22 (Spear) by 10 (Guest Referee: EDGE: Stan Steel). COT/FRM-16: Mengseng drew MC: Diamante en Bruto at 3:50 (Double Disqualification). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston beat EDGE: High Octane at 33:10 (Le K9 Crunch) by 1. |
Card 12: Held in Maidstone (Attendance: 11,687) |
MC: Fursona Idolmask decked EDGE: The Lunatic at 5:15 (Mandible Paw) by 29. MC: Fursona Idolmask bested Ivan Sinking in 7 at 6:27 (Ankle Lock) by 78. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium decked Sir Spins-A-Lot in 6 at 6:37 (Cross-Armbar) by 78. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium won over Johnny J. Hallmark in 14 at 1:16 (Superplex) by 145. MC: Fursona Idolmask won over Midnight Misery in 6 at 5:52 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 69. COT/FRM-16: Mengseng decked MC: White Tiger Mask at 21:12 (Tongan Spike) by 9. MC: Diamante en Bruto annihilated COT/FRM-16: Propaganda Panda at 17:27 (Diamond Clash) by 13. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston destroyed COT/FRM-16: Smashwagandha at 37:30 (Le K9 Crunch) by 11. |
Card 13: Held in Wilmington (Attendance: 9,187) |
MC: Fursona Idolmask defeated COT/FRM-16: Terry Crunk at 16:43 (Mandible Paw) by 7 (non-title). MC: White Tiger Mask won over Ivan Sinking in 6 at 2:32 (Cross-Armbar) by 65. MC: Fursona Idolmask destroyed Sir Spins-A-Lot in 6 at 2:48 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 77. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium outmuscled EDGE: Sledge at 27:18 (Le Rocker Dropper) by 5. MC: Fursona Idolmask over Ash Larry in 1 at 5:48 (Count Out). MC: White Tiger Mask defeated COT/FRM-16: Propaganda Panda at 27:41 (Tigerbomb) by 4. MC: Diamante en Bruto overpowered EDGE: Sledge at 19:41 (Diamond Clash) by 6. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston decked MC: White Tiger Mask at 21:05 (Le K9 Crunch) by 11 (Devil's Playground). |
Card 14: Held in Leeds (Attendance: 7,373) |
COT/FRM-16: Terry Crunk overpowered MC: White Tiger Mask at 27:29 (K9 Driver 1%) by 2. MC: Diamante en Bruto destroyed Ivan Sinking in 7 at 3:34 (Ankle Lock) by 78. MC: White Tiger Mask defeated Sir Spins-A-Lot in 6 at 3:50 (Cross-Armbar) by 75. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston bested MC: Fursona Idolmask at 27:48 (Le K9 Crunch) by 2. MC: Fursona Idolmask defeated Nick Power at 0:28 (Mandible Paw) by 139. EDGE: Sledge bested MC: White Tiger Mask at 27:22 (Spear) by 3. MC: Diamante en Bruto beat EDGE: Called your Bluff in 11 at 11:30 (Boston Crab) by 20. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston defeated MC: Fursona Idolmask at 57:51 (Le K9 Crunch) by 2 (no disqualification). |
Card 15: Held in Harvey (Attendance: 13,610) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #1 pinned COT/FRM-16: Terry Crunk at 28:30 (Spear) by 2. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium outmuscled Big Charlie in 6 at 3:15 (Cross-Armbar) by 104. MC: Diamante en Bruto outmuscled Sir Spins-A-Lot in 6 at 5:13 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 77. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston annihilated MC: White Tiger Mask at 15:17 (Le K9 Crunch) by 11. MC: Fursona Idolmask won over Samson Knight in 6 at 1:56 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 81. EDGE: Giant Nintendo defeated MC: White Tiger Mask at 21:33 (Spear) by 9. MC: Diamante en Bruto beat Matt Skills at 10:08 (Diamond Clash) by 35. Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston won over MC: Diamante en Bruto at 48:09 (Le K9 Crunch) by 2 (title-on-a-pole). |
Card 16: Held in Boise (Attendance: 10,908) |
MC: Diamante en Bruto annihilated COT/FRM-16: Terry Crunk at 15:44 (Diamond Clash) by 7. MC: Fursona Idolmask outmuscled Big Charlie in 6 at 1:25 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 103. MC: White Tiger Mask over "The Bruiser" Benjamin Blankenship in 1 at 15:34 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston bested MC: Diamante en Bruto at 28:00 (Le K9 Crunch) by 2. MC: Fursona Idolmask over Johnny J. Hallmark in 1 at 4:58 (Count Out). MC: Diamante en Bruto pinned EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 17:32 (Diamond Clash) by 7. MC: Diamante en Bruto tied EDGE: Giant Nintendo at 15:52 (Double Disqualification). Main event: COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Boston destroyed COT/FRM-16: Punk Power Ranger at 25:41 (Le K9 Crunch) by 9. |
Card 17: Held in Nice (Attendance: 11,767) |
Northeast title: EDGE: Giant Nintendo overpowered COT/FRM-16: Terry Crunk at 24:04 (Spear) by 7. MC: White Tiger Mask over Big Charlie in 1 at 5:57 (Count Out). COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium overpowered Agent Ace in 6 at 4:58 (Cross-Armbar) by 91. MC: Diamante en Bruto bested EDGE: Mr. Xtreme at 8:35 (Diamond Clash) by 28. MC: Fursona Idolmask destroyed Block Buster in 10 at 1:23 (Spinning Back Fist) by 107. EDGE: Sledge won over EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 28:10 (Spear) by 1. EDGE: Sledge defeated COT/FRM-16: Punk Power Ranger at 28:03 (Spear) by 1. |
Card 18: Held in Antwerp (Attendance: 5,722) |
EDGE: High Octane overpowered COT/FRM-16: Dick the Cruiser at 24:54 (Spear) by 8. MC: Diamante en Bruto bested Big Charlie in 6 at 1:24 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 103. MC: Fursona Idolmask overpowered Agent Ace in 6 at 2:22 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90. COT/FRM-16: Benjamin Pum Pum, MD annihilated EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 29:26 (Pum Pumphandle Slam) by 4. EDGE: High Octane beat MC: Fursona Idolmask at 28:23 (Spear) by 1. MC: Diamante en Bruto overpowered Tidal Wave in 10 at 3:35 (Spinning Back Fist) by 120. COT/FRM-16: Moonshine Marauder beat EDGE: Sledge at 29:13 (187 Proof) by 1. |
Card 19: Held in Jericho (Attendance: 7,109) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 pinned COT/FRM-16: Smashwagandha at 16:33 (Spear) by 11. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium overpowered "Leaping" Leroy in 9 at 2:50 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 136. MC: White Tiger Mask defeated Agent Ace in 6 at 6:12 (Cross-Armbar) by 88. COT/FRM-16: Stone Capone pinned EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 28:37 (Piledriller) by 1. MC: Fursona Idolmask tied COT/FRM-16: Mengseng (Time Limit). MC: Diamante en Bruto beat Jeremy Krazeree in 6 at 4:12 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 79. EDGE: Giant Nintendo outmuscled EDGE: Sledge at 18:45 (Spear) by 6. |
Card 20: Held in Accra (Attendance: 18,460) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 defeated COT/FRM-16: Mr. Murder Avenue at 18:19 (Spear) by 8. MC: Fursona Idolmask pinned "Leaping" Leroy in 13 at 0:25 (Cobra Clutch) by 171. MC: Diamante en Bruto overpowered Agent Ace in 6 at 4:30 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90. COT/FRM-16: 38 Savage beat EDGE: Sledge at 28:01 (Opp Driver) by 2. MC: Fursona Idolmask outmuscled COT/FRM-16: Propaganda Panda at 11:47 (Mandible Paw) by 13 (non-title). MC: Diamante en Bruto won over The Thug in 6 at 3:42 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 94. EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #7* and New Breed Spoiler #6 won over MC: Fursona Idolmask and Diamante en Bruto* at 24:29 (Spear) by 8. |
Card 21: Held in Kincaid (Attendance: 7,695) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 defeated COT/FRM-16: Helmo at 28:46 (Spear) by 5 (non-title). MC: White Tiger Mask beat "Leaping" Leroy at 0:37 (Tigerbomb) by 170. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium bested Formula Pro at 2:50 (Le Rocker Dropper) by 190. COT/FRM-16: Antonio Bravo defeated EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 at 27:12 (12-6 Elbows) by 2. MC: Fursona Idolmask pinned EDGE: Sledge at 19:38 (Mandible Paw) by 6. MC: Diamante en Bruto won over El Jackal in 7 at 3:44 (Ankle Lock) by 121. EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #2* and New Breed Spoiler #1 pinned MC: Fursona Idolmask and White Tiger Mask* at 24:08 (Superplex) by 10 (Guest Referee: EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #6). |
Card 22: Held in Baltimore (Attendance: 15,980) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 destroyed MC: Fursona Idolmask at 29:52 (Spear) by 2. MC: Diamante en Bruto won over "Leaping" Leroy in 13 at 2:11 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 170. MC: Fursona Idolmask outmuscled Formula Pro at 1:40 (Mandible Paw) by 191. COT/FRM-16: Antonio Bravo pinned EDGE: Sledge at 28:58 (12-6 Elbows) by 1. MC: Fursona Idolmask tied EDGE: Giant Nintendo (Time Limit). MC: Diamante en Bruto outmuscled Roadpig in 6 at 3:27 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 83. TV Tag-team titles: EDGE: Ultimo Calamari* and Riki Ginsu defeated MC: Fursona Idolmask* and White Tiger Mask in 9 at 29:32 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 2. |
Card 23: Held in Meridian (Attendance: 13,036) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 beat MC: White Tiger Mask at 16:45 (Spear) by 11. COT/FRM-16: Marchand Le Hitman Du Belgium decked Edgar Salt in 6 at 5:51 (Cross-Armbar) by 83. MC: White Tiger Mask over Formula Pro in 1 at 16:50 (Disqualification: hidden spike). MC: Fursona Idolmask outmuscled COT/FRM-16: Helmo at 28:55 (Mandible Paw) by 3 (non-title). EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #4 pinned MC: White Tiger Mask at 29:49 (Spear) by 2. MC: Diamante en Bruto decked Midnight Misery in 6 at 6:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 69. EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #2* and New Breed Spoiler #1 destroyed MC: Fursona Idolmask and Diamante en Bruto* at 14:08 (Superplex) by 16 (steel cage). |
Card 24: Held in Hanoi (Attendance: 15,349) |
EDGE: New Breed Spoiler #5 destroyed MC: Diamante en Bruto at 29:49 (Spear) by 2. MC: Fursona Idolmask annihilated Edgar Salt in 6 at 1:52 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 82. MC: Diamante en Bruto bested Formula Pro at 1:46 (Diamond Clash) by 191. COT/FRM-16: Helmo destroyed MC: White Tiger Mask at 21:15 (Starfish) by 6. MC: White Tiger Mask outmuscled Tidal Wave at 2:02 (Tigerbomb) by 141. MC: Diamante en Bruto over Ash Larry in 1 at 11:44 (Count Out). EDGE: Armageddon* and Apocalypse destroyed MC: Fursona Idolmask and Diamante en Bruto* at 21:33 (Boston Crab) by 6. |
Battle Royal: Held in Madrid (Attendance: 18,649) |
COT/FRM-16: Dick the Cruiser made a cool $1,000 when MC: Fursona Idolmask flung him into some chairs at ringside. COT/FRM-16: Punk Power Ranger was given a quick $1,100 when he got thrown over the turnbuckle by MC: White Tiger Mask. MC: Diamante en Bruto snatched $1,200 when MC: White Tiger Mask hurled him onto the apron. MC: Fursona Idolmask grabbed $1,300 after MC: White Tiger Mask threw him onto the concrete floor. MC: White Tiger Mask was paid $1,400 when he was thrown outside the ring by COT/FRM-16: Dr. Flesh Gordon. COT/FRM-16: Dr. Flesh Gordon was the winner of the STL battle royal and its $40,000 purse. |