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BULLETIN #221 -- JULY 2024

Card 1: Held in Boston (Attendance: 33,026)

Chainsaw Henley outmuscled "Bullwhip" Billy Burns at 8:25 (Sawtooth Slam) by 20 (non-title).
Swampe Socke, Jr. bested Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 6:12 (Palm Strike) by 76.
Chainsaw Henley annihilated Lex Masters in 6 at 2:15 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 120.
Chainsaw Henley beat Denim Fritz in 6 at 6:43 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 97.
Rusty Chains pinned G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 5:44 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 26 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik won over Rex Rodine, Jr. in 7 at 23:49 (European Uppercut) by 9.
AI: Kamikaze defeated Cyber Warrior #3 at 6:59 (Tai-Atari) by 34 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned Billy "The Brawler" McVeay at 11:27 (The Shanghaiing) by 17.
Main event: AI: Kamikaze outmuscled "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague at 13:02 (Tai-Atari) by 13.

Card 2: Held in Calais (Attendance: 43,753)

"Bullwhip" Billy Burns over "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini in 3 at 2:57 (Disqualification: used steel chair).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 3:41 (Fallaway Slam) by 77.
AI: Skapegoat outmuscled Lex Masters in 6 at 1:24 (Palm Strike) by 123.
AI: Skapegoat beat Denim Fritz in 6 at 3:37 (Palm Strike) by 100.
AI: Hypnotik won over G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki in 13 at 10:38 (Superplex) by 26.
AI: Hypnotik over GDL at 10:47 (Count Out).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered Eugene St. Clair at 10:18 (The Shanghaiing) by 15.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated James "The Conductor" Morgan in 6 at 2:47 (Fallaway Slam) by 87.
Main event: AI: Kamikaze pinned Rusty Chains at 21:46 (Tai-Atari) by 7.

Card 3: Held in Paris (Attendance: 32,812)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered "Bullwhip" Billy Burns at 10:10 (The Shanghaiing) by 18.
AI: Kamikaze bested Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 4:10 (European Uppercut) by 79 (non-title).
Rusty Chains won over Lex Masters in 6 at 1:18 (Chickenwing) by 121 (non-title).
Rusty Chains pinned Denim Fritz in 6 at 3:39 (Chickenwing) by 98 (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith outmuscled G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki in 13 at 12:20 (Figure Four) by 21.
AI: Hypnotik over HFC: Vecna in 13 at 3:03 (Disqualification: razor in boot).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned HFC: Vecna at 10:26 (The Shanghaiing) by 24.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop over JT Yuppie in 6 at 2:42 (Count Out).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze destroyed AI: Hypnotik at 55:03 (Tai-Atari) by 3.

Card 4: Held in Bordeaux (Attendance: 48,368)

War Hogg defeated Big Ben in 6 at 4:44 (European Uppercut) by 78 (exhibition).
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 5:37 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 80.
AI: Hypnotik outmuscled Lex Masters in 6 at 3:47 (Side Slam) by 124.
AI: Hypnotik decked Denim Fritz in 6 at 4:58 (Side Slam) by 101.
Double "D" Christoph decked G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 13:49 (The "D" Jab) by 24.
AI: Hypnotik decked Count Dooku in 12 at 13:19 (Figure Four) by 20.
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned HFC: Vecna at 5:50 (War Doctrine) by 36.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered MOAB at 9:45 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
Main event: AI: Kamikaze pinned NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles at 34:10 (Tai-Atari) by 2.

Card 5: Held in Osaka (Attendance: 39,130)

War Hogg destroyed Ace Stevens in 6 at 4:52 (European Uppercut) by 80 (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts destroyed Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 6:04 (Hammerlock) by 77.
Pizza "Roll" Smith won over Lex Masters in 6 at 3:08 (European Uppercut) by 118.
Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Denim Fritz in 6 at 6:21 (European Uppercut) by 95.
Guitar Man over G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 5:48 (Disqualification: loaded elbow pad).
AI: Hypnotik outmuscled HFC: Matt SuperSonics in 13 at 13:33 (Superplex) by 24.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat Count Dooku in 14 at 14:12 (Backbreaker) by 19.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 6 at 6:06 (Fallaway Slam) by 78.
Main event: AI: Kamikaze bested Double "D" Christoph at 23:44 (Tai-Atari) by 9.

Card 6: Held in Los Angeles (Attendance: 37,358)

War Hogg over Jaeger van Dorn in 4 at 13:23 (Count Out) (exhibition).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler annihilated Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 9 at 3:57 (Side Slam) by 110.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated Lex Masters in 6 at 2:43 (Fallaway Slam) by 121.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat Denim Fritz in 6 at 4:23 (Fallaway Slam) by 98.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 13:20 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
AI: Hypnotik defeated Rusty Jones in 13 at 14:59 (Superplex) by 22.
AI: Blitzkrieg over Count Dooku in 14 at 11:44 (Count Out).
AI: Kamikaze won over Chainsaw Henley at 24:38 (Tai-Atari) by 10 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze won over "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 25:22 (Tai-Atari) by 12.

Card 7: Held in Montpelier (Attendance: 37,361)

War Hogg over Bodybag Jones in 1 at 6:37 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent) (exhibition).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas decked Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw at 8:00 (The High Roller) by 19.
AI: Kamikaze bested Lex Masters in 6 at 4:52 (European Uppercut) by 123 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze pinned Denim Fritz in 6 at 1:34 (European Uppercut) by 100 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze destroyed G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 9:54 (Tai-Atari) by 33 (non-title).
Mid-Atlantic title: AI: Hypnotik destroyed Double "D" Christoph at 22:12 (Soul Cleaver) by 6.

Chainsaw Henley beat HFC: Matt SuperSonics at 14:50 (Sawtooth Slam) by 22 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze won over Toto Tarantula at 4:41 (Tai-Atari) by 31 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze beat Killer Kreed at 13:40 (Tai-Atari) by 36.

Card 8: Held in Moscow (Attendance: 39,101)

War Hogg defeated Wildfire Johnny Rage in 9 at 2:25 (Back Elbow Smash) by 126 (exhibition).
NMI: Greg E. Money won over Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 3:46 (Side Slam) by 77.
AI: Blitzkrieg destroyed Lex Masters in 6 at 4:12 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 124.
AI: Blitzkrieg beat Denim Fritz in 6 at 2:20 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 101.
AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki in 13 at 7:27 (Big Splash) by 24.
AI: Hypnotik annihilated Swampe Socke, Jr. at 29:25 (Soul Cleaver) by 4.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed HFC: Matt SuperSonics at 14:58 (The Shanghaiing) by 20.
AI: Kamikaze won over Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 14:42 (Tai-Atari) by 11 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze bested NMI: Greg E. Money at 15:28 (Tai-Atari) by 11.

Card 9: Held in Tunis (Attendance: 48,038)

War Hogg beat Eric Darkstrom in 9 at 4:27 (Back Elbow Smash) by 120 (exhibition).
"The First Lady" Aaliyah Zoe defeated Sara "The Blonde Bombshell" in 11 at 2:44 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 67.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts won over Lex Masters in 6 at 2:04 (Hammerlock) by 121.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts won over Denim Fritz in 6 at 1:36 (Hammerlock) by 98.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts bested G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 14:32 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 22.
AI: Hypnotik defeated "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 22:18 (Soul Cleaver) by 9 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg decked HFC: Matt SuperSonics in 14 at 4:28 (Figure Four) by 26.
AI: Kamikaze overpowered Eddy "Freebird" Gordy at 18:13 (Tai-Atari) by 7 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze defeated NMI: He-Man Hoven at 31:46 (Tai-Atari) by 16.

Card 10: Held in Aruba (Attendance: 49,790)

War Hogg annihilated Nook the Secret Weapon in 6 at 7:14 (European Uppercut) by 71 (exhibition).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague destroyed Nigel Constable in 11 at 2:39 (Backbreaker) by 170 (non-title).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler outmuscled Lex Masters in 6 at 4:55 (Headlock) by 120.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler won over Denim Fritz in 6 at 4:25 (Headlock) by 97.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler defeated G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 10:04 (Ozark Spear) by 25.
AI: Hypnotik beat NMI: Thomas "TD" Banks at 27:24 (Soul Cleaver) by 1.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated Diesel the Longshorman in 11 at 0:48 (Brainbuster) by 145.
AI: Kamikaze bested NMI: He-Man Hoven at 7:03 (Tai-Atari) by 16 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze won over Chainsaw Henley at 47:59 (Tai-Atari) by 10.

Card 11: Held in Hiroshima (Attendance: 30,723)

War Hogg over Derek Craven in 2 at 9:34 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent) (exhibition).
Chainsaw Henley bested Nigel Constable in 6 at 3:45 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 111.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas destroyed Lex Masters at 7:10 (The High Roller) by 55.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas defeated Denim Fritz at 4:48 (The High Roller) by 41.
G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki defeated TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 8 at 2:16 (Savate Kick) by 86.
AI: Hypnotik bested Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 22:34 (Soul Cleaver) by 8.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler bested Diesel the Longshorman in 11 at 0:55 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 143.
AI: Kamikaze outmuscled Killer Kreed at 8:11 (Tai-Atari) by 36 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze bested AI: Skapegoat at 53:23 (Tai-Atari) by 3.

Card 12: Held in Gulf Shores (Attendance: 40,782)

War Hogg over El Diablo Sanchez in 3 at 6:56 (Count Out) (exhibition).
AI: Skapegoat beat Nigel Constable in 11 at 1:58 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 176.
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered Lex Masters in 6 at 1:25 (Side Slam) by 121.
NMI: Greg E. Money annihilated Denim Fritz in 6 at 5:10 (Side Slam) by 98.
NMI: Greg E. Money outmuscled G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 11:26 (Money Maker) by 22.
AI: Hypnotik decked Eddy "Freebird" Gordy at 28:41 (Soul Cleaver) by 4.
Billy "The Brawler" McVeay pinned Diesel the Longshorman at 1:22 (The Crippler) by 141.
AI: Kamikaze defeated Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 16:33 (Tai-Atari) by 12 (non-title).
Main event: AI: Kamikaze won over Swampe Socke, Jr. at 39:10 (Tai-Atari) by 7.

Card 13: Held in Cheyenne (Attendance: 45,329)

War Hogg over Tygar Singh in 3 at 5:33 (Disqualification: used powder) (exhibition).
Rusty Chains decked Nigel Constable in 6 at 3:18 (Chickenwing) by 112 (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague over Parallax in 3 at 7:27 (Count Out) (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated Santo Gold in 6 at 1:14 (Back Elbow Smash) by 109 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat outmuscled Chainsaw Henley at 17:42 (Murphy's Law) by 7 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik beat NMI: He-Man Hoven at 12:42 (Soul Cleaver) by 13 (non-title).
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered Diesel the Longshorman in 11 at 0:47 (Backbreaker) by 146.
AI: Kamikaze overpowered NMI: Greg E. Money at 13:34 (Tai-Atari) by 11 (non-title).

Card 14: Held in Destin (Attendance: 45,666)

ENIGMA: Bella Jax destroyed Nic Cage at 18:20 (Enigmaplex) by 6.
AI: Hypnotik defeated Nigel Constable in 6 at 0:57 (Side Slam) by 115.
Chainsaw Henley outmuscled Parallax in 6 at 5:36 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 77.
Chainsaw Henley overpowered Santo Gold in 6 at 3:28 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 112.
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles overpowered AI: Skapegoat at 28:28 (C.O.D.) by 1 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik bested Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 21:52 (Soul Cleaver) by 9.
Chainsaw Henley decked Rusty Jones at 13:18 (Sawtooth Slam) by 16 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Chainsaw Henley at 20:14 (War Doctrine) by 10 (non-title).

Card 15: Held in Lexington (Attendance: 49,606)

"The First Lady" Aaliyah Zoe destroyed ENIGMA: Bella Jax at 11:11 (Shell Toe Stomp) by 17.
Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Nigel Constable in 11 at 0:55 (Big Splash) by 172.
AI: Skapegoat won over Parallax in 6 at 4:28 (Palm Strike) by 80.
AI: Skapegoat defeated Santo Gold in 6 at 4:27 (Palm Strike) by 115.
AI: Skapegoat annihilated "Greatful" Gavin Green at 10:15 (Murphy's Law) by 29.
AI: Hypnotik destroyed Nefarious Ned Flanders at 4:41 (Soul Cleaver) by 26.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat Rusty Jones at 11:41 (The Shanghaiing) by 14.
AI: Blitzkrieg overpowered Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 13:08 (War Doctrine) by 11.

Card 16: Held in Arlington (Attendance: 35,628)

ENIGMA: Bella Jax destroyed TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 4:09 (Enigmaplex) by 113.
Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled Nigel Constable in 11 at 2:38 (Backbreaker) by 171.
Rusty Chains bested Parallax in 6 at 2:59 (Chickenwing) by 78 (non-title).
Rusty Chains beat Santo Gold in 6 at 2:44 (Chickenwing) by 113 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat won over Rusty Chains at 28:43 (Murphy's Law) by 4.
AI: Hypnotik destroyed TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 6 at 1:50 (Side Slam) by 81.
AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated Rusty Jones in 13 at 15:07 (Big Splash) by 20.
AI: Blitzkrieg destroyed Eddy "Freebird" Gordy at 17:08 (War Doctrine) by 7.

Card 17: Held in Mission (Attendance: 30,667)

Perfecto tied Chainsaw Henley at 22:03 (No Contest) (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered Nigel Constable in 11 at 0:34 (Brainbuster) by 171.
AI: Hypnotik beat Parallax in 6 at 5:16 (Side Slam) by 81.
AI: Hypnotik defeated Santo Gold in 6 at 0:40 (Side Slam) by 116.
AI: Skapegoat over AOD: "The Executioner" Elly De La Roberts at 2:32 (Disqualification: nail file).
AI: Hypnotik bested NMI: Greg E. Money at 21:53 (Soul Cleaver) by 8 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled AOD: "Mayor of Nightmares" Anthony Roberts at 8:34 (The Shanghaiing) by 19.
AI: Blitzkrieg bested NMI: He-Man Hoven at 10:07 (War Doctrine) by 16 (non-title).

Card 18: Held in Barbours Cut (Attendance: 49,745)

Perfecto decked The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 3:39 (Fallaway Slam) by 121 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze defeated Nigel Constable in 11 at 1:29 (Figure Four) by 180 (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith bested Parallax in 6 at 4:26 (European Uppercut) by 75.
Pizza "Roll" Smith bested Santo Gold in 6 at 3:10 (European Uppercut) by 110.
AI: Skapegoat bested Cody Classic at 12:25 (Murphy's Law) by 23.
AI: Hypnotik over Sick Steven in 13 at 6:57 (Disqualification: manager in ring).
AI: Kamikaze defeated AOD: "Mayor of Nightmares" Anthony Roberts at 5:46 (Tai-Atari) by 31 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg won over Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 16:42 (War Doctrine) by 12.

Card 19: Held in Augusta (Attendance: 30,372)

Perfecto decked Chase Victory in 6 at 6:37 (Fallaway Slam) by 84 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg outmuscled Nigel Constable in 11 at 1:46 (Cobra Clutch) by 180.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Parallax in 6 at 2:23 (Fallaway Slam) by 78.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop won over Santo Gold in 6 at 2:37 (Fallaway Slam) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat won over Pizza "Roll" Smith at 16:25 (Murphy's Law) by 6.
Swampe Socke, Jr. defeated COT: Richard Starr at 7:17 (Slammin' Salmon) by 28.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked HFC: Ryan SuperSonics at 13:08 (The Shanghaiing) by 20.
AI: Blitzkrieg bested Nefarious Ned Flanders at 7:06 (War Doctrine) by 29.

Card 20: Held in Anniston (Attendance: 47,181)

Perfecto decked Manilla Mills in 12 at 2:53 (Brainbuster) by 152 (non-title).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts overpowered Nigel Constable in 11 at 2:08 (Superplex) by 173.
AI: Kamikaze overpowered Parallax in 6 at 3:04 (European Uppercut) by 80 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze outmuscled Santo Gold in 6 at 2:42 (European Uppercut) by 115 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat over The Carolina Reaper in 14 at 14:29 (Disqualification: used rope to choke).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop won over COT: Richard Starr at 11:52 (The Shanghaiing) by 23.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered Liquid Sky at 12:30 (The Shanghaiing) by 16.
AI: Blitzkrieg bested "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 24:07 (War Doctrine) by 8.

Card 21: Held in Honolulu (Attendance: 39,807)

Perfecto beat Lex Masters in 6 at 3:08 (Fallaway Slam) by 124 (non-title).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler annihilated Nigel Constable in 11 at 1:20 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 169.
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Parallax in 6 at 4:19 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 81.
AI: Blitzkrieg outmuscled Santo Gold in 6 at 2:38 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 116.
AI: Skapegoat pinned Steven Wood at 10:58 (Murphy's Law) by 28.
Pizza "Roll" Smith beat Maurice "The Moose" Fafon at 15:21 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 20.
Torment Johnson defeated Big Ben in 14 at 1:37 (Backbreaker) by 76 (exhibition).
AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 6 at 5:41 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 81.

Card 22: Held in Hollywood (Attendance: 47,963)

Perfecto overpowered Dreadnought in 6 at 3:00 (Fallaway Slam) by 81 (non-title).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas destroyed Nigel Constable at 5:03 (The High Roller) by 59.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts pinned Parallax in 6 at 6:28 (Hammerlock) by 78.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts overpowered Santo Gold in 6 at 4:34 (Hammerlock) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat over KC: Baal in 14 at 3:38 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated Maurice "The Moose" Fafon at 15:09 (The Shanghaiing) by 17.
Torment Johnson over Ace Stevens in 6 at 6:54 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent) (exhibition).
AI: Blitzkrieg outmuscled Sick Steven in 13 at 9:59 (Big Splash) by 25.

Card 23: Held in Birmingham (Attendance: 49,792)

Perfecto annihilated Klondike Bill in 6 at 5:34 (Fallaway Slam) by 89 (non-title).
NMI: Greg E. Money defeated Nigel Constable in 11 at 2:14 (Backbreaker) by 172.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler won over Parallax in 6 at 6:53 (Headlock) by 77.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned Santo Gold in 6 at 1:45 (Headlock) by 112.
AI: Skapegoat decked Julie Hogget in 6 at 5:27 (Palm Strike) by 88.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned Maurice "The Moose" Fafon at 14:37 (Ozark Spear) by 21.
Torment Johnson won over Jaeger van Dorn in 14 at 7:24 (Backbreaker) by 59 (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts outmuscled "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague at 29:38 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 2 (non-title).

Card 24: Held in El Paso (Attendance: 38,773)

Perfecto destroyed Santo Gold in 6 at 1:20 (Fallaway Slam) by 116 (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague over Juicebox Hero in 2 at 8:12 (Count Out) (non-title).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over Parallax in 12 at 10:26 (Count Out).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas beat Santo Gold at 7:59 (The High Roller) by 72.
AI: Skapegoat decked "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini in 13 at 0:47 (Figure Four) by 150.
NMI: Greg E. Money won over Maurice "The Moose" Fafon at 14:28 (Money Maker) by 18.
Torment Johnson annihilated Bodybag Jones in 14 at 6:51 (Backbreaker) by 60 (exhibition).
Chainsaw Henley outmuscled Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 27:41 (Sawtooth Slam) by 1.

Card 25: Held in Hazzard County (Attendance: 31,146)

Perfecto overpowered "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 1:38 (Fallaway Slam) by 116 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley defeated Juicebox Hero in 6 at 6:41 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 95.
NMI: Greg E. Money defeated Parallax in 6 at 6:45 (Side Slam) by 78.
NMI: Greg E. Money pinned Santo Gold in 6 at 4:20 (Side Slam) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat beat Cyber Warrior #3 at 6:37 (Murphy's Law) by 31.
Chainsaw Henley outmuscled Chester "The Convict" Manning in 10 at 19:46 (Hammerlock) by 9 (non-title).
Torment Johnson defeated Wildfire Johnny Rage in 14 at 6:46 (Backbreaker) by 65 (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy outmuscled Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 28:07 (Freebird "Spike") by 4.

Card 26: Held in Casablanca (Attendance: 42,085)

Perfecto defeated Macho Camacho in 7 at 0:44 (Back Elbow Smash) by 121 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat overpowered Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:43 (Palm Strike) by 98.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague overpowered Dreadnought in 6 at 7:13 (Back Elbow Smash) by 74 (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague beat "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 0:47 (Back Elbow Smash) by 109 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat beat Diesel the Longshorman in 11 at 2:50 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 150.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop over Chester "The Convict" Manning at 6:17 (Disqualification: manager in ring).
Torment Johnson over Eric Darkstrom in 10 at 7:21 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone) (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts bested NMI: He-Man Hoven at 27:39 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 5 (Guest Referee: Fireside Johnson).

Card 27: Held in Sarasota (Attendance: 46,208)

Perfecto defeated "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 28:11 (El Perfecto Plancha) by 2.
Rusty Chains won over Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:43 (Chickenwing) by 96 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley annihilated Dreadnought in 6 at 4:07 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 77.
Chainsaw Henley annihilated "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 3:19 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 112.
AI: Skapegoat pinned Double "D" Christoph at 19:20 (Murphy's Law) by 6.
NMI: Greg E. Money destroyed Chester "The Convict" Manning in 14 at 8:42 (Slingshot Suplex) by 23.
Torment Johnson over Nook the Secret Weapon in 9 at 11:09 (Disqualification: loaded elbow pad) (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts decked Killer Kreed at 7:36 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 25.

Card 28: Held in Innsbruck (Attendance: 45,820)

"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler won over Perfecto at 27:50 (Ozark Spear) by 2.
AI: Hypnotik annihilated Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:38 (Side Slam) by 99.
AI: Skapegoat beat Dreadnought in 6 at 2:07 (Palm Strike) by 80.
AI: Skapegoat decked "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 3:51 (Palm Strike) by 115.
AI: Skapegoat overpowered Swampe Socke, Jr. at 28:37 (Murphy's Law) by 4.
Fireball Frye won over Diesel the Longshorman at 2:53 (Cobra Clutch / Moonsault) by 136.
Torment Johnson annihilated Derek Craven at 10:20 (The Agonizer) by 46 (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts pinned Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 27:28 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 1.

Card 29: Held in Kalamazoo (Attendance: 37,424)

Perfecto destroyed TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 2:01 (El Perfecto Plancha) by 130.
Pizza "Roll" Smith pinned Juicebox Hero in 6 at 1:41 (European Uppercut) by 93.
Rusty Chains annihilated Dreadnought in 6 at 4:19 (Chickenwing) by 78 (non-title).
Rusty Chains annihilated "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 0:35 (Chickenwing) by 113 (non-title).
Northeast title: AI: Skapegoat pinned "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 23:24 (Murphy's Law) by 9.

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Fireball Frye at 15:49 (The Shanghaiing) by 22.
Torment Johnson pinned El Diablo Sanchez in 14 at 5:43 (Backbreaker) by 56 (exhibition).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler destroyed Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 29:00 (Ozark Spear) by 3.

Card 30: Held in Naples (Attendance: 37,568)

"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague destroyed Daniel Haymanchenko at 28:01 (The Mercury) by 4 (non-title).
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler overpowered Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:41 (Ankle Lock) by 95.
AI: Hypnotik decked Dreadnought in 6 at 6:10 (Side Slam) by 81.
AI: Hypnotik pinned "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 4:27 (Side Slam) by 116.
AI: Kamikaze overpowered AI: Skapegoat at 29:32 (Tai-Atari) by 3 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley decked AOD: "The Executioner" Elly De La Roberts at 10:18 (Sawtooth Slam) by 20 (non-title).
Torment Johnson over Tygar Singh in 9 at 3:38 (Count Out) (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts beat TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 8 at 2:01 (Side Slam) by 94.

Card 31: Held in Dallas (Attendance: 30,752)

Chainsaw Henley outmuscled Daniel Haymanchenko at 22:06 (Sawtooth Slam) by 7 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:42 (Fallaway Slam) by 96.
Pizza "Roll" Smith won over Dreadnought in 6 at 5:35 (European Uppercut) by 75.
Pizza "Roll" Smith bested "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 1:53 (European Uppercut) by 110.
AI: Skapegoat defeated Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 24:40 (Murphy's Law) by 8.
Swampe Socke, Jr. won over AOD: "The Executioner" Elly De La Roberts at 9:22 (Slammin' Salmon) by 23.
The Ronin annihilated Big Ben in 6 at 7:07 (Lariat) by 70 (exhibition).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts drew NMI: Greg E. Money at 28:08 (Double Count Out).

Card 32: Held in Kansas City (Attendance: 48,446)

Daniel Haymanchenko over "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini in 3 at 17:25 (Disqualification: hit ref).
AI: Kamikaze overpowered Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:31 (European Uppercut) by 98 (non-title).
Swampe Socke, Jr. beat Dreadnought in 6 at 1:48 (Palm Strike) by 77.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 4:31 (Fallaway Slam) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat defeated Eddy "Freebird" Gordy at 27:00 (Murphy's Law) by 4.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked AOD: "The Executioner" Elly De La Roberts in 14 at 15:08 (Backbreaker) by 14.
The Ronin destroyed Ace Stevens in 6 at 5:57 (Lariat) by 72 (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy annihilated "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague at 21:50 (Freebird "Spike") by 6 (non-title).

Card 33: Held in Chickasaw County (Attendance: 34,267)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated Daniel Haymanchenko at 27:42 (The Shanghaiing) by 5 (Guest Referee: COT: Rocking Rickie Starr).
AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated Juicebox Hero in 6 at 2:21 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 99.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated Dreadnought in 6 at 5:38 (Fallaway Slam) by 78.
AI: Kamikaze destroyed "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 2:55 (European Uppercut) by 115 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat destroyed NMI: He-Man Hoven at 16:26 (Murphy's Law) by 13 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze over AOD: "The Executioner" Elly De La Roberts at 4:11 (Count Out) (non-title).
The Ronin overpowered Jaeger van Dorn in 6 at 6:18 (Lariat) by 56 (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy destroyed Chainsaw Henley at 27:37 (Freebird "Spike") by 3.

Card 34: Held in Nairobi (Attendance: 40,152)

"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler outmuscled Daniel Haymanchenko at 17:29 (Ozark Spear) by 9.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts pinned Juicebox Hero in 6 at 5:04 (Hammerlock) by 96.
AI: Kamikaze won over Dreadnought in 6 at 2:45 (European Uppercut) by 80 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg won over "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 4:19 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 116.
AI: Skapegoat over Killer Kreed in 14 at 11:34 (Count Out) (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley overpowered DSB: Ludwig Schroder at 12:06 (Sawtooth Slam) by 24 (non-title).
The Ronin over Bodybag Jones in 3 at 23:12 (Count Out) (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy annihilated NMI: He-Man Hoven at 15:22 (Freebird "Spike") by 9.

Card 35: Held in Green Bay (Attendance: 31,475)

NMI: Greg E. Money annihilated Daniel Haymanchenko at 22:40 (Money Maker) by 6.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler decked Juicebox Hero in 6 at 6:15 (Headlock) by 95.
AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated Dreadnought in 6 at 6:34 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 81.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts annihilated "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 2:46 (Hammerlock) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat annihilated Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 24:31 (Murphy's Law) by 9.
Swampe Socke, Jr. defeated Cody Classic at 7:38 (Slammin' Salmon) by 19.
The Ronin bested Wildfire Johnny Rage in 6 at 5:57 (Lariat) by 62 (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy bested "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 28:48 (Freebird "Spike") by 1.

Card 36: Held in Leeds (Attendance: 46,409)

AI: Hypnotik decked EVERLAST: Old Gray Hair at 9:51 (Soul Cleaver) by 25.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas defeated Juicebox Hero at 4:34 (The High Roller) by 60.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts outmuscled Dreadnought in 6 at 3:10 (Hammerlock) by 78.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler beat "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 3:18 (Headlock) by 112.
AI: Skapegoat won over TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 8 at 5:45 (Ankle Lock) by 96.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested Cody Classic at 12:39 (The Shanghaiing) by 14.
The Ronin bested Eric Darkstrom in 8 at 3:59 (Pumphandle Slam) by 70 (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy pinned TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 0:39 (Freebird "Spike") by 133.

Card 37: Held in Edmonton (Attendance: 46,713)

AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated EVERLAST: Old Gray Hair at 8:01 (War Doctrine) by 28.
NMI: Greg E. Money destroyed Juicebox Hero in 6 at 2:31 (Side Slam) by 96.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler overpowered Dreadnought in 6 at 5:54 (Headlock) by 77.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas bested "Hangman" Bruce Probanz at 6:48 (The High Roller) by 72.
AI: Skapegoat pinned NMI: Greg E. Money at 17:44 (Murphy's Law) by 8 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze decked Cody Classic at 10:45 (Tai-Atari) by 26 (non-title).
The Ronin won over Nook the Secret Weapon at 0:44 (Superkick) by 128 (exhibition).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy bested NMI: Greg E. Money at 28:29 (Freebird "Spike") by 4.

Card 38: Held in Johannesburg (Attendance: 43,488)

"The Last Gunfighter" Chance Chambers won over TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 4:26 (Sharpshooter) by 111.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague defeated "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:36 (Back Elbow Smash) by 99 (non-title).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over Dreadnought in 9 at 4:54 (Disqualification: used rope to choke).
NMI: Greg E. Money defeated "Hangman" Bruce Probanz in 6 at 2:02 (Side Slam) by 113.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled Dirty Old Man at 9:30 (The Shanghaiing) by 20.
AI: Blitzkrieg decked Cody Classic at 5:22 (War Doctrine) by 26.
The Ronin annihilated Derek Craven at 2:49 (Superkick) by 109 (exhibition).
Sammy "Freebird" Hayes outmuscled NMI: He-Man Hoven at 27:51 (Freebird "DDT") by 4.

Card 39: Held in Lincoln (Attendance: 41,805)

"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 1:56 (Back Elbow Smash) by 114 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley won over "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:46 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 102.
NMI: Greg E. Money beat Dreadnought in 6 at 3:49 (Side Slam) by 78.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague overpowered Macho Camacho in 7 at 2:16 (Chickenwing) by 117 (non-title).
Dirty Old Man outmuscled TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 1:32 (The Metamucil Mash) by 108.
Chainsaw Henley won over COT: Rocking Rickie Starr at 15:38 (Sawtooth Slam) by 23 (non-title).
The Ronin beat El Diablo Sanchez in 10 at 5:18 (Savate Kick) by 92 (exhibition).
NMI: Greg E. Money defeated Killer Kreed at 7:29 (Money Maker) by 25.

Card 40: Held in Ottawa (Attendance: 46,562)

Chainsaw Henley beat The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 1:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 117.
AI: Skapegoat won over "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:27 (Palm Strike) by 105.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 6:33 (Back Elbow Smash) by 89 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley won over Macho Camacho in 6 at 5:29 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 96.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered El Bandolero at 11:39 (The Shanghaiing) by 19.
"The First Lady" Aaliyah Zoe decked COT: Rocking Rickie Starr at 15:39 (Shell Toe Stomp) by 23.
The Ronin destroyed Tygar Singh in 6 at 4:46 (Lariat) by 61 (exhibition).
Sammy "Freebird" Hayes decked "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague at 29:57 (Freebird "DDT") by 1 (non-title).

Card 41: Held in Columbus (Attendance: 40,296)

AI: Skapegoat defeated The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 3:51 (Palm Strike) by 120.
Rusty Chains beat "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 0:34 (Chickenwing) by 103 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 2 at 1:38 (Disqualification: loaded elbow pad).
AI: Skapegoat decked Macho Camacho in 6 at 3:07 (Palm Strike) by 99.
AI: Hypnotik pinned The Headhunter at 8:45 (Soul Cleaver) by 25.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop won over COT: Rocking Rickie Starr at 10:08 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong pinned Big Ben in 6 at 6:51 (Irish Whip) by 67 (exhibition).
Chainsaw Henley decked Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 29:52 (Sawtooth Slam) by 2.

Card 42: Held in New Orleans (Attendance: 43,932)

Rusty Chains decked The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 4:50 (Chickenwing) by 118 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik over "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 2 at 9:04 (Count Out).
AI: Skapegoat over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 2 at 14:57 (Disqualification: pushed ref).
Rusty Chains over Macho Camacho in 2 at 10:35 (Disqualification: pushed ref) (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated The Headhunter at 10:10 (The Shanghaiing) by 16.
Pizza "Roll" Smith outmuscled Chainsaw Henley at 28:13 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 1 (non-title).
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong defeated Ace Stevens at 3:03 (Tickle Torture) by 120 (exhibition).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 28:03 (Ozark Spear) by 4.

Card 43: Held in Hong Kong (Attendance: 47,899)

AI: Hypnotik annihilated The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 0:46 (Side Slam) by 121.
Pizza "Roll" Smith won over "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:25 (European Uppercut) by 100.
Rusty Chains over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 3 at 0:47 (Count Out) (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik defeated Macho Camacho in 6 at 4:19 (Side Slam) by 100.
AI: Blitzkrieg bested The Headhunter in 12 at 15:24 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 21.
Pizza "Roll" Smith drew Double "D" Christoph at 4:46 (Double Count Out).
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong annihilated Jaeger van Dorn in 11 at 1:30 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 89 (exhibition).
Sammy "Freebird" Hayes decked TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 1:31 (Freebird "DDT") by 128.

Card 44: Held in Cadiz (Attendance: 41,301)

Pizza "Roll" Smith bested The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 2:11 (European Uppercut) by 115.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 1:33 (Fallaway Slam) by 103.
AI: Hypnotik decked "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 5:26 (Side Slam) by 96.
Pizza "Roll" Smith over Macho Camacho in 2 at 28:11 (Disqualification: manager in ring).
AI: Hypnotik won over Rowdy Rick Rogers in 13 at 15:20 (Superplex) by 21.
Pizza "Roll" Smith annihilated "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 28:22 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 3.
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong over Bodybag Jones in 3 at 12:47 (Count Out) (exhibition).
NMI: Greg E. Money annihilated Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 28:14 (Money Maker) by 1.

Card 45: Held in Gadsden (Attendance: 47,644)

Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 1:09 (Palm Strike) by 117.
AI: Kamikaze bested "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 4:47 (European Uppercut) by 105 (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith annihilated "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 4:28 (European Uppercut) by 90.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop over Macho Camacho in 2 at 1:59 (Count Out).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled Rowdy Rick Rogers in 14 at 15:27 (Backbreaker) by 13.
AI: Kamikaze defeated Pizza "Roll" Smith at 21:10 (Tai-Atari) by 9.
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong pinned Wildfire Johnny Rage in 11 at 2:14 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 99 (exhibition).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler defeated A.J. Hammer at 16:33 (Ozark Spear) by 6.

Card 46: Held in Jacksonville (Attendance: 39,483)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 1:53 (Fallaway Slam) by 118.
AI: Blitzkrieg won over "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:37 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 106.
Swampe Socke, Jr. over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 3 at 4:53 (Count Out).
AI: Kamikaze overpowered Macho Camacho in 6 at 6:43 (European Uppercut) by 99 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg over Rowdy Rick Rogers at 0:43 (Disqualification: hidden spike).
Pizza "Roll" Smith won over Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 27:13 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 2.
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong over Eric Darkstrom in 5 at 3:04 (Count Out) (exhibition).
A.J. Hammer outmuscled TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 6 at 2:36 (Fallaway Slam) by 80.

Card 47: Held in Gary (Attendance: 30,763)

AI: Kamikaze annihilated The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 2:11 (European Uppercut) by 120 (non-title).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts beat "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:36 (Hammerlock) by 103.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 4:26 (Fallaway Slam) by 93.
AI: Blitzkrieg over Macho Camacho in 2 at 5:48 (Disqualification: manager in ring).
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles destroyed Rusty Chains at 29:36 (C.O.D.) by 5 (non-title) (Guest Referee: Killer Grandpa Qualski).
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy decked Pizza "Roll" Smith at 29:56 (Freebird "Spike") by 2.
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong beat Nook the Secret Weapon at 1:53 (Tickle Torture) by 118 (exhibition).
NMI: Greg E. Money pinned A.J. Hammer at 28:49 (Money Maker) by 3 (ladder).

Card 48: Held in Pierre (Attendance: 36,783)

AI: Blitzkrieg destroyed The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 1:45 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 121.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 6 at 3:01 (Headlock) by 102.
AI: Kamikaze over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 2 at 2:51 (Count Out) (non-title).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts over Macho Camacho in 2 at 4:01 (Count Out).
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles annihilated Pizza "Roll" Smith at 18:13 (C.O.D.) by 7.
Pizza "Roll" Smith pinned NMI: He-Man Hoven at 20:21 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 7 (non-title).
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong outmuscled Derek Craven at 6:56 (Tickle Torture) by 99 (exhibition).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler destroyed James "The Conductor" Morgan in 9 at 1:15 (Side Slam) by 135.

Card 49: Held in Montreal (Attendance: 49,963)

Teddy "Freebird" Roberts pinned The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 2:13 (Hammerlock) by 118.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas decked "Blaster" Raymond Blantley at 5:55 (The High Roller) by 78.
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 5:51 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 96.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler annihilated Macho Camacho in 7 at 4:21 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 120.
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles beat S.L.D. at 28:27 (C.O.D.) by 5 (Guest Referee: Nic Cage).
Pacific Northwest title: Pizza "Roll" Smith over Killer Kreed in 14 at 3:16 (Disqualification: used powder).

"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong pinned El Diablo Sanchez at 2:52 (Tickle Torture) by 110 (exhibition).
Chainsaw Henley pinned Billy "The Brawler" McVeay at 12:56 (Sawtooth Slam) by 19 (non-title).

Card 50: Held in Manchester (Attendance: 48,213)

"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 1:29 (Headlock) by 117.
NMI: Greg E. Money over "Blaster" Raymond Blantley in 2 at 8:16 (Disqualification: refused to break choke).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts won over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 3:26 (Hammerlock) by 93.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas beat Macho Camacho at 6:16 (The High Roller) by 70.
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles won over Double "D" Christoph at 24:44 (C.O.D.) by 7 (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 29:22 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 3.
"No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong destroyed Tygar Singh at 3:45 (Tickle Torture) by 121 (exhibition).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague bested Jailbird Smith at 11:09 (The Mercury) by 22 (non-title).

Card 51: Held in Bern (Attendance: 43,245)

TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas annihilated The Mayans: Hector Alvarez at 3:18 (The High Roller) by 68.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague defeated "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 4:21 (Back Elbow Smash) by 92 (non-title).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 3 at 5:49 (Disqualification: used powder).
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered Macho Camacho in 7 at 2:40 (European Uppercut) by 120.
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles defeated Guitar Man at 28:45 (C.O.D.) by 4.
Pizza "Roll" Smith won over A.J. Hammer at 28:55 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 5 (Guest Referee: Dirty Old Man).
Ashiok destroyed Big Ben at 2:56 (Spinebuster) by 123 (exhibition).
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered Jailbird Smith at 12:51 (Money Maker) by 24.

Card 52: Held in Madrid (Attendance: 39,119)

NMI: Greg E. Money bested The Mayans: Hector Alvarez in 6 at 2:48 (Side Slam) by 118.
Chainsaw Henley defeated "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 9 at 0:28 (Pumphandle Slam) by 129.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 12 at 14:17 (Disqualification: hit ref).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated Brother Midnight at 1:27 (The Mercury) by 204 (non-title).
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles overpowered Swampe Socke, Jr. at 27:42 (C.O.D.) by 5 (Guest Referee: G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler defeated Pizza "Roll" Smith at 29:29 (Ozark Spear) by 1.
Ashiok destroyed Ace Stevens in 11 at 5:27 (Cutter) by 87 (exhibition).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague won over TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 2:43 (The Mercury) by 127 (non-title).

Card 53: Held in Midtown (Attendance: 41,830)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough decked Juicebox Hero in 6 at 2:48 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 98.
AI: Skapegoat defeated "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 2:16 (Palm Strike) by 98.
NMI: Greg E. Money destroyed "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 4:28 (Side Slam) by 93.
Chainsaw Henley bested Brother Midnight in 6 at 1:04 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 100.
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles destroyed "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 22:27 (C.O.D.) by 10 (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith pinned TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 6 at 5:33 (European Uppercut) by 75.
Ashiok pinned Jaeger van Dorn in 11 at 2:04 (Cutter) by 81 (exhibition).
Chainsaw Henley decked TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 2:36 (Sawtooth Slam) by 130 (non-title).

Card 54: Held in Donegal (Attendance: 35,413)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough bested Cooper Jones in 6 at 3:37 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 79.
Rusty Chains overpowered "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 9 at 1:49 (Side Slam) by 133 (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 8 at 4:34 (Headlock) by 112 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat outmuscled Brother Midnight in 6 at 3:19 (Palm Strike) by 103.
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles at 29:41 (War Doctrine) by 2 (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith annihilated NMI: Greg E. Money at 29:47 (Howlin' at the Moon) by 2.
Ashiok annihilated Bodybag Jones at 4:41 (Spinebuster) by 104 (exhibition).
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* outmuscled Starlyte and "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague* at 21:42 (War Doctrine) by 6.

Card 55: Held in Yonkers (Attendance: 48,214)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough overpowered Will O'Wick in 6 at 2:35 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 115.
AI: Hypnotik overpowered "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 6:26 (Side Slam) by 99.
Chainsaw Henley over Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 3 at 27:30 (Count Out).
Rusty Chains defeated Brother Midnight in 6 at 3:09 (Chickenwing) by 101 (non-title).
Swampe Socke, Jr. bested "The Juggernaut" Alex Storm in 14 at 13:38 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 15.
Chainsaw Henley pinned COT: Ricky "Wolfie" King at 12:54 (Sawtooth Slam) by 23 (non-title).
Ashiok pinned Wildfire Johnny Rage in 11 at 5:50 (Cutter) by 91 (exhibition).
Starlyte and "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague* pinned NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 17:34 (Blasterhawk) by 6.

Card 56: Held in Budapest (Attendance: 38,198)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough won over Chase Victory in 8 at 1:27 (Pumphandle Slam) by 124.
Pizza "Roll" Smith outmuscled "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 5:10 (European Uppercut) by 93.
AI: Skapegoat pinned Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat at 0:55 (Murphy's Law) by 164.
AI: Hypnotik over Brother Midnight in 1 at 8:49 (Disqualification: used steel chair).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated Doctype in 14 at 8:36 (Backbreaker) by 18.
Double "D" Christoph pinned COT: Ricky "Wolfie" King at 8:23 (The "D" Jab) by 24.
Ashiok annihilated Eric Darkstrom in 11 at 4:26 (Cutter) by 76 (exhibition).
Starlyte and Swampe Socke, Jr.* decked Natalie Nightmare and Nic Cage* at 9:55 (Compromised) by 26.

Card 57: Held in Belgrade (Attendance: 49,887)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough bested "Always Wins" Lucky Williams in 6 at 2:08 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 95 (tennis racket).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 2:02 (Fallaway Slam) by 96.
Rusty Chains over Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 3 at 5:46 (Count Out) (non-title).
Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Brother Midnight in 6 at 2:23 (European Uppercut) by 98.
Swampe Socke, Jr. over 3MM: Murder at 8:39 (Disqualification: used brass knuckles).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested Lockheed in 14 at 9:11 (Backbreaker) by 19.
Ashiok overpowered Nook the Secret Weapon at 1:50 (Spinebuster) by 108 (exhibition).
Starlyte and Swampe Socke, Jr.* decked 3MM: Murder* and TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 10:50 (Compromised) by 28.

Card 58: Held in Pahrump (Attendance: 48,570)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough pinned "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 6:05 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 89.
AI: Kamikaze defeated "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 9 at 2:33 (Ankle Lock) by 136 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik pinned Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 8 at 0:41 (Palm Strike) by 118.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Brother Midnight in 6 at 3:12 (Fallaway Slam) by 101.
Swampe Socke, Jr. bested Lizzee Scarlett at 15:41 (Slammin' Salmon) by 23.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat COT: John Holland at 13:34 (The Shanghaiing) by 17.
Ashiok decked Derek Craven at 3:57 (Spinebuster) by 89 (exhibition).
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* pinned Starlyte and Swampe Socke, Jr.* at 29:42 (War Doctrine) by 5 (Guest Referee: Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q.).

Card 59: Held in Brideshead (Attendance: 43,303)

BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough outmuscled The Carolina Reaper at 15:02 (Eight Figure Dream) by 21.
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 5:30 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 99.
Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 14 at 2:24 (Backbreaker) by 149.
AI: Kamikaze bested Brother Midnight in 6 at 2:44 (European Uppercut) by 103 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik over Disintegrator in 13 at 6:08 (Disqualification: pushed ref).
Swampe Socke, Jr. over The Carolina Reaper at 0:54 (Disqualification: nail file).
Ashiok destroyed El Diablo Sanchez at 0:42 (Spinebuster) by 100 (exhibition).
Starlyte and Swampe Socke, Jr.* beat DSB: Ludwig Schroder* in 6 at 11:42 (Palm Strike) by 18 (handicap).

Card 60: Held in Luxembourg (Attendance: 36,396)

Swampe Socke, Jr. bested BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough at 24:32 (Slammin' Salmon) by 6.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts pinned "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 1:44 (Hammerlock) by 96.
Swampe Socke, Jr. over Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 3 at 6:39 (Count Out).
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Brother Midnight in 6 at 4:30 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 104.
AI: Kamikaze over Disintegrator in 13 at 29:22 (Disqualification: hit ref) (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed The Carolina Reaper at 13:09 (The Shanghaiing) by 22.
Ashiok over Tygar Singh in 6 at 18:35 (Disqualification: pushed ref) (exhibition).
Starlyte* and Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled HFC: Matt SuperSonics* and Ryan SuperSonics in 14 at 10:36 (Superplex) by 23.

Card 61: Held in Juneau (Attendance: 46,556)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough at 28:32 (The Shanghaiing) by 1.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler bested "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 9 at 0:50 (Side Slam) by 132.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 14 at 2:21 (Backbreaker) by 144.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts beat Brother Midnight in 6 at 3:01 (Hammerlock) by 101.
AI: Blitzkrieg decked Disintegrator in 11 at 11:49 (Cobra Clutch) by 21.
AI: Kamikaze bested The Carolina Reaper at 5:33 (Tai-Atari) by 34 (non-title).
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio overpowered Big Ben in 6 at 2:01 (Pumphandle Slam) by 78 (exhibition).
Starlyte and Swampe Socke, Jr.* decked NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 22:52 (Compromised) by 7.

Card 62: Held in Oklahoma City (Attendance: 33,752)

AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough at 14:11 (War Doctrine) by 13.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 8 at 3:09 (Count Out).
AI: Kamikaze overpowered Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 8 at 2:42 (Bodyslam) by 119 (non-title).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler beat Brother Midnight in 6 at 4:17 (Headlock) by 100.
Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled Ace Fury at 12:33 (Slammin' Salmon) by 23.
Swampe Socke, Jr. overpowered Melchizedek in 7 at 7:48 (Chickenwing) by 40.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio overpowered Ace Stevens in 6 at 2:08 (Pumphandle Slam) by 80 (exhibition).
AI: Skapegoat* and Hypnotik outmuscled Pizza "Roll" Smith and "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague* at 22:27 (Aggressive Intentions) by 8.

Card 63: Held in Indianapolis (Attendance: 48,507)

NMI: Greg E. Money defeated BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough at 27:14 (Money Maker) by 2.
NMI: Greg E. Money annihilated "Nature Boy" Ken Davis in 6 at 1:34 (Side Slam) by 96.
AI: Blitzkrieg bested Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat at 2:18 (War Doctrine) by 167.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas won over Brother Midnight at 6:47 (The High Roller) by 77.
AI: Kamikaze over Ace Fury at 4:17 (Count Out) (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley overpowered C&A: Cece Catastrophe at 9:12 (Sawtooth Slam) by 28 (non-title).
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio pinned Jaeger van Dorn in 6 at 3:41 (Pumphandle Slam) by 64 (exhibition).
AI: Skapegoat* and Hypnotik decked NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 16:24 (Aggressive Intentions) by 10.

Card 64: Held in Melbourne (Attendance: 33,135)

"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 2 at 7:03 (Disqualification: used steel chair) (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague pinned Maniac Manny in 6 at 2:49 (Back Elbow Smash) by 110 (non-title).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts decked Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat at 2:10 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 156.
NMI: Greg E. Money annihilated Brother Midnight in 6 at 4:09 (Side Slam) by 101.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated DH: "The Crippler" Bobby Zamudio in 14 at 11:01 (Backbreaker) by 17.
Swampe Socke, Jr. won over Steven Wood at 9:34 (Slammin' Salmon) by 24.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio beat Bodybag Jones in 8 at 2:15 (Rib Breaker) by 110 (exhibition).
AI: Skapegoat* and Kamikaze tied AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* at 5:31 (Double Count Out).

Card 65: Held in Lisbon (Attendance: 45,018)

Chainsaw Henley pinned I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 12 at 1:14 (Big Splash) by 154.
Chainsaw Henley annihilated Maniac Manny in 6 at 4:43 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 113.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler over Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 3 at 4:24 (Disqualification: hit ref).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague outmuscled Billy Galaxy in 6 at 5:34 (Back Elbow Smash) by 86 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze overpowered DH: "The Crippler" Bobby Zamudio at 9:16 (Tai-Atari) by 32 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze over Steven Wood in 13 at 4:40 (Disqualification: used steel chair) (non-title).
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio outmuscled Wildfire Johnny Rage in 6 at 4:18 (Pumphandle Slam) by 70 (exhibition).
AI: Skapegoat* and Kamikaze beat NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 15:16 (Aggressive Intentions) by 12.

Card 66: Held in Liverpool (Attendance: 30,204)

AI: Skapegoat bested I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 6 at 2:16 (Palm Strike) by 81.
AI: Skapegoat decked Maniac Manny in 6 at 1:27 (Palm Strike) by 116.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat at 5:12 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent).
Chainsaw Henley decked Billy Galaxy in 6 at 5:38 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 89.
Rusty Chains destroyed Mike "Rampage" Sanders in 14 at 11:28 (Superplex) by 21 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley decked TRD: The Equalizer at 8:12 (Sawtooth Slam) by 20 (non-title).
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio outmuscled Eric Darkstrom in 8 at 4:32 (Rib Breaker) by 101 (exhibition).
AI: Skapegoat and Blitzkrieg* bested NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 20:06 (War Doctrine) by 10.

Card 67: Held in Hanoi (Attendance: 39,473)

Rusty Chains over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 2 at 4:26 (Count Out) (non-title).
Rusty Chains destroyed Maniac Manny in 6 at 3:58 (Chickenwing) by 114 (non-title).
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered Zack A. Roni, the San Francisco Heat in 8 at 2:18 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat annihilated Billy Galaxy in 6 at 5:28 (Palm Strike) by 92.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned Mike "Rampage" Sanders at 14:31 (Ozark Spear) by 22.
Swampe Socke, Jr. overpowered FEAR: D. Honda at 7:45 (Slammin' Salmon) by 29.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio decked Nook the Secret Weapon in 6 at 4:40 (Pumphandle Slam) by 71 (exhibition).
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles* and Thomas "TD" Banks decked AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* at 28:57 (Paid in Full) by 2.

Card 68: Held in Riyadh (Attendance: 39,393)

AI: Hypnotik beat I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 12 at 0:30 (Figure Four) by 162.
AI: Hypnotik annihilated Maniac Manny in 6 at 2:22 (Side Slam) by 117.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague over "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 2 at 11:55 (Count Out) (non-title).
Rusty Chains beat Billy Galaxy in 6 at 4:01 (Chickenwing) by 90 (non-title).
NMI: Greg E. Money beat Mike "Rampage" Sanders at 15:36 (Money Maker) by 19 (falls count anywhere).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Mad Dog Ben in 14 at 14:56 (Backbreaker) by 18.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio won over Derek Craven in 8 at 4:53 (Rib Breaker) by 96 (exhibition).
League Tag-team titles: NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles* and Thomas "TD" Banks bested NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 13:35 (Paid in Full) by 14.

Card 69: Held in Ravenna (Attendance: 30,890)

Pizza "Roll" Smith over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 2 at 3:42 (Count Out).
Pizza "Roll" Smith defeated Maniac Manny in 6 at 3:51 (European Uppercut) by 111.
Chainsaw Henley over "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 1 at 5:00 (Disqualification: manager in ring).
AI: Hypnotik pinned Billy Galaxy in 6 at 6:12 (Side Slam) by 93.
Rusty Chains pinned El Grandioso at 7:06 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 26 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg decked "Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler at 19:44 (War Doctrine) by 14.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio over El Diablo Sanchez in 3 at 6:22 (Count Out) (exhibition).
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* won over NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles* and Greg E. Money at 19:41 (War Doctrine) by 7.

Card 70: Held in Sacramento (Attendance: 49,906)

Swampe Socke, Jr. over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 2 at 5:09 (Count Out).
Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled Maniac Manny in 6 at 2:12 (Palm Strike) by 113.
AI: Skapegoat decked "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 4:05 (Palm Strike) by 86.
Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Billy Galaxy in 6 at 5:42 (European Uppercut) by 87.
Pizza "Roll" Smith pinned El Grandioso in 14 at 8:20 (Backbreaker) by 22.
Sammy "Freebird" Hayes bested "Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler at 29:00 (Freebird "DDT") by 2.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio over Tygar Singh in 3 at 7:58 (Disqualification: used powder) (exhibition).
AI: Hypnotik and Kamikaze* annihilated NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 16:35 (Tai-Atari) by 10.

Card 71: Held in Mayberry (Attendance: 38,806)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop won over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 12 at 1:16 (Superplex) by 155.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked Maniac Manny in 6 at 3:04 (Fallaway Slam) by 114.
Rusty Chains bested "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 2:04 (Chickenwing) by 84 (non-title).
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler annihilated Billy Galaxy in 6 at 1:38 (Ankle Lock) by 89.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler won over El Grandioso at 10:07 (Ozark Spear) by 25.
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler won over JT Yuppie at 3:58 (Perfect Plex) by 56.
Southwest title: S.L.D. decked Chainsaw Henley at 27:11 (Deep Dive) by 3.

AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* bested S.L.D.* and "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 29:42 (War Doctrine) by 3.

Card 72: Held in Baltimore (Attendance: 43,073)

AI: Kamikaze beat I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 12 at 0:39 (Cobra Clutch) by 165 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze overpowered Maniac Manny in 6 at 0:41 (European Uppercut) by 116 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik destroyed "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 3:16 (Side Slam) by 87.
Swampe Socke, Jr. pinned Billy Galaxy in 6 at 4:35 (Palm Strike) by 89.
El Grandioso over TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 4 at 3:54 (Disqualification: used rope to choke).
Chainsaw Henley destroyed Broly King at 15:33 (Sawtooth Slam) by 23 (non-title).
S.L.D. pinned Double "D" Christoph at 27:25 (Deep Dive) by 2.
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* pinned NMI: Thomas "TD" Banks* and Greg E. Money at 20:46 (War Doctrine) by 6.

Card 73: Held in Phoenix (Attendance: 31,924)

AI: Blitzkrieg over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 2 at 3:17 (Count Out).
AI: Blitzkrieg beat Maniac Manny in 6 at 4:17 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 117.
Pizza "Roll" Smith decked "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 1:39 (European Uppercut) by 81.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated Billy Galaxy in 6 at 2:05 (Fallaway Slam) by 90.
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered El Grandioso at 15:49 (Money Maker) by 22.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked Broly King at 13:57 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
S.L.D. won over "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 29:13 (Deep Dive) by 5 (Guest Referee: AOD: "The Executioner" Elly De La Roberts).
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* pinned Teddy "Freebird" Roberts and Eddy "Freebird" Gordy* at 13:41 (War Doctrine) by 14.

Card 74: Held in Houston (Attendance: 42,571)

Teddy "Freebird" Roberts defeated I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 12 at 2:46 (Brainbuster) by 156.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts won over Maniac Manny in 6 at 3:32 (Hammerlock) by 114.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop won over "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 2:23 (Fallaway Slam) by 84.
AI: Kamikaze won over Billy Galaxy in 6 at 1:49 (European Uppercut) by 92 (non-title).
Rusty Chains outmuscled "Hillbilly Voodoo" Dox Holland in 9 at 15:00 (Side Slam) by 12 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg annihilated Broly King in 13 at 9:11 (Big Splash) by 24.
S.L.D. won over NMI: He-Man Hoven at 17:51 (Deep Dive) by 9.
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* overpowered Teddy "Freebird" Roberts and Sammy "Freebird" Hayes* at 14:43 (War Doctrine) by 12.

Card 75: Held in Cape Town (Attendance: 48,477)

"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler outmuscled I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 6 at 5:39 (Headlock) by 78.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler overpowered Maniac Manny in 6 at 3:03 (Headlock) by 113.
AI: Kamikaze over "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 1 at 14:56 (Disqualification: used steel chair) (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Billy Galaxy in 6 at 1:43 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 93.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler beat "Hillbilly Voodoo" Dox Holland at 9:15 (Ozark Spear) by 22.
"The First Lady" Aaliyah Zoe overpowered Crystal Clear at 8:28 (Shell Toe Stomp) by 25.
S.L.D. bested "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 27:35 (Deep Dive) by 1.
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* annihilated Eddy "Freebird" Gordy* and Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 17:43 (War Doctrine) by 10.

Card 76: Held in Galveston (Attendance: 30,598)

TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 9 at 5:46 (Disqualification: used powder).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over Maniac Manny in 5 at 5:22 (Count Out).
AI: Blitzkrieg bested "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 2:29 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 87.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts pinned Billy Galaxy in 6 at 3:01 (Hammerlock) by 90.
NMI: Greg E. Money pinned "Hillbilly Voodoo" Dox Holland at 13:58 (Money Maker) by 19.
Crystal Clear annihilated Julie Hogget in 6 at 4:46 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 78.
Swampe Socke, Jr. annihilated Double "D" Christoph at 28:20 (Slammin' Salmon) by 2.
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* destroyed NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 17:39 (War Doctrine) by 12.

Card 77: Held in Mentor-on-the-Lake (Attendance: 32,434)

NMI: Greg E. Money bested I.R.A.: "Mad Dog" Patrick Treacy in 12 at 2:13 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 153.
NMI: Greg E. Money won over Maniac Manny in 6 at 4:08 (Side Slam) by 114.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts over "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 1 at 1:53 (Disqualification: pushed ref).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler over Billy Galaxy in 3 at 8:07 (Count Out).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested Dusty Thornsen at 13:32 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled Crystal Clear at 14:17 (The Shanghaiing) by 23.
Double "D" Christoph bested "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 29:14 (The "D" Jab) by 3.
AI: Kamikaze and Blitzkrieg* destroyed NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 14:25 (War Doctrine) by 13.

Card 78: Held in Norwalk (Attendance: 32,418)

"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague bested EL Tigre in 6 at 1:00 (Back Elbow Smash) by 104 (non-title).
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler outmuscled Cooper Jones in 12 at 1:41 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 177.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler decked "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 6:54 (Headlock) by 83.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas bested Billy Galaxy at 8:09 (The High Roller) by 28.
Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled "Greatful" Gavin Green at 9:20 (Slammin' Salmon) by 25.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned Fireside Johnson at 14:00 (The Shanghaiing) by 15.
AI: Kamikaze won over Double "D" Christoph at 15:29 (Tai-Atari) by 9 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik and Blitzkrieg* destroyed NMI: He-Man Hoven* and Greg E. Money at 11:12 (War Doctrine) by 12.

Card 79: Held in Fort Wayne (Attendance: 43,142)

Chainsaw Henley annihilated EL Tigre in 6 at 3:56 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 107.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague overpowered Will O'Wick in 6 at 3:09 (Back Elbow Smash) by 109 (non-title).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas won over "Smart" Mark Meltzer at 2:57 (The High Roller) by 68.
NMI: Greg E. Money outmuscled Billy Galaxy in 6 at 4:57 (Side Slam) by 90.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated "Greatful" Gavin Green at 8:42 (The Shanghaiing) by 20.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested NWK at 11:02 (The Shanghaiing) by 17.
AI: Blitzkrieg decked Double "D" Christoph at 18:08 (War Doctrine) by 9 (non-title).
Daniel Haymanchenko*, Adam Kleinovitch, and Julie Hogget beat Santo Gold*, "Hangman" Bruce Probanz, and Macho Camacho in 6 at 2:44 (Headlock) by 80.

Card 80: Held in Santiago (Attendance: 33,294)

AI: Skapegoat beat EL Tigre in 6 at 2:03 (Palm Strike) by 110.
Chainsaw Henley pinned Will O'Wick in 6 at 3:27 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 112.
NMI: Greg E. Money overpowered "Smart" Mark Meltzer in 6 at 2:00 (Side Slam) by 84.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague overpowered Adam Kleinovitch at 27:14 (The Mercury) by 2 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze over "Greatful" Gavin Green in 14 at 12:47 (Disqualification: hidden spike) (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley destroyed The Barbwire Madman Hulk Jr. at 9:31 (Sawtooth Slam) by 15 (non-title).
Double "D" Christoph annihilated Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 29:45 (The "D" Jab) by 2.
Daniel Haymanchenko*, Adam Kleinovitch, and "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini beat Santo Gold*, "Hangman" Bruce Probanz, and Macho Camacho in 6 at 2:48 (Headlock) by 80.

Card 81: Held in the Free State (Attendance: 33,647)

Rusty Chains pinned EL Tigre in 6 at 2:46 (Chickenwing) by 108 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat bested Will O'Wick in 6 at 3:18 (Palm Strike) by 115.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague defeated "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 6:47 (Back Elbow Smash) by 83 (non-title).
Adam Kleinovitch pinned Nic Cage at 7:01 (Calling Home) by 18.
Rusty Chains beat Chainsaw Henley at 29:33 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 3 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked The Barbwire Madman Hulk Jr. at 13:37 (The Shanghaiing) by 13.
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy annihilated Double "D" Christoph at 27:36 (Freebird "Spike") by 2.
Daniel Haymanchenko*, Adam Kleinovitch, and Diesel the Longshorman destroyed Santo Gold*, "Hangman" Bruce Probanz, and Macho Camacho in 6 at 4:33 (Headlock) by 80.

Card 82: Held in Hermosillo (Attendance: 42,852)

AI: Hypnotik over EL Tigre in 1 at 1:35 (Disqualification: hit ref).
Rusty Chains decked Will O'Wick in 6 at 3:40 (Chickenwing) by 113 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley annihilated "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 10 at 2:20 (Hammerlock) by 143.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested Adam Kleinovitch at 27:27 (The Shanghaiing) by 3.
AI: Hypnotik defeated Rusty Chains at 28:59 (Soul Cleaver) by 4.
AI: Blitzkrieg destroyed The Barbwire Madman Hulk Jr. at 5:15 (War Doctrine) by 25.
Double "D" Christoph defeated Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 29:55 (The "D" Jab) by 3.
Daniel Haymanchenko*, Adam Kleinovitch, and NMI: He-Man Hoven won over Santo Gold*, "Hangman" Bruce Probanz, and Macho Camacho in 6 at 5:04 (Headlock) by 85.

Card 83: Held in New Delhi (Attendance: 36,310)

Pizza "Roll" Smith pinned EL Tigre in 6 at 1:16 (European Uppercut) by 105.
AI: Hypnotik destroyed Will O'Wick in 6 at 0:56 (Side Slam) by 116.
AI: Skapegoat decked "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 10 at 2:12 (Headlock) by 151.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler destroyed Adam Kleinovitch at 17:57 (Ozark Spear) by 7.
Rusty Chains bested Maurice "The Moose" Fafon at 13:51 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 22 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley pinned TRD: Mike Hammer in 13 at 8:55 (Slingshot Suplex) by 17 (non-title).
Double "D" Christoph beat A.J. Hammer at 27:37 (The "D" Jab) by 5 (Guest Referee: "Hangman" Bruce Probanz).
Starlyte*, Maurice "The Moose" Fafon, and Swampe Socke, Jr. annihilated Northshore Nightmare*, HFC: Matt SuperSonics, and Ryan SuperSonics in 14 at 15:01 (Superplex) by 22.

Card 84: Held in Panama City (Attendance: 46,666)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop won over EL Tigre in 6 at 3:11 (Fallaway Slam) by 108.
Pizza "Roll" Smith destroyed Will O'Wick in 6 at 1:43 (European Uppercut) by 110.
Rusty Chains outmuscled "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 10 at 0:26 (Back Elbow Smash) by 145 (non-title).
NMI: Greg E. Money outmuscled Adam Kleinovitch at 27:38 (Money Maker) by 4.
Rusty Chains annihilated Pizza "Roll" Smith at 29:03 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 2.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat KC: Baal at 14:46 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
Double "D" Christoph over TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 3 at 9:18 (Disqualification: pushed ref).
AI: Hypnotik, Kamikaze, and Blitzkrieg* destroyed Starlyte, Rusty Chains, and Swampe Socke, Jr.* at 23:23 (Cleaver STrike) by 7.

Card 85: Held in Walla Walla (Attendance: 48,844)

AI: Kamikaze outmuscled EL Tigre in 6 at 0:52 (European Uppercut) by 110 (non-title).
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler won over Will O'Wick in 6 at 3:44 (Ankle Lock) by 112.
AI: Hypnotik defeated "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 10 at 0:44 (Ankle Lock) by 151.
AI: Hypnotik defeated Sabotage in 13 at 6:19 (Superplex) by 34.
Rusty Chains bested Rex Rodine, Jr. at 13:02 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 21 (non-title).
AI: Kamikaze overpowered KC: Baal in 12 at 9:32 (Cobra Clutch) by 28 (non-title).
Double "D" Christoph bested NMI: Greg E. Money at 29:34 (The "D" Jab) by 2.
Starlyte, Swampe Socke, Jr.*, and "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague pinned G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki, AI: Skapegoat*, and Mike "Rampage" Sanders at 18:24 (Unraveled) by 11.

Card 86: Held in Montgomery (Attendance: 48,907)

AI: Blitzkrieg decked EL Tigre in 6 at 1:05 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 111.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked Will O'Wick in 6 at 0:43 (Fallaway Slam) by 113.
Pizza "Roll" Smith pinned "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 10 at 0:30 (Headlock) by 145.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop annihilated Sabotage at 10:14 (The Shanghaiing) by 26.
Rusty Chains beat Charlie "The Spider" O'Brien at 11:05 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 22 (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley decked Rex Rodine, Jr. at 8:41 (Sawtooth Slam) by 18 (non-title).
Guitar Man pinned "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 17:46 (Guitar Smash) by 6.
AI: Hypnotik, Kamikaze, and Blitzkrieg* bested Starlyte, Swampe Socke, Jr.*, and "The Reprobate" Lanny Teague at 27:09 (Cleaver STrike) by 4.

Card 87: Held in Detroit (Attendance: 33,212)

Teddy "Freebird" Roberts bested EL Tigre in 6 at 4:53 (Hammerlock) by 108.
AI: Kamikaze bested Will O'Wick in 6 at 3:02 (European Uppercut) by 115 (non-title).
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler pinned "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 5:22 (Ankle Lock) by 86.
AI: Blitzkrieg over Sabotage in 12 at 0:52 (Disqualification: razor in boot).
Rusty Chains won over Double "D" Christoph at 28:53 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 2.
Swampe Socke, Jr. pinned Rex Rodine, Jr. at 9:12 (Slammin' Salmon) by 21.
Guitar Man defeated Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 28:42 (Guitar Smash) by 5 (Guest Referee: "Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler).
Starlyte, Swampe Socke, Jr.*, and A.J. Hammer won over "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini, Diesel the Longshorman, and Rusty Jones* at 14:38 (Unraveled) by 22.

Card 88: Held in Joliet (Attendance: 31,639)

"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler beat EL Tigre in 6 at 3:33 (Headlock) by 107.
AI: Blitzkrieg beat Will O'Wick in 6 at 4:32 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 116.
Julie Hogget annihilated "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem at 22:35 (Ballroom Blitz) by 10.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Uncle Jay at 8:06 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
Rusty Chains drew Swampe Socke, Jr. at 7:10 (Double Disqualification).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated Rex Rodine, Jr. at 14:43 (The Shanghaiing) by 16.
Guitar Man annihilated Eddy "Freebird" Gordy at 29:42 (Guitar Smash) by 1.
NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles*, Thomas "TD" Banks, and Greg E. Money annihilated G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki, AI: Skapegoat*, and Mike "Rampage" Sanders at 15:17 (Money Shot XL) by 13.

Card 89: Held in Vicksburg (Attendance: 48,315)

TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over EL Tigre in 6 at 7:32 (Count Out).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts annihilated Will O'Wick in 6 at 4:25 (Hammerlock) by 113.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 10 at 1:14 (Headlock) by 144.
AI: Hypnotik bested Northshore Nightmare in 13 at 6:00 (Superplex) by 31.
Rusty Chains decked "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 27:36 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 5 (non-title) (Guest Referee: Killer Grandpa Qualski).
AI: Blitzkrieg over Rex Rodine, Jr. in 14 at 4:07 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone).
Southeast title: Guitar Man beat NMI: He-Man Hoven at 16:31 (Guitar Smash) by 10.

TV Six-man titles: Rusty Chains, S.L.D., and Guitar Man* won over G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki, AI: Skapegoat*, and Mike "Rampage" Sanders at 15:56 (Guitar Smash) by 14.

Card 90: Held in Rangoon (Attendance: 31,272)

NMI: Greg E. Money outmuscled EL Tigre in 6 at 0:57 (Side Slam) by 108.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned Will O'Wick in 6 at 2:37 (Headlock) by 112.
AI: Kamikaze destroyed "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 3:59 (European Uppercut) by 89 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled Northshore Nightmare at 7:52 (The Shanghaiing) by 26.
AI: Kamikaze outmuscled Rusty Chains at 20:14 (Tai-Atari) by 7 (non-title).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler decked Rex Rodine, Jr. at 10:20 (Ozark Spear) by 20.
Guitar Man won over Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 20:38 (Guitar Smash) by 6.
AI: Hypnotik, Kamikaze, and Blitzkrieg* overpowered NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles*, Thomas "TD" Banks, and Greg E. Money at 29:24 (Cleaver STrike) by 2.

Card 91: Held in Syracuse (Attendance: 49,428)

"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague pinned Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 4:01 (Back Elbow Smash) by 103 (non-title).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas destroyed Will O'Wick at 7:35 (The High Roller) by 62.
AI: Blitzkrieg outmuscled "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 3:09 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90.
AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Northshore Nightmare at 10:47 (War Doctrine) by 38.
Central Plains title: AI: Blitzkrieg pinned Rusty Chains at 15:30 (War Doctrine) by 7.

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat Charlie "The Spider" O'Brien at 14:16 (The Shanghaiing) by 17.
Guitar Man bested "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 28:24 (Guitar Smash) by 2.
AI: Hypnotik, Kamikaze, and Blitzkrieg* annihilated G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki, AI: Skapegoat*, and Mike "Rampage" Sanders at 11:55 (Cleaver STrike) by 15.

Card 92: Held in Fort Knox (Attendance: 30,517)

Chainsaw Henley destroyed Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 2:24 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 106.
NMI: Greg E. Money bested Will O'Wick in 6 at 4:07 (Side Slam) by 113.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts destroyed "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 6:34 (Hammerlock) by 87.
Starlyte annihilated Chainsaw Henley at 22:10 (Lazerbolt) by 8 (non-title).
Rusty Chains destroyed Teddy "Freebird" Roberts at 29:40 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 4 (non-title).
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler bested Charlie "The Spider" O'Brien at 8:37 (Ozark Spear) by 21.
Swampe Socke, Jr. pinned Chainsaw Henley at 29:02 (Slammin' Salmon) by 3.
AI: Hypnotik, Kamikaze, and Blitzkrieg* defeated Teddy "Freebird" Roberts, Eddy "Freebird" Gordy*, and Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 24:26 (Cleaver STrike) by 10.

Card 93: Held in San Salvador (Attendance: 31,649)

AI: Skapegoat destroyed Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 4:44 (Palm Strike) by 109.
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler defeated Chase Victory in 6 at 3:07 (Ankle Lock) by 80.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler outmuscled "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 4:25 (Headlock) by 86.
Starlyte annihilated AI: Skapegoat at 29:19 (Lazerbolt) by 1 (non-title).
Rusty Chains tied Eddy "Freebird" Gordy (Time Limit) (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned GDL at 15:43 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
Swampe Socke, Jr. bested "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 27:51 (Slammin' Salmon) by 5 (Guest Referee: AI: Blitzkrieg).

Card 94: Held in Vienna (Attendance: 42,503)

Rusty Chains destroyed Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 2:23 (Chickenwing) by 107 (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague over Manilla Mills in 2 at 2:18 (Disqualification: used steel chair) (non-title).
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas over "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 13 at 2:50 (Count Out).
Starlyte tied NMI: Derek "Cash" Styles (Time Limit).
Rusty Chains won over NMI: He-Man Hoven at 24:22 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 9 (non-title).
AI: Blitzkrieg over GDL in 14 at 8:19 (Disqualification: used powder).
AI: Kamikaze defeated Swampe Socke, Jr. at 16:38 (Tai-Atari) by 7.

Card 95: Held in Orange Beach (Attendance: 43,046)

AI: Hypnotik won over Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 2:44 (Side Slam) by 110.
Chainsaw Henley decked Manilla Mills in 12 at 2:47 (Big Splash) by 152.
NMI: Greg E. Money defeated "The Nigerian Prince" Rakeem in 6 at 3:54 (Side Slam) by 87.
Starlyte outmuscled Rusty Chains at 29:54 (Lazerbolt) by 5 (Guest Referee: KC: Baal).
Rusty Chains beat Killer Kreed at 7:28 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 29 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered Superior Shrimp Shiamoto at 13:59 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
Swampe Socke, Jr. outmuscled NMI: He-Man Hoven at 23:07 (Slammin' Salmon) by 9.

Card 96: Held in Staten Island (Attendance: 37,998)

Pizza "Roll" Smith beat Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 3:36 (European Uppercut) by 104.
AI: Skapegoat over Manilla Mills in 1 at 2:12 (Disqualification: hit ref).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated Klondike Bill in 6 at 1:55 (Back Elbow Smash) by 82 (non-title).
East Coast title: Starlyte pinned AI: Hypnotik at 27:17 (Lazerbolt) by 1.

Rusty Chains defeated Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 28:17 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 5 (non-title) (Guest Referee: Lockheed).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested The Hebrew Hammer at 19:19 (The Shanghaiing) by 14.
Swampe Socke, Jr. overpowered Killer Kreed in 14 at 9:06 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 25.

Card 97: Held in London (Attendance: 46,136)

"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop decked Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 1:09 (Fallaway Slam) by 107.
Rusty Chains over Manilla Mills in 1 at 3:00 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone) (non-title).
Chainsaw Henley bested Klondike Bill in 6 at 2:19 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 85.
Starlyte bested Double "D" Christoph at 19:33 (Lazerbolt) by 7 (non-title).
Rusty Chains beat A.J. Hammer at 21:42 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 7 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered KC: Prince of Darkness at 8:15 (The Shanghaiing) by 22.
Swampe Socke, Jr. annihilated "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 29:04 (Slammin' Salmon) by 1.

Card 98: Held in Elrodville (Attendance: 35,764)

AI: Kamikaze pinned Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 4:32 (European Uppercut) by 109 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik pinned Manilla Mills in 12 at 0:26 (Figure Four) by 160.
AI: Skapegoat bested Klondike Bill in 6 at 3:23 (Palm Strike) by 88.
Starlyte won over "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 15:03 (Lazerbolt) by 10 (non-title).
Rocky Mountains title: Rusty Chains defeated NMI: Greg E. Money at 27:18 (No Excuses Piledriver) by 4.

AI: Kamikaze over KC: Prince of Darkness in 13 at 3:07 (Disqualification: tied opponent up) (non-title).
Swampe Socke, Jr. defeated TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas at 2:29 (Slammin' Salmon) by 133.

Card 99: Held in Jackson (Attendance: 46,532)

AI: Blitzkrieg overpowered Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 1:46 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 110.
Pizza "Roll" Smith over Manilla Mills in 2 at 14:07 (Count Out).
Rusty Chains outmuscled Klondike Bill in 6 at 3:02 (Chickenwing) by 86 (non-title).
Starlyte annihilated NMI: He-Man Hoven at 18:28 (Lazerbolt) by 14 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik over Nic Cage in 13 at 8:22 (Disqualification: pushed ref).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop overpowered Julie Hogget in 6 at 4:19 (Fallaway Slam) by 86.
Swampe Socke, Jr. destroyed NMI: Greg E. Money at 27:23 (Slammin' Salmon) by 4.

Card 100: Held in Belfast (Attendance: 37,266)

Teddy "Freebird" Roberts destroyed Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 4:00 (Hammerlock) by 107.
Swampe Socke, Jr. over Manilla Mills in 2 at 6:19 (Count Out).
AI: Hypnotik won over Klondike Bill in 6 at 3:39 (Side Slam) by 89.
Starlyte destroyed Killer Kreed in 12 at 10:23 (Backbreaker) by 22 (non-title).
Nic Cage defeated COT: Richard Starr at 29:19 (Con Air) by 2.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler decked Julie Hogget in 6 at 5:45 (Headlock) by 85.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat Drake Devious at 13:48 (The Shanghaiing) by 23.

Card 101: Held in Watts (Attendance: 48,065)

"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler pinned Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 2:01 (Headlock) by 106.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop beat Manilla Mills in 12 at 1:27 (Superplex) by 153.
Pizza "Roll" Smith annihilated Klondike Bill in 6 at 4:34 (European Uppercut) by 83.
Starlyte bested "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler at 15:49 (Lazerbolt) by 6.
Nic Cage won over The Carolina Reaper at 27:54 (Con Air) by 1.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague annihilated "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini at 1:03 (The Mercury) by 156 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop outmuscled Toto Tarantula at 14:35 (The Shanghaiing) by 19.

Card 102: Held in Macao (Attendance: 45,453)

TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas destroyed Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 11 at 4:57 (Boston Crab) by 68.
AI: Kamikaze won over Manilla Mills in 12 at 0:55 (Cobra Clutch) by 163 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop destroyed Klondike Bill in 6 at 3:47 (Fallaway Slam) by 86.
Starlyte outmuscled NMI: Greg E. Money at 20:16 (Lazerbolt) by 9 (non-title, tables).
Nic Cage outmuscled Diesel the Longshorman in 11 at 0:17 (Camel Clutch) by 135.
Chainsaw Henley outmuscled "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini in 6 at 3:26 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 92 (non-title).
NMI: Thomas "TD" Banks pinned "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 19:24 (Bank Breaker) by 8.

Card 103: Held in Tehran (Attendance: 38,594)

NMI: Greg E. Money beat Colin "Thunder from Down Under" Q. in 6 at 1:10 (Side Slam) by 107.
AI: Blitzkrieg over Manilla Mills in 2 at 15:04 (Count Out).
AI: Kamikaze won over Klondike Bill in 6 at 4:51 (European Uppercut) by 88 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested Riga-Mortis at 5:48 (The Shanghaiing) by 25.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated Nic Cage at 14:28 (The Shanghaiing) by 21.
Double "D" Christoph decked "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini at 0:15 (The "D" Jab) by 160.
AI: Kamikaze outmuscled "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 13:25 (Tai-Atari) by 12 (non-title).

Card 104: Held in Vancouver (Attendance: 32,161)

"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague pinned Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 5:25 (Back Elbow Smash) by 73 (non-title).
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts won over Manilla Mills in 12 at 0:26 (Brainbuster) by 154.
AI: Blitzkrieg outmuscled Klondike Bill in 6 at 1:53 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 89.
Kaiski outmuscled Nic Cage at 22:12 (Ripcurl) by 6.
AI: Blitzkrieg over Nic Cage in 14 at 27:33 (Disqualification: used powder).
Swampe Socke, Jr. won over "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini in 13 at 0:36 (Cobra Clutch) by 147.
AI: Blitzkrieg destroyed "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 18:01 (War Doctrine) by 12 (non-title).

Card 105: Held in Tirana (Attendance: 45,056)

Chainsaw Henley pinned Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 9 at 4:17 (Pumphandle Slam) by 107.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler overpowered Manilla Mills in 6 at 5:05 (Headlock) by 56.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts overpowered Klondike Bill in 6 at 6:46 (Hammerlock) by 86.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop bested Kaiski at 9:54 (The Shanghaiing) by 15.
AI: Hypnotik outmuscled Chainsaw Henley at 15:21 (Soul Cleaver) by 7 (non-title).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini at 2:04 (The Shanghaiing) by 157.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts overpowered "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 29:41 (Freebird "Knee Drop") by 1.

Card 106: Held in Oshkosh (Attendance: 38,320)

AI: Skapegoat decked Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 6:55 (Palm Strike) by 79.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas bested Manilla Mills at 7:56 (The High Roller) by 43.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler overpowered Klondike Bill in 6 at 3:19 (Headlock) by 85.
Kaiski pinned TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas in 8 at 6:25 (Savate Kick) by 89.
AI: Hypnotik outmuscled Cody Classic in 6 at 12:45 (Side Slam) by 12.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler beat "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini at 2:32 (Ozark Spear) by 161.
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy bested "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop at 29:04 (Freebird "Spike") by 5 (Guest Referee: Dirty Old Man).

Card 107: Held in Gulfport (Attendance: 37,761)

Rusty Chains overpowered Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 5:58 (Chickenwing) by 77 (non-title).
NMI: Greg E. Money beat Manilla Mills in 12 at 2:17 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 151.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas destroyed Klondike Bill at 4:49 (The High Roller) by 61.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague decked G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 7:42 (The Mercury) by 20 (non-title).
AI: Hypnotik bested Pizza "Roll" Smith at 18:05 (Soul Cleaver) by 6.
NMI: Greg E. Money won over "The Space Cowboy" Nick Gemini in 13 at 2:05 (Superplex) by 144.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop tied Sammy "Freebird" Hayes at 2:28 (Double Count Out).

Card 108: Held in East Chicago (Attendance: 31,863)

AI: Hypnotik destroyed Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 2:31 (Side Slam) by 80.
Swampe Socke, Jr. bested Willy B. Goode in 6 at 1:51 (Palm Strike) by 91.
NMI: Greg E. Money bested Klondike Bill in 6 at 6:39 (Side Slam) by 86.
Chainsaw Henley defeated G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki at 13:40 (Sawtooth Slam) by 23.
AI: Hypnotik over Broly King at 5:46 (Count Out).
Swampe Socke, Jr. over Cyber Warrior #3 at 4:40 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone).
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop defeated Nefarious Ned Flanders in 14 at 14:52 (Backbreaker) by 14.

Card 109: Held in Englewood (Attendance: 38,767)

Pizza "Roll" Smith overpowered Hell Dawgs: Chainsaw in 6 at 4:09 (European Uppercut) by 74.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague defeated Lex Masters in 6 at 1:24 (Back Elbow Smash) by 117 (non-title).
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague beat Denim Fritz in 6 at 6:41 (Back Elbow Smash) by 94 (non-title).
AI: Skapegoat destroyed G$R: "Slap Shot" Chris Samocki in 13 at 15:21 (Figure Four) by 23.
AI: Hypnotik won over The Barbwire Madman Hulk Jr. at 7:06 (Soul Cleaver) by 22.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned Cyber Warrior #3 at 9:42 (The Shanghaiing) by 22.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pinned A.J. Hammer at 27:49 (The Shanghaiing) by 2.

Battle Royal: Held in Geneva (Attendance: 35,565)

Torment Johnson pocketed $1,000 after Daniel Haymanchenko and Swampe Socke, Jr. hurled him onto the apron.
TCC: Lucky Dice Vegas picked up $1,100 when Pizza "Roll" Smith flung him into some fans at ringside.
The Ronin earned $1,200 when AI: Hypnotik threw him over the top rope.
Ashiok took a quick $1,300 when AI: Skapegoat threw him over the turnbuckle.
The Arrogant Michael Ferrio earned a cool $1,400 in imaginary earnings after NMI: Greg E. Money hurled him outside the ring.
TCC: "Hazardous" LV Hughes and "No Nonsense" Ding-Dong Dingledong received $1,500 and $1,600, respectively, when Eddy "Freebird" Gordy flung them out.
War Hogg collected $1,700 when S.L.D. catapulted him into some chairs at ringside.
Adam Kleinovitch won $1,800 when he was thrown onto the concrete floor by Daniel Haymanchenko.
Sammy "Freebird" Hayes was awarded $1,900 after Guitar Man catapulted him out of the ring.
Eddy "Freebird" Gordy gained $2,000 after Rusty Chains threw him out.
"Das Wunderkin" Ender Betzler grabbed $2,100 after he was flipped out by Daniel Haymanchenko.
"The Reprobate" Lanny Teague was awarded $2,200 after he was thrown out of the ring by AI: Kamikaze.
"The First Lady" Aaliyah Zoe got $2,300 when she got hurled into some fans at ringside by AI: Hypnotik.
Chainsaw Henley took home $2,400 when "Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler hurled him outside the ring.
NMI: Greg E. Money got $2,500 when he got thrown into his manager at ringside by Teddy "Freebird" Roberts.
AI: Skapegoat nabbed an imaginary $2,600 after AI: Hypnotik flipped him out.
Daniel Haymanchenko grabbed $2,700 when "Blackheart" Bobby Bishop flipped him out.
"Blackheart" Bobby Bishop pocketed a quick $2,800 when Double "D" Christoph flung him onto the steps.
Teddy "Freebird" Roberts earned $2,900 after being flung outside the ring by Starlyte.
Pizza "Roll" Smith grabbed a quick $3,000 after he got thrown out by AI: Hypnotik.
BDC: "The Broken Diamond" Chris Heelsborough nabbed $3,100 when Starlyte tossed him out.
"Madd Dogg" Henry Heeler took home a quick $3,200 after getting thrown into some fans at ringside by AI: Hypnotik.
S.L.D. collected $3,300 when he was catapulted out by Swampe Socke, Jr.
Rusty Chains got $3,400 after getting thrown over the top rope by Guitar Man.
Starlyte gained $3,500 in imaginary earnings when AI: Hypnotik threw him out of the ring.
Swampe Socke, Jr. won $3,600 when Guitar Man catapulted him over the turnbuckle.
AI: Hypnotik snatched a quick $3,700 when he got thrown out by AI: Blitzkrieg.
AI: Blitzkrieg collected $3,800 when he was flung out by AI: Kamikaze.
Double "D" Christoph snatched $3,900 after getting thrown out by AI: Kamikaze.
AI: Kamikaze grabbed $4,000 after being flung onto the apron by Guitar Man.
Guitar Man was the winner of the battle royal and the $30,000 prize.

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