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Card 1: Held in Denver (Attendance: 36,778)

NATO: Jake Jeckel outmuscled SOS/BG: Tom Bones Malone at 27:10 (Hokus Pokus) by 2.
COT: Hooded Soldier III over Amazing Kong in 1 at 7:44 (Count Out).
Snowflake Billy over Johnny Twilight in 1 at 2:54 (Disqualification: manager in ring).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf outmuscled Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 2:58 (Palm Strike) by 132.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone annihilated George South in 6 at 1:06 (Hammerlock) by 111.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne decked The Stepfather at 8:42 (Slingshot Suplex) by 29.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf outmuscled SOS/BG: Lord of Light in 9 at 14:42 (European Uppercut) by 16.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf won over TBABIT: "Fortune 500" Aaron McFleese at 8:10 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 17.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood defeated COT: Minneapolis Bad Boy at 42:18 (Chimera Plex) by 6.

Card 2: Held in East Chicago (Attendance: 36,813)

NATO: J.D. Fortune over SOS/BG: Blood Threat 2 at 0:42 (Disqualification: loaded elbow pad).
NATO: Ludus Awdreev outmuscled Amazing Kong in 6 at 3:37 (European Uppercut) by 79.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over SOS: "Beard Faced Killer" Jacob Cross in 14 at 7:54 (Count Out).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf beat Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 1:58 (Fallaway Slam) by 131.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine annihilated George South in 6 at 2:45 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 109.
NATO: Farhad Hassen won over SOS: Twisted Youth at 27:56 (Khosrow Clutch) by 3.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over SOS/BG: Lord of Light at 4:08 (Disqualification: hit ref).
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall bested "The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf at 28:28 (Black and Blue) by 3.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood annihilated COT: Pit Boss at 33:17 (Chimera Plex) by 8.

Card 3: Held in Destin (Attendance: 38,310)

NATO: Quinn Buckley decked SOS/BG: Blood Threat 1 at 12:37 (Macho Diving Elbow) by 20.
NATO: J.D. Fortune beat Amazing Kong in 8 at 2:40 (Pumphandle Slam) by 132.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over SOS: "Beard Faced Killer" Jacob Cross at 7:36 (Count Out).
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf annihilated Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 2:03 (Ankle Lock) by 126.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf annihilated George South in 6 at 1:49 (Palm Strike) by 114.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson destroyed SOS: Twisted Youth at 13:00 (Big Splash) by 11.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf annihilated SOS/BG: Lord of Light at 6:19 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 25.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked LIFE: Bigfoot at 15:34 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 20.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood defeated SOS: DeadGirl at 49:08 (Chimera Plex) by 9.

Card 4: Held in Anniston (Attendance: 46,387)

"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over SOS/BG: Blood Threat 1 in 14 at 6:33 (Count Out).
NATO: George Stark outmuscled Amazing Kong in 8 at 3:36 (Headbutt) by 118.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf destroyed SOS: "Beard Faced Killer" Jacob Cross in 12 at 7:16 (Brainbuster) by 18.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne annihilated Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 0:52 (Bodyslam) by 127.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf destroyed George South in 6 at 3:44 (Fallaway Slam) by 113.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood decked SOS: "Lord of the Undead" Solomon Grundy at 23:14 (Chimera Plex) by 6.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson beat SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone at 15:33 (Big Splash) by 12.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier beat "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 22:09 (Emerald Fusion) by 7.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood bested COT: Hooded Soldier II at 55:04 (Chimera Plex) by 1.

Card 5: Held in Windsor (Attendance: 35,447)

"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over SOS/BG: Blood Threat 1 at 0:58 (Count Out).
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone beat Amazing Kong in 8 at 1:50 (Pumphandle Slam) by 128.
Snowflake Billy over SOS: "Beard Faced Killer" Jacob Cross in 12 at 1:52 (Count Out).
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall overpowered SOS: Marcus "Titan" Johansson at 17:05 (Black and Blue) by 7.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf destroyed George South in 6 at 1:56 (Ankle Lock) by 108.
Snowflake Willy pinned COT: Pit Boss at 29:03 (The Icebreaker) by 5.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood decked SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone at 15:42 (Chimera Plex) by 11.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf bested "The Golden 1" Jeremy Potvin at 10:26 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 18.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood destroyed SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 48:40 (Chimera Plex) by 8.

Card 6: Held in Buffalo (Attendance: 34,647)

"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf beat SOS/BG: Blood Threat 1 at 11:25 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 22.
Snowflake Willy destroyed Amazing Kong in 6 at 1:42 (Ankle Lock) by 81.
COT: Hooded Soldier III beat Aldo Montoya in 6 at 3:54 (Hammerlock) by 77.
COT: Hooded Soldier III beat TL Hopper in 6 at 7:12 (Hammerlock) by 58.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne beat George South in 6 at 2:37 (Bodyslam) by 109.
COT: Pit Boss won over SOS: Ravishing Rick Dynamite at 27:45 (Always Watching!!) by 4.
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall destroyed COT: Dudley Smiley at 23:28 (Black and Blue) by 6.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over "Stunning" Scarecrow at 5:57 (Count Out).
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood annihilated TBABIT: Frederick Xavier at 33:45 (Chimera Plex) by 1.

Card 7: Held in Fort Worth (Attendance: 35,907)

NATO: Farhad Hassen over SOS/BG: "Rubber" Robbie Blood in 13 at 2:32 (Count Out).
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine annihilated Amazing Kong in 6 at 4:22 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 79.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone won over Aldo Montoya in 6 at 4:41 (Hammerlock) by 74.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone destroyed TL Hopper in 6 at 2:34 (Hammerlock) by 55.
NATO: J.D. Fortune defeated SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 29:31 (Dream Destroyer) by 1.
London Legacy title: TBABIT: Solomon "the Strongman" Crowley beat COT: Pit Boss at 17:12 (Short Arm Clothesline) by 6.

TBABIT: Graham Underwood overpowered COT: Buffwell in 10 at 28:26 (European Uppercut) by 2.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf won over TBABIT: "Fortune 500" Aaron McFleese at 19:49 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 14.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood outmuscled SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 24:44 (Chimera Plex) by 13.

Card 8: Held in the Bronx (Attendance: 30,344)

SOS/BG: Owl King decked NATO: Dan Semenko at 10:12 (Nights Fall) by 21.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf destroyed Amazing Kong in 8 at 1:47 (Fallaway Slam) by 129.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine outmuscled Aldo Montoya in 11 at 0:36 (Figure Four) by 154.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine outmuscled TL Hopper in 10 at 1:56 (Fallaway Slam) by 132.
Highland Honor title: COT: "Flamboyant" Johnny Stewart outmuscled SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 28:20 (Flamboyant Leg Lock) by 5.

"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf decked COT: Pit Boss at 29:19 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 3.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier outmuscled COT: Buffwell in 10 at 29:11 (European Uppercut) by 3.
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall outmuscled "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 24:41 (Black and Blue) by 6.
Main event: TBABIT: Graham Underwood decked SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 24:58 (Chimera Plex) by 12.

Card 9: Held in Syracuse (Attendance: 37,770)

NATO: Farhad Hassen over SOS/BG: The Chicago Peach Robbie Blood at 19:50 (Count Out).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked Amazing Kong in 6 at 1:38 (Fallaway Slam) by 83.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf destroyed Aldo Montoya in 6 at 4:07 (Palm Strike) by 77.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf decked TL Hopper in 6 at 4:10 (Palm Strike) by 58.
Snowflake Willy beat SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 27:13 (The Icebreaker) by 4.
COT: Pit Boss drew "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf (Time Limit).
NATO: Al Bundy bested SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 18:00 (No Ma'am Slam) by 6.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf annihilated LIFE: Bigfoot at 8:32 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 19.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson beat TBABIT: Graham Underwood at 59:35 (Big Splash) by 1.

Card 10: Held in Paradise (Attendance: 47,741)

SOS/BG: Lord Sheldon Bishop overpowered NATO: Dan Semenko at 9:33 (Lord's Way) by 29.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf bested Amazing Kong in 8 at 2:39 (Palm Strike) by 124.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf outmuscled Aldo Montoya in 6 at 5:35 (Fallaway Slam) by 76.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf defeated TL Hopper in 6 at 6:12 (Fallaway Slam) by 57.
TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone beat SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 28:26 (Anaconda Vice) by 2.
COT: Pit Boss decked "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 27:23 (Always Watching!!) by 1.
NATO: Al Bundy annihilated Earl of Mobsters in 14 at 7:30 (Slingshot Suplex) by 19.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier decked "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 19:24 (Emerald Fusion) by 8.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson overpowered TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall at 56:42 (Big Splash) by 3.

Card 11: Held in Dover (Attendance: 45,244)

NATO: Dan Semenko decked Bart Batten in 6 at 7:22 (Headbutt) by 70.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne outmuscled Amazing Kong in 6 at 4:07 (Bodyslam) by 79.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf decked Aldo Montoya in 6 at 5:47 (Ankle Lock) by 71.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered TL Hopper in 10 at 1:32 (Side Slam) by 130.
TBABIT: "The Intellectual" Cornelius Crowley decked SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 29:34 (Thought Drop) by 4.
TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe defeated COT: Pit Boss at 28:28 (Top Rope Spinebuster) by 1.
SOS: Gorgeous George Slaughter annihilated NATO: Al Bundy at 29:52 (Lambs to the Slaughter) by 1.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf pinned "The Golden 1" Jeremy Potvin at 13:21 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 17.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson destroyed SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 17:46 (Big Splash) by 8.

Card 12: Held in Managua (Attendance: 35,375)

NATO: Dan Semenko won over Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 1:05 (Headbutt) by 106.
COT: Hooded Soldier III over Joey Abs in 1 at 14:24 (Disqualification: pushed ref).
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne bested Aldo Montoya in 11 at 1:10 (Superplex) by 158.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne overpowered TL Hopper in 6 at 5:55 (Bodyslam) by 53.
TBABIT: Solomon "the Strongman" Crowley bested SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 29:02 (Short Arm Clothesline) by 5 (non-title).
TBABIT: Graham Underwood decked COT: Pit Boss at 16:03 (Chimera Plex) by 8 (non-title).
NATO: Al Bundy destroyed "The Golden 1" Jeremy Potvin at 11:32 (No Ma'am Slam) by 20.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered "Stunning" Scarecrow at 13:31 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 22.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson defeated SOS: "Lord of the Undead" Solomon Grundy at 47:05 (Big Splash) by 7.

Card 13: Held in Bucharest (Attendance: 32,420)

NATO: Dan Semenko pinned Amazing Kong in 6 at 3:18 (Headbutt) by 69.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev pinned Joey Abs in 6 at 2:07 (European Uppercut) by 122.
COT: Hooded Soldier III outmuscled Tom Brandi at 2:04 (Boot Stomp) by 143.
Snowflake Billy defeated TL Hopper in 10 at 0:17 (Palm Strike) by 134.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf bested SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 29:23 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 2.
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall won over SOS: He-Mann at 20:04 (Black and Blue) by 9.
NATO: Al Bundy overpowered "Stunning" Scarecrow at 7:32 (No Ma'am Slam) by 25.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered TBABIT: "Fortune 500" Aaron McFleese at 14:47 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 13.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson bested TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe at 39:43 (Big Splash) by 8.

Card 14: Held in Bryn Mawr (Attendance: 47,141)

NATO: Dan Semenko defeated Joey Abs in 6 at 2:05 (Headbutt) by 112.
NATO: J.D. Fortune decked Joey Abs in 6 at 2:13 (Headlock) by 125.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev bested Tom Brandi in 6 at 5:28 (European Uppercut) by 67.
COT: Hooded Soldier III destroyed Brad Batten in 6 at 4:56 (Hammerlock) by 72.
SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen annihilated "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 28:02 (The Eye of the Tiger) by 1.
NATO: George Stark beat SOS/BG: "The Goon" Robbie Blood at 27:22 (Stark Contrast) by 1.
Snowflake Billy beat NATO: Al Bundy at 27:31 (The Icebreaker) by 4.
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall decked "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 24:42 (Black and Blue) by 7.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson defeated SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone at 27:33 (Big Splash) by 12.

Card 15: Held in Cancun (Attendance: 39,830)

NATO: Dan Semenko over Johnny Twilight in 2 at 3:32 (Count Out).
COT: Minneapolis Bad Boy outmuscled Joey Abs in 6 at 2:43 (Back Elbow Smash) by 130 (non-title).
NATO: J.D. Fortune bested Tom Brandi in 6 at 5:53 (Headlock) by 70.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone destroyed Brad Batten in 6 at 3:37 (Hammerlock) by 69.
SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen decked "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 27:50 (The Eye of the Tiger) by 2.
SOS/BG: Fat Runner beat NATO: George Stark in 10 at 19:38 (Chickenwing) by 10.
COT: Tig O'Bitty overpowered SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 27:01 (Tiggy Twister) by 2.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood bested TBABIT: Piper "The Goofball" Monroe at 20:23 (Chimera Plex) by 6.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson decked SOS: Death Dealer Seth Phoenix at 30:20 (Big Splash) by 11.

Card 16: Held in Chickasaw County (Attendance: 31,997)

NATO: Dan Semenko over Tom Brandi in 2 at 1:39 (Disqualification: tied opponent up).
NATO: George Stark outmuscled Joey Abs in 6 at 1:51 (Big Boot) by 125.
NATO: George Stark annihilated Tom Brandi at 2:15 (Stark Contrast) by 109.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine overpowered Brad Batten in 6 at 6:00 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 67.
TBABIT: Piper "The Goofball" Monroe annihilated SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 28:14 (Last Laugh) by 1.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson bested NATO: George Stark in 10 at 14:26 (European Uppercut) by 17.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson outmuscled COT: Tig O'Bitty at 17:38 (Big Splash) by 11.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood decked TBABIT: "The General" Ulysses Monroe at 23:22 (Chimera Plex) by 9.
Main event: TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson outmuscled TBABIT: Kennedy Cage at 41:15 (Big Splash) by 9.

Card 17: Held in Ciudad Juarez (Attendance: 43,710)

NATO: Dan Semenko destroyed Terrence Smith in 6 at 4:00 (Headbutt) by 80.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone beat Joey Abs in 6 at 4:55 (Hammerlock) by 124.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone won over Tom Brandi at 1:20 (Jumping Tombstone Piledriver) by 136.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf outmuscled Brad Batten in 6 at 6:52 (Palm Strike) by 72.
SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen overpowered TBABIT: "The General" Ulysses Monroe at 27:19 (The Eye of the Tiger) by 2.
SOS/BG: Trashcan Jones won over NATO: George Stark at 18:06 (Garbage Pick Up) by 12.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood bested COT: Tig O'Bitty at 19:02 (Chimera Plex) by 10.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood overpowered TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe at 23:31 (Chimera Plex) by 7.

Card 18: Held in Greensboro (Attendance: 48,170)

NATO: Dan Semenko defeated Harry Haystacks in 6 at 4:32 (Headbutt) by 94.
Snowflake Willy outmuscled Joey Abs in 6 at 2:15 (Ankle Lock) by 124.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine bested Tom Brandi in 6 at 6:42 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 67.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf defeated Brad Batten in 6 at 2:53 (Fallaway Slam) by 71.
SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen tied TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe at 5:21 (Double Count Out).
SOS/BG: Billy Stone won over NATO: George Stark at 15:40 (Rolling Stone) by 9.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over IMT/LPPF: Lumberjack Mike Hardwood in 14 at 3:37 (Count Out).
TBABIT: Graham Underwood beat TBABIT: Frederick Xavier at 29:19 (Chimera Plex) by 1 (non-title).

Card 19: Held in Prague (Attendance: 47,841)

NATO: Dan Semenko won over Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 4:53 (Headbutt) by 117.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine annihilated Joey Abs in 6 at 3:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 122.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf destroyed Tom Brandi in 6 at 2:40 (Palm Strike) by 72.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf bested Brad Batten in 6 at 6:23 (Ankle Lock) by 66.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood destroyed SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 24:54 (Chimera Plex) by 7 (non-title).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf destroyed NATO: George Stark in 10 at 14:08 (Headlock) by 18.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked IMT/LPPF: Lumberjack Mike Hardwood at 14:48 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 24.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood bested TBABIT: Kennedy Cage at 20:56 (Chimera Plex) by 8.

Card 20: Held in Calais (Attendance: 43,848)

NATO: Dan Semenko beat Leonard King in 6 at 4:27 (Headbutt) by 80.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over Joey Abs in 1 at 5:58 (Count Out).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf defeated Tom Brandi in 6 at 4:03 (Fallaway Slam) by 71.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne destroyed Brad Batten in 6 at 7:09 (Bodyslam) by 67.
SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen defeated TBABIT: Kennedy Cage at 29:09 (The Eye of the Tiger) by 1.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf won over NATO: George Stark in 10 at 9:49 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 15.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf over IMT/LPPF: Lumberjack Mike Hardwood at 6:45 (Count Out).
TBABIT: Graham Underwood outmuscled TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall at 28:27 (Chimera Plex) by 2 (non-title).

Card 21: Held in South Los Angeles (Attendance: 46,096)

SOS: DeadGirl destroyed NATO: Dan Semenko at 4:36 (Dead is Dead) by 49.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked Joey Abs in 6 at 0:38 (Fallaway Slam) by 126.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered Tom Brandi in 6 at 7:00 (Ankle Lock) by 66.
COT: Hooded Soldier III destroyed Rodney in 6 at 0:35 (Hammerlock) by 118.
TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James decked SOS: "Warlock with Tiger Blood" Charlie Sheen at 27:42 (Burning Hammer) by 3.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf annihilated NATO: George Stark in 11 at 10:52 (Cobra Clutch) by 16.
Snowflake Willy over "Black Belt Master" Buddy Cohn in 14 at 10:14 (Count Out).
IMT/LPPF: Lumberjack Mike Hardwood* and "Black Belt Master" Buddy Cohn won over NATO: Dan Semenko and Ludus Awdreev* at 19:56 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 14.

Card 22: Held in Midtown (Attendance: 47,857)

SOS/CHAMP: Johnnie Bones pinned NATO: Dan Semenko at 15:15 (Figure Four) by 24.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf defeated Joey Abs in 6 at 3:46 (Ankle Lock) by 121.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne annihilated Tom Brandi at 2:15 (Slingshot Suplex) by 147.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone outmuscled Rodney in 6 at 4:24 (Hammerlock) by 115.
SOS: The Amazing Human Highlight Reel bested COT: Pit Boss at 28:07 (Highlight of the Night) by 1.
NATO: Jack Jeckel bested TBABIT: "Gold Standard" Gary Stiller at 23:11 (No Laughing Matter) by 6.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf annihilated "Black Belt Master" Buddy Cohn at 7:01 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 25.
Snowflake Willy and Snowflake Billy* beat Gobbledy Gooker and Joey Abs* in 6 at 4:57 (Fallaway Slam) by 113.

Card 23: Held in Walla Walla (Attendance: 47,566)

SOS/BG: Big John Stone outmuscled NATO: Dan Semenko at 5:34 (Big Stones) by 27.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne over Joey Abs in 1 at 3:29 (Count Out).
NATO: Quinn Buckley over VIRUS: Judge Guyver in 14 at 13:58 (Count Out).
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine decked Rodney in 6 at 3:41 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 113.
SOS: Elias "Ares" Ericsson decked NATO: George Stark at 9:29 (War to End All Wars) by 30.
NATO: Jack Jeckel pinned TBABIT: Bruno "The Blender" Hamilton at 29:27 (No Laughing Matter) by 3.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked "Black Belt Master" Buddy Cohn at 15:46 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 22.
NATO: J.D. Fortune and Quinn Buckley* over The Stepfather* and SOS/|: The Saskatchewan Psychopath Dick Darren in 14 at 3:19 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone).

Card 24: Held in Galveston (Attendance: 34,375)

SOS/BG: James Stone outmuscled NATO: Dan Semenko at 12:33 (The Stones Bomb) by 24.
Snowflake Billy pinned Joey Abs in 6 at 1:15 (Fallaway Slam) by 124.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson destroyed SOS: The Last Horseman at 12:49 (Big Splash) by 11.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf overpowered Rodney in 6 at 1:12 (Palm Strike) by 118.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier decked SOS: Elias "Ares" Ericsson at 17:27 (Emerald Fusion) by 7.
NATO: Jack Jeckel beat SOS/BG: Mr. 6 Holds in a Row at 28:00 (No Laughing Matter) by 4.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf beat "Black Belt Master" Buddy Cohn at 11:17 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 21.
COT: "Flamboyant" Johnny Stewart* and "Sexy" Lenny Nightmare over NATO: Jack Jeckel and Jake Jeckel* at 0:46 (Count Out).

Card 25: Held in Kilkenny (Attendance: 37,337)

COT: Hooded Soldier III outmuscled Bart Batten in 6 at 1:46 (Hammerlock) by 85.
COT: Hooded Soldier III over Man Mountain Rock in 2 at 5:37 (Disqualification: tied opponent up).
COT: Hooded Soldier III over Italian Stallion in 1 at 3:34 (Disqualification: nail file).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf won over Rodney in 6 at 4:43 (Fallaway Slam) by 117.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier won over COT: Hooded Soldier III at 29:54 (Emerald Fusion) by 3.
SOS: A-List Adam Stone's Stunt Double outmuscled NATO: Jack Jeckel at 9:31 (The Fall Guy) by 18.
Isle of Skye Conqueror title: TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone overpowered SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 17:31 (Anaconda Vice) by 7.

League Tag-team titles: NATO: Farhad Hassen* and Al Bundy decked Snowflake Willy and Snowflake Billy* at 29:22 (The 3D) by 1.

Card 26: Held in Macon (Attendance: 43,313)

NATO: Ludus Awdreev bested Bart Batten in 6 at 2:28 (European Uppercut) by 80.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone annihilated Man Mountain Rock in 6 at 2:43 (Hammerlock) by 63.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone destroyed Italian Stallion at 2:06 (Jumping Tombstone Piledriver) by 175.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf destroyed Rodney in 6 at 3:12 (Ankle Lock) by 112.
COT: Hooded Soldier II bested SOS: The Hitman Isaac Taylor at 28:13 (Boot Stomp) by 5.
SOS: A-List Adam Stone defeated NATO: Jack Jeckel at 10:53 (The Perfect Take) by 20.
TBABIT: "The Intellectual" Cornelius Crowley outmuscled SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 22:39 (Thought Drop) by 9 (non-title).
Snowflake Willy and Snowflake Billy* tied COT: "Flamboyant" Johnny Stewart* and "Sexy" Lenny Nightmare at 10:10 (Double Disqualification).

Card 27: Held in Lisbon (Attendance: 45,021)

NATO: J.D. Fortune annihilated Bart Batten in 6 at 6:28 (Headlock) by 83.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine destroyed Man Mountain Rock in 6 at 5:12 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 61.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine decked Italian Stallion in 12 at 2:59 (Cobra Clutch) by 155.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne beat Rodney in 6 at 1:16 (Bodyslam) by 113.
COT: Hooded Soldier II destroyed SOS: Death Dealer Seth Phoenix at 21:30 (Boot Stomp) by 9.
NATO: Jack Jeckel overpowered SOS/BG: Terrible Thomas Perez at 17:45 (No Laughing Matter) by 11.
TBABIT: Solomon "the Strongman" Crowley decked SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 23:26 (Short Arm Clothesline) by 10 (non-title).
NATO: Dan Semenko, Ludus Awdreev*, and George Stark won over SOS: "Beard Faced Killer" Jacob Cross*, SOS/BG: Lord of Light, and Kerry Kergulan at 27:56 (Triple Chokeslam) by 1.

Card 28: Held in Baltimore (Attendance: 43,376)

NATO: George Stark over Bart Batten in 2 at 1:54 (Count Out).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf overpowered Man Mountain Rock in 6 at 3:49 (Palm Strike) by 66.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over Italian Stallion in 1 at 3:40 (Count Out).
COT: Hooded Soldier III defeated Leonard King in 6 at 2:08 (Hammerlock) by 95.
COT: Hooded Soldier II decked TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone at 27:09 (Boot Stomp) by 4.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf overpowered NATO: Jack Jeckel at 8:52 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 20.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf defeated SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 21:25 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 7.
TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi*, "The Journeyman" Ryker Green, and Hubert "the Introvert" Roberts bested SOS/BG: Lord Sheldon Bishop*, Aldo Montoya, and TL Hopper in 6 at 10:42 (Palm Strike) by 22.

Card 29: Held in Brooklyn (Attendance: 35,551)

SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone over Bart Batten in 2 at 2:10 (Count Out).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf overpowered Man Mountain Rock in 6 at 3:48 (Fallaway Slam) by 65.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf pinned Italian Stallion in 12 at 1:22 (Big Splash) by 151.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev overpowered Leonard King in 6 at 5:13 (European Uppercut) by 90.
COT: Hooded Soldier II defeated "The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf at 29:49 (Boot Stomp) by 4.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf bested NATO: Jack Jeckel at 11:47 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 17.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 27:42 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 4.
COT: Minneapolis Bad Boy, Snowflake Willy, and Snowflake Billy* outmuscled Bart Batten, Joey Abs, and Brad Batten* in 6 at 5:40 (Fallaway Slam) by 60.

Card 30: Held in Madrid (Attendance: 33,825)

TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine won over Bart Batten in 10 at 2:54 (Fallaway Slam) by 118.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf pinned Man Mountain Rock in 6 at 4:47 (Ankle Lock) by 60.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf defeated Italian Stallion at 2:43 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 177.
NATO: J.D. Fortune bested Leonard King in 6 at 5:26 (Headlock) by 93.
COT: Hooded Soldier II defeated "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 21:48 (Boot Stomp) by 7.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf beat NATO: Jack Jeckel at 12:01 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 16.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf won over SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 29:14 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 3.
TBABIT: "Reticent" Frank Du Pont, "Old School" Ollie Fontaine, and Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne* over Johnny Twilight, Aldo Montoya, and TL Hopper* in 4 at 6:33 (Disqualification: manager in ring).

Card 31: Held in Shannon (Attendance: 34,706)

"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf outmuscled Bart Batten in 6 at 2:28 (Palm Strike) by 85.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne won over Man Mountain Rock in 6 at 7:32 (Bodyslam) by 61.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne over Italian Stallion in 1 at 1:13 (Count Out).
NATO: George Stark over Leonard King in 2 at 9:58 (Count Out).
COT: Hooded Soldier II won over "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 16:29 (Boot Stomp) by 8.
NATO: Jake Jeckel beat SOS/BG: Tripp Wreck at 17:51 (Hokus Pokus) by 7.
TBABIT: Piper "The Goofball" Monroe destroyed SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 18:23 (Last Laugh) by 6.
SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone, Snowflake Willy, and Snowflake Billy* won over NATO: J.D. Fortune*, Jack Jeckel, and Jake Jeckel at 22:40 (The Cold Snap) by 9.

Card 32: Held in Echo (Attendance: 49,549)

"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over Bart Batten in 2 at 7:28 (Count Out).
NATO: Farhad Hassen over SOS/BG: "The Blood One" Paul Winston in 14 at 5:55 (Count Out).
Snowflake Billy overpowered Italian Stallion in 12 at 2:56 (Figure Four) by 157.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone over Leonard King in 2 at 9:57 (Count Out).
COT: Hooded Soldier II beat TBABIT: Piper "The Goofball" Monroe at 29:35 (Boot Stomp) by 5.
NATO: Jake Jeckel overpowered SOS/BG: Jimmy Slays at 27:30 (Hokus Pokus) by 5.
TBABIT: "The General" Ulysses Monroe annihilated SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 27:43 (The Reconstruction) by 3.
COT: Hooded Soldier III*, Hooded Soldier I, and Blackjack Sullivan bested TBABIT: "Reticent" Frank Du Pont, "Old School" Ollie Fontaine, and Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne* at 29:51 (Boot Stomp) by 1.

Card 33: Held in Charlotte (Attendance: 49,530)

"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf over Bart Batten in 2 at 6:57 (Count Out).
COT: Hooded Soldier II bested SOS: Stunning Steve Hazard at 29:15 (Boot Stomp) by 5.
COT: Hooded Soldier III won over Terrence Smith in 6 at 5:38 (Hammerlock) by 95.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine outmuscled Leonard King in 6 at 5:12 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood won over COT: Hooded Soldier II at 29:30 (Chimera Plex) by 1 (non-title).
TBABIT: Solomon "the Strongman" Crowley over NATO: Jake Jeckel at 4:03 (Count Out).
TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe outmuscled SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 27:38 (Top Rope Spinebuster) by 5.
TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi, "The Journeyman" Ryker Green, and Hubert "the Introvert" Roberts* decked COT: Hooded Soldier III*, Hooded Soldier I, and Blackjack Sullivan at 27:26 (The Education) by 3.

Card 34: Held in Columbia (Attendance: 35,799)

TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne outmuscled Bart Batten in 6 at 2:43 (Bodyslam) by 80.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier bested SOS: Disturbing Ambulance Chaser Ron Zombie at 20:37 (Emerald Fusion) by 10.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev defeated Terrence Smith in 6 at 4:21 (European Uppercut) by 90.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf annihilated Leonard King in 6 at 6:17 (Palm Strike) by 95.
COT: Hooded Soldier II bested TBABIT: Kennedy Cage at 15:04 (Boot Stomp) by 7.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf defeated NATO: Jake Jeckel at 11:54 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 20.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood bested SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 17:27 (Chimera Plex) by 12 (non-title).
TV Six-man titles: COT: Minneapolis Bad Boy, Snowflake Willy, and Snowflake Billy* pinned TBABIT: "Reticent" Frank Du Pont, "Old School" Ollie Fontaine, and Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne* at 27:49 (The Cold Snap) by 4.

Card 35: Held in Pretoria (Attendance: 35,068)

COT: Hooded Soldier III beat Gary Robbins in 12 at 1:55 (Brainbuster) by 131.
Stonehenge Mystique title: COT: "Sultan of Ice" Herb Brooks decked SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 12:04 (Slap Shot) by 13.

NATO: J.D. Fortune outmuscled Terrence Smith in 6 at 5:15 (Headlock) by 93.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over Leonard King in 2 at 3:55 (Count Out).
SOS: "Lord of the Undead" Solomon Grundy over NATO: Ludus Awdreev in 14 at 5:34 (Disqualification: used rope to choke).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf beat NATO: Jake Jeckel at 14:38 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 17.
TBABIT: Kennedy Cage overpowered SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 29:50 (Vertebreaker) by 4.
COT: Minneapolis Bad Boy, Snowflake Willy, and Snowflake Billy* drew TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi, "The Journeyman" Ryker Green, and Hubert "the Introvert" Roberts* at 10:57 (Double Count Out).

Card 36: Held in Midland (Attendance: 30,226)

SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone defeated Gary Robbins in 12 at 1:48 (Brainbuster) by 126.
COT: Hooded Soldier I outmuscled SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 15:42 (Boot Stomp) by 10.
NATO: George Stark defeated Terrence Smith in 6 at 4:37 (Big Boot) by 93.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf over Leonard King in 2 at 3:55 (Count Out).
SOS: DeadGirl over NATO: Ludus Awdreev in 14 at 9:30 (Count Out).
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf annihilated NATO: Jake Jeckel at 7:15 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 16.
TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James bested SOS: Beautiful Johnny Disaster at 24:26 (Burning Hammer) by 8 (non-title).
TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi, "The Journeyman" Ryker Green, and Hubert "the Introvert" Roberts* decked NATO: Quinn Buckley, Farhad Hassen*, and Al Bundy at 28:29 (The Education) by 3.

Card 37: Held in Louisville (Attendance: 42,129)

TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine overpowered Gary Robbins in 12 at 2:24 (Cobra Clutch) by 133.
Snowflake Willy defeated SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 20:35 (The Icebreaker) by 10.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone overpowered Terrence Smith in 6 at 3:36 (Hammerlock) by 92.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne outmuscled Leonard King in 6 at 1:52 (Bodyslam) by 90.
TBABIT: Kingpin Kyle outmuscled NATO: Ludus Awdreev at 12:46 (Power Broker) by 14.
NATO: Jake Jeckel destroyed TBABIT: "The Gremlin" Stripe Smokestack at 29:36 (Hokus Pokus) by 4.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf overpowered Earl of Mobsters in 8 at 16:51 (Fallaway Slam) by 6.
TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi, "The Journeyman" Ryker Green, and Hubert "the Introvert" Roberts* destroyed TBABIT: "Reticent" Frank Du Pont, "Old School" Ollie Fontaine, and Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne* at 28:33 (The Education) by 4.

Card 38: Held in Pisa (Attendance: 38,543)

"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf bested Gary Robbins in 6 at 7:23 (Palm Strike) by 66.
TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone overpowered SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 21:37 (Anaconda Vice) by 8.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine beat Terrence Smith in 6 at 5:31 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90.
SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone annihilated COT: "The Stunning One" Steven M. Shotliff at 29:35 (Freak-N-Steiner) by 1.
LIFE: Bigfoot pinned NATO: Ludus Awdreev at 19:09 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 14.
NATO: Jake Jeckel bested SOS: The Masked Spoiler at 22:55 (Hokus Pokus) by 7.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf beat Earl of Mobsters at 15:07 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 19.

Card 39: Held in Staten Island (Attendance: 34,715)

"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf bested Gary Robbins in 6 at 6:12 (Fallaway Slam) by 65.
TBABIT: "The Intellectual" Cornelius Crowley outmuscled SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 20:25 (Thought Drop) by 10.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf bested Terrence Smith in 6 at 2:58 (Palm Strike) by 95.
COT: Blackjack Sullivan destroyed SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 28:03 (Blackjack Lariat) by 3.
TBABIT: "Fortune 500" Aaron McFleese pinned NATO: Ludus Awdreev at 13:13 (The Buyout) by 20.
COT: "Sexy" Lenny Nightmare destroyed SOS: DeadGirl at 17:14 ("Too Sexy!") by 6.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered Earl of Mobsters in 12 at 15:24 (Brainbuster) by 10.

Card 40: Held in Burton (Attendance: 42,852)

"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf beat Gary Robbins in 12 at 0:31 (Brainbuster) by 130.
TBABIT: Solomon "the Strongman" Crowley decked SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 15:17 (Short Arm Clothesline) by 11.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf annihilated Terrence Smith in 6 at 5:09 (Fallaway Slam) by 94.
TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone bested SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 29:43 (Anaconda Vice) by 3.
NATO: J.D. Fortune overpowered SOS: Death Dealer Seth Phoenix at 29:16 (Dream Destroyer) by 4.
Edinburgh Castle title: TBABIT: "The Intellectual" Cornelius Crowley outmuscled SOS: DeadGirl at 21:57 (Thought Drop) by 6.

TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson outmuscled SOS: A-List Adam Stone's Stunt Double at 16:51 (Big Splash) by 8.

Card 41: Held in Wheeling (Attendance: 39,394)

TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne overpowered Gary Robbins in 12 at 2:47 (Figure Four) by 134.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf annihilated SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 20:43 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 8.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf decked Terrence Smith in 6 at 2:14 (Ankle Lock) by 89.
TBABIT: "The Intellectual" Cornelius Crowley bested SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 27:22 (Thought Drop) by 5 (non-title).
NATO: J.D. Fortune over TBABIT: "Locker Room Cancer" Joey Kimo in 13 at 3:59 (Disqualification: razor in boot).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf decked SOS: DeadGirl at 28:09 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 4.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson won over "The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf at 17:31 (Big Splash) by 6.

Card 42: Held in Richmond (Attendance: 39,336)

Snowflake Billy beat Gary Robbins in 6 at 4:51 (Fallaway Slam) by 63.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf beat SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 29:48 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 5.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne overpowered Terrence Smith in 6 at 4:41 (Bodyslam) by 90.
TBABIT: Solomon "the Strongman" Crowley destroyed SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 23:31 (Short Arm Clothesline) by 6 (non-title).
NATO: J.D. Fortune pinned TBABIT: "Top Priority" Peter Daugherty in 8 at 17:46 (Pumphandle Slam) by 12.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf pinned SOS: DeadGirl at 29:50 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 1.
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson beat "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 21:44 (Big Splash) by 9.

Card 43: Held in Gary (Attendance: 33,071)

COT: Hooded Soldier III bested Pete Gas in 6 at 1:20 (Hammerlock) by 102.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf outmuscled SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 27:36 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 4.
COT: Hooded Soldier III over Harry Haystacks in 1 at 10:55 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf destroyed SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 29:33 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 3.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf decked NATO: J.D. Fortune at 29:13 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 1.
SOS: DeadGirl drew "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf (Time Limit).
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson overpowered "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 17:47 (Big Splash) by 10.

Card 44: Held in Green Bay (Attendance: 37,888)

SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone defeated Pete Gas in 6 at 3:50 (Hammerlock) by 99.
TBABIT: Piper "The Goofball" Monroe won over SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 15:07 (Last Laugh) by 7.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev annihilated Harry Haystacks in 6 at 2:19 (European Uppercut) by 104.
SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone tied "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 4:14 (Double Disqualification).
NATO: J.D. Fortune bested "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 27:26 (Dream Destroyer) by 2.
SOS: DeadGirl drew TBABIT: "The General" Ulysses Monroe at 9:05 (No Contest).
TBABIT: "Version 2.0" Arthur Davidson decked TBABIT: Graham Underwood at 28:53 (Big Splash) by 1 (non-title).

Card 45: Held in Berlin (Attendance: 31,801)

TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine destroyed Pete Gas in 6 at 1:39 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 97.
TBABIT: "The General" Ulysses Monroe overpowered SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 29:17 (The Reconstruction) by 4.
NATO: J.D. Fortune decked Harry Haystacks in 6 at 2:08 (Headlock) by 107.
SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone bested "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 27:28 (Freak-N-Steiner) by 1.
NATO: J.D. Fortune beat "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 28:28 (Dream Destroyer) by 3.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood won over SOS: DeadGirl at 17:56 (Chimera Plex) by 9 (non-title).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf beat SOS/BG: Kerry Kergulan in 13 at 12:53 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 21.

Card 46: Held in Arlington (Attendance: 46,601)

"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf decked Pete Gas in 6 at 1:54 (Palm Strike) by 102.
TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe pinned SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 17:02 (Top Rope Spinebuster) by 6.
NATO: George Stark overpowered Harry Haystacks in 6 at 2:33 (Big Boot) by 107.
TBABIT: Piper "The Goofball" Monroe outmuscled SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 28:24 (Last Laugh) by 2.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood defeated NATO: J.D. Fortune at 21:56 (Chimera Plex) by 6 (non-title).
TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James bested SOS: DeadGirl at 27:38 (Burning Hammer) by 5.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf destroyed SOS/BG: Kerry Kergulan in 10 at 24:24 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 8.

Card 47: Held in Seville (Attendance: 31,367)

"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf defeated Pete Gas in 6 at 4:28 (Fallaway Slam) by 101.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood destroyed SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 14:01 (Chimera Plex) by 13 (non-title).
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone outmuscled Harry Haystacks in 6 at 1:01 (Hammerlock) by 106.
SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone pinned TBABIT: "The General" Ulysses Monroe at 28:41 (Freak-N-Steiner) by 1.
NATO: J.D. Fortune over SOS: The Masked Terror in 14 at 12:40 (Count Out).
TBABIT: Graham Underwood outmuscled SOS: Death Dealer Seth Phoenix at 17:57 (Chimera Plex) by 10.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf bested SOS/BG: Kerry Kergulan in 13 at 8:33 (Superplex) by 21.

Card 48: Held in Matamoros (Attendance: 41,552)

"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf bested Pete Gas in 6 at 4:52 (Ankle Lock) by 96.
TBABIT: Kennedy Cage destroyed SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 28:39 (Vertebreaker) by 5.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine decked Harry Haystacks in 6 at 4:46 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 104.
TBABIT: Marcus "the Monster" Monroe destroyed SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 28:15 (Top Rope Spinebuster) by 1.
NATO: J.D. Fortune beat SOS: The Masked Superstar in 12 at 5:53 (Slingshot Suplex) by 25.
NATO: Quinn Buckley bested SOS/CHAMP: The Orphan Crippler in 12 at 8:42 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 17.
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall defeated SOS: Gorgeous George Slaughter at 28:09 (Black and Blue) by 3.

Card 49: Held in New Philadelphia (Attendance: 30,978)

TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne outmuscled Pete Gas in 6 at 6:19 (Bodyslam) by 97.
TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James decked SOS: Vlad the Impaler at 18:36 (Burning Hammer) by 9.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over Harry Haystacks in 1 at 1:22 (Count Out).
TBABIT: Graham Underwood bested SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 21:59 (Chimera Plex) by 8 (non-title).
COT: "The Stunning One" Steven M. Shotliff tied SOS: DeadGirl (Time Limit).
NATO: Quinn Buckley won over SOS/BG: Moldy Pistachio in 12 at 8:58 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 18.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over SOS/BG: Moldy Pistachio in 14 at 10:33 (Disqualification: hit ref).

Card 50: Held in Geneva (Attendance: 41,489)

COT: Hooded Soldier III destroyed Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 0:30 (Hammerlock) by 121.
COT: Hooded Soldier III pinned Johnny Twilight in 6 at 6:59 (Hammerlock) by 96.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf bested Harry Haystacks in 6 at 4:43 (Fallaway Slam) by 108.
SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone tied TBABIT: Kennedy Cage at 4:46 (Double Disqualification).
TBABIT: Graham Underwood beat COT: "The Stunning One" Steven M. Shotliff at 15:55 (Chimera Plex) by 9.
NATO: Quinn Buckley beat SOS: Ravishing Rick Dynamite in 14 at 27:33 (Big Splash) by 3.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over SOS/BG: Moldy Pistachio at 6:50 (Disqualification: hidden spike).

Card 51: Held in Belfast (Attendance: 46,719)

NATO: Ludus Awdreev decked Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 3:32 (European Uppercut) by 116.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev over Johnny Twilight in 1 at 1:31 (Count Out).
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered Harry Haystacks in 6 at 1:16 (Ankle Lock) by 103.
Windsor Sovereign title: TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James decked SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone at 28:56 (Burning Hammer) by 4.

TBABIT: "Reticent" Frank Du Pont over The Stepfather at 3:27 (Count Out).
NATO: Quinn Buckley annihilated SOS/BG: Blood Threat 3 at 12:52 (Macho Diving Elbow) by 21.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf defeated SOS/BG: Moldy Pistachio in 13 at 8:22 (Superplex) by 24.

Card 52: Held in St. Louis (Attendance: 40,001)

NATO: J.D. Fortune outmuscled Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 2:33 (Headlock) by 119.
NATO: J.D. Fortune overpowered Johnny Twilight in 6 at 6:52 (Headlock) by 94.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne over Harry Haystacks in 1 at 4:47 (Count Out).
COT: Hooded Soldier III bested Lee E. Roberts in 6 at 3:05 (Hammerlock) by 112.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine destroyed The Stepfather at 7:19 (Brainbuster) by 25.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf annihilated NATO: Quinn Buckley at 16:27 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 6.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier bested SOS: A-List Adam Stone at 29:42 (Emerald Fusion) by 4.

Card 53: Held in Crete (Attendance: 32,424)

NATO: George Stark overpowered Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 4:19 (Big Boot) by 119.
NATO: George Stark destroyed Johnny Twilight at 2:57 (Stark Contrast) by 138.
Snowflake Billy bested Harry Haystacks in 6 at 4:50 (Fallaway Slam) by 106.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone over Lee E. Roberts in 2 at 8:43 (Count Out).
TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi over The Stepfather at 2:03 (Count Out).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf decked NATO: Quinn Buckley at 27:51 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 3.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf won over SOS/BG: Blood Threat 3 in 13 at 7:09 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 20.

Card 54: Held in St. Paul (Attendance: 34,665)

SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone decked Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 0:47 (Hammerlock) by 118.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone overpowered Johnny Twilight in 8 at 0:50 (Pumphandle Slam) by 116.
COT: Hooded Soldier III beat Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 0:51 (Hammerlock) by 132.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine overpowered Lee E. Roberts in 6 at 3:37 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 107.
TBABIT: "The Journeyman" Ryker Green defeated The Stepfather at 9:50 (Ryker Spiker) by 25.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered NATO: Quinn Buckley at 28:19 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 2.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf beat SOS/BG: Blood Threat 3 at 13:00 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 24.

Card 55: Held in Glasgow (Attendance: 30,372)

TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine outmuscled Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 0:49 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 116.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine overpowered Johnny Twilight in 6 at 6:01 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 91.
NATO: Ludus Awdreev over Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 1 at 4:30 (Disqualification: used powder).
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf defeated Lee E. Roberts in 6 at 1:29 (Palm Strike) by 112.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf won over The Stepfather at 12:32 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 24.
NATO: Farhad Hassen defeated COT: Tig O'Bitty at 29:57 (Khosrow Clutch) by 3.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf over SOS/BG: Blood Threat 3 at 2:16 (Count Out).

Card 56: Held in Cairo (Attendance: 44,308)

"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf defeated Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 2:37 (Palm Strike) by 121.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf won over Johnny Twilight in 8 at 2:57 (Fallaway Slam) by 117.
NATO: J.D. Fortune bested Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 0:55 (Headlock) by 130.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf over Lee E. Roberts in 2 at 3:04 (Count Out).
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf pinned The Stepfather at 10:33 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 21.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf bested NATO: Farhad Hassen at 29:01 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 2.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over LIFE: Bigfoot at 8:23 (Count Out).

Card 57: Held in Los Angeles (Attendance: 35,257)

"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf overpowered Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 4:25 (Fallaway Slam) by 120.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf outmuscled Johnny Twilight in 6 at 5:10 (Fallaway Slam) by 95.
NATO: George Stark destroyed Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 0:47 (Big Boot) by 130.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf over Lee E. Roberts in 2 at 9:27 (Count Out).
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf annihilated The Stepfather at 14:00 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 20.
NATO: Farhad Hassen won over "The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf at 27:23 (Khosrow Clutch) by 1.
TBABIT: Frederick Xavier decked "The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf at 29:58 (Emerald Fusion) by 4.

Card 58: Held in Bahrain (Attendance: 42,277)

"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf overpowered Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 1:10 (Ankle Lock) by 115.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf decked Johnny Twilight in 8 at 2:50 (Palm Strike) by 112.
SOS: Loose Cannon Tom Stone decked Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 0:41 (Hammerlock) by 129.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne beat Lee E. Roberts in 6 at 1:30 (Bodyslam) by 107.
TBABIT: Hubert "the Introvert" Roberts won over The Stepfather at 10:10 (Time to Go Home) by 29.
NATO: Farhad Hassen bested "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf at 27:26 (Khosrow Clutch) by 2.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf outmuscled "The Golden 1" Jeremy Potvin at 9:03 (Von Wolf Heart Punch) by 21.

Card 59: Held in Mayberry (Attendance: 40,419)

TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne destroyed Gobbledy Gooker in 6 at 2:34 (Bodyslam) by 116.
TBABIT: Eudoxus "the Mindful" Osbourne annihilated Johnny Twilight in 6 at 6:11 (Bodyslam) by 91.
TBABIT: "Old School" Ollie Fontaine pinned Aaron "The Master" Masterson in 6 at 1:15 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 127.
COT: Hooded Soldier III bested George South in 6 at 1:33 (Hammerlock) by 114.
TBABIT: Graham Underwood won over The Stepfather at 4:22 (Chimera Plex) by 29 (non-title).
TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James bested NATO: Farhad Hassen at 28:44 (Burning Hammer) by 3.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf over "Stunning" Scarecrow at 10:38 (Disqualification: used powder).

Battle Royal: Held in Chicago (Attendance: 47,356)

NATO: Jack Jeckel was given $1,000 after "The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf tossed him onto the concrete floor.
NATO: Jake Jeckel won $1,100 after getting thrown into some fans at ringside by Snowflake Willy.
NATO: George Stark nabbed $1,200 after "The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf threw him onto the concrete floor.
"The Butcher" Bruno Von Wolf pocketed $1,300 after being thrown onto the concrete floor by "The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf.
COT: Minneapolis Bad Boy collected $1,400 when he was flipped onto the concrete floor by Snowflake Willy.
"The Blackheart" Barrett Von Wolf was awarded $1,500 in imaginary earnings after TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James threw him outside the ring.
"The Bruiser" Brodie Von Wolf was awarded a cool $1,600 in imaginary earnings after he got catapulted out of the ring by TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone.
TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone was paid $1,700 after getting thrown into some fans at ringside by Snowflake Billy.
Snowflake Billy picked up $1,800 when he was catapulted outside the ring by TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James.
TBABIT: "Lethal" Derrick James made $1,900 when he got thrown over the top rope by Snowflake Willy.
Snowflake Willy was the winner of the battle royal and the $40,000 prize.

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