BULLETIN #508 -- FEBRUARY 2025 |
Card 1: Held in Arlington (Attendance: 9,080) |
CURE/CTI: Killer Kim won over Little Miss Terror in 6 at 3:17 (Ankle Lock) by 89. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno destroyed VIRUS: Masked Maiden #11 in 11 at 15:10 (Backbreaker) by 16. EDGE: "Barb" E. Q. Sauce decked CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno in 10 at 27:56 (Ankle Lock) by 0. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow over Little Miss Terror in 3 at 4:13 (Disqualification: loaded elbow pad) (non-title). EDGE: "Chipper" Stacey Dales outmuscled SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Katherine K. at 29:56 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. EDGE: "Chipper" Stacey Dales annihilated CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas at 27:40 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. EDGE: "Total Package" Trina Fixer defeated EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World at 28:53 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1 (non-title). Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow overpowered SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction at 32:17 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 8. |
Card 2: Held in Mission (Attendance: 3,521) |
CURE/CTI: Killer Kim outmuscled EDGE: Hooligan C. Bass at 27:30 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno bested Big Bertha in 6 at 3:31 (Ankle Lock) by 100. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno bested Wilma Chokemeister in 13 at 2:51 (Cobra Clutch) by 153. EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World over Little Miss Terror in 3 at 1:00 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent). EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World outmuscled SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Evelyn D. at 27:43 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow decked CURE/CTI: Brain Buster MD at 27:18 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 3 (non-title). EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World outmuscled CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas at 29:13 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow pinned CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas at 54:41 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. |
Card 3: Held in Dallas (Attendance: 2,562) |
CURE/CTI: Killer Kim decked SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Kelly C. at 29:25 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno destroyed Dr. Henrietta Hertz in 6 at 1:31 (Ankle Lock) by 105. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno won over Anita Mann in 6 at 1:49 (Ankle Lock) by 82. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow pinned VIRUS: Masked Maiden #11 in 10 at 10:49 (Headbutt) by 16 (non-title). SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction defeated Cherry "The Bomb" Landon in 6 at 1:48 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 84 (non-title). CURE/CTI: Brain Buster MD beat EDGE: Cocoa Bea Wear at 27:53 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World overpowered COT: "Ego Maniac" Michelle Sleaves at 27:30 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow bested CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno at 56:15 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. |
Card 4: Held in Mentor-on-the-Lake (Attendance: 5,671) |
CURE/CTI: Killer Kim won over EDGE: "Fright Night" Fionna Franklin at 29:16 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno won over Mindy Graves in 6 at 2:06 (Ankle Lock) by 79. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno won over The Fashionista in 11 at 3:32 (Backbreaker) by 117. GLOW: Missy Linnear beat Big Bertha in 6 at 5:53 (Chickenwing) by 83. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow beat EDGE: The Bionic Beauty at 28:53 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2 (non-title). West Coast title: CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas won over CURE/CTI: Brain Buster MD at 27:50 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World bested EDGE: Angelic Kitty Cat at 27:08 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 3. Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow decked EDGE: Sweet Samantha Sanderson at 43:57 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. |
Card 5: Held in Shanghai (Attendance: 7,037) |
EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow destroyed CURE/CTI: Killer Kim at 28:34 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1 (non-title). CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno overpowered Elsa the Enormous at 1:26 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 197. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow annihilated Molly the Mop in 6 at 6:06 (Spinning Back Fist) by 91 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow annihilated Big Bertha in 6 at 4:20 (Spinning Back Fist) by 96 (non-title). EDGE: The Bionic Beauty destroyed EDGE: "Queen City" Char Lot at 27:18 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. CURE/CTI: Brain Buster MD defeated COT: "Drama Queen" Kendra Maplewood at 27:40 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. Central Plains title: CURE/CTI: Brutal Betty Breaker defeated CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas at 28:46 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow beat EDGE: The Bionic Beauty at 48:43 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. |
Card 6: Held in Calcutta (Attendance: 4,602) |
Rocky Mountains title: EDGE: "Total Package" Trina Fixer outmuscled CURE/CTI: Killer Kim at 28:46 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno won over Wanda the Wretched One in 6 at 2:41 (Ankle Lock) by 81. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow over Shirley O'Hurley in 3 at 1:33 (Disqualification: nail file) (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow decked Dr. Henrietta Hertz in 6 at 0:42 (Spinning Back Fist) by 101 (non-title). Mid-Atlantic title: CURE/CTI: Ash Aries bested EDGE: The Bionic Beauty at 27:58 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 3. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow overpowered Anne Z. in 6 at 5:45 (Spinning Back Fist) by 79 (non-title). TV Tag-team titles: SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Katherine K.* and "Widow in Black" Kelly C. beat Elsa the Enormous* and "Sweet as Cookies" Ginger Snapps at 2:49 (Altar of Sacrifice) by 134. Main event: EDGE: "Chipper" Stacey Dales drew EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow at 5:08 (Double Count Out). |
Card 7: Held in East Chicago (Attendance: 1,131) |
CURE/CTI: Killer Kim annihilated COT: Woman of the Knight #2 at 29:22 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 5 (Guest Referee: EDGE: "Malicious" Missy Burns). CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno over EDGE: Gina Diamond at 19:51 (Count Out). GLOW: Snow Elephant won over Mindy Graves in 6 at 7:52 (Shoulder Breaker) by 73. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow destroyed Mindy Graves in 6 at 1:50 (Spinning Back Fist) by 75 (non-title). EDGE: Sweet Samantha Sanderson destroyed EDGE: Hayley at 27:47 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow pinned "Sweet as Cookies" Ginger Snapps in 6 at 4:45 (Spinning Back Fist) by 82 (non-title). SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Katherine K.* and "Widow in Black" Kelly C. drew COT: Woman of the Knight #1* and Woman of the Knight #2 (Time Limit). Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow beat SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. at 36:43 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 3. |
Card 8: Held in Brussels (Attendance: 5,875) |
CURE/CTI: Killer Kelly tied EDGE: Sweet Samantha Sanderson at 4:15 (Double Count Out). CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno outmuscled Lisa B. Rascal in 6 at 3:47 (Ankle Lock) by 64. COT: Brandy Dirt destroyed EDGE: The Bionic Beauty at 29:56 (White Trash Slam) by 3 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow destroyed Elsa the Enormous in 6 at 4:48 (Spinning Back Fist) by 99 (non-title). Great Lakes title: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow outmuscled EDGE: Sweet Samantha Sanderson at 27:24 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow overpowered Wilma Chokemeister at 2:04 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 163 (non-title). League Six-woman titles: EDGE: "Fright Night" Fionna Franklin*, Glamorous Gale Good, and "Scary" Kerry Harlowe decked SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Betty N.*, "Widow in Black" Stacey C., and "Widow in Black" Evelyn D. at 28:10 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 1. Main event: EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow outmuscled CURE/CTI: Killer Kim at 35:06 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. |
Card 9: Held in Albany (Attendance: 7,545) |
EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow defeated CURE/CTI: Killer Kelly at 29:52 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. decked CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno at 27:14 (Altar of Sacrifice) by 1. COT: Brandy Dirt overpowered EDGE: Sweet Samantha Sanderson at 27:57 (White Trash Slam) by 2 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow decked Wanda the Wretched One in 6 at 6:18 (Spinning Back Fist) by 77 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow pinned Joanie D. in 6 at 4:43 (Spinning Back Fist) by 120 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow outmuscled Anita Mann in 6 at 5:52 (Spinning Back Fist) by 78 (non-title). SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Betty N.*, "Widow in Black" Stacey C., and "Widow in Black" Evelyn D. tied EDGE: Hayley*, "Queen City" Char Lot, and "Barb" E. Q. Sauce at 3:03 (Double Disqualification). Main event: EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson beat EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow at 40:42 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. |
Card 10: Held in Louisville (Attendance: 1,281) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno pinned Molly the Mop in 6 at 5:45 (Ankle Lock) by 95. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno outmuscled Joanie D. in 6 at 2:25 (Ankle Lock) by 124. COT: Brandy Dirt defeated EDGE: "Chipper" Stacey Dales at 28:28 (White Trash Slam) by 1 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow overpowered EDGE: Hooligan C. Bass at 27:55 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 5 (Guest Referee: SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Betty N.). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow overpowered COT: Woman of the Knight #1 in 10 at 27:25 (Headbutt) by 5 (Guest Referee: GLOW: Snow Elephant). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow annihilated COT: "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud at 21:56 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 6. TV Six-woman titles: SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Betty N.*, "Widow in Black" Stacey C., and "Widow in Black" Evelyn D. defeated COT: "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud, "Drama Queen" Kendra Maplewood, and "Ego Maniac" Michelle Sleaves* at 19:21 (Altar of Sacrifice) by 7. Main event: EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson beat EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World at 55:23 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. |
Card 11: Held in Dothan (Attendance: 9,184) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno annihilated Shirley O'Hurley in 6 at 2:51 (Ankle Lock) by 84. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno won over Cherry "The Bomb" Landon in 6 at 5:50 (Ankle Lock) by 90. TV title: COT: Brandy Dirt annihilated EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow at 29:31 (White Trash Slam) by 1. GLOW: Sue Ellen the Leprechaun decked EDGE: Gina Diamond at 16:41 (Big Splash from Top Rope) by 8. EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson beat EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow at 28:12 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow won over CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas at 28:30 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 2. EDGE: "Fright Night" Fionna Franklin*, Glamorous Gale Good, and "Scary" Kerry Harlowe decked EDGE: Hayley*, "Queen City" Char Lot, and "Barb" E. Q. Sauce at 27:27 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 1. Main event: EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson won over CURE/CTI: Brain Buster MD at 27:15 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. |
Card 12: Held in Assisi (Attendance: 8,720) |
COT: Brandy Dirt beat CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno at 27:19 (White Trash Slam) by 5 (non-title) (Guest Referee: EDGE: Lisa Diamond). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow bested CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno at 28:56 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. COT: Brandy Dirt decked CURE/CTI: Drake Douglas at 28:56 (White Trash Slam) by 3 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow annihilated Lisa B. Rascal in 6 at 5:36 (Spinning Back Fist) by 60 (non-title). EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson overpowered EDGE: "Miss Congeniality" Jada World at 28:46 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow annihilated COT: "Drama Queen" Kendra Maplewood at 28:16 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 5 (Guest Referee: COT: "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud). EDGE: "Fright Night" Fionna Franklin*, Glamorous Gale Good, and "Scary" Kerry Harlowe annihilated COT: "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud, "Drama Queen" Kendra Maplewood, and "Ego Maniac" Michelle Sleaves* at 17:15 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 8. Main event: CURE/CTI: Ash Aries tied EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson (Time Limit). |
Card 13: Held in Hong Kong (Attendance: 3,856) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno decked Purdy Lil' Thing in 6 at 3:09 (Ankle Lock) by 113. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno overpowered NME: Misfit Diva #4 at 15:30 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 21. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow over Purdy Lil' Thing in 2 at 4:50 (Disqualification: hit ref) (non-title). GLOW: Mary Miles Minter pinned EDGE: Sara Diamond at 27:24 (Cheerleader Roll) by 2. EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson overpowered EDGE: Cocoa Bea Wear at 21:42 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 8. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow bested COT: "Ego Maniac" Michelle Sleaves at 28:53 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. Main event: COT: Brandy Dirt tied EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson at 4:11 (No Contest). |
Card 14: Held in Bryn Mawr (Attendance: 6,587) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno bested Janice the Mannish in 6 at 3:31 (Ankle Lock) by 108. East Coast title: CURE/CTI: Brutal Becky Breaker won over CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno at 18:18 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 6. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow decked Janice the Mannish in 6 at 3:08 (Spinning Back Fist) by 104 (non-title). EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson bested SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Betty N. at 27:51 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson decked COT: "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud at 21:16 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 7. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow outmuscled The Fashionista in 10 at 3:09 (Headbutt) by 114 (non-title). Main event: EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson decked COT: "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud at 44:57 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 7. |
Card 15: Held in Accra (Attendance: 3,961) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno annihilated EDGE: Ashley Diamond at 6:57 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 28. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno destroyed Anne Z. in 6 at 5:34 (Ankle Lock) by 83. GLOW: Annette Shoemaker, the Real Mrs. Clause bested EDGE/H25: Tina Diamond at 27:56 (Cheerleader Roll) by 3. SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. beat COT: Woman of the Knight #1 at 28:27 (Altar of Sacrifice) by 2. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow bested Cherry "The Bomb" Landon in 6 at 3:50 (Spinning Back Fist) by 86 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow pinned EDGE: Angelic Kitty Cat at 29:49 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 3. Main event: EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson beat EDGE: Angelic Kitty Cat at 50:21 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. |
Card 16: Held in Brooklyn (Attendance: 3,600) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno defeated VIRUS: Masked Maiden #12 at 4:11 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 32. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno outmuscled H2O: Elektra Blaze in 6 at 8:02 (Ankle Lock) by 18. GLOW: Ginger Roger annihilated CWF: Ripping Rachael at 2:17 (Cheerleader Roll) by 113. SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. overpowered EDGE: Glamorous Gale Good at 29:19 (Altar of Sacrifice) by 3. EDGE: "Chipper" Stacey Dales bested EDGE: "Scary" Kerry Harlowe at 28:07 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 4. CURE/CTI: Ash Aries destroyed EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow at 29:27 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 1. Main event: EDGE: Salty Sue Sanderson beat COT: "Drama Queen" Kendra Maplewood at 15:15 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 6. |
Card 17: Held in Luxembourg (Attendance: 3,436) |
CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno outmuscled Little Miss Terror in 6 at 2:10 (Ankle Lock) by 89. CURE/CTI: Kesha Ohno decked "Sweet as Cookies" Ginger Snapps in 12 at 1:46 (Atomic Leg Drop) by 143. EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow defeated VIRUS: Masked Maiden #12 at 9:47 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 36 (non-title). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow beat SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. at 27:26 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 3 (non-title). EDGE: "Chipper" Stacey Dales tied EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow (Time Limit). EDGE: "Ice Queen" Vanessa Snow defeated COT: Woman of the Knight #2 at 22:42 (Scorpion Deathlock) by 6. |
Battle Royal: Held in Chicago (Attendance: 4,268) |
GLOW: Annette Shoemaker, the Real Mrs. Clause was given $1,000 after GLOW: Sue Ellen the Leprechaun flung her out. GLOW: Ginger Roger earned $1,100 after she got flung onto the steps by GLOW: Missy Linnear. GLOW: Missy Linnear pocketed $1,200 after SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction threw her onto the announcer's table. GLOW: Mary Miles Minter earned $1,300 when she was thrown over the top rope by SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. GLOW: Sue Ellen the Leprechaun pocketed $1,400 after SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction tossed her over the turnbuckle. SWAN SONG: "Widow in Black" Stacey C. collected $1,500 after she got thrown out by COT: Brandy Dirt. SWAN SONG: Toxic Attraction grabbed $1,600 in imaginary money when COT: Brandy Dirt hurled her out. COT: Brandy Dirt was the winner of the FFL battle royal and the $40,000 purse. |