BULLETIN #28 -- WINTER 2025 |
Card 1: Held in Philadelphia (Attendance: 34,827) |
Grizelda Bloom over Slammin' Sally Savage in 2 at 6:08 (Count Out). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty beat Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 1:08 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 106. PPA/COT: Lady Swine over Bonecrusher Bonnie Bailey in 1 at 4:44 (Disqualification: razor in boot). Morgana Le Faye decked Hurricane Helen Hayes in 6 at 2:53 (Rib Breaker) by 81. Grizelda Bloom outmuscled Killer Kayla Kelly in 6 at 5:14 (Mounted Punches) by 91. DOD: Dr. BB decked EDGE: "Beautiful" Becky Hall at 29:38 (BB Sleeper) by 5. Grizelda Bloom destroyed RFD: Samantha Kane at 28:55 (Chair shot to the knee) by 5. COT: Kolohe tied RFD: Eclypse (Time Limit). Main event: COT/GUN: Delilah Death won over EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 53:47 (Death Dealer) by 1. |
Card 2: Held in La Paz (Attendance: 43,777) |
Clover Lane over Slammin' Sally Savage in 1 at 1:27 (Disqualification: nail file). PPA/COT: Lady Swine defeated Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 3:00 (Mounted Punches) by 106. Morgana Le Faye annihilated Bonecrusher Bonnie Bailey in 6 at 2:30 (Rib Breaker) by 103. Grizelda Bloom bested Dynamo Daisy Donovan in 6 at 1:09 (Mounted Punches) by 116. Clover Lane bested Killer Kayla Kelly in 6 at 3:18 (Rib Breaker) by 80. EDGE: "Sizzling" Cheri Summers pinned RFD: Samantha Kane at 28:16 (Summer's Storm) by 1. Cassidy Le Faye defeated Grizelda Bloom at 29:24 (Pleasure Punch) by 3. COT: Kolohe pinned RFD: Samantha Kane at 28:21 (DDT) by 2. Main event: Morgana Le Faye won over COT/GUN: Delilah Death at 28:50 (Pork Chopper) by 1. |
Card 3: Held in Green Bay (Attendance: 44,080) |
COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Slammin' Sally Savage in 6 at 2:07 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 84. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion annihilated Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 2:53 (European Uppercut) by 103. Grizelda Bloom pinned Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 2:25 (Mounted Punches) by 109. Clover Lane decked Dynamo Daisy Donovan in 6 at 1:34 (Rib Breaker) by 105. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty won over Killer Kayla Kelly in 6 at 5:23 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 91. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix bested DOD: Queen Vixen Red at 29:57 (Phoenix Rising) by 4. COT: Maka bested Clover Lane at 28:32 (Big Splash) by 3. Cassidy Le Faye decked COT: Kolohe at 24:49 (Pleasure Punch) by 6. Main event: Morgana Le Faye decked COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 55:06 (Pork Chopper) by 3. |
Card 4: Held in Barbours Cut (Attendance: 47,168) |
PPA/COT: Lady Swine defeated Slammin' Sally Savage in 6 at 6:52 (Mounted Punches) by 84. Morgana Le Faye decked Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 4:16 (Rib Breaker) by 100. Clover Lane pinned Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 2:36 (Rib Breaker) by 98. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty bested Dynamo Daisy Donovan in 6 at 2:17 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 116. PPA/COT: Lady Swine defeated Killer Kayla Kelly in 6 at 1:55 (Mounted Punches) by 91. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart destroyed EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 29:29 (Black CC) by 2. COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot destroyed Clover Lane at 29:37 (Buckshot Lariat) by 2. Morgana Le Faye outmuscled COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:36 (Pork Chopper) by 3. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye destroyed Morgana Le Faye at 53:32 (Pleasure Punch) by 3. |
Card 5: Held in Back of the Yards (Attendance: 39,887) |
Morgana Le Faye over Slammin' Sally Savage in 1 at 29:17 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone). Cassidy Le Faye decked Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 4:47 (Rib Breaker) by 107. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 2:13 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 109. PPA/COT: Lady Swine outmuscled Dynamo Daisy Donovan in 6 at 2:00 (Mounted Punches) by 116. Morgana Le Faye decked Killer Kayla Kelly in 6 at 2:55 (Rib Breaker) by 85. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix annihilated PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 27:32 (Phoenix Rising) by 3. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion annihilated Clover Lane at 28:29 (Beautiful Oblivion) by 2. COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot beat RFD: Masked Matriarch at 27:02 (Buckshot Lariat) by 1. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye bested DOD: Dr. BB at 41:54 (Pleasure Punch) by 1. |
Card 6: Held in Oneida (Attendance: 48,829) |
Grizelda Bloom over Twisted Tina Tucker in 2 at 3:58 (Disqualification: used brass knuckles). Circe Le Faye pinned Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 5:26 (Rib Breaker) by 99. PPA/COT: Lady Swine decked Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 3:22 (Mounted Punches) by 109. Morgana Le Faye defeated Dynamo Daisy Donovan in 6 at 1:43 (Rib Breaker) by 110. Grizelda Bloom destroyed Rumble Rhonda Roberts in 6 at 1:51 (Mounted Punches) by 101. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty overpowered EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 27:39 (Bull Ride) by 2. Morgana Le Faye destroyed Clover Lane at 29:28 (Pork Chopper) by 5. Cassidy Le Faye decked COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 23:09 (Pleasure Punch) by 6 (non-title). Main event: Cassidy Le Faye annihilated RFD: Samantha Kane at 19:17 (Pleasure Punch) by 8. |
Card 7: Held in Tampa (Attendance: 42,366) |
Clover Lane over Twisted Tina Tucker in 2 at 27:37 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent). Grizelda Bloom won over Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 1:22 (Mounted Punches) by 115. Morgana Le Faye destroyed Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 3:46 (Rib Breaker) by 103. Grizelda Bloom overpowered Ravishing Roxanne Ramirez in 6 at 2:14 (Mounted Punches) by 90. Clover Lane outmuscled Rumble Rhonda Roberts in 6 at 5:21 (Rib Breaker) by 90. PPA/COT: Lady Swine annihilated EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 28:42 (Purse Swipe) by 1. RFD: Eclypse outmuscled Clover Lane at 28:41 (Hypnos Clutch) by 2. Circe Le Faye bested COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 29:58 (Hocus Porkus) by 5 (non-title). Main event: Cassidy Le Faye won over RFD: Eclypse at 29:24 (Pleasure Punch) by 6. |
Card 8: Held in Las Vegas (Attendance: 31,046) |
COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated Twisted Tina Tucker in 6 at 1:02 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 112. Clover Lane decked Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 4:54 (Rib Breaker) by 104. Cassidy Le Faye decked Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 1:50 (Rib Breaker) by 110. Clover Lane beat Ravishing Roxanne Ramirez in 6 at 6:32 (Rib Breaker) by 79. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Rumble Rhonda Roberts in 6 at 4:32 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 101. TV title: COT: Kupua won over EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 29:28 (Piledriver) by 4. Clover Lane tied RFD: Samantha Kane at 4:52 (Double Disqualification). Morgana Le Faye destroyed COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 27:52 (Pork Chopper) by 3. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye overpowered COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 28:36 (Pleasure Punch) by 6. |
Card 9: Held in Burton (Attendance: 39,585) |
PPA/COT: Lady Swine pinned Twisted Tina Tucker in 6 at 2:41 (Mounted Punches) by 112. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 3:38 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 115. Circe Le Faye defeated Boot to the Head Beatrice Brown in 6 at 2:41 (Rib Breaker) by 102. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty defeated Ravishing Roxanne Ramirez in 6 at 6:39 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 90. PPA/COT: Lady Swine destroyed Rumble Rhonda Roberts in 6 at 3:45 (Mounted Punches) by 101. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix won over COT: Kolohe at 29:48 (Phoenix Rising) by 1. Cassidy Le Faye overpowered Clover Lane at 20:12 (Pleasure Punch) by 8. Cassidy Le Faye bested COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 17:18 (Pleasure Punch) by 6 (non-title). Main event: Cassidy Le Faye pinned COT: Maka at 36:03 (Pleasure Punch) by 5. |
Card 10: Held in Ozone Park (Attendance: 33,159) |
Morgana Le Faye over Twisted Tina Tucker in 2 at 19:44 (Disqualification: used steel chair). PPA/COT: Lady Swine defeated Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 2:02 (Mounted Punches) by 115. Grizelda Bloom overpowered Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 6:49 (Mounted Punches) by 95. PPA/COT: Lady Swine outmuscled Ravishing Roxanne Ramirez in 6 at 3:47 (Mounted Punches) by 90. Morgana Le Faye defeated Rumble Rhonda Roberts in 6 at 4:04 (Rib Breaker) by 95. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix annihilated COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:59 (Phoenix Rising) by 1. Montana Lovestone annihilated COT: Maka at 27:59 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 3. East Coast title: Circe Le Faye bested COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 29:42 (Hocus Porkus) by 5. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye outmuscled EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 34:56 (Pleasure Punch) by 6. |
Card 11: Held in Franklin Township (Attendance: 35,754) |
Grizelda Bloom outmuscled Wrecking Ball Bella Blackwood in 6 at 1:46 (Mounted Punches) by 122. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion beat Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 4:09 (European Uppercut) by 112. Clover Lane pinned Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 2:47 (Rib Breaker) by 84. Morgana Le Faye defeated Ravishing Roxanne Ramirez in 6 at 3:13 (Rib Breaker) by 84. Grizelda Bloom decked Hellcat Holly Harrison in 6 at 1:14 (Mounted Punches) by 103. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix overpowered COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 28:58 (Phoenix Rising) by 1. Montana Lovestone annihilated COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:15 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 4. COT/GUN: Erin Darkstrom beat Morgana Le Faye at 27:15 (Sidewinder) by 1. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye outmuscled DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart at 32:56 (Pleasure Punch) by 3. |
Card 12: Held in Augusta (Attendance: 46,709) |
Clover Lane defeated Wrecking Ball Bella Blackwood in 6 at 1:21 (Rib Breaker) by 111. Morgana Le Faye destroyed Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 0:39 (Rib Breaker) by 109. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty defeated Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 6:50 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 95. Grizelda Bloom overpowered Hellfire Harper Hamilton in 6 at 5:45 (Mounted Punches) by 87. Clover Lane won over Hellcat Holly Harrison in 6 at 6:47 (Rib Breaker) by 92. Morgana Le Faye pinned EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 29:32 (Pork Chopper) by 2. Montana Lovestone outmuscled COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 29:53 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 4. Cassidy Le Faye won over COT/GUN: Erin Darkstrom at 27:16 (Pleasure Punch) by 2. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye destroyed EDGE: "Captivating" Christy Lance at 32:52 (Pleasure Punch) by 4. |
Card 13: Held in Fort Knox (Attendance: 33,494) |
COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated Wrecking Ball Bella Blackwood in 6 at 1:20 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 122. Cassidy Le Faye outmuscled Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 3:42 (Rib Breaker) by 116. PPA/COT: Lady Swine pinned Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 6:04 (Mounted Punches) by 95. Clover Lane pinned Hellfire Harper Hamilton in 6 at 4:55 (Rib Breaker) by 76. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Hellcat Holly Harrison in 6 at 4:46 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 103. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix beat RFD: Eclypse at 27:49 (Phoenix Rising) by 1. Montana Lovestone pinned Morgana Le Faye at 27:15 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 1. Pacific Northwest title: COT/GUN: Junkyard Jenny overpowered RFD: Eclypse at 29:03 (Clunkin' & Junkin') by 4. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye won over PPA/COT: Lady Swine at 40:40 (Pleasure Punch) by 4. |
Card 14: Held in Joliet (Attendance: 43,652) |
PPA/COT: Lady Swine decked Wrecking Ball Bella Blackwood in 6 at 2:02 (Mounted Punches) by 122. Circe Le Faye won over Atomic Annie Anderson in 6 at 3:27 (Rib Breaker) by 108. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion over Headlock Hannah Harris in 1 at 10:57 (Disqualification: nail file). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty destroyed Hellfire Harper Hamilton in 6 at 2:57 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 87. PPA/COT: Lady Swine bested Hellcat Holly Harrison in 6 at 2:02 (Mounted Punches) by 103. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix annihilated RFD: Samantha Kane at 27:44 (Phoenix Rising) by 3. Montana Lovestone defeated RFD: Eclypse at 29:12 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 4. COT/GUN: Junkyard Jenny defeated RFD: Samantha Kane at 23:49 (Clunkin' & Junkin') by 6. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye overpowered COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty at 29:28 (Pleasure Punch) by 3. |
Card 15: Held in Fort Myers (Attendance: 35,421) |
Morgana Le Faye defeated Wrecking Ball Bella Blackwood in 6 at 3:28 (Rib Breaker) by 116. Grizelda Bloom outmuscled Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 5:16 (Mounted Punches) by 98. Morgana Le Faye beat Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 2:38 (Rib Breaker) by 89. PPA/COT: Lady Swine defeated Hellfire Harper Hamilton in 6 at 6:48 (Mounted Punches) by 87. Morgana Le Faye beat Hellcat Holly Harrison in 6 at 5:30 (Rib Breaker) by 97. Cassidy Le Faye beat EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 29:13 (Pleasure Punch) by 5 (non-title). Montana Lovestone decked RFD: Samantha Kane at 20:41 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 6. Morgana Le Faye overpowered RFD: Eclypse at 29:19 (Pork Chopper) by 3. Main event: Cassidy Le Faye beat PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 18:34 (Pleasure Punch) by 8. |
Card 16: Held in Vancouver (Attendance: 42,393) |
EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix pinned Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 4:51 (Chickenwing) by 115 (non-title). Clover Lane annihilated Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 3:03 (Rib Breaker) by 87. Cassidy Le Faye bested Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 2:04 (Rib Breaker) by 96. Morgana Le Faye over Hellfire Harper Hamilton in 3 at 6:19 (Count Out). Grizelda Bloom bested Dynamo Dixie Diaz in 6 at 4:13 (Mounted Punches) by 101. EDGE: "Heartbreak" Heather Hall defeated RFD: Eclypse at 29:24 (The Heartbreak Sunset) by 1. Cassidy Le Faye bested Montana Lovestone at 29:35 (Pleasure Punch) by 2. Morgana Le Faye decked RFD: Samantha Kane at 29:02 (Pork Chopper) by 5. |
Card 17: Held in Pretoria (Attendance: 42,646) |
Grizelda Bloom annihilated Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 3:59 (Mounted Punches) by 119. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 4:24 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 98. Circe Le Faye outmuscled Headlock Hannah Harris in 6 at 6:32 (Rib Breaker) by 88. Grizelda Bloom won over Devastator Denise Davis in 6 at 3:54 (Mounted Punches) by 82. Clover Lane annihilated Dynamo Dixie Diaz in 6 at 6:54 (Rib Breaker) by 90. Northeast title: DOD: Lady Wildcat Warrior overpowered RFD: Samantha Kane at 15:50 (Catfish SD) by 6. COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot defeated PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 27:25 (Buckshot Lariat) by 2. Cassidy Le Faye destroyed Morgana Le Faye at 28:43 (Pleasure Punch) by 3 (non-title). |
Card 18: Held in Bern (Attendance: 43,847) |
Clover Lane annihilated Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 4:29 (Rib Breaker) by 108. PPA/COT: Lady Swine overpowered Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 3:44 (Mounted Punches) by 98. Grizelda Bloom over The Smash Queen Scott in 1 at 2:34 (Disqualification: used steel chair). Clover Lane overpowered Devastator Denise Davis in 6 at 5:01 (Rib Breaker) by 71. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty won over Dynamo Dixie Diaz in 6 at 4:16 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 101. DOD: Dr. BB outmuscled Grizelda Bloom at 27:45 (BB Sleeper) by 2. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion defeated PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 27:53 (Beautiful Oblivion) by 2. Circe Le Faye outmuscled Morgana Le Faye at 27:55 (Hocus Porkus) by 2. |
Card 19: Held in Sarasota (Attendance: 33,132) |
COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty bested Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 1:27 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 119. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion pinned Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 2:15 (European Uppercut) by 95. Clover Lane pinned The Smash Queen Scott in 6 at 4:28 (Rib Breaker) by 108. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty beat Devastator Denise Davis in 6 at 6:05 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 82. PPA/COT: Lady Swine defeated Dynamo Dixie Diaz in 6 at 4:23 (Mounted Punches) by 101. DOD: Dr. BB decked Clover Lane at 24:30 (BB Sleeper) by 7. Morgana Le Faye won over PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 28:46 (Pork Chopper) by 5. Cassidy Le Faye destroyed RFD: Eclypse at 20:33 (Pleasure Punch) by 6 (non-title). |
Card 20: Held in Dover (Attendance: 37,716) |
PPA/COT: Lady Swine outmuscled Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 1:34 (Mounted Punches) by 119. Morgana Le Faye decked Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 5:56 (Rib Breaker) by 92. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty over The Smash Queen Scott in 1 at 4:15 (Disqualification: used brass knuckles). PPA/COT: Lady Swine overpowered Devastator Denise Davis in 6 at 1:40 (Mounted Punches) by 82. Morgana Le Faye overpowered Dynamo Dixie Diaz in 6 at 5:48 (Rib Breaker) by 95. DOD: Dr. BB annihilated Montana Lovestone at 27:10 (BB Sleeper) by 1. RFD: Eclypse defeated PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 28:32 (Hypnos Clutch) by 2. Circe Le Faye annihilated RFD: Eclypse at 27:06 (Hocus Porkus) by 5 (non-title). |
Card 21: Held in Lisbon (Attendance: 32,461) |
COT: Kupua bested Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 4:17 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 115. Cassidy Le Faye won over Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 4:16 (Rib Breaker) by 99. PPA/COT: Lady Swine over The Smash Queen Scott in 1 at 4:20 (Disqualification: refused to break choke). Morgana Le Faye bested Devastator Denise Davis in 6 at 4:04 (Rib Breaker) by 76. Grizelda Bloom over Twisted Tabitha Tucker in 2 at 3:28 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone). DOD: Dr. BB destroyed PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 23:07 (BB Sleeper) by 7. PPA/COT: Swinezilla drew RFD: Samantha Kane (Time Limit). Cassidy Le Faye outmuscled RFD: Samantha Kane at 24:22 (Pleasure Punch) by 8 (non-title). |
Card 22: Held in Jacksonville (Attendance: 47,573) |
COT: Maka beat Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 4:39 (Mounted Punches) by 113. Circe Le Faye outmuscled Bruiser Barb Baker in 6 at 6:54 (Rib Breaker) by 91. Morgana Le Faye beat The Smash Queen Scott in 6 at 4:24 (Rib Breaker) by 113. Grizelda Bloom annihilated Atomic Amber Abbott in 6 at 3:21 (Mounted Punches) by 101. Clover Lane over Twisted Tabitha Tucker in 2 at 27:54 (Disqualification: hidden spike). DOD: Dr. BB annihilated COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty at 27:37 (BB Sleeper) by 2. Cassidy Le Faye decked PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 16:12 (Pleasure Punch) by 8. Circe Le Faye outmuscled RFD: Samantha Kane at 21:42 (Hocus Porkus) by 7 (non-title). |
Card 23: Held in Cheyenne (Attendance: 47,937) |
COT: Kolohe pinned Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 2:25 (Rib Breaker) by 113. Grizelda Bloom bested Spinebuster Sarah Simmons in 6 at 2:01 (Mounted Punches) by 88. Grizelda Bloom won over The Slapstick Queen Stevens in 6 at 4:24 (Mounted Punches) by 79. Clover Lane won over Atomic Amber Abbott in 6 at 5:27 (Rib Breaker) by 90. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty outmuscled Twisted Tabitha Tucker in 6 at 2:55 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 105. DOD: Dr. BB destroyed PPA/COT: Lady Swine at 28:15 (BB Sleeper) by 3. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty destroyed COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 28:27 (Bull Ride) by 3. Cassidy Le Faye overpowered Circe Le Faye at 28:54 (Pleasure Punch) by 1. |
Card 24: Held in the Free State (Attendance: 48,453) |
COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot defeated Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 2:35 (Cross-Armbar) by 116. Clover Lane decked Spinebuster Sarah Simmons in 6 at 3:45 (Rib Breaker) by 77. Clover Lane overpowered The Slapstick Queen Stevens in 6 at 7:53 (Rib Breaker) by 68. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty beat Atomic Amber Abbott in 6 at 1:21 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 101. PPA/COT: Lady Swine decked Twisted Tabitha Tucker in 6 at 1:56 (Mounted Punches) by 105. DOD: Dr. BB tied COT: Kupua at 5:04 (No Contest). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty destroyed COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 29:49 (Bull Ride) by 3. COT: Kupua and Kolohe* over Slammin' Sally Savage and The Grappling Granny Gallagher* in 3 at 4:05 (Count Out). |
Card 25: Held in Wilmington (Attendance: 44,804) |
COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion pinned Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 4:29 (European Uppercut) by 116. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty won over Spinebuster Sarah Simmons in 6 at 1:38 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 88. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty bested The Slapstick Queen Stevens in 6 at 2:28 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 79. PPA/COT: Lady Swine annihilated Atomic Amber Abbott in 6 at 0:53 (Mounted Punches) by 101. Morgana Le Faye over Twisted Tabitha Tucker in 2 at 6:46 (Disqualification: hit ref). DOD: Dr. BB outmuscled COT: Maka at 29:00 (BB Sleeper) by 4 (non-title). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty drew Morgana Le Faye at 5:40 (Double Disqualification). DOD: Dr. BB and Catfish Josie* destroyed Spinebuster Sarah Simmons and Bonecrusher Bonnie Bailey* in 6 at 5:11 (Fallaway Slam) by 96. |
Card 26: Held in Maidstone (Attendance: 35,149) |
Morgana Le Faye defeated Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 3:21 (Rib Breaker) by 113. PPA/COT: Lady Swine won over Spinebuster Sarah Simmons in 6 at 4:44 (Mounted Punches) by 88. PPA/COT: Lady Swine bested The Slapstick Queen Stevens in 6 at 5:25 (Mounted Punches) by 79. Morgana Le Faye won over Atomic Amber Abbott in 6 at 2:34 (Rib Breaker) by 95. Grizelda Bloom annihilated The Beast Belle Barnes in 6 at 0:33 (Mounted Punches) by 126. DOD: Dr. BB overpowered COT: Kolohe at 27:55 (BB Sleeper) by 5. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty beat RFD: Eclypse at 27:07 (Bull Ride) by 3. TV Tag-team titles: COT: Kupua and Kolohe* won over EDGE: "Beautiful" Becky Hall* and "Sizzling" Cheri Summers at 27:04 (DDT) by 1. |
Card 27: Held in Pensacola (Attendance: 47,885) |
Cassidy Le Faye decked Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 1:42 (Rib Breaker) by 120. Morgana Le Faye overpowered Spinebuster Sarah Simmons in 6 at 2:18 (Rib Breaker) by 82. Morgana Le Faye decked The Slapstick Queen Stevens in 6 at 4:03 (Rib Breaker) by 73. Grizelda Bloom over Dragoness Diana Douglas in 1 at 1:14 (Disqualification: hit opponent with microphone). Clover Lane outmuscled The Beast Belle Barnes in 6 at 1:03 (Rib Breaker) by 115. DOD: Dr. BB bested COT/GUN: Erin Darkstrom at 28:07 (BB Sleeper) by 1. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated RFD: Samantha Kane at 29:15 (Bull Ride) by 5. DOD: Dr. BB* and Catfish Josie destroyed EDGE: "Beautiful" Becky Hall* and "Sizzling" Cheri Summers at 22:19 (BB shot) by 10. |
Card 28: Held in Huntsville (Attendance: 45,122) |
Circe Le Faye beat Pinup Patty Peterson in 6 at 3:17 (Rib Breaker) by 112. Grizelda Bloom decked Slam Queen Sheila Shaw in 6 at 1:19 (Mounted Punches) by 110. Grizelda Bloom outmuscled Riotous Rebecca Robinson in 6 at 4:25 (Mounted Punches) by 124. Clover Lane pinned Dragoness Diana Douglas in 6 at 1:12 (Rib Breaker) by 104. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty destroyed The Beast Belle Barnes in 6 at 0:26 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 126. Central Plains title: DOD: Dr. BB beat Morgana Le Faye at 29:15 (BB Sleeper) by 2. Cassidy Le Faye beat COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty at 28:22 (Pleasure Punch) by 3. DOD: Dr. BB* and Catfish Josie bested COT: Kupua and Kolohe* at 22:07 (BB shot) by 9. |
Card 29: Held in Mayberry (Attendance: 37,820) |
Grizelda Bloom won over Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 1:01 (Mounted Punches) by 135. Clover Lane bested Slam Queen Sheila Shaw in 6 at 4:03 (Rib Breaker) by 99. Clover Lane won over Riotous Rebecca Robinson in 6 at 4:21 (Rib Breaker) by 113. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty over Dragoness Diana Douglas in 1 at 0:59 (Disqualification: used steel chair). PPA/COT: Lady Swine beat The Beast Belle Barnes in 6 at 1:27 (Mounted Punches) by 126. DOD: Dr. BB pinned COT/GUN: Gemma Gunsmoke at 29:03 (BB Sleeper) by 3. PPA/COT: Lady Swine decked COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:25 (Purse Swipe) by 2. COT: Kupua, Maka*, and Kolohe decked Slammin' Sally Savage*, The Grappling Granny Gallagher, and Twisted Tina Tucker in 6 at 5:52 (Mounted Punches) by 68. |
Card 30: Held in Naples (Attendance: 45,046) |
Clover Lane overpowered Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 4:53 (Rib Breaker) by 124. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty won over Slam Queen Sheila Shaw in 6 at 1:13 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 110. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty pinned Riotous Rebecca Robinson in 6 at 4:13 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 124. PPA/COT: Lady Swine over Dragoness Diana Douglas in 1 at 10:53 (Disqualification: used steel chair). Morgana Le Faye overpowered The Beast Belle Barnes in 6 at 3:55 (Rib Breaker) by 120. Cassidy Le Faye pinned DOD: Dr. BB at 27:53 (Pleasure Punch) by 1 (non-title). PPA/COT: Lady Swine outmuscled COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 28:21 (Purse Swipe) by 2. COT: Kupua, Maka*, and Kolohe pinned EDGE: "Beautiful" Becky Hall, "Sizzling" Cheri Summers, and "Heartbreak" Heather Hall* at 28:09 (Big Splash) by 5. |
Card 31: Held in Matamoros (Attendance: 43,201) |
COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty pinned Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 1:58 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 135. PPA/COT: Lady Swine bested Slam Queen Sheila Shaw in 6 at 4:21 (Mounted Punches) by 110. PPA/COT: Lady Swine destroyed Riotous Rebecca Robinson in 6 at 0:59 (Mounted Punches) by 124. Morgana Le Faye decked Dragoness Diana Douglas in 6 at 3:00 (Rib Breaker) by 109. Grizelda Bloom won over Ugly Betsy Palmer in 6 at 3:42 (Mounted Punches) by 110. DOD: Dr. BB drew Circe Le Faye at 5:47 (Double Count Out). Morgana Le Faye outmuscled PPA/COT: Lady Swine at 27:11 (Pork Chopper) by 1. COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot, Erin Darkstrom*, and Junkyard Jenny won over EDGE: "Beautiful" Becky Hall, "Sizzling" Cheri Summers, and "Heartbreak" Heather Hall* at 17:08 (Sidewinder) by 10. |
Card 32: Held in Memphis (Attendance: 40,747) |
PPA/COT: Lady Swine decked Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 1:00 (Mounted Punches) by 135. COT/GUN: Delilah Death outmuscled Slam Queen Sheila Shaw in 6 at 3:29 (Side Slam) by 110 (non-title). Morgana Le Faye bested Riotous Rebecca Robinson in 6 at 3:07 (Rib Breaker) by 118. Grizelda Bloom decked Wicked Willow Wallace in 6 at 1:46 (Mounted Punches) by 82. Clover Lane pinned Ugly Betsy Palmer in 6 at 4:14 (Rib Breaker) by 99. Rocky Mountains title: DOD: Catfish Josie pinned COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:41 (fish bite) by 4. PPA/COT: Lady Swine annihilated RFD: Eclypse at 28:16 (Purse Swipe) by 2. TV Six-woman titles: DOD: Lady Wildcat Warrior, Trapper Jessie Blu*, and Lady Natasha Blackheart beat COT: Kupua, Maka*, and Kolohe at 28:20 (Trap Jaw) by 5. |
Card 33: Held in Budapest (Attendance: 48,235) |
COT: Kupua bested Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 1:23 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 131. Morgana Le Faye annihilated Slam Queen Sheila Shaw in 6 at 3:32 (Rib Breaker) by 104. Grizelda Bloom decked Viper Victoria Vaughn in 6 at 6:28 (Mounted Punches) by 96. Clover Lane won over Wicked Willow Wallace in 6 at 6:10 (Rib Breaker) by 71. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Ugly Betsy Palmer in 6 at 1:25 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 110. Southeast title: DOD: Trapper Jessie Blu outmuscled COT: Maka at 19:56 (Trap Jaw) by 6. PPA/COT: Lady Swine overpowered RFD: Samantha Kane at 29:29 (Purse Swipe) by 4. DOD: Lady Wildcat Warrior, Trapper Jessie Blu*, and Lady Natasha Blackheart drew COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot, Erin Darkstrom*, and Junkyard Jenny at 14:01 (Double Count Out). |
Card 34: Held in Luxembourg (Attendance: 36,402) |
COT: Maka pinned Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 2:11 (Mounted Punches) by 129. Grizelda Bloom defeated Thunder Thighs Taylor in 6 at 0:30 (Mounted Punches) by 124. Clover Lane over Viper Victoria Vaughn in 1 at 1:53 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty over Wicked Willow Wallace in 2 at 2:35 (Disqualification: hit ref). PPA/COT: Lady Swine pinned Ugly Betsy Palmer in 6 at 3:57 (Mounted Punches) by 110. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart drew Grizelda Bloom at 4:10 (Double Count Out). Cassidy Le Faye outmuscled PPA/COT: Lady Swine at 29:31 (Pleasure Punch) by 4. COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot, Erin Darkstrom*, and Junkyard Jenny overpowered COT: Kupua, Maka*, and Kolohe at 28:02 (Sidewinder) by 5. |
Card 35: Held in Opa-locka (Attendance: 33,566) |
COT: Kolohe pinned Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 2:15 (Rib Breaker) by 129. Clover Lane defeated Thunder Thighs Taylor in 6 at 3:30 (Rib Breaker) by 113. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated Viper Victoria Vaughn in 6 at 5:08 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 96. PPA/COT: Lady Swine over Wicked Willow Wallace in 2 at 6:29 (Disqualification: manager in ring). Morgana Le Faye bested Ugly Betsy Palmer in 6 at 2:41 (Rib Breaker) by 104. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart destroyed Clover Lane at 29:43 (Black CC) by 5. COT: Kupua bested COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:33 (Piledriver) by 5 (non-title). COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot, Erin Darkstrom*, and Junkyard Jenny bested COT: Kupua, Maka*, and Kolohe at 29:21 (Sidewinder) by 5. |
Card 36: Held in Shanghai (Attendance: 31,995) |
COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion beat Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 2:09 (European Uppercut) by 132. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated Thunder Thighs Taylor in 6 at 4:48 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 124. PPA/COT: Lady Swine bested Viper Victoria Vaughn in 6 at 6:36 (Mounted Punches) by 96. Morgana Le Faye defeated Wicked Willow Wallace in 6 at 5:19 (Rib Breaker) by 76. EDGE: "Captivating" Christy Lance defeated EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix at 28:07 (Boston Crab) by 1. West Coast title: Montana Lovestone beat DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart at 29:57 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 1. COT: Kupua decked COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 27:35 (Piledriver) by 5 (non-title). |
Card 37: Held in Assisi (Attendance: 34,332) |
Morgana Le Faye defeated Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 2:49 (Rib Breaker) by 129. PPA/COT: Lady Swine annihilated Thunder Thighs Taylor in 6 at 0:42 (Mounted Punches) by 124. Morgana Le Faye over Viper Victoria Vaughn in 1 at 6:58 (Disqualification: hidden spike). Grizelda Bloom outmuscled Riot Ruby Reid in 6 at 4:17 (Mounted Punches) by 99. EDGE: "Captivating" Christy Lance destroyed COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:52 (Boston Crab) by 2. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart annihilated PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 29:05 (Black CC) by 5. COT: Kupua destroyed Morgana Le Faye at 27:26 (Piledriver) by 2 (non-title). |
Card 38: Held in Durban (Attendance: 41,744) |
Cassidy Le Faye decked Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 1:03 (Rib Breaker) by 136. Morgana Le Faye outmuscled Thunder Thighs Taylor in 6 at 2:51 (Rib Breaker) by 118. Cassidy Le Faye decked Viper Victoria Vaughn in 6 at 5:48 (Rib Breaker) by 97. Clover Lane overpowered Riot Ruby Reid in 6 at 3:52 (Rib Breaker) by 88. EDGE: "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix annihilated EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 28:42 (Phoenix Rising) by 1. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart drew COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty at 15:59 (No Contest). COT: Kupua destroyed RFD: Eclypse at 28:17 (Piledriver) by 5 (non-title). |
Card 39: Held in Homewood (Attendance: 32,922) |
Circe Le Faye pinned Madam Mayhem Morgan in 6 at 2:40 (Rib Breaker) by 128. Grizelda Bloom destroyed Powerbomb Penelope Price in 6 at 4:48 (Mounted Punches) by 89. Circe Le Faye defeated Viper Victoria Vaughn in 6 at 2:38 (Rib Breaker) by 89. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty bested Riot Ruby Reid in 6 at 4:58 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 99. Grizelda Bloom won over EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 28:30 (Chair shot to the knee) by 3. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart destroyed PPA/COT: Lady Swine at 28:32 (Black CC) by 1. COT: Kupua defeated RFD: Samantha Kane at 18:44 (Piledriver) by 7 (non-title). |
Card 40: Held in Kilkenny (Attendance: 40,737) |
Grizelda Bloom over Killer Kitten Kelly in 2 at 1:42 (Count Out). Clover Lane over Powerbomb Penelope Price in 3 at 0:59 (Count Out). Grizelda Bloom decked Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 4:28 (Mounted Punches) by 94. PPA/COT: Lady Swine beat Riot Ruby Reid in 6 at 5:04 (Mounted Punches) by 99. EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau bested Clover Lane at 27:15 (Boston Crab) by 2. COT: Kupua won over DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart at 29:12 (Piledriver) by 2 (non-title). Cassidy Le Faye pinned COT: Kupua at 29:19 (Pleasure Punch) by 1. |
Card 41: Held in Bombay (Attendance: 37,574) |
Clover Lane over Killer Kitten Kelly in 2 at 2:05 (Count Out). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty over Powerbomb Penelope Price in 2 at 5:09 (Disqualification: pushed ref). Clover Lane pinned Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 6:48 (Rib Breaker) by 83. Morgana Le Faye overpowered Riot Ruby Reid in 6 at 3:25 (Rib Breaker) by 93. Montana Lovestone outmuscled EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 28:03 (Leopard Print Heart Punch) by 4. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart destroyed COT: Maka at 29:26 (Black CC) by 2. COT: Maka defeated COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 28:20 (Big Splash) by 1. |
Card 42: Held in Monterey (Attendance: 47,537) |
COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated Killer Kitten Kelly in 6 at 4:58 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 104. PPA/COT: Lady Swine over Powerbomb Penelope Price in 2 at 2:28 (Disqualification: nail file). COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty decked Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 4:17 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 94. Grizelda Bloom defeated Savage Sonia Simmons in 6 at 2:49 (Mounted Punches) by 83. EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau destroyed PPA/COT: Swinezilla at 28:23 (Boston Crab) by 2. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart destroyed COT: Kolohe at 28:52 (Black CC) by 3. COT: Maka beat COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 29:40 (Big Splash) by 1. |
Card 43: Held in the Bronx (Attendance: 37,149) |
PPA/COT: Lady Swine pinned Killer Kitten Kelly in 6 at 0:58 (Mounted Punches) by 104. Morgana Le Faye beat Powerbomb Penelope Price in 6 at 6:46 (Rib Breaker) by 83. PPA/COT: Lady Swine overpowered Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 3:03 (Mounted Punches) by 94. Clover Lane bested Savage Sonia Simmons in 6 at 4:49 (Rib Breaker) by 72. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty won over EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 27:32 (Bull Ride) by 3. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart drew Morgana Le Faye at 13:28 (No Contest). Morgana Le Faye outmuscled COT: Maka at 28:40 (Pork Chopper) by 2. |
Card 44: Held in Boulder (Attendance: 30,085) |
COT: Maka defeated Killer Kitten Kelly in 6 at 6:02 (Mounted Punches) by 98. Grizelda Bloom destroyed Sledgehammer Samantha Simmons in 6 at 1:50 (Mounted Punches) by 105. COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion bested Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 5:25 (European Uppercut) by 91. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty annihilated Savage Sonia Simmons in 6 at 4:11 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 83. PPA/COT: Lady Swine bested EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 27:44 (Purse Swipe) by 2. DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart tied RFD: Masked Fangirl at 6:40 (Double Disqualification). COT: Maka won over RFD: Eclypse at 29:48 (Big Splash) by 1. |
Card 45: Held in Nashville (Attendance: 41,051) |
COT: Kolohe over Killer Kitten Kelly in 2 at 19:35 (Count Out). Clover Lane outmuscled Sledgehammer Samantha Simmons in 6 at 1:44 (Rib Breaker) by 94. Morgana Le Faye defeated Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 1:47 (Rib Breaker) by 88. PPA/COT: Lady Swine annihilated Savage Sonia Simmons in 6 at 6:34 (Mounted Punches) by 83. COT: Kupua decked EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 28:16 (Piledriver) by 5 (non-title). Cassidy Le Faye won over DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart at 28:16 (Pleasure Punch) by 3 (non-title). COT: Maka destroyed RFD: Samantha Kane at 27:58 (Big Splash) by 3. |
Card 46: Held in Minneapolis (Attendance: 31,690) |
COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion annihilated Killer Kitten Kelly in 6 at 2:38 (European Uppercut) by 101. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty bested Sledgehammer Samantha Simmons in 6 at 2:35 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 105. Cassidy Le Faye bested Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 2:32 (Rib Breaker) by 95. Morgana Le Faye pinned Savage Sonia Simmons in 6 at 5:12 (Rib Breaker) by 77. COT: Maka defeated EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 29:52 (Big Splash) by 1. Circe Le Faye outmuscled DOD: Lady Natasha Blackheart at 28:26 (Hocus Porkus) by 2 (non-title). RFD: Vanity annihilated COT: Maka at 27:49 (DDT) by 1. |
Card 47: Held in Antwerp (Attendance: 42,407) |
Morgana Le Faye over Killer Kitten Kelly in 2 at 2:35 (Count Out). PPA/COT: Lady Swine overpowered Sledgehammer Samantha Simmons in 6 at 1:09 (Mounted Punches) by 105. Circe Le Faye decked Steelheart Stephanie Steel in 6 at 6:46 (Rib Breaker) by 87. Grizelda Bloom bested Turbocharged Tiffany Taylor in 6 at 3:04 (Mounted Punches) by 122. EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau drew COT: Kolohe at 4:17 (No Contest). Grizelda Bloom decked COT: Maka at 27:13 (Chair shot to the knee) by 2. Cassidy Le Faye annihilated COT: Maka at 27:15 (Pleasure Punch) by 5. |
Card 48: Held in Midtown (Attendance: 38,750) |
Cassidy Le Faye annihilated Killer Kitten Kelly in 6 at 0:50 (Rib Breaker) by 105. Morgana Le Faye defeated Sledgehammer Samantha Simmons in 6 at 5:26 (Rib Breaker) by 99. Grizelda Bloom bested Hurricane Helen Hayes in 6 at 6:49 (Mounted Punches) by 87. Clover Lane won over Turbocharged Tiffany Taylor in 6 at 0:50 (Rib Breaker) by 111. Morgana Le Faye pinned EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 27:23 (Pork Chopper) by 3. Grizelda Bloom won over COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 27:00 (Chair shot to the knee) by 3. Circe Le Faye annihilated COT: Maka at 28:48 (Hocus Porkus) by 4. |
Card 49: Held in Perth (Attendance: 44,340) |
Circe Le Faye over Killer Kitten Kelly in 2 at 3:24 (Count Out). Grizelda Bloom over Bonecrusher Bonnie Bailey in 1 at 4:00 (Disqualification: used brass knuckles). Clover Lane destroyed Hurricane Helen Hayes in 6 at 6:43 (Rib Breaker) by 76. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty outmuscled Turbocharged Tiffany Taylor in 6 at 4:03 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 122. Southwest title: RFD: Queen Angela beat EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 28:34 (Hail to the Queen) by 4. Grizelda Bloom outmuscled COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 27:40 (Chair shot to the knee) by 3. COT: Kolohe tied COT/GUN: Bailey Buckshot at 3:23 (Double Disqualification). |
Card 50: Held in Hong Kong (Attendance: 41,844) |
Grizelda Bloom beat Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 1:20 (Mounted Punches) by 106. Clover Lane outmuscled Bonecrusher Bonnie Bailey in 6 at 6:27 (Rib Breaker) by 98. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty pinned Hurricane Helen Hayes in 6 at 2:24 (Turnbuckle Smash) by 87. PPA/COT: Lady Swine annihilated Turbocharged Tiffany Taylor in 6 at 2:54 (Mounted Punches) by 122. Cassidy Le Faye bested EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 18:47 (Pleasure Punch) by 6 (non-title). Grizelda Bloom drew Morgana Le Faye at 6:09 (Double Count Out). COT: Kolohe drew COT/GUN: Olivia Oblivion at 8:49 (Double Disqualification). |
Card 51: Held in Lagos (Attendance: 35,137) |
Clover Lane outmuscled Body Slam Betty Barnes in 6 at 4:11 (Rib Breaker) by 95. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty over Bonecrusher Bonnie Bailey in 1 at 4:26 (Disqualification: used belt to hit opponent). PPA/COT: Lady Swine outmuscled Hurricane Helen Hayes in 6 at 5:49 (Mounted Punches) by 87. Morgana Le Faye bested Turbocharged Tiffany Taylor in 6 at 4:14 (Rib Breaker) by 116. Circe Le Faye overpowered EDGE: "The River Queen" Betsy Beau at 27:37 (Hocus Porkus) by 5 (non-title). Grizelda Bloom pinned RFD: Eclypse at 29:53 (Chair shot to the knee) by 3. Morgana Le Faye bested COT: Kolohe at 27:41 (Pork Chopper) by 3. |
Battle Royal: Held in Hollywood (Attendance: 42,382) |
COT: Maka took home $1,000 when COT: Kolohe catapulted her over the top rope. PPA/COT: Swinezilla snatched $1,100 when she was tossed into her manager at ringside by Grizelda Bloom. COT: Kolohe picked up $1,200 when she was thrown onto the steps by COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty. PPA/COT: Lady Swine gained $1,300 after she was thrown outside the ring by COT: Kupua. COT: Kupua was paid $1,400 after being flung out of the ring by Cassidy Le Faye. Clover Lane got $1,500 after COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty tossed her out. COT/ARS: Blackjack Betty won $1,600 after she was tossed onto the concrete floor by Morgana Le Faye. Grizelda Bloom made $1,700 after getting flung onto the apron by Montana Lovestone. Circe Le Faye picked up an imaginary $1,800 when Cassidy Le Faye threw her out of the ring. Cassidy Le Faye grabbed $1,900 after Morgana Le Faye hurled her out. Morgana Le Faye picked up a cool $2,000 in imaginary money when Montana Lovestone threw her out. Montana Lovestone was the winner of the BBW battle royal and the $40,000 prize, as well as 12 free BBW matches. |