Vol. 29, No. 11 -- August 2024
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Happy 39th birthday, IWA!

Since next cycle marks the beginning of our 40th year in existence, we're pulling out all the stops to celebrate four decades of intense wrestling action and thank you for coming along on this crazy ride. Each of our four annual contests will feature a signing bonus, and first up is the 2024 Specialty Championships: every wrestler who participates will warm up by facing 40 jobbers! In addition to having their records boosted by 40 wins, competitors will be fighting for a share of $2.7 million in imaginary earnings and 20 titles, including a handful of fresh belts from manager Kenneth Plasse. To make this year's event even more special, the manager of the champion with the best overall strategy will win 40 free matches! Look inside your envelope for the entry form, or head over to the Results page at PlayIWA.com and download the PDF version. Send it to us with your matches and strategies for next cycle (Dog Days, which begins August 19th), and remember that UWL wrestlers can't enter.

All throughout our 40th year, the prizes for league champions and battle royal winners will be $40K rather than $30K. Four times during the year (once for each decade), the $12 match deal that usually carries a bonus of free matches against the bottom 20 wrestlers in the rankings will instead give you free matches against the bottom 40. Also during four cycles, wrestlers whose strategies add up to at least 495 points will be awarded not just one star, but four!

Watch this space for further details. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to help my staff extinguish the bonfire that is this year's office birthday cake.


HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque

~TZ~ of Virginia

EDGE: Big Money Graem Stembridge (ASL) 1,001-262-58, *37, $1,571,000
EDGE: The Mysterious Benefactor (RDL) 1,137-294-46, *50, $2,479,500
These two wrestlers from the famed Tango Zulu Wrestling Academy are calling it quits after 16 years of off-and-on-again competition inside the fantasy ring. The duo first began their wrestling careers in the MBL in 2008 under the tutelage of veteran IWA manager Tim Williams. After accumulating the first 230 and 350 wins of their careers, respectively, their contracts were then won by manager ~TZ~, who has guided their careers ever since.

The Benefactor's career achievements include winning the Bronze Federation and World Six-man belts, while Stembridge boasts the IWA National title and a pair of U.S. Six-man Championships on his resume. Rumor has it that these two are already plotting how to give back some of their hard-earned winnings to a future generation of IWA superstars.



World Champion

SOS: Dark Horse Bane Blackheart (AEL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for AEL managers next cycle

U.S. Champion

SOS/ARMY: "Loose Cannon" Lincoln Trotter (HRL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged EDGE/NME: Sonic (SHL), CURE/CTI: Mike Drake (DXL), CURE: Little Brother Country (TGL)

King of the Ring

EDGE: Savage Billy Manson (ZZL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 274 KotR total; hold positions were 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15; battle royal hold positions were 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12


FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches

Iron Federation Champion

CURE: Awesome Sean MCA (BOL)
Sly Smith; 500

Steel Federation Champion

CURE/VD: Yur Papa (MUL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501

Gold Federation Champion

CURE: Midnight Rocker (GWL)
Tim Szokan II of Ohio; 500; edged SOS: TESD Bry (FIL)

Diamond Federation Champion

CURE/CTI: Atticus Black (YJL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 500

Bronze Federation Champion

SOS: Dark Horse Bane Blackheart (AEL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501; edged CURE: Nic Danger (HRL), EDGE: Jake Gold (RDL)

Jade Federation Champion

CURE/VD: F.B.III from Proctology (DXL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 501; edged SOS: Streetwise Hercules (TGL)


SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches

American Champion

SOS: Dark Horse Bane Blackheart (AEL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501; edged SOS: Streetwise Hercules (TGL)

Asian Champion

CURE/VD: F.B.III from Proctology (DXL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; edged CURE: Nic Danger (HRL), EDGE: Jake Gold (RDL)

Elite Champion

60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches; edged Jake Gold

Hardcore Champion

CURE/VD: Yur Papa (MUL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 501

International Champion

CURE: Midnight Rocker (GWL)
Tim Szokan II of Ohio; 500; edged CURE/CTI: Atticus Black (YJL), CURE: Awesome Sean MCA (BOL), TBABIT: Timmy "Dirty" Dog (UNL)

Metropolitan Champion

30 free matches

Rookie Brawl Winner

AI: Kamikaze (NWL)
James Jensen of Washington; edged AI: Blitzkrieg



National Champion

CURE/CTI: Xavier Vaughn (WWL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Pacific Northwest region

Central Plains Champion

Me Me (IWL)
Onzie Secord of Canada; 500; edged SOS/<H*N*R>: "Young Dragon" D.B. Lloyd (BBL), CURE: Littlebrother Bill Country (NFL)

East Coast Champion

EDGE: Randy Steel (RDL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin; 501

Great Lakes Champion

TBABIT: Cassius "The Protege" Stone (NAL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; 500; edged COT: Dangerous Dennis Canoy (BBL), SOS: Car Trash Ian #3 (LBL), SOS: The Dark Prophet (AEL), SOS/ARMY: South Side White Trash (AOL)

Mid-Atlantic Champion

CURE: Bloody Bob Boyd (NFL)
Sly Smith; 501; edged EDGE: Bronze Stud #2 (AEL)

Northeast Champion

SOS: Deadman Walking (IGL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 499; edged AOD: Midsouth Maxwell (WTL), CURE/CTI: Matt Jackson (DXL), CURE: 1601 (XWL), EDGE: Thanatos (HRL)

Rocky Mountains Champion

EDGE: The Fiend (GRL)
Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; 501; edged SOS: Genetic Freak Justin Stone (IGL), COT: Galim Tursambayov (IWL), COT/FRM-16: Mengseng (STL)

Southeast Champion

COT/FRM-16: Atari 187 (NSL)
"PBM" Percival Bologna Marchand of Knockemstiff, Ohio, USA; 501

Southwest Champion

EDGE: Night Eagle (EHL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 499; edged EDGE: Super Nintendo (NAL), EDGE: The Zombie (ECL), EDGE: "Remarkable" Randy Quail (TGL), SOS: "Big Six" Christy Mathewson (NDL)

West Coast Champion

AOD: Chuck Moxley (BBL)
Chuck Zietlow of Minnesota; 499; edged CURE: Burnt Bernzy (AOL), EDGE: Masked Gambler #3 (AEL)



Ladies' World Champion

LoVe: Demi Lovestone (BBW)
Joseph Cockrell of Michigan; 500; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches; edged COT: Cayonne (MDL), RFD: Purgatory (PDL), Shari Lynn

Ladies' U.S. Champion

COT: Anastasia Romanova (MDL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; 499; $25,000; edged RFD: Eclypse (BBW), COT/GUN: Goddess Starwalker (PDL)

Queen of the Ring

LTD: Sinister Shari Lynn (FFL)
Cody Walker of Maryland; 500; 275 QotR total

Ladies' National Champion

COT: Lady Desire (MDL)
Wade Reinhard; 501; edged RFD: Lady Tyranna (PDL)

Ladies' Tag-team Champions

CURE/VD: Snake Charmer & CURE/CTI: Pink Panther (VUL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & Mitchell Johnson, both of Michigan; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row, Johnson retained titles; 516; edged COT: The Mangler Marjorie & Brawlin' Lynn Brosious (GAL), EDGE: Cocoa Bea Wear & TBABIT: The Peace Monger (PDL; missed titles by point flow last time), PG: Catfish Josie & Dr. BB (BBW)

Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions

COT: Rowdy Caitlin Reinhard & Big Mac Mackenzie Holubowski (VVL)
Wade Reinhard; 516; edged PG: Amazing Amy & Deadly Darlene Blitz (BBW), previous champions COT: Amazon & Valkyrie Machines (PDL)

World Six-woman Champions

CURE: Brain Buster Beauty, CURE/CTI: Crunch-N-Munch, CURE/VD: Furry Furnace of Fury (VUL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey, Mitchell Johnson, Frank Jay Belcher III; Belcher & Johnson held titles 3 cycles in a row

COT: Destyni Sanchez-Leon, Fallon Luna, "Nature Grrrl" Nakita Wu (GAL)
Adam Kleinow of Maryland

COT: Colossal Alma Reinhard, Christina "Dream" Weaver, Anna "The Unstoppable" Forss (VVL)
Wade Reinhard

EDGE: "Beautiful" Becky Hall, "Sizzling" Cheri Summers, "Vivacious" Valerie Phoenix (BBW)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 521; edged COT: Candy Starr, Ms. Maude, Lady K. (PDL)

U.S. Six-woman Champions

COT: Alexa Winters, Belle James, Carissa Owens (GAL)
Tom Flesher; 521



World Tag-team Champions

EDGE: Kidd Justice & Hollywood Kid (IWL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; manager held titles 8 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches

EDGE: "The Senator" Alfred Hurley & Cleaner of Messes (DZL)
Jeff Annable of Canada & Brad Norman of North Carolina; Norman retained titles

SOS/|: Buckaroo Babalugats & Bixby Bludworth (MML)
Darren Soanes of Canada; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row

SOS: Zeb Martin & Reflecto (EEL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia & Solomon Shaw of Maine; Duvall retained titles

CURE/CTI: Sami Callihan & CURE/VD: Necrotizing Fasciitis (HLL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey & Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row, Drake retained titles

CURE/BDE: "Big Homie" D.J. Trump & The Smoke (IIL)
The Landlord from Wicked City; manager retained titles

CURE: Christian Michaels & Jazzman (LSL)
Chris Schmitt of Kansas

Snowflakes Billy & Willy (KHL)
Onzie Secord of Canada

COT: Shadow & Super Ghost Machines (HAL)
Tom Flesher

Top Contenders

10. EDGE: Perseus & Theseus (SVL)

11. COT: Che Churro & Michael Pryzbylewski (UNL)
previous champions
EDGE: TML Matthews & EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 11 (MEL)
SOS/TWGWK: Sir Coleman Slaw & SOS: The Ghost of Christmas Present (CSL)

14. SOS: Terrific Tim Couch & SOS/CHAMP: The Unavoidable (AEL)
PG: Redust & Bludust (RDL)
CURE/VD: Big & Little Chic (WWL)
COT: Foot Soldier #2 & Minnesota Wrecking Crew II (IGL)

18. COT/PPA: El Luchador & El Destructor (CAW)
ranked #11 last time

19. CURE/BDE: Boss Hogg & Rosco P. Coltrane (HWL)
ranked #21 last time
SOS: Scarlett Warrior & "The Tourist" Sue Venir (QPL)
ranked #21 last time
SOS: Second Sierra & Colin Oscopy (WDL)
SOS/|: Rongo Pondo & Billie Starkz (NBL)

23. COT: Bouncing Baby Boyden & Little Orphan Amphetamine (NAL)
VIRUS: Shining Star & Wild Thing (BBL)

25. SOS/|: Zebediah & Hezekiah Umbra (BOL)
last of the teams with 516

U.S. Tag-team Champions

TBABIT: Tremor & Ripple (UNL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; missed titles by point flow last time; share of $25,000

HIGHER FLYERS: "Jumpin'" Jim Brazil & Graig Gagne (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; missed titles by point flow last time

EDGE: Mr. America & Travis Iron (HLL)
~TZ~ & Joshua Haight of Wisconsin; Haight held titles 3 cycles in a row

EDGE: Leo Hamlin & RC Savage (DZL)
Brad Norman & Jeff Annable; Annable retained titles

CURE/VD: Bladder & Bacterial Infections (LPL)
Frank Jay Belcher III

SOS: Dr. Octofish & Tabitha Onelassa, Medicine Woman (EEL)
Solomon Shaw & Jake Duvall; 516; edged SOS/|: Jacquo Music Man Marco & Masked Medical Facility Physician #1 (LNL), CURE/CTI: Frank "The Tank" Belcher & CURE/VD: Mr. Johnson (MUL), EDGE: Bip Bipley & EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 22 (MEL), SOS/TWGWK: Prince Peter of Pulled Porkington & SOS: The Hitchhiker (CSL), CURE/CTI: Snowie Chloie & Madd Maddie (WWL), PG: Big MAMA & Papa Red (LSL), COT: Diabolical Jerry Savage & CURE/LPPF: Lost Misfit #3 (NAL; missed titles by point flow last time), COT/GUN: Excelente & Ultimo Astro (IWL), IMT/AR15: Elrodhausen & Flatten the Curve (HAL)



World Six-man Champions

COT: The Rockin' Redneck, The Scramblin' Hillbilly, Jimmy "The Body" Janos (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; held titles 3 cycles in a row; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches

COT: Backstabba, Bootleg, Shoestring (UNL)
Adam Kleinow of Maryland; manager retained titles

COT: Power, Static, Jumbo Machines (XPL)
COT: Generic, Beast, Epic Machines (BHL)
COT/POLR: "Tiny" Joronen, Crusher Knuutila, Low Blow Lehtimaki (BRL)
Tom Flesher

COT: Don Kelly, Chris "Red Pop" Shelton, "The Rollercoaster" Todd Jones (ZZL)
COT: "The Wolverine" Tom Simms, Chad Snazzington, "Dynamite" Danny Day (UCW)
Dan Hayman of Michigan

COT: "Mad Dog" Maurice Duchaine, CURE: Ricky Raines, SOS: Skeletor (LSL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont, Michael Eaves of Mississippi, Solomon Shaw of Maine; Duchaine & Eaves retained titles

CURE: King Kaos, Mike Mojo, CURE/LPPF: Xtra 4 Hire (Scott) (JDL)
Michael Eaves & Keith A. Maple of Ohio (Scott); Maple retained titles

CURE/CTI: Solomon Crowe, CURE/VD: Triple Lindy, Old Droopy (HLL)
CURE: Waldo Dirtberg, CURE/VD: Grim Reaper, Peaper (HWL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey (Crowe & Dirtberg) & Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; Belcher held titles 44 cycles in a row, Drake 10 in a row

CURE/BDE: Dump Truck, Stanky Legg, Tree Trunk Shatterday (IIL)
The Landlord from Wicked City

SOS: Yoca Puddings, Doodlebob, Plankton (EEL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia (Puddings) & Solomon Shaw; Duvall retained titles

SOS: Sharon is Karen, Bad, Bad Leigh Roy-Brown, April Fools (SVL)
SOS: "The Canadian Man" Manada, "Sure Thing" Will Dew, Professor URN Payne (NAL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; manager held titles 25 cycles in a row

SOS/|: Maki Ito, Superstar Bruno Backlund, Oonagh Williams (NBL)
Darren Soanes of Canada

EDGE: President Carver, Tino Sanata, Performance Center Trainer 11 (CSL)
Mike Carver of Pennsylvania, ~TZ~ of Virginia, Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; ~TZ~ held titles 63 cycles in a row, Carver & Deane 6 in a row

EDGE: Rip Ripley, TML Marner, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 3 (MEL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina, Jeff Annable of Canada, Rich Reilly of New Jersey; Norman held titles 15 cycles in a row, Annable 9 in a row, Reilly 3 in a row

PG: Big Moe, Kendall Woods, Timbo Kingston (BKL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington

Top Contenders

20. COT/3F: Ax, Dog, Goat (RDL)

21. COT: Bal, Heck, Jester (LNL)
last of the teams with 521

U.S. Six-man Champions

EDGE: Tatsumi Wasabi, Performance Center Trainer 5, Carver in a Mask #6 (CSL)
~TZ~, Steven J. Deane, Mike Carver; ~TZ~ held titles 9 cycles in a row, Carver & Deane 3 in a row; share of $25,000

EDGE: Chris Impact, Young Gun, Poison (HLL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin (Impact) & ~TZ~

EDGE/RF: "Rollicking" River Thomas, EDGE: TML Kadri, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 5 (MEL)
Brad Norman, Jeff Annable, Rich Reilly

SOS: Dolphinn Balor, "Nasty" Neil O'Donnell, "Touchdown" Tommy Maddox (WTL)
Derek Tuttle; manager held titles 5 cycles in a row

SOS: Captain Magma, The Quickster, SOS/TWGWK: Reese Rutledge (EEL)
Solomon Shaw & Jake Duvall (Rutledge); Duvall held titles 3 cycles in a row

SOS/|: "The Strawweight" Peter T. England, Dr. Bret Baker, D.M.D., The Corona Ayatollah (NBL)
Darren Soanes

COT: Best of the Best X, XII, XIII (MUL)
Steven M. Shotliff; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row

CURE/LPPF: Voiceless Henchmen #1, #2, #3 (XPL)
Keith A. Maple

CURE/VD: Monday Recuperater, Tuesday Doomsday, Stretch Marks (WWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III

CURE: Ace Anderson, CURE/VD: The Wild Bushman, The Killer Kangaroo (HWL)
Michael Drake (Anderson) & Frank Jay Belcher III

TBABIT/BxBx: Pilgrim Tim, "Salty" S.B. Pretzel, "Cheesy" Tommy Velveeta (UNL)
Jake Joyce of Illinois; 521



1. BRL (999 matches) 490.932

2. NWL (867 matches) 467.036

3. IWL (752 matches) 491.594

4. DXL (612 matches) 492.826

5. CWL (572 matches) 491.563

6. NAL (549 matches) 492.268

7. BBL (547 matches) 490.682

8. RDL (537 matches) 493.806
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle

9. LPL (519 matches) 492.489

10. SHL (508 matches) 491.000


TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only

1. COT: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 227

2. COT: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 211

3. COT/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 195

4. CURE/LPPF: Misfit Messiah (ASL) 162

5. CURE/LPPF: Medieval Tymes (NAL)
COT/CHAMP: Nightmare Sam Hell (ASL) 155

7. CURE: Mike Drake (DZL & HWL) 145

9. COT: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL) 141

10. COT: Lord of Illusions (ASL) 140

11. COT: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 136

12. COT/CHAMP: Inferno (GRL) 129

13. COT: Buda von Blitzen (NAL) 128

14. COT/CHAMP: Arson (GRL) 127

15. COT/CHAMP: The Executioner (XPL) 125

16. COT: Deadly David Death (GRL) 124

17. EDGE: The Terminator (CZL) 123

18. SOS: "Wrestling Demon" Drugs (CFL) 120

19. COT: Diabolical Jerry Savage (NAL) 118

20. NGAA: Mara O'Connor (MDL) 117



2024 Managers

1. Frank Jay Belcher III 2,000

2. Brad Norman 1,945

3. ~TZ~ 1,715

4. Derek Tuttle 1,440

5. Solomon Shaw 1,420

6. Steven J. Deane 1,400

7. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 1,355

8. Michael Drake 1,240

9. Donald Henry 970

10. Tom Flesher 945

11. Jake Duvall 910

12. Joshua Haight 905

13. Jeff Annable 865

14. Darren Soanes 700

15. Seth Brubaker 685

16. Steven M. Shotliff 645

17. Timothy L. Clark 625

18. Rich Reilly 610

19. Sly Smith 575

20. Keith A. Maple 570

2024 Stables

1. EDGE 4,310

2. SOS 4,280

3. CURE 3,680

4. COT 2,330

5. TBABIT 1,045

6. NME 990

7. IMT 340

8. AOD 295

9. BDE


The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. Additional stats and rankings are available on the independent website tzwainfo.wixsite.com/pbm-history-site/iwa. These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.



Iron Federation

Black Ops, Bounty Hunter, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes & Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison

Steel Federation

Coffin Filler, European Wrestling, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Vixens, World Domination

Gold Federation

All Star, Battle Royal, Black Widow, Blood Bath, Continental Wrestling, Danger Zone, Final Impact, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails

Diamond Federation

Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Unknown Wrestler, Xtreme Wrestling, Yellow Jacket

Bronze Federation

American Extreme, American Outlaw, Blood Bath Women, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Pretty Deadly, Razzle Dazzle, United Nations, Wicked Warz

Jade Federation

Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship Wrestling, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag

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