Manager ~TZ~ recently suggested a reduction in the number of cards required for an Elite league to be eligible to compete for the belt. Although he was only able to win a dozen majors this cycle (including the aforementioned Elite title), I nevertheless agreed to review the relevant data. The ensuing discussion resulted in the number being cut exactly in half, dropping from 50 cards of matches down to a still-very-respectable 25. This rule change is already in effect.
The lower threshold should not only increase competition for the Elite belt, but also decrease the significant overlap that has thus far existed between the Elite and Metropolitan titles: requiring Elite leagues to reach at least 50 cards to be eligible for the championship meant they were more likely to also qualify for the Metropolitan honors. The fact that the same wrestler has held both titles 41 times in the Elite belt's 79-cycle history bears that out.
The ambitious stipulation also seemed unfair to certain leagues, such as the Lone Wolf League, where managers are limited to a single wrestler, or the Black Widow League, which not only features that identical roster limitation but also severely restricts the number of matches each player may submit! Such leagues offer a different type of experience, but their unique structure makes it more difficult for them to attain the same level of activity as other Elite leagues.
Perhaps the most compelling argument in favor of the adjustment was one put forth by commissioner extraordinaire Seth Brubaker, whose wisdom I sought before making a final decision. Attentive managers may recall that Seth was the primary spokesperson for the group of players responsible for the creation of the Elite title, and he felt that if you're one of our hard-working Elite league commissioners -- particularly one who has been struggling to collect those final few qualifying cards -- this new target should remove a bit of the enormous pressure from your overburdened shoulders. Reducing stress and anxiety leaves more room for fun!
Seth was kind enough to take the time to share his thoughts, despite being busy planning a well-earned retirement party for a half-dozen legendary athletes. His TBABIT representatives won't be entering our hallowed Hall alone, though, for this is The Day The Music... Retired? Manager Darren Soanes just attended his very first Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and the honoree was a modern remake of Darren's very first wrestler when he joined the game in the 1980s. That superstar, Jacquo Music Man Marco, ended his career in the Yellow Jacket League, which was also the name of his original '80s league! What a heartwarming story of things coming full squared-circle. How often in life do we get a second chance to achieve unfulfilled goals of our youth? Thank you, Darren, for creating such a cool moment in IWA History!
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Darren Soanes of Canada
SOS/|: Jacquo Music Man Marco (YJL) 1,695-198-40, *11, $2,313,800
Seth Brubaker of Ohio
TBABIT: "The Hellion" Roxanne O'Connor (NAL) 1,102-305-76, *40, $2,833,300
TBABIT: "The Starlet" Liberty Monroe (NAL) 1,147-356-80, *31, $3,075,700
TBABIT: "The Deviant" Erica Rockwell (NAL) 1,268-404-85, *34, $3,233,000
TBABIT: "The Broken" Keegan Crowley (NAL) 1,028-246-43, *24, $2,346,200
TBABIT: Dax Bardo (XWL) 1,402-338-68, *36, $3,375,600
TBABIT: Will Power (XWL) 1,058-116-29, *18, $1,747,000
World Champion
NME: Hades (BRL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for BRL managers next cycle
U.S. Champion
SOS/ARMY: "The Mauler" Perro DeGuerra (HRL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; manager retained title; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged NME/DEMOLITION: Wreck (AOL)
King of the Ring
SOS/BG: Lord Sheldon Bishop (KHL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 274 KotR total; edged VIRUS: F.B. III (MUL); hold positions were 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15; battle royal hold positions were 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
NME/VIP: King Carver (XPL)
Mike Carver of Pennsylvania; 500
Steel Federation Champion
NME/FRM-16: Porky the Kid (CFL)
Let's Go Marchand from the Right Side of the Tracks; 501
Gold Federation Champion
NME: Hades (BRL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501
Diamond Federation Champion
NME/FRM-16: Giant Bee (NSL)
Let's Go Marchand; 500; edged NME/VIP: The Philly Icon (STL)
Bronze Federation Champion
SOS/ARMY: Sugar Skull Whiskey (HRL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 500; edged NME: Irish Wolfhound T-Rex (IGL)
Jade Federation Champion
SOS/ARMY: Hootie's Bodyguard Bareback (CZL)
Donald Henry; 501; edged NME: Ultra Dazzle (SHL)
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
NME: Hades (BRL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501; edged NME: Ultra Dazzle (SHL)
Asian Champion
NME: Dominant Factor Courage (LLL)
~TZ~; manager retained title; 501
Elite Champion
60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches; edged Ultra Dazzle
Hardcore Champion
NME/FRM-16: Porky the Kid (CFL)
Let's Go Marchand from the Right Side of the Tracks; manager retained title; 501; edged SOS/ARMY: Hootie's Bodyguard Bareback (CZL)
International Champion
SOS/IND: Uncle Phil (YJL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia; 499; edged Temujin the Terror (IWL), Jasmyne the Supreme Diva (VUL)
Metropolitan Champion
Rookie Brawl Winner
"Angel of Light" Angelina Blanco (NWL)
Adam Kleinow of Maryland
National Champion
NME: Cool Hand Luke (TGL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Pacific Northwest region
Central Plains Champion
SOS/IND: Yom Thorke (YJL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia; 501; edged NME/DEMOLITION: Hammer (AOL)
East Coast Champion
NME: Gran Ramada (IWL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501
Great Lakes Champion
TOXIC: Buster Gerry Zags (DZL)
Gerry Zags; 501
Mid-Atlantic Champion
NME: Jack Daniels (FAL)
Gilbert Arroyo of California; 500
Northeast Champion
TOXIC: JD Disaster (DZL)
Gerry Zags; 499; edged SOS/BG: Blood Threat 3 (KHL), COT: Russ Wheeler (XWL), Syndicate: Deathlok (HLL)
Rocky Mountains Champion
EDGE: Dr. Manhattan (AAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 501
Southeast Champion
SOS/ARMY: Sugar Skull Echo (XWL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 499; edged NME: Soul Glo Spray Bottle (HRL)
Southwest Champion
VIRUS: "The Prodigy" F.B.III (DXL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; manager retained title; 500; edged NME: Unloady (CZL), NME: Master of the Double Cross Aaron Fleury (IGL)
West Coast Champion
SOS/ARMY: Ironhorse (XWL)
Donald Henry; 501
Ladies' World Champion
NME: Dominant Factor Courage (LLL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches
Ladies' U.S. Champion
VIRUS: Zsa Zsa Gavor (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 500; $25,000
Queen of the Ring
COT: Karate Hottie (FFL)
Paul Pratt of California; 499; 270 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
COT: Jenna Tools (VUL)
Paul Pratt; 501
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
DOD/ORDER: Maddie van Slaughter & Tinkerbell (PDL)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia; 516; edged COT: Destyni Sanchez-Leon & "Nature Grrrl" Nakita Wu (GAL), LPPF: Powdered Nailz & Mystique (VVL), SOS/OMR: "Phantom Queen" Morrigan & "Banshee Queen" Cliodhna (LLL), LPPF: "Caged Equality" Valentina Shevchenko & Taila Santos (FFL)
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
ORDER: Amazing Amy & Deadly Darlene Blitz (PDL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington; 516; edged SOS: Stiletto Kwaigno & Tia (VVL), VIRUS: Tuna Town Tammy & Juice Box (VUL)
World Six-woman Champions
VIRUS: Brain Buster Beauty, Pandora's Box, F. Burger (VUL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey, Frank Jay Belcher III, Mitchell Johnson, both of Michigan; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row, Drake retained titles
BNC: Bernice, Geraldine, Janice Buttafoogli (PDL)
Joseph Glen Clark of Washington
NME: Dominant Factors Affection, Lust, Vanity (LLL)
~TZ~; 521; edged SOS: Sparta Cortez, Beyonce, Lady Jaye Burnett (VVL)
U.S. Six-woman Champions
VIRUS: Sweatin', Valley B., Quinn Guzzy (VVL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & Michael Drake (Guzzy); 521
World Tag-team Champions
TBABIT: Tony "Zippy" & Tommy "Puppy" Dog (UNL)
Jake Joyce of Illinois; ranked #12 last time; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: Silver Surfer & Galactus (AAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; ranked #14 last time
EDGE/GiFt: Beast & EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 16 (MEL)
Kyle Devlin of Pennsylvania & Rich Reilly of New Jersey
VIRUS: Edge Neckbeard & Ebola Zaire (LPL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey & Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; Drake held titles 3 cycles in a row
VIRUS: Big & Little Chic (WWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III
VIRUS: Shining Star & Wild Thing (AWL)
Chris Schmitt of Kansas
VIRUS: "The Anomaly" Savannah Dexter & "The Swamp" E.C. Rotte (WTL)
David Silliman of New York
LPPF: Voiceless Henchmen #1 & #2 (XPL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio; manager retained titles
NME: Dean Flamingo & Carver in a mask #4 (CSL)
~TZ~ of Virginia & Mike Carver of Pennsylvania; Carver retained titles
SOS: Rich "Corinthian" Leather & SOS/BG: Blood Threat 1 (KHL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida & Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; Tuttle retained titles
Top Contenders
11. SOS: S.A.T. Mateo Hernandez & Minton DaBox (WDL)
12. SOS/ARMY: "Guard Dawgs" Delano Swanson & Marty Ritner (AOL)
IMT/AR15: Bowling for Behave & Close the Borders (NDL)
COT: Minneapolis Miller & Minnesota Wrecking Crew XIV (PKW)
15. COT: Brendan & Ruairi McFlaherty (BRL)
COT: "Mean" Mike Enos & Wayne "The Train" Bloom (QPL)
SOS/WAI: Jaymz & Jonathan Dante (NPL)
VIRUS: IMT Slayer & Pee "The Wannabee" Wee (HWL)
19. NME/FRM-16: Brazilian King Corn & Hard Jeffrey (NSL)
20. COT: The Twisted Prodigy & The Ultimate Nightmare (FSL)
21. COT: Indian Assassins Bhauls & K'nie Diep (IGL)
previous champions
SOS: Fogey Mondt & Joyous Joey Harrington (AEL)
missed U.S. titles by point flow last time
23. VIRUS: 3-D & Roderick Rampage (MUL)
24. SOS: Reptile & Librarian Willy Shutup (LBL)
last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Encrypted & Code Red (LPL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
DOD/ORDER: Indian Joe & Monkey-Eyed Tim (CAW)
DOD: Timbo & Jimbo Slice (WWL)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
EDGE: "Luxurious" Lenny Lamb & TML Gardiner (MEL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina & Jeff Annable; 516; edged VIRUS: Mr. Warwick & Mitch "The One" Johnson (MUL), LPPF: "Speed Pinners" Allen, Jr. & Brian Quick, Jr. (OSL), SOS/OMR: Set the Usurper & Anhur the Slayer (TGL), NME: Eternal Rage & Fury (IGL), SOS: Jaxin Cross & "Bionic" Beth Silva (QPL), SOS/|: Luke & Duke (NPL), SOS/BG: Notorious Blood & SOS/CoB: The Phantom (CSL), LPPF: Jack of all trades & Master of none (NAL), NME/FRM-16: Narcolepto & Ebenzer Poppycock (PKW), COT: Warlord Wade Reinhard & Barbarian King (FSL), SOS: Punch Rebel & Sir Kicks-A-Lot (AAL)
World Six-man Champions
SOS/IND: Doug "Double Bass" Brocky, Gene "The Machine" Conrad, Thad Clayman (IWL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia; retained titles, U.S. champions before that; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
SOS: Dennis Condrey, Duke Hauser, Stephan "Frontman" Jenkins (LBL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida (Condrey) & "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; Tuttle held titles 5 cycles in a row, Manning 3 in a row
SOS/ARMY: "Cueball" Andy Skidmore, "Disposable Hero" Titus Watts, SOS: Mitch Please (XWL)
Donald Henry of Illinois & Derek Tuttle (Please)
SOS/OMR: God of War, Lord of the Ring, The Last Emperor (UNL)
Reign from Ohio
NME: The Big Guy Rhys Hoskins, The Trail Blazer, Performance Center Trainer 5 (CSL)
Mike Carver of Pennsylvania, ~TZ~ of Virginia, Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; ~TZ~ held titles 37 cycles in a row
NME/FRM-16: Atari 187, Frontera Coyote, Totem Faux (NSL)
NME/FRM-16: Terry Crunk, Dick the Cruiser, Cruiser Crody (STL)
Let's Go Marchand from the Right Side of the Tracks; manager retained titles
VIRUS: Roderick Rampage, The Big Nasty, The Killer Kangaroo (HWL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey (Rampage) & Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; Belcher held titles 18 cycles in a row, Drake 4 in a row
VIRUS: Quatro, Fiver, Syxx (NAL)
Michael Drake
BNC: Slaughterdogs Rex, Cujo, Kreo (CWL)
BNC: Johnny Jacksonville, Justin Baltimore, Daniel Detroit (CAW)
BNC: Maximo The Purple, Jacko The Red, Barnabas The Blue Hateable Dinosaurs (BBL)
Joseph Glen Clark of Washington
ORDER: Demolishers Basher, Masher, Thrasher (WWL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington
COT: "Sultan of Ice" Herb Brooks, Buffwell, Blackjack Sullivan (KHL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota
COT: The Liberal Reformist, Dicky Thunderbird, "The Very Evil" Jimhausen (FAL)
Peter Houston of Canada
LPPF: Voiceless Henchmen #3, #4, #5 (XPL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio
IMT/AR15: Libertarian, Bad Dude Elrod Corn Pop, Fourth Amendment (NDL)
Kevin Elrod from FEMA Camp Region V
EDGE: Lightning Warrior, "One-Eyed" Felix Lucha, EDGE/GiFt: Mind Driller (DZL)
Jeff Annable of Canada, Brad Norman of North Carolina, Kyle Devlin of Pennsylvania
Top Contenders
19. EDGE: TML Liljegren, EDGE/GiFt: Waste, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 2 (MEL)
20. SOS: Grand Slam Barney, Flash Gambello, Breaker Kibbey (WDL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
NME: "The Duke" Wesley Sterling, "The Count" Chauncy Reynolds, "The Baron" Clyde Bixby (ECL)
~TZ~; manager held titles 20 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
VIRUS/CTI: Brock Callihan, VIRUS: Creeper, Grim Reafer (HWL)
Michael Drake (Callihan) & Frank Jay Belcher III; Belcher held titles 10 cycles in a row, Drake 3 in a row
EDGE/GiFt: Vex, EDGE: Creeping Death, EDGE/RF: "Roaring" Roger Thomas (DZL)
Kyle Devlin, Jeff Annable, Brad Norman; Devlin held titles 3 cycles in a row
DOD: Catfish Giant, Bucky, Monster (WWL)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crews IV, XIX, XX (NFL)
Steven M. Shotliff
SOS: "Georgia Peach" Ty Cobb, Dos-Puncher, "Hardknocks" Diamond SQ (NDL)
Jeff Manning (Cobb) & Michael Cook of Kentucky; 521; edged LPPF: David, Kerry, Kevin von Adkisson (ASL), EDGE: Bip Bipley, EDGE/GiFt: Brute, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 1 (MEL), NME: Punisher Paul Damage, Dominant Factor Greed, The Ghost of Christmas Present (CSL), SOS/OMR: Ali, Khamzat, Khabib Ripurarmov (UNL)
1. BRL (1,198 matches) 490.759
2. CWL (848 matches) 492.235
3. IWL (815 matches) 490.548
4. BBL (750 matches) 492.355
5. WWL (735 matches) 491.259
6. DXL (655 matches) 491.883
7. CAW (617 matches) 490.814
8. NWL (606 matches) 483.077
9. SHL (523 matches) 493.708
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
10. ASL (508 matches) 477.328
TOP 20 VICTORIES -- active wrestlers only
1. Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL) 16,472-2,674-736
2. VIRUS: Mike Drake (HWL) 16,204-1,585-374
3. VIRUS: Cpl. Punishment (LBL) 12,233-781-182
4. NME/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 11,146-890-267
5. VIRUS: Mike Drake (DZL) 9,641-1,221-176
6. Death Warrant (LBL) 9,454-883-160
7. NME: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 8,659-690-235
8. "Mr. Everything" Kirk Lockran (AWL) 8,491-2,196-472
9. DFI: American Freedom Fighter E.J. (SHL) 8,070-1,264-312
10. Arsenal (LWL) 7,329-593-98
11. LPPF: Medieval Tymes (ASL) 7,109-1,064-192
12. NME: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 6,796-686-231
13. NGAA: Rydia Stormer (MDL) 6,639-1,978-377
14. MC: White Tiger Mask (STL) 6,586-2,848-87
15. DOD: Ghost Lee Shadows (BRL) 6,275-567-168
16. SHS: Punk Rock Mike (BRL) 6,247-1,086-279
17. NGAA: Hawkeye Science (HLL) 6,092-1,498-259
18. Connecticut Yankee (LSL) 5,992-1,523-342
19. VIRUS: THEE F.B.III (DXL) 5,619-256-72
20. SOS/ARMY: "Public Enemy" Roderick Hughes (BRL) 5,414-616-109
Hot $tuff Adam Ca$h (BRL) 5,414-1,093-253
2023 Managers
1. Donald Henry 520
2. ~TZ~ 485
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 365
4. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 320
5. Michael Drake 315
6. Derek Tuttle 285
7. Let's Go Marchand 260
8. Mike Carver 210
9. Jon Wasilewski 165
10. Jeff Annable
Steven J. Deane 150
12. Keith A. Maple 145
13. Kyle Devlin
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 130
15. Brad Norman
Solomon Shaw 110
17. Chris Schmitt
Jake Joyce 90
19. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd 70
20. Mitchell Johnson 65
2023 Stables
1. NME 1,045
2. SOS 985
3. ARMY 520
4. VIRUS 495
5. EDGE 270
6. FRM-16 260
7. IND 165
8. COT 155
9. LPPF 145
10. CURE
The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. Additional stats and rankings are available on the independent website These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Bounty Hunter, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Unknown Wrestler, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Coffin Filler, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Vixens, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Black Widow, Blood Bath, Celestial Wrestling, Danger Zone, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Xtreme Wrestling, Yellow Jacket
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Pretty Deadly, United Nations, Wicked Warz
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship Wrestling, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag