Wrestlers must initiate one-on-one matches to be considered active. Entering the battle royal and competing in team matches does not count as being active. Inactive wrestlers cannot win major championships, and they are not entitled to have their strategies updated.
We've been manually tracking which wrestlers were to receive strategy changes, but that task has been automated. Since we can't accidentally enter strategies for inactive wrestlers anymore, the new system should make it more obvious when we fail to process wrestlers' matches: not only will they be listed in the inactive section of the rankings, but they may also perform worse than expected, due to reusing their previous strategy.
If you ever notice that you didn't receive all the matches and battle royal entries you submitted, or if your strategy seems to have been mistyped, based on the outcomes of your wrestler's matches, please let us know quickly so we can correct it. We want the league results to be as accurate as possible.
Our Spring cycle is right around the corner, and what better time to sweep some of those pesky losses off your wrestlers' records? Just be prepared to pay some industrial-strength fees for the industrial-strength cleaning products needed for the job...
Next cycle only, include a note with your matches and strategy changes that reads, "Drop 20 losses from my wrestler, ID #123" (choose from 1 to 20 losses, and use your wrestler's ID number instead of 123). Separate the request from your trash talk by skipping some space. The removal of each loss will cost that particular wrestler $25,000. You may deduct losses from as many of your wrestlers as you wish, but each must have the necessary funds, so if you want to remove the maximum of 20 losses, your wrestler must have at least half a million imaginary dollars.
Also next cycle, the sign-up forms for this year's Stablecade contest will be available. Watch for them!
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina
"The One, The Only" Noah Phoenix (EPW) 1,212-272-41, *19, $1,884,800
Jason Clark of Minnesota
Collin Jacks (GWL) 1,186-231-39, *4, $2,209,400
Timothy L. Clark of Washington
DOD/ORDER: Catfish Tim (DKL) 1,256-242-42, *22, $3,061,900
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
DOD/PPA: Black Fox (BBL) 1,234-462-71, *32, $2,697,300
DOD/ORDER: Foxwoman Santana (DKL) 1,070-237-44, *33, $2,373,600
World Champion
VIRUS: Fella (STL)
VIRUS: Zach Sabre, Jr. (NAL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for NAL & STL managers next cycle; manager's 12th career World title
U.S. Champion
VIRUS: Bart Whiskey (BOL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches
King of the Ring
EDGE: Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh (WTL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; 500; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 272 KotR total; hold positions were 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15; battle royal hold positions were 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall (CSL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio; 501
Steel Federation Champion
SOS: "Wrestling Demon" Sex (IIL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 500
Gold Federation Champion
EDGE: Herbert the Re-Animator West (ASL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; 500; edged EDGE: "Friend-Zoned" Frederick Goodfellow (IWL), QKI: Assassin Beast Devasto (BRL)
Diamond Federation Champion
VIRUS: Fella (STL)
VIRUS: Zach Sabre, Jr. (NAL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501
Bronze Federation Champion
EDGE: The Lunatic (AOL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin; 501
Jade Federation Champion
Tom Cottrill of Ohio; 500; edged BURN: Kaos Knight (UCW), VIRUS: Masked Rookie #1 (TGL), VIRUS: Headhunter B (GCL), VIRUS: Machine Gun Karl Anderson (DXL)
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
VIRUS: Fella (STL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; edged EDGE: The Lunatic (AOL)
Asian Champion
VIRUS: Zach Sabre, Jr. (NAL)
Michael Drake; 501; edged TBABIT: "Bruiser" Quinton Hall (CSL)
Elite Champion
EDGE: Herbert the Re-Animator West (ASL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; 500; 60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches; edged Frederick Goodfellow, QKI: Assassin Beast Devasto (BRL), VIRUS: Machine Gun Karl Anderson (DXL)
Hardcore Champion
VIRUS: Kesha Ohno (FFL)
Michael Drake; 501
International Champion
EDGE: "Friend-Zoned" Frederick Goodfellow (IWL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 500; edged TBABIT: XX (ZZL), BURN: Kaos Knight (UCW), VIRUS: Headhunter B (GCL)
Metropolitan Champion
Frederick Goodfellow
15 free matches; edged Devasto
Rookie Brawl Winner
SOS/IND: Rod Camino (NWL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia; manager retained title; 499
National Champion
VIRUS: "The Reaper" Ray Savage (NFL)
"The Game" from Parts Unknown; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; West Coast region
Central Plains Champion
VIRUS: Blue Ninja (JDL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; 501
East Coast Champion
EDGE: "Pop Culture" Peter Cross (IWL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 501; edged EDGE: Poseidon (HRL), TBABIT/RABBIT: Pat Divebar (DXL)
Great Lakes Champion
EDGE: In-Betweener (AAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 501
Mid-Atlantic Champion
FRM-16: Crimstone (CFL)
Let's Go Marchand from the Right Side of the Tracks; 501
Northeast Champion
EDGE: Hard to Kill Mason Storm (ASL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; 500; edged VIRUS: Misfit Messiah (NAL)
Pacific Northwest Champion
EDGE/ROT/BEER: Heady Topper (HRL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 501
Rocky Mountains Champion
VIRUS: Charlie Brown (PKW)
"The Game"; 500; edged SOS/ARMY: "Worst of the Worst" Simon Dresnok (BRL), SOS/ARMY: Stitches O'Malley (JDL)
Southeast Champion
SOS: Geriatric Gerry (LPL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; 500; edged EDGE: Gold Master #6 (NDL), EDGE: Tartarus (HRL), FRM-16: IMDKV Grappler #2 (CFL), VIRUS: "Vicious" Rob Spickelmier (UCW)
Southwest Champion
SOS/ARMY: "Dime Piece" Midori Porter (ECL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 500
Ladies' World Champion
VIRUS: Kesha Ohno (FFL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches
Ladies' U.S. Champion
VIRUS: Brain Buster MD (FFL)
Michael Drake; 499; $25,000; edged VIRUS: Dewitt in a Mask (LLL)
Queen of the Ring
Pickles the Rodeo Clown (VUL)
Colin Morton of New York; 271 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
VIRUS: Kutter Carver (FFL)
Michael Drake; 500
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Dark Angel & Sierra Tango (MDL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio & ~TZ~ of Virginia; missed U.S. titles by point flow last time; 516
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Headhunters A & B (FFL)
Michael Drake
World Six-woman Champions
VIRUS: Equality, India, Echo Zulu (MDL)
Keith A. Maple (Equality) & ~TZ~; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
SOS: Bombshell Stall, SOS/|: 00, The Dirtiest Diva in the Game (VVL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio (Stall) & Darren Soanes of Canada
World Tag-team Champions
EDGE/ROT: Aaron Rapaport & Dave Skylark (MML)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; manager held titles 6 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: Colonel Flustered & Hungry Hungry Hippos (WDL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida & Jeff Annable of Canada
VIRUS: Khan & Killer Karl Kowalski (LSL)
Chris Schmitt of Kansas & "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont; Duchaine held titles 3 cycles in a row
Top Contenders
4. VIRUS: Someone Special & Desperate Measures (FSL)
SOS/|: Bixby Bludworth & SOS: The Beach Bum (QPL)
6. TBABIT/RABBIT: "The Camper" Lewis N. Clark & "The Fisherman" Ernest Ahab (DXL)
7. ORDER: Kenneth Oblivion & Christopher Destruction (IWL)
ranked #20 last time
ORDER: Oink & Yolo the Clowns (GWL)
ranked #20 last time
ranked #20 last time
DOD/ORDER/WBC: Matthew van Slaughter & Jane "The Vixen" Red (BRL)
ranked #20 last time
EDGE/GiFt: Sybreed & Prophecy (DZL)
12. EDGE: Murder Chef Bobby Slay & EDGE/GiFt: Terror (MEL)
13. COT: Dudley Smiley & Tig O'Bitty (KHL)
previous champions
TBABIT: "Clean Boys" Brian Latch & Jerry Tauts (SVL)
ranked #17 last time
SOS: Adrian "Cap" Anson & SOS/AI: Ribmaster (NDL)
ranked #26 last time; last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
OE: General Gerry & VIRUS: Smack Talker (DZL)
Gerry Zags & Sly Smith; Smith held titles 3 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
EDGE/ROT: Black Belt & Thief (MML)
Rich Reilly
EDGE: Candy Land & Best Friend Johnny (WDL)
Jeff Annable & Caleb Crawdad; 516; edged EDGE: Stan Gold & EDGE/ROT: Disciple of Rye 6 (KHL), HOP/ORDER: Winnipeg Wookiee & DOD/ORDER: "Dead Meat" Leroy Buttersworth (BRL), EPIC/BNC: The Nasty Critters Barry Sags & Ryan Knobbs (BBL; missed titles by point flow last time), EDGE/GiFt: Power & EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 14 (MEL), Shotgun James Carnage & Texas Jesse Tombstone (IWL)
World Six-man Champions
EDGE/ROT: Masked Invaders I, 2, 3 (MML)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; retained titles; manager held titles 25 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: The Game of Life, Anu Start, "Man of 1,000 Pants" Nash Britches (WDL)
Jeff Annable of Canada (Life) & Caleb Crawdad of Florida
PPA/ORDER: Mr. Smith, Cpl. Punishment, Pork Rind (BBL)
Robert Lawson of Colorado; retained titles
SOS/MM: Lord Regal, Martel "The Model," Zolf Diggler (BRL)
Randall Angel from the Republic of Texas; retained titles
SOS: Tom Bones Malone, Blood Threats 1, 2 (KHL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas
SOS/IND: Doug "Double Bass" Brocky, Gene "The Machine" Conrad, Thad Clayman (IWL)
Jon Wasilewski of Virginia
VIRUS: Time-Traveling Spoiler, Legend, New Breed Legend #4 (CFL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; manager held titles 21 cycles in a row
VIRUS: Bootylicious, Swine, Spanish Flu (COL)
Mitchell Johnson (Bootylicious) & Frank Jay Belcher III, both of Michigan; Johnson held titles 4 cycles in a row, Belcher retained titles
VIRUS: Big Chic, "The Scholar" Lenny Savage, The Belching Saginaw Sasquatch (WWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III, ~TZ~, David Silliman of New York
VIRUS: Highway Patrols #1, #2, #3 (AOL)
VIRUS: Sly Smith, Giant Chong, Awesome Sean MCA (HRL)
Sly Smith; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
COT: "Ravishing" Larry Nightmare, Minnesota Wrecking Crews I, II (IGL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row
TBABIT/PUPTARTS: Ol' Bud, Michael "Salty," Billy "Bull" Dog (ASL)
Jake Joyce of Illinois
TBABIT: "Philly's Favorite Son" T.J., "Dollar Amount" Turkey Hill, "Hot Tag" Jerry Zag (UNL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio
IMT/AR15: They Them Climate Change Elrod 13th, Articles of Confederation, Due Process (NDL)
Kevin Elrod from FEMA Camp Region V
Top Contenders
16. VIRUS: Archangel Gabriel, Bloody Bob Boyd, New Breed Legend #2 (CSL)
17. SOS/|: Gunter von Muller, SOS: King Kong Grundy, Jorious Cross (QPL)
ranked #18 last time; last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
COT: Hooded Soldiers I, II, III (KHL)
Steven M. Shotliff; retained titles; share of $25,000 + 10 free matches
VIRUS: Archangel Ariel, Bruiser Buck Dewitt, New Breed Legend #3 (CSL)
"The Game" from Parts Unknown, Sly Smith, ~TZ~; ~TZ~ held titles 4 cycles in a row, Smith 3 in a row
VIRUS: Influenza, Yellow Fever, "Drunk" Terry Flunk (COL)
Frank Jay Belcher III
EDGE/GiFt: Incredibad, EDGE: L.J. Larson, "One-Eyed" Felix Lucha (DZL)
Kyle Devlin of Pennsylvania (Incredibad) & Brad Norman of North Carolina; Norman held titles 4 cycles in a row
EDGE: Lon Dreesoph, Scotland Yard, Scrabble (WDL)
Caleb Crawdad (Dreesoph) & Jeff Annable; Annable retained titles
SOS/|: Ray Runnels, Remy Hoyt, Roy Rotundo (MML)
Darren Soanes of Canada
SOS: "Sultan of Swat" Babe Ruth, SOS/AI: Oak Creek Outlaw, Cosmic Cowboy (NDL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio (Ruth) & Kyle Queen of Texas; 521
1. NWL (1,360 matches) 483.409
2. BRL (1,149 matches) 490.912
3. EPW (872 matches) 493.396
4. IWL (758 matches) 486.181
5. SHL (741 matches) 492.711
6. BBL (717 matches) 492.226
7. DXL (704 matches) 493.638
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
8. ASL (691 matches) 489.560
9. QQW (622 matches) 493.595
10. DZL (614 matches) 479.369
TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only
1. VIRUS: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 195
2. VIRUS: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 194
3. VIRUS/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 173
4. VIRUS/CHAMP: Nightmare Sam Hell (ASL) 141
5. VIRUS: Misfit Messiah (NAL) 136
6. VIRUS: Medieval Tymes (ASL) 132
7. VIRUS: Lord of Illusions (ASL) 130
8. VIRUS: Mike Drake (HWL) 129
9. VIRUS: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 123
10. VIRUS: Mike Drake (ASL) 117
11. VIRUS/CHAMP: Inferno (GRL) 116
12. VIRUS: Buda von Blitzen (NAL) 115
13. VIRUS: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL) 113
14. VIRUS: Deadly David Death (GRL)
VIRUS: The Executioner (XPL) 111
16. VIRUS/CHAMP: Arson (GRL) 109
17. Executioner (LBL) 108
18. VIRUS: Diabolical Jerry Savage (NAL) 107
19. VIRUS: Outlaw Tony Taylor (EHL)
EDGE: The Terminator (CZL) 106
2022 Managers: Overall
1. Rich Reilly 480
2. Michael Drake 470
3. Brad Norman 425
4. Frank Jay Belcher III 415
5. Sly Smith 410
6. ~TZ~ 380
7. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 315
8. Jeff Annable, Keith A. Maple 285
10. "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine 280
11. Steven M. Shotliff 245
12. Seth Brubaker 240
13. "The Game" 220
14. Darren Soanes 195
15. Michael Eaves 190
16. Derek Tuttle 180
17. Robert J. Ratliff 165
18. Michael Cook, Timothy L. Clark 160
20. Caleb Crawdad 140
2022 Managers: Singles Titles
1. Michael Drake 320
2. Brad Norman 205
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 170
4. Robert J. Ratliff 165
5. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 160
6. ~TZ~ 145
7. Seth Brubaker 140
8. IWA Legend Terrence Boyd, Michael Eaves 130
10. "The Game," Timothy L. Clark 120
2022 Managers: Team Titles
1. Sly Smith 400
2. Rich Reilly 370
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 255
4. Jeff Annable 240
5. ~TZ~ 235
6. Steven M. Shotliff 225
7. Brad Norman 220
8. Keith A. Maple 215
9. "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine 210
10. Darren Soanes 165
2022 Stables
1. VIRUS 1,600
2. EDGE 1,010
3. SOS 685
4. ROT 480
5. ORDER 375
6. TBABIT 340
7. COT 275
8. | 195
9. DOD 165
10. Free agents 125
11. MM 100
12. ARMY, BEER 90
14. PPA 80
15. IND 70
16. AI 60
17. MC 50
The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Bounty Hunter, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Coffin Filler, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Centennial Wrestling, Danger Zone, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Unknown Wrestler, Xtreme Wrestling, Yellow Jacket
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Death Knight, Elite Prestige Wrestling, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Queen's Quest Wrestling, United Nations, Wicked Warz
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship Wrestling, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag