Congratulations to all the wrestlers below, each of whom went home with gold! We hope your grappler was among them, but be aware that the competition was brutal, so even if you didn't claim a title this year, give yourself a pat on the back for providing the fans in your state with a show they won't soon forget. You forced the champions to trade their blood, sweat, and tears for those $100,000 prizes.
Alabama Champion
DOD/ORDER: Catfish Tim (LWL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington
Alaska Champion
DYNASTY: Mannequin #1 (BRL)
Kevin Daugherty of Sheffield Lake, Ohio
Arizona Champion
BOWL: Paradice John Thunderstar (CWL)
John Woodford of Iowa
Arkansas Champion
Master Exploder (NWL)
Eric Melton of Virginia
California Champion
Catfish Tim
Colorado Champion
EPIC/TKE: "Idol of the World" Sakura Abe (DKW)
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina
Connecticut Champion
LPPF: Slaughterdog Slash (LWL)
Joseph Glen Clark of Washington
Delaware Champion
BOWL: "Top Sexy" Scott the Driller (LSL)
John Woodford
Florida Champion
LPPF/FRM-16: Oswald Funk (DXL)
Big Marchand from the Diamond District
Georgia Champion
GC: Shilo Wallace (NWL)
Tyler Davidson of California
Hawaii Champion
Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL)
Jimmy Dabbs of North Carolina
Idaho Champion
BOWL: Vicious Vic van Love (DZL)
John Woodford
Illinois Champion
DYNASTY: "Flashy" Jack Ferdinand (BRL)
Kevin Daugherty
Indiana Champion
SOS: Jacquo "The Music Man" Marco (CAW)
Darren Soanes of Canada
Iowa Champion
COT: Lady Fear (SHL)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania
Kansas Champion
SHS: Punk Rock Mike (BRL)
Michael Patuleia of Massachusetts
Kentucky Champion
COT: The Real Man Billy Bratwurst (LWL)
Wade Reinhard
Louisiana Champion
BOWL: "The Judge" John Sparetime (LSL)
John Woodford
Maine Champion
EPIC: Originally Orville (EPW)
Jason Davis of Florida
Maryland Champion
SHS: Agent 26 (BRL)
Tim Pollino of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Champion
Scott the Driller
Michigan Champion
Mordecai (LWL)
Delvon Mills of Florida
Minnesota Champion
John Thunderstar
Mississippi Champion
Missouri Champion
ACE: Seth Adams-Lee (BRL)
Benjamin Kellogg of New York
Montana Champion
Nebraska Champion
DOD/ORDER: Wildfire Betty Red (BRL)
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
Nevada Champion
BOWL: Wildfire Dan van Love (CWL)
John Woodford
New Hampshire Champion
SOE: Titan Terror (FAL)
Jaime Lysoby
New Jersey Champion
Dixon Ticonderoga (IWL)
Scott Franklin of California
New Mexico Champion
LPPF/VIRUS: Syd Credence (FSL)
~TZ~ of Virginia
New York Champion
EPIC/AoS: "Demon Beauty" Etna (BBL)
Joseph Cockrell of Michigan
North Carolina Champion
VIRUS/LB: The Legendary Frank "Leatherman" Snow (BRL)
Frank Snow of Tennessee
North Dakota Champion
PAD: "Big Guns" Greg Garnar (CWL)
Greg Lerch of Illinois
Ohio Champion
Scott the Driller
Oklahoma Champion
Jacquo Marco
Oregon Champion
BOWL: Dangerous Dan Sparetime (LSL)
John Woodford
Pennsylvania Champion
COT: Nikolai Koloff (FSL)
Wade Reinhard
Rhode Island Champion
Arsenal (LWL)
Kenneth Plasse of Alabama
South Carolina Champion
Titan Terror
South Dakota Champion
COT: Mad Dog Michelle Brosious (NML)
Wade Reinhard
Tennessee Champion
Catfish Tim
Texas Champion
Titan Terror
Utah Champion
AGF: American Avalanche (SHL)
Dan Harrell of North Carolina
Vermont Champion
Catfish Tim
Virginia Champion
COT: Big Mac Mackenzie Holubowski (NML)
Wade Reinhard
Washington Champion
COT: Baduhenna (MDL)
Wade Reinhard
West Virginia Champion
Slaughterdog Slash
Wisconsin Champion
Kaptain Kryptonite
Wyoming Champion
"Hebrew Hammer" Lance Horowitz (NWL)
Lance Ray of Wisconsin
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Brandon Madden of Michigan
NRA: Acid Rayne (LRW) 1,016-184-30, *15, $1,552,600
GO/NRA: Lady Fang Gogh (LRW) 1,052-209-32, *23, $2,131,400
Shawn McAbee of Tennessee
POE: Aiden "The Heartless" Brimstone (TND) 1,156-176-36, *17, $2,256,100
NRA: Aya "The Kasquette" Rathmore (LRW) 1,154-120-16, *13, $1,817,500
GOD: Ford Rucker (UNL) 1,025-114-22, *14, $1,636,700
GOD: Mongrovian Brawler (UNL) 1,048-143-24, *17, $1,862,200
World Champion
COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crew IV (NFL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for NFL managers next cycle
U.S. Champion
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches
King of the Ring
Minnesota Wrecking Crew IV
$50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 274 KotR total; hold positions were 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15; battle royal hold positions were 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501
Steel Federation Champion
EDGE/ROT: The 4th Disciple (OSL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 499
Gold Federation Champion
VIRUS/CTI: Insane H.B. Shatterday (ASL)
David Silliman of New York; 501; edged VIRUS/CTI: Wayne Shatterday (WTL)
Diamond Federation Champion
COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crew IV (NFL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 501; edged EDGE/GiFt: Pam Pam (ECL)
Bronze Federation Champion
EDGE: "Ugly Mug" D. Gorman (AOL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 499; edged TBABIT/MAJ: Valin Arya (UNL)
Jade Federation Champion
GUNS: Eric Young (SHL)
Dr. X from Parts Unknown; 501
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
VIRUS/CTI: Insane H.B. Shatterday (ASL)
David Silliman of New York; 501; edged VIRUS/CTI: Wayne Shatterday (WTL), GUNS: Eric Young (SHL)
Asian Champion
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; edged EDGE/GiFt: Pam Pam (ECL)
Elite Champion
H.B. Shatterday
60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches
Hardcore Champion
IMT/ARMY: Bro Shambles (CZL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 500
International Champion
COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crew IV (NFL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 501; edged VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Canadian Hardcore (VUL), VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Chris Hero (BOL)
Metropolitan Champion
"Sequoia" Rex Splinters (DXL)
Ralph Meyers of Utah; edged "Hebrew Hammer" Lance Horowitz (NWL), The American Patriot (IWL)
National Champion
LPPF/FRM-16: Marchand 100% Wood (PKW)
Big Marchand from the Diamond District; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Southeast region
Central Plains Champion
SOS: Bucky Barnes (AEL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; 500; edged VIRUS/CTI: Bart Shatterday (WTL)
East Coast Champion
COT: The Deity of Darkness (MML)
"The Game" from Parts Unknown; 501; edged VIRUS: Masked Cowboy #1 (NSL)
Great Lakes Champion
EDGE: Minnesota Blazer (CSL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; manager retained title; 500
Mid-Atlantic Champion
GUNS: Rhyno (SHL)
Dr. X from Parts Unknown; 501; edged IMT/ARMY: "Pimp Daddy" Hootie Jones (CZL)
Northeast Champion
LPPF/VIRUS: New Breed Spoiler #1 (LBL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 500
Pacific Northwest Champion
SOS: Uncle Tito Blood (AEL)
Robbie Pawelek; 499; edged IMT/ARMY: "Underground Legend" Jermaine Lawless (AAL)
Rocky Mountains Champion
AP: Dynamo Dave (ZZL)
Al Wolff of Missouri; 500
Southwest Champion
SOS: Shin'ko Taakasaki (AEL)
Robbie Pawelek; 499; edged IMT: The Son of Sam David Berkowitz (PKW)
West Coast Champion
IMT/VIRUS: "Western Champ" Gerald Robinson (KHL)
Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; 500
Ladies' World Champion
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Canadian Hardcore (VUL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches
Ladies' U.S. Champion
Michael Drake; 500; $25,000
Queen of the Ring
AA: Tatiana-Leyte (LLL)
Eric Jones of Maryland; 272 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
VIRUS/CTI: "The Swamp" E.C. Rotte (MDL)
David Silliman of New York; 501
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
COT: Guardian & Sentinel (NML)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania; 516
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS/Luniz/CTI: F. Burger & VIRUS/LPPF/IMT: Furry Furnace of Fury (VUL)
Mitchell Johnson & Frank Jay Belcher III, both of Michigan; Belcher retained titles
World Six-woman Champions
SOS: Scarlett O'Hara, Stiletto Kwaigno, G.I. Jane Martelle (VVL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
SOS: Bombshell Stall, Animal Girl, Lady Jaye Burnett (VVL)
Jeff Manning; manager retained titles
World Tag-team Champions
VIRUS/LPPF/IMT: Mr. Johnson & IMT/VIRUS: "The Deranged One" Gerald Robinson #16 (MUL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan & Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
IMT: Horace the Shocker Pinker & IMT/VIRUS: Everybody's Favorite Homeboy G. Robinson (CFL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia & Gerald Robinson
LPPF/VIRUS: Grave Dust & Killer Karl Kowalski (LSL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont
ORDER/LPPF: Sundogs Razor & Tazer (NBL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington
DOD/ORDER/LPPF: Elizabeth White Owl & DOD/ORDER: SB Vixen Red (AWL)
Timothy L. Clark & Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
EDGE/ROT: Red Mage & Masked Invader 3 (MML)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey
EDGE/GiFt: Clintyn Kildepsteen & EDGE: Candy Land (WDL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida & Jeff Annable of Canada
EDGE: "Heroic" Chris Hero & SOS: Mike Cook's Six-man Partner (IIL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina & Michael Cook of Kentucky
SOS: Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince & Dennis Condrey (LBL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida
Top Contenders
10. TBABIT: Fearful #6 & Hungry #7 (SVL)
11. VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Brain Busters Butcher & Bane (NAL)
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Brain Busters Butcher & VIRUS/LPPF/PURE: Bane (STL)
13. EDGE/ROT: The Seventh & The Eighth (OSL)
14. LPPF: Giant Nintendo & Legend (NDL)
15. IMT: Martin Luther Possum & Papa Razzo (ASL)
16. COT: The Ferocious Fireman & The Poisonous Policeman (QPL)
17. VIRUS/Luniz/CTI: Blue Beard Knuttz Johnson & VIRUS/LPPF/IMT: Worms (NFL)
18. LPPF/FRM-16/iWWF: Briscoe Black & Mad Patterson (LPL)
last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
COT: Pastor Powerbomb & Father Facebuster (NAL)
"The Game" from Parts Unknown; share of $25,000
EDGE/GiFt: Best Friend Johnny & EDGE: Yahtzee (WDL)
Caleb Crawdad & Jeff Annable
Robert J. Ratliff & Timothy L. Clark
VIRUS/LPPF/IMT: Bacterial Infection & LPPF/VIRUS: Ace (LPL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & ~TZ~ of Virginia; 516; edged TBABIT: The Pleasant Nightmare & The Unfortunate Reality (MML), EDGE/GiFt: Sprinkles & EDGE/ROT: Disciple of Terror 23 (ECL), COT: The Deadly Doctor & The Psycho Surgeon (QPL), EDGE/ROT: Ryes 1 & 2 (OSL), EDGE/ROT: Masked Warriors 5 & 8 (STL), TBABIT: Enyo & Veda (MUL)
World Six-man Champions
EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 3, EDGE: Sister Night, EDGE/GiFt: Murder Chef G-Unit Ramsay (MEL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey, Jeff Annable of Canada, Caleb Crawdad of Florida; Reilly held titles 13 cycles in a row, Annable retained titles; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: Peter Pringle, TBABIT: Bag of Crud, "Back Street" Bax Alright (CSL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina (Pringle) & Seth Brubaker of Ohio; Norman held titles 9 cycles in a row, Brubaker 3 in a row
LPPF/VIRUS: Legend from the Future, AI: The Closer, Performance Center Trainer 14 (YJW)
~TZ~ of Virginia, Kyle Queen of Texas, Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; ~TZ~ held titles 9 cycles in a row, Deane & Queen retained titles
LPPF/VIRUS: Buda von Blitzen, Fireball, The Megabrain Mark Duchaine (NAL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont; manager retained titles
LPPF: Gags the Clown, The Panda Warrior, Boom Boom Bugelow (AWL)
Joseph Glen Clark of Washington
IMT: Horace the Shocker Pinker, Hard to Kill Mason Storm, IMT/VIRUS: "The Real Deal" Gerald Robinson (HWL)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia & Gerald Robinson of Tennessee (Robinson); Robinson held titles 5 cycles in a row, Boyd 4 in a row
IMT/ARMY: "La Guera Loca" Eva Santhiago, "El Chapo" Felix Beltran, "El Sicario" Oscar Leyva (AAL)
Donald Henry of Illinois
COT: "The Hot Shot" Tommy Hott, The Plaguing Plumber, Jim Refuses to Wear Pants (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota, "The Game" from Parts Unknown, Peter Houston of Canada; Shotliff held titles 5 cycles in a row
SOS: "Zippy" Zack, Kid Cupid, Randy Rose (LBL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: Blood Threats 1, 2, SOS/SIX: 3 (KHL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas
Top Contenders
11. SOS: Flash Gambello, Count Onlosing, Minton DaBox (WDL)
VIRUS/LPPF/IMT: Zombies #6, #8, #69 (LPL)
13. EDGE/GiFt: Obsidian, Sybreed, Worlock (DZL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
TBABIT: "Ordinary" Obe Owens, "Neutral" Ned Nelson, EDGE/RF: "Courageous" Charlie Thomas (CSL)
Seth Brubaker & Brad Norman (Thomas); Norman held titles 6 cycles in a row, Brubaker 3 in a row; share of $25,000
EDGE: Mr. Lucky, EDGE/GiFt: Sycophant, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 10 (MEL)
Jeff Annable, Kyle Devlin of Pennsylvania, Rich Reilly; Reilly held titles 4 cycles in a row, Annable retained titles
LPPF/VIRUS: Chandler, AI: Cosmic Cowboy, Performance Center Trainer 2 (YJW)
~TZ~, Kyle Queen, Steven J. Deane; ~TZ~ held titles 4 cycles in a row
VIRUS/LPPF/IMT: Cyntricty, Bladder, Yeast Infections (LPL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan
COT: Bishop Backbreaker, Deacon Deathlock, Minister Moonsault (NAL)
"The Game"
SOS: Moldy Pistachio, Skinny Cyclist, Mr. 6 Holds in a Row (KHL)
Robbie Pawelek; 521; edged DOD/ORDER: Burning Rage Crusher Payne, Ruthless Rob Red, VIRUS: "Schmittdawg" David Schmitt (AWL)
1. BRL (1,303 matches) 489.544
2. TND (1,154 matches) 492.067
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
3. NWL (951 matches) 451.633
4. IWL (907 matches) 489.824
5. EPW (773 matches) 491.723
6. DXL (670 matches) 491.313
7. NAL (604 matches) 491.372
DZL (604 matches) 490.784
9. ASL (524 matches) 484.930
10. QQW (491 matches) 489.222
TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only
1. LPPF/VIRUS: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 189
2. LPPF/VIRUS: Misfit Messiah (NAL) 129
3. LPPF/VIRUS: Medieval Tymes (ASL) 128
4. VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Mike Drake (HWL) 125
5. LPPF/VIRUS: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 118
6. LPPF/VIRUS: Buda von Blitzen (NAL)
VIRUS/LPPF/CTI: Mike Drake (ASL) 112
9. LPPF/VIRUS: The Executioner (XPL) 109
10. LPPF/VIRUS: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL) 107
11. LPPF/VIRUS: Deadly David Death (GRL)
Executioner (LBL) 106
13. LPPF/VIRUS: Diabolical Jerry Savage (NAL) 105
14. LPPF/VIRUS/CHAMP: Arson (GRL) 104
15. LPPF/VIRUS: Killer Kenny Stryker (PKW)
VIRUS: Outlaw Tony Taylor (EHL) 103
17. EDGE/CHOSEN: Demonio Dios (MML)
EDGE: The Terminator (CZL) 102
19. Messenger of Death (LBL)
VIRUS: Loverboy Louie Lopez (EHL) 101
2021 Managers (MC)
1. Rich Reilly 1,500
2. Brad Norman 1,385
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 1,260
4. Caleb Crawdad 985
5. ~TZ~ 900
6. "The Game" 835
7. Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 830
8. Seth Brubaker 785
9. Michael Cook 690
10. Michael Drake 680
11. Jeff Annable 670
12. Steven M. Shotliff 645
13. Donald Henry 540
14. Kevin Elrod 535
15. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 515
16. Big Marchand 505
17. Darren Soanes 490
18. Gerald Robinson 480
19. Mitchell Johnson 430
20. Timothy L. Clark 420
2021 Managers (TDS)
1. Rich Reilly 1,193
2. Brad Norman 1,097
3. Frank Jay Belcher III 1,023
4. ~TZ~ 760
5. "The Game" 742
6. Seth Brubaker 725
7. Caleb Crawdad 615
8. Jeff Annable 590
9. Steven M. Shotliff 552
10. Donald Henry 540
11. Kevin Elrod 535
12. Michael Drake 515
13. Big Marchand 505
14. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 457
15. Michael Cook 443
16. Gerald Robinson 417
17. Timothy L. Clark 376
18. Wade Reinhard 370
19. Derek Tuttle 290
20. Mitchell Johnson 259
2021 Stables
1. EDGE 3,025
2. VIRUS 2,590
3. SOS 2,060
4. IMT 1,800
5. LPPF 1,740
6. ROT 1,525
7. COT 1,430
8. TBABIT 795
9. Free agents, VD 630
11. ORDER 560
12. GiFt 550
13. ARMY 540
14. FRM-16 505
15. Luniz 435
16. AR15 360
17. AI 345
18. BAC 320
19. CTI, E$T 230
Both models use the same scoring system, but when managers team up to win tag or six-man titles, TDS splits the points among them rather than award each player the full amount. The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Generacion Proximo Lucha Libre, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison, Yellow Jacket Wrestling
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Coffin Filler, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Centennial Wrestling, Danger Zone, Dragon's Kingdom Wrestling, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, No Man's, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Unknown Wrestler, Xtreme Wrestling
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Elite Prestige Wrestling, Extreme Hardcore, Federation Superstars, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Ladies Revolution Wrestling, Queen's Quest Wrestling, The Nightmare Dimension, United Nations, Wicked Warz
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag