We're putting two more issues to a vote this cycle: should we include a list of each wrestler's total strategy points in the league bulletins? Also, help us decide on possible changes to our guest referee feature. We would really appreciate your input, so fill out that ballot!
Regarding the format of our rankings pages, two-thirds of the preliminary votes favored placing the ID numbers on the far right, and most preferred the # sign to the letters ID. Style D made the top three on the majority of the submissions, and we thought manager Michael Long's reasoning was sound when he created that style: "Your record is basically your identity beyond your name. You want to evaluate someone, you look at their record. As Bill Parcells used to say, 'You are what your record says you are.' The star count is an indication of your abilities beyond what your record shows. Imaginary money is less about who you are and is just what you've earned in the business. Your ID number is not part of angles or storylines; it is a behind-the-scenes piece of the game, so it's the part that should be separated." Besides his arrangement being logical, we also think it helps the records, stars, and imaginary money stand out from each other, and if a wrestler has no earnings yet, that item can be omitted, reducing clutter. Therefore, we incorporated the ID number formatting from style F into the Long style, and are trying that hybrid layout for the time being so you can experience it firsthand and decide how well it works for you with an actual bulletin. Please let us know the result!
Also launching this cycle on a trial basis is an idea from manager Matt Riley. He suggested listing the Top 20 Players and Top 20 Stables, as determined by a scoring system developed by manager Michael Cook, which awards points based on major title wins. We will still be publishing the lists of top money holders, amount of stars, and number of victories in the print version of the Report, but with reduced frequency. They will continue to be available on our website.
The hope is that the list of top stables will bring increased recognition to some of our smaller groups, and we hope both lists will create more anticipation for the release of the Report than the previous lists, which changed little over time and were, arguably, out of reach for many players, since those stats were built up over multiple years rather than a single one. If you've been competing for the top spot in either category, be aware that the IWA Report is now the exclusive home for Michael's lists! (What location could be more fitting?)
It's important to note that Michael's scoring system is completely independent from the IWA; we are providing the space, but he is calculating and supplying the rankings, and is solely responsible for their content.
The Unknown Wrestler League was not included in our list of most active leagues this cycle, and will not appear on the list in the future. It's more of a long-running contest than a league, so it doesn't really belong on a list titled "Top 10 Leagues." Also, since its wrestlers actually exist (so to speak) in another league, their UWL strategies are not used in the play-offs for our major titles, and that same rule should apply to determining which league receives a reward for having the best average strategy total. We're sorry we failed to realize these points earlier, and are grateful to manager Shawn McAbee for bringing the matter to our attention.
That's it for this cycle. Please remember to send in your votes about the new look of the bulletins and the list of total strategy points. We want to hear from you!
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Michael Drake of New Jersey
VIRUS/RWS: Titan (HWL) 1,492-637-139, $3,867,900, *63
Robert J. Ratliff of Virginia
DOD/ORDER: The Big Bad Red Fox (IWL) 1,467-485-98, $3,496,100, *30
Jason Frymier of Canada
DOD/ORDER: Dr. Wagner III (ASL) 1,129-279-61, $1,059,600, *16
He started his career as one of the IWA's Dirty Thirty, during the 30th anniversary celebration. He won dozens of singles and tag-team titles while competing in the legendary ASL, and is best remembered for his bloody feuds with the Leather Brigade. He is retiring to spend more time with his beautiful new bride Jenn.
World Champion
SOS/GOAT: Assassin 27 (BKL)
Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; manager retained title; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for BKL managers next cycle
The lights dim at the FedExForum in historic Memphis, Tennessee, as IWA legend and owner Johnny B stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand.
Johnny B: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, representing the premiere stables in the game, SOS and GOAT, the IWA World Heavyweight Champion... Assassin 27!"
The fans leap to their feet -- half to boo, but the other half clapping in teeth-clenching respect. Assassin 27, the latest in a long line of famous Assassins, saunters to the ring with a bag slung over his shoulder. He rolls into the ring, bag in tow.
Johnny B: "Assassin 27, I am honored --"
Johnny B is cut off by Assassin 27, who snatches the microphone from his hand. Assassin 27 rips off his mask to reveal... GERALD "THE JUICE" ROBINSON! The fans are shocked at this revelation. Gerald reaches into his bag and pulls out five unrecognizable title belts and throws them on the mat in disgust, then addresses the crowd.
Gerald: "You see these five belts here? They represent a small-time, second-rate wrestling company. It's their World Championship, World Tag-team, and World Six-man title belts. And you wanna know what they did after I won all three? Kicked me out of their company for being TOO good! What a shame. But you know what? I have this right here (he points to the IWA World title belt), the REAL World Championship! I DON'T NEED THESE TRASHY, LOW-CLASS BELTS! I am THE MAN in this game!"
Gerald takes a can of spray paint and writes "IWA" in big letters on all five belts, then throws them in the trash at ringside.
Gerald: "Hopefully, waste management comes soon and gets these hunks of garbage out of here! HAHAHAHAHA!"
U.S. Champion
COT: Excavadora (UNL)
Chris Miler of Michigan; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches
King of the Ring
VIRUS/RWS: Mike Drake (CSL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 500; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 273 KotR total; edged ARMY/IMT: "Voice of Dissent" Tyrone Duncan (AAL), VIRUS/COH: Drake Douglas (GNL; lesser overall total), Vinnie Forearms (HAL; lesser overall total); hold positions were 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15; battle royal hold positions were 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13
FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
VIRUS/RWS: Captain Inactive RAGE (CSL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; manager retained title; 501
Steel Federation Champion
IMT/LPPF: Leprechaun (LSL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; 501
Gold Federation Champion
COT: "The Stunning One" Steven M. Shotliff (KHL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 501
Diamond Federation Champion
VIRUS/VD: Powassan (NFL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 500; edged VIRUS: Supernova (APL)
Bronze Federation Champion
SOS/GOAT: Assassin 27 (BKL)
Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; manager retained title; 501; edged EDGE: Kyle's Eagles Superbowl Champ Hoodie (IGL), TBABIT: Doctor Frankenstein (LNL)
Jade Federation Champion
SOS/GOAT: Downtown Bruno (TGL)
Gerald Robinson; 501
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
EDGE: Living Tribunal (AAL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 500; edged VIRUS: Spanish Flu (COL), VIRUS/VD: Powassan (NFL)
Asiatic Champion
COT: "The Stunning One" Steven M. Shotliff (KHL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 501; edged VIRUS/RWS: Captain Inactive RAGE (CSL)
Elite Champion
IMT/LPPF: Leprechaun (LSL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi; 501; 60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches; edged TBABIT: Doctor Frankenstein (LNL)
Hardcore Champion
edged EDGE: Kyle's Eagles Superbowl Champ Hoodie (IGL), Doctor Frankenstein
Metropolitan Champion
SOS/GOAT: The Grappling God Gerald Robinson #22 (EPL)
Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; manager held title 3 cycles in a row; 500; 20 free matches
National Champion
SOS/GOAT: Assassin 26 (BKL)
SOS/GOAT: The Grappling God Gerald Robinson #10 (HSL)
Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Central region; edged EDGE: Agamotto (AAL), TAMMY: "Angelic Blonde" Tammy Fytch (ECL), Khufu (EHL), IMT: The Snake-Man (DZL), SOS/GOAT: "The American Dream" Gerald Robinson (WEL), EDGE: Ric Passion (CZL), HF: Cerberus (BRL)
Atlantic Champion
VCS: Jungle Power!!! (EPL)
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina; 501; edged IMT: Dark Knight Alex Fleury (DZL), EDGE: Lord Rupert Everton (CZL)
Dixie Champion
EDGE: Aspen Gasman (AOL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 501; edged SOS/GOAT: Gerald "Macho Man" Robinson (PKL)
Eastern Champion
Hired Assassin #3 (TGL)
"The Game" from Parts Unknown; 501; edged EDGE: Risktaker (HSL), DOD/ORDER: Muskrat Bob (NAL), EDGE/GiFt: Bird of War Charlie (ECL), ARMY/IMT: Ghostwalker (AAL)
Mountain Champion
SOS: The Strange (SVL)
Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; 501
Northern Champion
IMT/FRM-16: Xtrastrength Celtic Invader (PKL)
Big Marchand from the Diamond District; 501; edged SOS: Iron Fist (JDL)
Pacific Champion
SOS/GOAT: Masked Robinson #7 (TGL)
Gerald Robinson; 501; edged Yuuto Tiger (EPL)
Prairie Champion
EDGE: Hal O'Pena-Bidness (COL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida; 501; edged EDGE: Fabulous Ric Zag (WEL), Reo Dodo (EPL)
Southern Champion
IMT: Captain America Elijah Blackheart (DZL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501; edged VIRUS/AI: Mr. X (SVL), NME: Soulstaker Dante (EPL)
Western Champion
Fatty von Atari (TGL)
"The Game"; manager retained title; 500; edged EDGE: Brian Latham (CZL), ARMY/IMT: "Fist of the Voiceless" Daryl Coleman (ECL)
Ladies' World Champion
VIRUS/VD: Nasty Patsy (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; manager held title 3 cycles in a row; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches
Ladies' U.S. Champion
QR: "Aerial Queen" Nao Tokido (RWL)
Tommy Christopher of North Carolina; 500; $25,000
Queen of the Ring
GRSF: "Sparkling Star" Ayumi Matsuda (RWL)
Tommy Christopher; 501; 272 QotR total; edged TAMMY: "Goddess" Tammy Fytch (FFL; lesser overall total)
Ladies' National Champion
Ayumi Matsuda
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Bloodshed Brawlers Becky & Beauty (VUL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey; 516; edged SOS: Car Trash Ian #7 & #8 (LLL), TBABIT: Enyo & Veda (MDL)
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
SOS: Car Trash Ian #9 & #10 (LLL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; 516
World Six-woman Champions
TAMMY: "Dressed for Success, Greatness, Victory" Tammy Fytch (MDL)
Matt Yunick of New York; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: The She Wolf, Machu Picchu, Junkchain (LLL)
Derek Tuttle
VIRUS/VD: Miss Q, Ovarian Syndrome, Thyroid Disease (RWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
TAMMY: "Empowered, Liberated, Victorious" Tammy Fytch (MDL)
Matt Yunick
SOS: Big Helen 6, Becky to the Future, Kung Fu Pamela (FFL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 521
World Tag-team Champions
EDGE: The 22nd Pilot & Light (MEL)
Caleb Crawdad of Florida & Kyle Devlin of Pennsylvania; Crawdad held titles 3 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
VIRUS: Masked Millionaire #1 & VIRUS/Luniz: Urologists (HRL)
Frank Jay Belcher III & Mitchell Johnson, both of Michigan
IMT/LPPF: Carlos Alfredo Perez Ochoa & Lawrence (GRL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont & Michael Eaves of Mississippi
Top Contenders
4. IMT/GOAT: Godlike Johnny Phoenix & Magnus "Atlas" Samuelsson (GWL)
5. IMT/GOAT: Straight Edge Savior & SOS/GOAT: Masked Robinson #12 (EHL)
6. VIRUS/RWS: Austin Aries & VIRUS: Walker #5 (HLL)
VIRUS/RWS: Four Hundred Player Disaster & Holy Goober (CSL)
VIRUS: General Whoshenburger & VIRUS/RWS: Onita (HWL)
VIRUS/BOTW: Texas Hangmen Psycho & Killer (IGL)
10. DOD/ORDER: Big Thad & MTG (BBL)
DOD/ORDER: Donathan & Kenneth Zastempowski (CWL)
DOD/ORDER: Indian Joe & Monkey-Eyed Tim (IWL)
DOD/ORDER/WBC: Matthew van Slaughter & Jane "The Vixen" Red (BRL)
TBABIT: Steve & David Hewghes (AAL)
15. TBABIT: "Party Time" Eddie Ghoulardi & "The Journeyman" Ryker Green (YJL)
ranked #13 last time
16. SOS: Amsterdam Nightmare & Omega Man (QPL)
SOS: Cyr & Bear Hackenschmidt (AEL)
18. VIRUS/AI: Thief in the Night & The Raider (SVL)
ranked #8 last time
19. TBABIT: "All Worries" Terran Upp & "Ordinary" Obe Owens (STL)
20. COT: Minnesota Wrecking Crews X & XI (PKL)
21. SOS/GOAT: Gerald "The Enforcer" Robinson & Masked Robinson #13 (CZL)
VIRUS: Daddy's Girls #1 & #2 (WWL)
VIRUS: Fidel & Rabies (NAL)
VIRUS/VD: Melissa A Macro & Multipartite (NFL)
25. VIRUS/AI: Assassin & Akbar (UNL)
ranked #11 last time
26. SOS: Librarian Willy Shutup & Samoan Ute Setu Hatu (LBL)
last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
EDGE: TML Nylander & The Godfather of Plunge (NDL)
Jeff Annable of Canada & Caleb Crawdad; managers held titles 3 cycles in a row; share of $25,000
IMT/GOAT: No Gimmicks Needed Derringer Colton & SOS/GOAT: Assassin 38 (GWL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine & Gerald Robinson of Tennessee
SOS: Southern Champ Mike Cook & Luchador Blood #17 (SVL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky & Robbie "Blood" Pawelek of Texas; 516; edged VIRUS: Scrumpox & VIRUS/Luniz: Mr. Flapjack Calhoun (HRL), DOD/ORDER: Hillbillies Red & Fred (BBL), EDGE: Torture & Murder Chef Wolfgang Punk (MEL), VIRUS: Cuzzins Hogzilla & Thunderfoot (IGL), TAMMY: Tammy Fytch in a Magenta Dress & Cyan Heels (HWL), IMT/FRM-16: Jefe Militar A1 & Gringo Starr (STL), VIRUS: Staph & Yeast Infections (WWL), VIRUS/VD: Flexible Flowmaster & Worms (NFL), IMT: Big Blanks #2 & #4 (CWL), SOS/GOAT: Gerald the Crippler & the IWA King Robinson (CZL)
World Six-man Champions
TBABIT/RF: Tom Ice, Tom van Bam Bam Bigelow, EDGE/RF: "Forging" Franklin Thomas (WTL)
Seth Brubaker of Ohio, Jake Joyce of Illinois, Brad Norman of North Carolina; ranked #10 last time; Norman retained titles; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: TML Matthews, Worst Canadian Mooseriders Justice Beaver, CN Tower 2nd (NDL)
Jeff Annable of Canada (Matthews) & Caleb Crawdad of Florida; Crawdad held titles 12 cycles in a row
VIRUS/RWS: Second City Saint, VIRUS: Pee "The Wannabee" Wee, The Big Nasty (HWL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey (Saint) & Frank Jay Belcher III; Belcher held titles 5 cycles in a row
TAMMY: Most Fantastic, Glorious, Divine Blondes Tammy Fytch (KHL)
Matt Yunick of New York; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: Rompin' Rick Mirer, Joyous Joey Harrington, Dastardly David Carr (NSL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS: TESD Walt, Bry, Q (NAL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky
SOS: Northern Champ Mike Cook, Los Blood, SOS/ORDER: "The Magician" Mark Illusion (EEL)
Michael Cook, Robbie "Blood" Pawelek, Randall Angel, both of Texas
IMT/FRM-16: Machtiger, Antonio Valentine, Steinbuster (STL)
Big Marchand from the Diamond District
IMT: The High Risk Loan Shark, The High Stakes Gambler, Dark Knight Alex Fleury (DZL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine
IMT/LPPF: Arson, Lamar, DOD/ORDER: "Teenage Rage" Maxwell Clark (GRL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont, Michael Eaves of Mississippi, Timothy L. Clark of Washington
Top Contenders
11. IMT/LPPF: Becker, Powerhouse Pete, Brutal Barry Stryker (PKL)
12. COT: Buttered Smoker, Gravel Yardbird, Fungus Among Us (GCL)
last of the teams with 521
U.S. Six-man Champions
EDGE: Erik Kyle, Dez Funk-Shynn, Mr. Gift (NDL)
Caleb Crawdad & Jeff Annable (Gift); Crawdad held titles 12 cycles in a row, Annable retained titles; share of $25,000
EDGE: Kyle's Long, Luxurious Hair, Lush Ginger Beard, Loyal Friendship (IGL)
Kyle Devlin of Pennsylvania; manager retained titles
EDGE/RF: "Rollicking" River Thomas, TBABIT/RF: Tom Simmons, Tom van Clam (WTL)
Brad Norman, Seth Brubaker, Jake Joyce; Norman retained titles
VIRUS/Luniz: "The Joker" M.J., VIRUS: "Mr. Infection," "The Prodigy" F.B.III (DXL)
Mitchell Johnson (M.J.) & Frank Jay Belcher III, both of Michigan; Belcher held titles 5 cycles in a row
TAMMY: America's Hottest, Sexiest, Classiest Blondes Tammy Fytch (KHL)
Matt Yunick; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row
SOS/ORDER: Hazard, Dread, Riot (NAL)
Randall Angel
SOS: Mike "White Lightning" Cook, Mr. Magnificent RB, The Blood-Man (EEL)
Michael Cook (Cook) & Robbie Pawelek; 521
1. BRL (1,376 matches) 489.101
2. NAL (886 matches) 491.881
3. EPL (851 matches) 493.524
4. IWL (684 matches) 487.000
5. NWL (676 matches) 472.559
6. UNL (650 matches) 492.912
7. RWL (613 matches) 493.000
8. CWL (607 matches) 490.529
9. IGL (562 matches) 493.105
10. LNL (512 matches) 494.282
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle
TOP 20 MANAGERS -- 2020
1. Gerald Robinson 685
2. Frank Jay Belcher III 535
3. Caleb Crawdad 430
4. Matt Yunick 355
5. Jeff Annable 305
6. Michael Drake 275
7. "The Game" 260
8. Donald Henry, Michael Eaves 225
10. Seth Brubaker 215
11. Derek Tuttle 195
12. Mitchell Johnson 185
13. Kyle Devlin 170
14. Michael Cook 165
15. Kevin Elrod 155
16. Ali Saputra, Robbie "Blood" Pawelek 140
18. Brad Norman 130
19. Steven M. Shotliff 125
20. Chris Miler, "Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine 90
TOP 20 STABLES -- 2020
1. VIRUS 780
2. IMT 750
3. SOS 680
4. EDGE 580
5. PERFECT 400
6. GOAT 365
7. TAMMY 355
8. BNC 320
9. RWS 265
10. ARMY, COT, LPPF 225
13. TBABIT 215
14. LUNIZ 185
15. VD 170
16. AR15 155
17. ORDER 115
18. DOD 85
19. FRM-16 75
20. RF 60
TOP 20 VICTORIES -- active wrestlers only
1. VIRUS/RWS: Mike Drake (HWL) 12,932-1,411-346
2. Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL) 12,656-1,914-565
3. VIRUS: Cpl. Punishment (LBL) 10,751-643-160
4. IMT/LPPF/DOD: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 9,728-755-236
5. JL6: The Hooded Inmate (HLL) 9,141-1,540-300
6. Death Warrant (CWL) 7,995-701-147
7. SHS: "Money-Driven" Mike Sebastian (BRL) 7,848-1,881-389
8. Dan the Man (HSL) 7,708-1,409-272
9. IMT/LPPF: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 7,266-553-217
10. DFI: American Freedom Fighter E.J. (SHL) 7,253-1,118-291
11. "Mr. Everything" Kirk Lockran (AWL) 7,037-1,747-367
12. LPPF/T-SANITY: Medieval Tymes (GRL) 6,712-971-174
13. NGAA: Rydia Stormer (MDL) 6,103-1,790-334
14. VIRUS/RWS: Mike Drake (CSL) 5,642-946-149
15. IMT/LPPF/DOD: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 5,393-529-195
16. NGAA: Hawkeye Science (HLL) 5,188-1,313-211
17. COT: Pete the Geek (IGL) 5,170-1,068-174
18. MC: White Tiger Mask (STL) 5,090-2,264-71
19. RIZE: Vitamin Z (AAL) 4,997-651-125
20. DOD: Ghost Lee Shadows (BRL) 4,845-426-126
Iron Federation
Black Ops, Center Stage, Extreme Existence, Generation Next, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, NEVER Puroresu, Quantum Pro, Unknown Wrestler, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison, Yellow Jacket
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries, World Domination
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Continental Wrestling, Danger Zone, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails
Diamond Federation
Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, No Man's, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Wicked Warz, Xtreme Wrestling
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Brass Knuckles, Celebrities Only, Elite Prestige, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Hot Shots, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Revolution Wrestling, United Nations
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer, Super Hero, True Grit, Wrestlers Elite, Zig Zag