HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
Travis Larrabee of Pennsylvania
Creed Michaels (IWL) 1,689-434-116, $2,957,100 *19
Doug Gavelon (CWL) 1,714-486-150, $2,876,800 *21
Michael Eaves of Mississippi
LPPF/MEDS: Black Thunder Tom Flash (EEL) 1,346-637-98, $5,765,800 *68
LPPF/MEDS: Celtic Tiger (PKL) 1,296-744-135, $5,030,900 *59
LPPF/MEDS: Doc Whiskey (TDL) 1,283-707-118, $5,346,707 *63
LPPF/MEDS: Dr. Feelgood (EEL) 1,298-547-75, $6,382,900 *60
LPPF/MEDS: Hardcore Harry Hatchet (EEL) 1,320-722-113, $5,429,100 *66
LPPF/MEDS: King Krusher (TDL) 2,106-861-158, $13,913,200 *66
LPPF/MEDS: Looney Larry Leatherface (PKL) 1,296-764-126, $4,454,000 *59
LPPF/MEDS: Maniac Mike Schmidt (AAL) 1,010-441-87, $4,366,500 *51
LPPF/MEDS: Manson (TDL) 1,288-713-116, $4,708,400 *60
LPPF/MEDS: Michael Maddness (EEL) 1,504-620-100, $6,796,100 *75
LPPF/MEDS: Mississippi Marauder (TDL) 1,317-863-108, $8,238,100 *60
LPPF/MEDS: Playboy Pat Burrell (AAL) 1,044-514-104, $4,219,300 *57
LPPF/MEDS: Puppetmaster Michael Eaves (LBL) 1,344-616-104, $4,334,400 *60
LPPF/MEDS: Ryan Steel (LBL) 1,336-741-117, $4,490,900 *62
LPPF/MEDS: Sensational Stacy Whiskey (MDL) 1,197-579-101, $4,042,900 *45
LPPF/MEDS: Sinister Steve Storm (EEL) 1,202-649-97, $7,592,900 *60
LPPF/MEDS: Stan Whiskey (TDL) 1,304-707-112, $5,069,900 *63
LPPF/MEDS: The Violator Michael Eaves (LBL) 1,661-834-148, $6,059,500 *67
World Champion
EDGE: Star Master (SWL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin; 501; $300,000 + 100 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 50 free matches
"We Are the Champions" by Queen begins to blare over the loudspeakers outside IWA Headquarters. Your IWA World Champion, Star Master, grabs the mic: "Thank you to everyone attending this special presentation. I won the World title this cycle and the National title earlier this summer, both from the SWL. My stablemate, Travis Thunder, also won a World title from the SWL. I have to thank 'The Strategist,' my manager Joshua Haight, for giving me a shot at stardom. Also, I would like to thank all my fellow EDGE stablemates. I'm glad to have been a part of the IWA this year, and am looking forward to an interesting 2017."
U.S. Champion
EMPIRE: "Triple X" Extreme Xavier Ximenez (IWL)
Ryan Patrick of Michigan; 501; $60,000 + a plaque or 25 free matches; edged IMT/SFA: Big Blank #3 (CZL)
King of the Ring
LATIN/DARK: The Dictator's Wife (ECL)
Matt Yunick of New York; 501; a plaque or 25 free matches; 275 KotR total; hold positions were 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14; battle royal hold positions were 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
EDGE: Star Master (SWL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin; 501
Asiatic Champion
TSD: Mystery Masked HOF (ECL)
Michael Giuliano of Connecticut; 501
Hardcore Champion
EDGE: Excellence (CZL)
Joshua Haight; 500; edged EDGE: Bryan Samuel (TDL)
Metropolitan Champion
Prince of Pain (CWL)
Steve Gasperoni of California; 500; edged VIRUS/Y.O.&CO.: Wanting Envy (DXL)
FEDERATION PLAY-OFFS -- $40,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
NGAA: Hawkeye Science (HLL)
S. Daniel Stunes of Arkansas; 500
Steel Federation Champion
VIRUS: Tina "Gold-Digger" Burns (KKL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 499; edged EDGE: X-Danger (OSL)
Gold Federation Champion
Prince of Pain (CWL)
Steve Gasperoni of California; 500; edged EDGE: Bryan Samuel (TDL)
Diamond Federation Champion
TSD: Mystery Masked HOF (ECL)
Michael Giuliano of Connecticut; 501
Bronze Federation Champion
EDGE: Star Master (SWL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin; 501; edged EDGE: Mike "* Collector" Cook (HSL)
Jade Federation Champion
VIRUS/TSD: Pneumonia (WEL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; 501
National Champion
EDGE: Umu Tagata (CWL)
Central region; edged LATIN/DARK: The Dictator's Wife (ECL), IMT/ARMY: Olvus Whitemane (AAL)
EDGE: Los Carrones Cucaracha (NDL)
Rich Schwartzenburg of Canada; 501; a plaque or 25 free matches; Prairie region
Atlantic Champion
LATIN/AXIS: Matt's Latin Girlfriend Carmen (XPL)
Matt Yunick of New York; 500; edged EDGE: Jim "The Anchor" Needhart (HSL), Mittons the Cat (LWL), EDGE: Morbid Angel #2 (CZL), BLOOD: Fatty the Butcher (BRL), Y.O.&CO.: Dr. Ares (NWL)
Dixie Champion
EDGE: David Q (EHL)
Eugene Quintana of California; 500; edged IMT/ARMY: The Hitman Aiden Anderson (AOL), EDGE: CM Funk (TDL)
Eastern Champion
EDGE: Luxurious Two-Night Stay (SWL)
Sully "The Sledgehammer" Sullivan of Canada; 501
Mountain Champion
VIRUS/Y.O.&CO.: Dr. Victory (IWL)
Dale Westberg of Illinois; 500
Northern Champion
EDGE: Disciple of Terror 6 (AEL)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 501
Pacific Champion
TSD: "The Evil Princess" Diabla Destiny (ECL)
Michael Giuliano of Connecticut; 500
Southern Champion
BLOOD/MEDS: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of New York; 500; edged Y.O.&CO.: Bull Man (NWL)
Western Champion
Y.O.&CO.: "Undead" Harambe (NWL)
Dale Westberg; 500
Ladies' World Champion
EDGE: The Dark Knight Rhonda (FFL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky; 499; $40,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches; edged VIRUS: Mrs. Chemical Valley (MDL)
Ladies' U.S. Champion
IMT/ARMY: Rikksta Whitemane (LLL)
Jeff Chambers of Iowa; 500; $20,000
Queen of the Ring
EDGE: Becky to the Future (FFL)
Michael Cook; 274 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
LPPF: Masked Robinsons #2, #10 (LLL)
Gerald Robinson of Tennessee; 499
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
LATIN: Latin Maids #1 & #2 (VVL)
Matt Yunick of New York; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row; edged VIRUS: Latoya Jackson & Black-Eyed Susan (LLL)
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
VIRUS: Tammy Toe Jam & Sensational Sherry (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan
World Six-woman Champions
VIRUS: Testy Betsy, Juicy Lucy, Annie Fannie (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row; 521
U.S. Six-woman Champions
VIRUS: Heartbreaker Rumpshaker, Mooore "Cushion for the Pushin'," Mrs. Infection (MDL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row; 521
World Tag-team Champions
MWC: "Mean" Mike Enos & Wayne "The Train" Bloom (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; manager retained titles; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
LPPF/MEDS: Brown Ninja & Mr. Obvious (JDL)
Michael Eaves of Mississippi & Keith A. Maple of Ohio; managers retained titles
EDGE: Uncool Cop #01 & Smooth Criminal #01 (IML)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey & Eugene Quintana of California; ranked #14 last time
EDGE: "Dream Machine" Josh Bailey & Voodoo McGregor (PKL)
Jamie Davis of Kentucky
EDGE: 1/2 of a strat & Mike "Super" Cook (MEL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky
Top Contenders
6. EDGE: Mr. White & Mr. Blue (AEL)
7. EDGE: Cardshark & Ric Thunder (SWL)
TSD: The Survivor & Mystery Masked HOF (ECL)
9. VIRUS: Candyman & The Smog (GRL)
ranked #16 last time
LATIN: Bolivian King Miguel & Queen Carmen (NDL)
11. LPPF/MEDS: See No Evil & Aggressive Denial (ABL)
12. IMT: I'm Not Very Nice & A Chicken Named Floppy (CSL)
13. Serpent Ying-Yang & Markus Merciless (LNL)
last of the teams with 516
U.S. Tag-team Champions
EDGE: Uncool Cop #02 & Smooth Criminal #02 (IML)
Eugene Quintana & Rich Reilly; missed titles by point flow last time; share of $20,000
VIRUS/TSD: The Dippy Hippy & Meningitis (WEL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 516; edged VIRUS: "Drunk" Terry Flunk & Cactus Sac (GRL; missed titles by point flow last time), TSD: Fire & Ice (ECL), VIRUS: Swine Flu & Spanish Flu (SWL)
World Six-man Champions
VIRUS/TSD: Gastroenteritis, Encephalitis, Trichomoniasis (WEL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
EDGE: Uncool Cops #04, #05, Smooth Criminal #05 (IML)
Rich Reilly of New Jersey & Eugene Quintana of California (Criminal); Quintana retained titles
EDGE: 1/3 of a strat, Mike "Pretty Good" Cook, a 3rd of a strat (MEL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky
LPPF/MEDS: Xtreme Assassins #1, #2, Sledgehammer (XPL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio & Michael Eaves of Mississippi (Sledgehammer)
Top Contenders
5. EDGE: Mr. Orange, Mr. Pink, Mr. Brown (AEL)
last of the teams with 521
6. MWC: Minnesota Wrecking Crew I, II, Joe Dirt (IGL)
MWC: The Rockin' Redneck, Commissioner's Bodyguard, The Scramblin' Hillbilly (QPL)
8. EMPIRE: "Primetime" Alex Stylz, "Triple X" Extreme Xavier Ximenez, "The Main Event" Dillon Matthews (IWL)
9. LATIN: Singer Gloria Estefan, Adult Star Giselle Vega, 7% Cuban Matt Vargas (CSL)
10. EDGE: "Y2B" Chris Babylon, Bryan Samuel, CM Funk (TDL)
U.S. Six-man Champions
VIRUS: Pink Eye, Tonsillitis, Mr. Krabs (SWL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager held titles 4 cycles in a row; share of $20,000
EDGE: Uncool Cop #03, Smooth Criminals #03, #04 (IML)
Rich Reilly (Cop) & Eugene Quintana; 521; edged VIRUS/TSD: HPV, HTNV, HFRS (WEL)
1. NWL (1,168 matches) 481.472
2. LWL (1,058 matches) 492.613
3. BRL (932 matches) 493.470
4. IWL (709 matches) 494.212
won the two matches for $1 cycle for having the highest average strategy total (counting only active wrestlers)
5. DXL (547 matches) 492.644
6. CWL (530 matches) 489.511
7. NBL (430 matches) 491.600
8. ASL (425 matches) 492.710
9. AWL (407 matches) 489.970
10. UWL (402 matches) 492.500
TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only
1. BLOOD/MEDS: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 156
2. BLOOD/MEDS: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (BRL) 128
3. BLOOD/MEDS: Sinister Steve Stryker (BRL) 123
4. LPPF/MEDS: Innovator of Arrogance Keith A. Maple (XPL) 110
5. LPPF/MEDS: Medieval Tymes (GRL) 104
6. LPPF/MEDS: Mirrorz (BRL) 103
7. BLOOD/MEDS: Nightmare Sam Hell (BRL) 102
8. BLOOD/MEDS: Lord of Illusions (BRL) 99
9. DoW: Mister Chad Champion (IGL) 98
10. Johnny "2 Kold" Koolakowski (IGL)
LPPF/MEDS: Alpha Male (JDL) 94
12. BLOOD/MEDS: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 93
13. BLOOD/MEDS: Buda von Blitzen (NAL) 90
14. Executioner (LBL) 89
15. BLOOD/MEDS: The Executioner (XPL)
EDGE: Luscious Larry Lawrence (ASL) 87
18. BLOOD/MEDS: Arson (GRL)
Mike Drake (HWL)
TSD: Outlaw Tony Taylor (EHL) 85
Iron Federation
Center Stage, Extreme Existence, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Iron Man, Main Event, Quick Pin, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
American Wrestling, Classic Championship Wrestling, Fighting Legends, Intense Impact, King of Kings, Last Man Standing, Man Up, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Legacy, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Valkyries
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Continental Wrestling, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Mexican Mayhem, Mystic Diva, National Wrestling, Ninja Dojo, Texas Death, Triple Threat
Diamond Federation
At Bat, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Fractured Jaw, Lethal Brawling, Lights Out, Night Falcon, Noble Savage, Non-stop Action, Rajun Cajun, Xtreme Wrestling
Bronze Federation
American Extreme, American Outlaw, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, Hardcore Superstars, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Strong Style Wrestling, Unknown Wrestler
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer, Super Hero, Super Villain, Thor's Hammer, Wrestlers Elite