HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque
"The Game" Tony Pesante
Alexander the Great (SGL) 1,792-301-54, $2,546,200 *26
"The King of Kings" Tony Pesante (SGL) 2,221-283-97, $7,272,000 *55
Ivan the Terrible (SGL) 1,138-266-45, $2,364,100 *30
"Leaping" Lanny Poffo (WWL) 1,110-306-37, $1,759,100 *33
"Iron" Mike Sharpe (WWL) 1,347-273-37, $2,148,700 *27
Steve Lombardi (WWL) 1,222-232-43, $1,756,800 *22
Barry Horowitz (WWL) 1,060-187-35, $1,561,500 *25
Keith A. Maple of Ohio
BLOOD: Mr. Controversy (GRL) 1,003-231-22, $2,393,200 *28
BLOOD: Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri (XPL) 1,753-356-89, $5,109,000 *41
Dimitrios Zervas of New York
Easy E. Joe Cool (TDL) 7,111-962-243, $12,483,000 *61
Blake Morgan and Gary Cassibry, Sr., both of Mississippi
Luke Hessler (EEL) 1,826-479-3, $2,345,800
The Greco-Roman wrestler from Germany began his career back in Spring of 2010 in the Extreme Existence League of the Iron Federation, and ended it in the exact same league. His biggest accomplishment was winning the Florida title at the 2010 State Wrestling Championships during his rookie career! He's the tenth wrestler to enter the IWA Hall of Fame from the team of Blake Morgan and Gary Cassibry, Sr.
Corey L. Stedman of Michigan
Corey Stedman (MML) 1,586-370-55, $3,395,500 *13
The crowd finishes filing into a packed Madison Square Garden. After a heartfelt speech by Iceman Jason McGrew, out comes the living legend, The Celtic Hammer Corey Stedman. "The Lord of the Dance" plays to a thunderous standing ovation as Stedman steps up to the podium.
"Well, I never thought the day would come where I'd be standing up here in front of you all. Before I get started, I just want to take this time to say that all of you gave me the drive that I had, night in and night out, to accomplish everything that I have done in this business, so as you had said 'thank you' for always being the face of the MML, it is my turn to applaud all of you fans and say thank you for making everything possible. Iceman Jason McGrew taught me everything I know, and I want to thank him for never giving up on me. Iceman, you did a tremendous job introducing me tonight. Nobody else could have done the honor, so thank you for that, and I hope you are happy with what I have done.
"I guess you could say I knew my passion for professional wrestling and what I wanted to do in my life from day one began when I was skimming through the channels on the television in the mid '90s and I saw my first match, which I believe was I.R.S. versus Razor Ramon. When I first broke into the business, I didn't really have a clue on what I wanted to do, what path I wanted to take towards how I wanted to be known throughout my career -- that was, until the day came when I encountered the Superstar Alliance, led by the man whom I consider my greatest opponent that I feuded with, Superstar Slater. Slater and his group of guys, the Assassins, and Sun Tzu were always harping on Iceman McGrew for, I guess, his 'experience,' or being in the business for far too long. The way I saw it, it was Superstar, the Assassins, and Tzu versus EDGE, which consisted at the time of McGrew, Enforcer Tony Lanzia, and Studly Steve Stennick. EDGE was at a handicap, so why not fight and stick up for the man that taught me even when, I guess, he didn't want to pick a feud? So I guess my role from there on out in my career was fighting for the common good of doing what was right for the business that gave me a chance. When somebody or a group wanted to cause some disturbance, I was the first person 24/7 to stand on the other side of the battle line against a lot of stables -- namely, the Alliance, Lethal, Dark Justice Family, Army of 4, and even EDGE itself, but no matter who it was against, I was always on the side that you fans cheered.
"The one match that really told me that I was a true player or performer -- most would say it was my first World title win, but it was actually in Berlin, a match against Superstar Slater that ended in a draw, because loss after loss, it finally turned the tables and showed that I could hang with the big dogs. I have garnered a lot of accomplishments, achievements, and awards throughout my career, along with nearly 50 titles, most notably six World title reigns, five television title reigns, the 2013 MML Wrestler of the Year award, and now a 2013 IWA Hall of Fame induction. Night in and night out, whether it was opening match, mid card, or main event, I was always the most exciting match of the night; I always put my body and my heart into my work. I was always 366 days a year, 25 hours a day, and 8 days a week, which just means I was a step above and better than the rest, which is why I am Best in the World!
"With that being said, I just hope that I made you all as proud as you have made me by being here tonight. I know if I wanted to, I could still go with anybody toe-to-toe, that I have a lot left, but as of right now, I feel it's time, but just don't ever say forever; it's only for now. I want to take this time to again thank Iceman Jason McGrew, Miss Lee Honglong, Superstar Slater, Bryan Danielson, Mike Sebastian, and whoever else I did not mention. I want to thank guys I idolized throughout my career -- guys like Scott Norton, Jim The Anvil Neidhart, Finlay, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Taz, Bret Hart, Bruno Sammartino, Tommy Dreamer, Triple H, and Ric Flair, as well as guys that are no longer with us, such as the British Bulldog, Umaga, and Chris Benoit. Well... I guess there's only one thing left to say, and that is dreams can come true; mine just did. The biggest tragedies always lead to bigger triumphs. Even though it's a tragedy that I may not perform again in front of you at this time, it's a bigger triumph that I will now forever live in your hearts and minds. Thank you..."
World Champion
EDGE: Smoke Daddy (SGL)
Garett Guzman of Nevada; 501; $300,000 + 100 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 50 free matches
U.S. Champion
EDGE: The Grappler Greg Domino (SAL)
Mike Dorsett of New York; 500; $60,000 + a plaque or 25 free matches; edged EDGE: Cousin Balki (NSL)
King of the Ring
Sly Fox (WSL)
Jamie Reed of Ohio; a plaque or 25 free matches; 274 KotR total; hold positions were 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15; battle royal hold positions were 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12
SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches
American Champion
REV: Rude Doodie (BRL)
Robert Harrington of Massachusetts
Asiatic Champion
CTI/MOH: Vampiro Canadiense (ECL)
John Gabriel of Pennsylvania; 500; edged MWC: Degenerate Gambler (JDL)
Hardcore Champion
EDGE: Superstar Billy Silva (DDL)
Jeff Annable of Canada; 499
Metropolitan Champion
Rude Doodie
20 free matches; edged Blackjack Robertson (IWL)
FEDERATION PLAY-OFFS -- $40,000 + 25 free matches
Iron Federation Champion
EDGE: Chong Li (EEL)
Garett Guzman of Nevada; edged EDGE: Black Knight (IML)
Steel Federation Champion
Magnum D.J. (MRL)
Matt Riley of Massachusetts; 499; edged TBZ: Silver Tiger (IIL)
Gold Federation Champion
EDGE: Animal Mother (EPL)
Garett Guzman; 500
Diamond Federation Champion
OMEGA: No Gimmicks Needed Derringer Colton (RCL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 501
Bronze Federation Champion
EDGE: Paranoid Android (HSL)
Garett Guzman; 500
Jade Federation Champion
EDGE: Smoke Daddy (SGL)
Garett Guzman; 501
National Champion
School Boy Clifford (SGL)
Scott Parnell; 501; a plaque or 25 free matches; Pacific region
Atlantic Champion
Erik Davis of Washington; 500; edged UKA: Reverend Milton C. Westboro (LWL)
Central Champion
OMEGA: The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (BBL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 500
Dixie Champion
AAB: Kurt Angle (XPL)
Bill Bagwell of Washington; 499
Eastern Champion
TREE HOUSE: Newtown Hoax (NDL)
Kevin Elrod of Ohio; edged OMEGA: The Sinner (WEL), BLOOD: Death Machine (NAL), OMEGA: Prehistoric Beast (BBL)
Mountain Champion
MWC: Foot Soldier #3 (JDL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 499
Northern Champion
EDGE: Dominion Oracle (PRL)
Shaun Sims of Washington, D.C.; edged BLOOD: Mike Eaves (ECL), BLOOD: Powerhouse Pete Stryker (PKL), Classic: James Jeffrey (ESL)
Prairie Champion
School Boy Salvatore (SGL)
Scott Parnell; 499
Southern Champion
EDGE: Pieter van der Sloot (BTL)
Garett Guzman of Nevada; 500
Western Champion
OMEGA: Double Oliver (NAL)
Ben West of Georgia; 500; edged OMEGA: Superman Darius Masterson (RCL)
Ladies' World Champion
Erik Davis of Washington; $40,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches; edged EDGE/JERKSS: Sad Girl (VVL)
Ladies' U.S. Champion
EDGE/JERKSS: Rebel Skyla (LLL)
Erik Davis; $20,000
Queen of the Ring
Erik Davis; 269 QotR total
Ladies' National Champion
WC: Curvaceous Carrie Westcott (MDL)
Michael D. Pepple of Massachusetts; edged EDGE: Doomtrigger Delorian Powers (VVL)
Ladies' Tag-team Champions
MWC: Women of the Knight #1 & #2 (FFL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; retained titles; 516; edged LOVE: Penny Flame & Taya Parker (LLL)
Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions
LPPF: Bloody Assault Jessica Lee Richards & Knockout Specialist Rebecca Streets (LLL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio
World Six-woman Champions
BURN: Megan, Destiny, Buffy Summers (FFL)
Francis Guy of Massachusetts; edged LPPF: Xtreme Xplosion Amy Christine Dumas, Jessica Lee Richards, Rebecca Streets
U.S. Six-woman Champions
MWC: "Ego Maniac" Michelle Sleaves, "Drama Queen" Kendra Maplewood, "Little Lost Puppy" Toni Adud (FFL)
Steven M. Shotliff
World Tag-team Champions
OMEGA: Still Bill Hill & Not Bill Hill (PKL)
Ben West of Georgia; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
LOVE: Rico Antonia Banana & Logan Von Dutch (ECL)
John Gabriel of Pennsylvania
Top Contenders
3. EDGE: Pampangan & Pangasinan (EHL)
ranked #4 last time
MWC: Dudley Smiley & "Flamboyant" Johnny Stewart (FSL)
ranked #5 last time
OMEGA: Kid Wicked & Twisted Youth (BBL)
6. INK: Daniel Bryan & Antonio Cesaro (WWL)
7. MWC: Guy from Minnesota & Another Guy from Minnesota (JDL)
8. EDGE: Pain & The Terminator (CWL)
9. Bunkhouse Stan & The Creation Chris Magnum (BRL)
last of the teams with 516
10. APO/GCW: Captain Misery & R.U. Ready (AWL)
U.S. Tag-team Champions
OMEGA: Irish Wolfhounds Razor & T-Rex (AEL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; 516; $20,000; edged OMEGA: Shades of Daddy & Superhuman Nick Strong (JDL), INK/SCT: Samoan Cut-Throats Manu & Fetu (ECL), EDGE: Hereford House & Westport Flea Market (CWL)
World Six-man Champions
OMEGA: The Guy Who Beat Up Cee Lo Green, OMEGA/WRETCHED: The Harbinger, Umbra Deus (MML)
Ben West of Georgia; retained titles; manager held titles 5 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches
OMEGA: Prehistoric Beast, The War Machine, Cardiac Arrest (BBL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine; moved up from U.S. titles
OMEGA: The Annoying Aardvark, Pappa Daddy, Great with Kids (FSL)
Solomon Shaw (Aardvark) & Ben West
BLOOD/VIRUS: Hepatitis, Ebola, Rev. Johnson (TDL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; manager held titles 8 cycles in a row
EDGE: Girly Hurley, Squirrelly Hurley, Bristol Seafood Grill (CWL)
Garett Guzman of Nevada; manager retained titles
EDGE: Dominion Oracle, Druid, Augur (PRL)
Shaun Sims of Washington, D.C.
CTI: Cardshark, The Famous One, "Money Bags" Ric Cage (SAL)
Joshua Haight of Wisconsin
BLOOD: Cult of Personality #1, #2, #3 (NDL)
Keith A. Maple of Ohio
Top Contenders
9. BLOOD: Powerhouse Pete, Bonecrusher Bobby, Brutal Barry Stryker (PKL)
last of the teams with 521
10. Bunkhouse Stan, Bull Rope Luke, The Creation Chris Magnum (BRL)
U.S. Six-man Champions
EDGE: Wonderful Walter Peck, Luscious Louis Tully, Agent Zero Winston Zeddmore (SAL)
Mike Dorsett of New York; manager retained titles; share of $20,000
EDGE: Gorgeous Glenn Beck, Patriot Pat Buchanan, Rampage Rush Limbaugh (IGL)
Garett Guzman; manager retained titles
MWC: Buffwell, "Sexy" Lenny Nightmare, Blackjack Sullivan (FSL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; 521
TOP 10 LEAGUES -- veteran leagues only
1. IWL (917 matches) 489.228
2. UWL (772 matches) 490.215
3. AWL (765 matches) 487.543
4. LWL (719 matches) 490.909
5. BRL (585 matches) 489.631
6. NBL (519 matches) 492.667
7. MML (466 matches) 490.818
8. NAL (445 matches) 492.894
won the two matches for $1 cycle for having the highest average strategy total (counting only active wrestlers)
9. XPL (423 matches) 491.279
10. ASL (308 matches) 490.588
NSL (308 matches) 488.379
TOP 20 VICTORIES -- active wrestlers only
1. "Mr. Powerful" Ken Lambeau (PKL) 16,374-1,879-448
2. Arsenal (GRL) 9,636-832-213
3. APO: Gypsy Rose Lee (ECL) 9,128-1,672-521
4. BLOOD: Mike Drake (HWL) 8,535-789-212
5. Johnny "2 Kold" Koolakowski (IGL) 8,394-230-64
6. JL6: The Hooded Inmate (IML) 7,816-1,387-263
7. EDGE/DT: Mike White Lightning Moore (QPL) 7,167-1,709-331
8. Cpl. Punishment (LBL) 6,917-433-118
9. BLOOD/RUNXT: Innovator of Arrogance Keith A. Maple (XPL) 6,759-517-154
10. BLOOD: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (BRL) 6,513-635-155
11. TREEHOUSE: High Stakes Chris Edwards (IGL) 6,234-1,683-163
12. ROW: Special Agent B.M.F. (EAL) 5,895-1,530-342
13. Kaptain Kryptonite (NBL) 5,754-871-375
14. TSD: The Survivor (ECL) 5,183-1,212-251
15. DFI: American Freedom Fighter E.J. (SHL) 5,040-802-247
16. BLOOD: Medieval Tymes (NAL) 4,996-573-113
17. wWw: Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink (ECL) 4,954-1,145-203
18. PAIN: Dragon Tzu (AAL) 4,901-2,009-434
19. PAIN: Manitou (AAL) 4,861-1,957-407
20. Death Warrant (MML) 4,775-353-81
Iron Federation
Center Stage, Elite Action, Extreme Existence, Hardcore Wrestling, Iron Man, Murder Incorporated, Next Generation, Quantum Pro, Wrestling Superstars, Xtreme Poison
Steel Federation
Absolute Pain, American Wrestling, Eastern States Wrestling, Fighting Legends, Intense Impact, King of Kings, Last Man Standing, Mid-Atlantic Region, New Blood, Old School, Unknown Wrestler, Vicious Valkyries
Gold Federation
All Star, Battle Royal, Blood Bath, Caliente Lucha, Canadian Wrestling, Extraordinary Power, Fighting Superstars, Independent Wrestling, Mat Mayhem, Mystic Diva, National Wrestling, Ninja Dojo, Texas Death
Diamond Federation
American Bodyslam, Dark Days, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Fractured Jaw, Lethal Brawling, Lights Out, Night Falcon, Noble Savage, Non-stop Action, Rajun Cajun, Xtreme Wrestling, Young Guns
Bronze Federation
American Empire, American Outlaw, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, Hot Streak, Iron Glove, Men of Steel, Raging Bull, Soul Asylum, Total Chaos, World Championship
Jade Federation
Atomic Age, Bloody Terror, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Primal Rage, Psychotic Killer, Pure Adrenaline, Smoking Gun, Super Hero, World Wrestling, Wrestlers Elite